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it sufficiently to say-unless, indeed, the exemp- the opinions on the subject of school discipline we tion of some half dozen pages, that we have looked wish might spread. at, from error, may establish the affirmative. E.

The Sacrifice of Isabel. A Poem. By Edward Quillinan, Esq. New-York. VAN WINKLE & WILEY. 12mo. pp. 52.

This poem appears to have been founded upon fact, and from the subject, the air of mystery which is thrown around it, and its beauties of language and sentiment, of which there are some,

it is rendered not a little interesting. L.

Essays on Hypochondriacal and other Nervous Affections. By John Reid, M. D. Mem. ber of the Royal College of Physicians, London; and late Physician to the Finsbury Dispensary. Philadelphia. CAREY & SON. New-York. KIRK & MERCEIN. 8vo. pp. 209. Though the title of this Essay would lead us to suppose it a professional work, and though it is in French Constitution of 1793, and the Decla Peace-Republican's Manual; or, The fact the production of professional skill and ob- ration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens; servation, its use and its interest are not confined to the members of the faculty. It is in truth an to which are added Debates on this Constitu essay upon the connexion subsisting between tion in the National Convention; translated the physical and intellectual and moral systems, extracts from pieces seized in Babœuf's Rooms; with rules to preserve the healthy action of all. extracts from Rousseau's, Work on the Social The style, as well as the subject, will commend it Contract, &c. &c. New-York, Sold by Jons to general perusal, whilst an attentive study of TIEBOUT & SONS. 8vo. pp. 161. its principles will enable one to detect the pretensions of empiricism, and a firm adherence to its precepts will go far to dispense with the necessity of resorting to the pharmacopeia. We cannot but wish a wide circulation to the enlightened and beneficent opinions of Dr. Reid.

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by the Author of the Paradise of Coquettes.
The Bower of Spring, with other Poems,
Philadelphia. M. THOMAS. New-York.
KIRK & MERCEIN. 18mo. pp. 107.

The praise more liberally than judiciously bestowed upon this author's first production, has stimulated him to empty his porte-feuille upon the public. Happily, its contents are small, and not offensive. The first poem in the collection, and which gives its title to the volume, contains a good deal of poetical epithet and scenery, but its descriptions, with all their particularity, want distinctness, and fail of effect. The writer has not the faculty of seizing upon the prominent features of the landscape, and presenting a picture at once to the eye. His lyrics are still more indifferent than his heroics. The conceits on which most of his minor pieces turn, are


"Far-fetched, and little worth."

The Reformer, or Essays on some import- The Glory of Columbia, Her Yeomanry, ant subjects. By a Friend to his Country. a Play, in five Acts, by William Dunlap, New-York. Sold by different BOOKSELLERS. esq. New-York. DAVID LONGWORTH. 12mo 12mo. pp. 201.

pp. 56.

The subjects, of these essays are, as stated in the title, important, but the writer has not discussed them with much ability. Most of the sentiments, we do, indeed, think correct, but as a well-connected train of thought matured into system and set forth perspicuously and forcibly, the book can have no claim. In treating the several topics as they arose, the author seems to have lost sight too much of what he says elsewhere, and there are consequently many incoherencies in the LONGWORTH. 12mo. pp. 15. statement of his thoughts and opinions. His style, too, is very faulty, and there are in the book some grammatical errors, which can hardly be charged upon the printer. He has read the Pursuits of Literature, "and has attemptedto imitate the manner of that anomalous performance in his criticism and satire, without having the talents and erudition requisite for success. Still, however, the general strain of feeling is laudable, and most of first.

Frightened to Death, a Musical Farce, in two Acts, as performed at the Theatre Royal Drury-Lane. By W. C. Oulton. New-York. DAVID LONGWORTH. 12mo. pp. 34.

Bombastes Furioso, a Tragic Burlesque New-York. DAVID Opera, in one Act.

Booksellers in any part of the United States, who wish to have their publications noticed in this Catalogue, will please to send copies of them to the Editors, as early as possible. We shall give the publications in the names of all those from whom we receive copies, putting the original publisher



G+ ya

VIVEN, x3 - y3

terials of which are to be taken from a trench, to circumscribe it at the distance 7, and x2 + xy of two yards from the base: the perpendi7 to find x and y. cular depth of the trench to equal its width at the earth's surface; the inclination of the inside to be the same with that of the mound, viz. 10°, from the perpendicular and the outside, which is perpendicular, must enclose an acre exactly.

