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Spy.-spume, spurious, spumescence, dispute.

Sm.-Smear, smith, smell, smatter, smash, smart, smirk, smirch, smuggle, smother, small, smalt, smoke, smote, smoulder, smooth, smile, smite.

Sw.-Suasive, assuage, suavity, swab, swaddle, swag, swagger, swain, swallow, swamp, swan, swap, sward, swarm, swart, swarth, swash, swath, swathe, sway, swear, sweat, sweet, sweep, swell, swept, swerve, swift, swig, swill, swim, swindle, swine, swing, swinge, swiss, switch, swivel, swoon, swoop, swore, swung, dissuade, desuetude, persuasion.

Sf. Sphere, sphinx, sphacelus, sphagnum, spheric, sphincter. St.-Steep, steam, steed, steel, steer, stipulate, stimulate, stiff, stitch, still, stick, stickle, sting, stays, stage, state, staid, stain, stale, steak, step, stem, steady, stellar, stab, static, stadtholder, stand, stanza, stallion, stack, stagger, stang, staff, statistic, stalactite, starve, stars, starch, start, stark, stir, stern, sterling, stubborn, stumble, stuff, stud, stutter, stun, stunt, stuck, stung, stop, stock, storm, stork, stalk, stall, store, story, stored, stow, stowed, stole, stone, stoker, stoop, stood, stool, sty, stipend, stifle, stiver, style, stout, stound.

Str. Strabism, straggle, straddle, straight, strain, strand, strange, strangle, strap, strategy, strath, stratum, straw, stray, streak, stream, street, strength, strenuous, stress, stretch, strew, striæ, stricken, strict, stride, stridulous, strike, struck, string, strung, strip, stripe, strobil, strokal, stroll, strong, strontian, strop, strophe, strove, structure, struggle, struma, strut, strychnia.

Sty.-Studious, stupe, stupor, stupid, stew, steward