QUESTION 2, BY ANALYTICUS, N. YORK, It is required to cut a given cone by a plane passing through the vertex, so that the area of the section may be the greatest possible.

QUESTION 3, BY ANALYTICUS, N. YORK. It is required to determine the position of a body from three simultaneous observed angles of elevation, at three given places on the same horizontal plane.

QUESTION 4, BY MR. MICHAEL O'connor, Teacher of the Catholic Lancastrian School, Barclay-street, New-York.

A mound in the form of the frustum of a cone 21 feet perpendicular height, is to be raised upon a horizontal plane, the ma

It is required to know the expense of the workmanship at six cents the cubic yard.

be sent, free of expense, to KIRK & MERSolutions to these questions must CEIN, New-York, the publishers. Solutions to the above will be published in the number for October, and must be furnished by the 1st of September next; and as a general rule, answers must be returned in two months from the proposition of the prob. lem.


ACUTE DISEASES. FEBRE EBRIS Intermittens, 8; Febris Remittens, 3; Febris Continua, 8; Febris Infantum Remittens, 33: Phlegmone, 4; Paronychia, 2; Ophthalmia Acut. 20; Catarrhus, 2; Cynanche Pharyngea, 2; Cynanche Trachealis, 3; Pertussis, 5; Pneumonia, 41; Pneumonia Typhodes, 5; Bronchitis Acut. 2; Hepatitis, 1; Hysteritis, 1: Rheumatismus Acut. 12; Hæmoptysis, 1; Cholera, 1; Rubeola, 5; Roseola, 1; Erythema, 2; Erysipelas, 8; Herpes, 2; Vaccinia, 206; Convulsio, 3; Morbi Infantiles, 8.

Contusio, 7; Vulnus, 15; Abcessus, 5;
Ulcus, 23; Ulcera Faucium, 1; Aphthæ,
3; Ustio, 4: Caligo, 2; Odontalgia, 40;
Morbi Cutanei Chronici, 83.

With the exception of a few mild days, the weather, during this interval, has been uncommonly cold for the season; and from the want of those frequent refreshing showers that usually usher in the Spring, there was little appearance of advancing vegetation, until the first of May. The winds have been variable; but the N. W., W., and S. W., have chiefly predominated. North-easterly and South-easterly winds CHRONIC AND LOCAL DISEASES. have occasionally blown, and with, what is usual, considerable chillness and atmos. Asthenia, 12; Vertigo, 10: Cephalalgia, pherical humidity. The maximum of the 8; Paralysis, 1; Dyspepsia, 15; Vomitus, thermometer, in the shade, for April, was 3; Gastrodynia, 4; Enterodynia, 7; Cho- 80° on the 16th, with the wind from the rea, 2; Epilepsia, 4; Asthma, 1; Hyste- S. W.; the minimum on the 11th was 33° ria, 3; Colica, 1; Hypochondriasis, 1; at 6 o'clock in the morning, making a dif. Mania, 1; Dyspnea, 9; Catarrhus chron. ference of 47° in five days. The mean 15; Bronchitis Chron. 5; Rheumatismus temperature at 7 in the morning was 44° Chron. 35; Lumbago, 7; Pleurodynia, 5; Cephalæa, 3; Hæmorrhois, 3; Diarrhoea, 3; Leucorrhoea, 1; Urethritis, 12; Icterus, 1; Obstipatio, 40: Chlorosis, 1; AmeHorrhea, 5; Dolor Uteri, 2; Plethora, 23; Anasarca, 2; Hydrothorax, 1; Ascites, 1; Lithiasis, 1; Scrophula, 3; Tabes Mesesenterica, 3; Verminatio, 23; Syphilis, since the last Report, an increased proporThe Records of the Dispensary, present, 14; Pseudo-Syphilis, 1; Tumor, 6; Scir- tion of inflammatory diseases. The proThus, 1; Carcinoma, 1; Hydarthrus, 3; longed coldness of the weather, and someHernia, 1; Subluxatio, 8; Fractura, 3; times considerable vicissitudes of tempera

at 2 in the afternoon, 58°-and at sunset 51°. In May, the maximum temperature was 76°; and the minimum, 45°. The mean of the thermometer for the morning was 51°; for the afternoon, 62°; for the evening, 56°.

ture, multiplied, as usual, the cases of Townsend had the charge of the patient rheumatic complaints, and affections of after the 7th day. The Antiphlogistic the thoracic viscera, in all their forms. In- treatment was still continued, together flammations of the eyes were also frequent, with the general warm bath. The disease. In several instances, when, in consequence terminated favourably on the 12th day. of previous Ophthalmic inflammation, The Infantile Remittent Fever, (the Fespecks, ulcerations, or pustules, had form- bris Infantum Remittens of Authors,) was ed on the cornea or the conjunctiva, the very prevalent among children from the most evident advantages were derived age of 5 or 6 months, to that of 10 or from a complete division of the vessels, 12 years. Although this complaint visited which supplied them with nourishment, children in all ranks of society, yet, it par by means of scarifications by the lancet, ticularly affected those in the lower orCases of typhus fever were sometimes ob- ders, who, either from greater exposures, served; but some of the most prevalent from small, crowded, ill ventilated or uncomplaints, next to those just mentioned, healthy apartments, and from the use of were, dyspepsia, torpor of the bowels, and improper food, or other causes, experienother affections of the stomach and intesti- ced its effects in an uncommon degree. nal canal. These appeared to be frequent- In some it bore a strong resemblance to inly owing to the debility of want, or defec- flammation of the lungs or pleura, and in tive nutrition, as well as the habitual abuse others to Hydrocephalus. of spirituous liquors; and in no instance, perhaps, were they the effects of a deranged state of the biliary or digestive or gans, produced by the operation of exter

nal heat.

The invasion of the disease, so far as the Reporter had opportunities of observing it, was, generally, very gradual. It usually manifested its advances, by more or less impaired appetite and digestion; by disThe return of Spring brought with it ordered bowels, which were sometimes reseveral cases of Erysipelas. A severe at- laxed, but commonly constricted; by dultack of this disease, attended with much ness, languor, and aversion to bodily exerinflammatory fever, occurred in an infant tion, or by a peevish and fretful disposiat the breast, aged six months; the mother tion; by feverishmess, particularly in the afof which was of a gross plethoric habit of ternoon or towards evening, during which body, and strongly predisposed to erysi- the hands were hot, the head painful, the pelatous affections The complaint made breathing more hurried than natural, and its appearance first on the back of the neck, the pulse one hundred or more in a and the occipital portion of the head. minute. These premonitory symptoms From thence it travelled progressively having continued, in a greater or less deover the scalp, face, and front of the body, gree, for some days, the little sufferer downwards to the extremities; each re- was suddenly seized with a more severe newed succession of the disorder becom- paroxysm of fever, preceded, for the most ing gradually less severe, in proportion as part, by chills, and sometimes by vomiting. it receded to a greater distance from the The pulse now rose to 130 or 140 in a part originally affected. The tumefaction minute. The disorder being thus fully of the head and face was prodigious; the formed, the prominent or leading symptoms eyes were swollen shut, and the features were-urgent fever; rapid pulse; quickencould scarcely be recognized. Vesications ed respiration, that was often attended by appeared on the scalp on the fourth day. cough; flushed cheeks; pungent heat of The Reporter was called to the child on skin, particularly of the head, abdomen, the second day of its illness. The first in- and palms of the hands; listlessness and intention was to relieve the disordered and aptitude to motion; drowsiness and someconstipated bowels, by an active cathartic, times a disturbed state of the sensorium, and they were afterwards kept soluble by amounting even to delirium; picking of the use of senna and manna, with a small the nose, lips or other parts of the face; portion of neutral salt, and the occasional depraved appetite and aversion to food; interposition of a dose of calomel and rheu- irregularity of the bowels, and an offensive barb. Gentle diaphoretic medicines were state of the alvine discharges, which at the same time employed, together with were either of a blackish or greenish the frequent use of the pediluvium. As colour, and mixed with much mucus, slime, an external remedy, the diluted liquor am- or shreds of coagulated lymph.— moniæ acetatis, was ordered to be kept constantly applied to the inflamed parts. In consequence of the Reporter's changing his district, his friend and colleague Dr.

The duration of the fever was various. For the most part, however, it continued from 5 or 6 days to a fortnight, and in one n

principles, it was successfully treated by purgatives at intervals; by gentle diaphoretics; by ablution with tepid vinegar and water; and by the use of tonics,fas soon as the state of the system would permit. An active cathartic of calomel and rhubarb was generally ordered to be taken im

third day, according to circumstances; and on the intermediate days, the bowels were kept gently open by senna and manna in conjunction with a neutral salt, and sometimes by a combination of magnesia, rhubarb, and tartrite of antimony.

stance to more than five weeks. In this last the stomach and intestines. On these case mercury was freely had recourse to, but not with those beneficial effects, that some have ascribed to it. The Reporter must here observe, that he cannot, either from theory or experience, approve of the use of mercury in this disorder to the extent recommended by Mr. Coley, in his late work on the Remittent Fever of In- mediately, and repeated every second or fants. As a purgative, it may be advantageously given, and in those few instances, perhaps, in which there may appear to be an evident torpor of the liver, with deficiency of the biliary secretions. His objections to the employment of this active medicine, so as to affect the system, The subsequent observations on the inare founded not only on its well known de- creased pulsation of the Aorta in the Epibilitating effects on the constitution, or gastic Region, were intended to have been its more primary operation in augmen- inserted in the last Report; but were unating the phlogistic diathesis of body, and voidably deferred for want of room. They. the motion of the blood-vessels; but also are still deemed of sufficient importance on its peculiar influence upon the brain to be now communicated, inasmuch as they and nerves, as well as its power to relate to an extraordinary symptom, which increase the action of the exhalent vessels. though not necessarily of serious appreFor a lucid and satisfactory view of this hension in itself, may be the cause of great modus operandi of mercury on the sys- alarm by being confounded with another tem, the reader is referred to a learned disease of the aorta, incurable in its nature, and practical Inaugural Dissertation by Dr. and commonly of fatal tendency. The atJohn W. Francis, and to some valuable re- tention of the reporter was directed to this marks of this Writer on the same subject, pulsation during the preceding winter, by published in the last volume of the Ameri- Dr. Hosack, who stated that he had ob can Medical and Philosophical Register. served three instances of it in this city; In every case of Infantile Remittent, the last of which occurred at the period just there is evidently more or less affection mentioned, and was by an eminent pracof the brain, as is clearly evinced by the titioner mistaken for an aneurism of the frequent stupor, drowsiness, delirium, and aorta. The aorta, it is well known, has, pain in the head: and from the great de- like the artery at the wrist, a constant termination of blood towards that organ, pulsation, which, however, is not percepthere is necessarily produced a strong pre- tible to the touch, in consequence of the disposition to hydrocephalus. The exci- great depth to which the vessel lies buting of a mercurial action in the system, un- ried beneath the surface of the abdomen. der such circumstances, must be highly im- This motion of the aorta might at any proper, on the principle of its augmenting time be felt, provided the parietes of the the local excitement of the brain, and abdomen could be brought in immediate thereby increasing the tendency to dropsi- contact therewith. Accordingly, the learneal effusion. In confirmation of the correct- ed Dr. Parr remarks that, "any person, if ness of this opinion, it may be observed that instances of Hydrocephalus in children have been known to arise from the internal use of Mercury. Several cases of this kind have fallen under the observation of Dr. Hosack, who has long since, in his public Lectures, given practical cautions on this subject.

The infantile remittent being a disease of the whole system, connected with a disordered state of the stomach and other Chylopoietic Viscera; its treatment is to be conducted on the principle of cleansing the primæ viæ; diminishing excitement both general and local; and giving tone to

thin, will often, if lying on his back, perceive a pulsation somewhat below the pit of the stomach, and if low spirited or hysteric, will be alarmed by this unexpected sensation." This symptom, though it may be a source of alarm to the person experiencing it, can scarcely be considered a disease. It is mentioned here for the purpose of distinguishing it from an actually increased pulsation, which being a real morbid occurrence, or at least symptomatic of disease, is for the most part not only perceptible to the patient internally, or by the hand externally applied, but suchis its force, that it is sometimes visible

even to the eye, on exposing the abdomi- York. In the third or last instance, he nal surface.

observes that it was connected with general feebleness, and probably depended upon an augmentation of nervous irritability, the effect of great exhaustion, from too long lactation in a woman of the nervous temperament.

The Records of Medicine do not yet afford a sufficient number of well authenticated facts, to establish any certain conclusions, with regard to several of the phenomena of this increased pulsation of the aorta. Its causes in particular are en- The complaint appears to be wholly inveloped in much obscurity. It appears, dependent of any change or diseased struchowever, to be often a symptom of deep. ture in the vessel itself, which, by examiseated disorder of some of the neighbouring nations after death, of several persons in viscera. It is easy to perceive, that a symp- whom the symptoms had existed, did not tom of this kind may be produced by what- display the slightest morbid appearances. ever prevents the blood from finding a According to the experience of Dr. Baillie, free and ready passage forward through of London, (who has published some acthe aorta, or the large vessels connected count of this affection, in the 4th volume with it. Under such circumstances, this of the Medical Transactions of the College fluid will be retained, or rather thrown of Physicians,) it "is more apt to take back upon the aorta, and thus tend to pro- place in the middle period of life, than at duce an increased pulsation. It may, any other; but, I have known, (continues therefore, occur from a mechanical com- he) one or two instances of it in persons pression of the vessel below, a case of about the age of 30. It occurs both in men which is mentioned by Bonetus. Hence it and women, but more commonly in the may be caused by an enlarged or indurated former than in the latter. In one individu.. liver, or some other viscus, either pressing al the pulsation is much more strongly on the aorta, or resisting the flow of blood marked than in another; and in the same from the cœliac,or the other large branches. individual it varies a good deal in its Sevarinus and Bonetus have recorded it as strength at different times. In some inoccurring from an aneurism of the cœliaca; stances the pulsation is more strongly to and Weisborn, from the aorta being press- be felt when the patient is in the horizoned from its place. It has been noticed in tal posture; and sometimes the pulsation a case of Hemoptysis, of a stricture and is so strong as to be visible to the eye, thickening of the ileum, of an ulceration of even as some distance, when the surface of the stomach, and of a tedious typhus fever, In some instances it appears to have been symptomatic of weakness and great irritability but in the majority of cases it has associated itself with an impaired digestion, or some derangement of the hepatic organ.

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Of the cases of this disorder which have fallen under the observation of Dr. Hosack, he states, that in one instance it occurred in a female near the middle period of life, in whom the catamenia were regular; but she had for some time been affected with an hepatic disease. In the second case in which it existed, the patient died of a stricture and ulceration of the œsophagus. Upon a minute examination of the body, no marks of disease were found, either of the aorta itself, or of its branches; but besides the morbid appearances of the esophagus, the lungs were discovered to be in a state of induration, the pancreas partly so, and the stomach, as well as the duodenum preternaturally contracted. A detailed account of the diseased condition of these several parts may be seen in a paper by Dr. Francis, in the first volume of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New.

the epigastric region is exposed to view. In some instances the boundary of the artery while it pulsates, can be very distinctly felt, and it may even occasionally be traced nearly as low as the navel. I do not recollect that there is any peculiarity in the pulse of persons affected with this complaint. It is commonly neither intermittent, nor remarkable either for frequen cy, strength, or weakness." He further observes, that, in most instances, it will be found to be connected with an imperfect digestion, and irritable constitution; and that when it has once taken place, it seldom subsides entirely, although it will vary in its degree at different times. He gives the following as the diognostic symptoms by which this pulsation may, in most instances, be distinguished from aneurism of the aorta." When the boundaries of the artery can be felt distinctly, and the artery can be ascertained to be of the usual size, it is clear that, notwithstanding the force of the pulsation, the disease is not aneurism. When a round circumscribed tumor pulsates against the fingers applied to the epigastric region, there can then be little doubt that the disease is aneurism

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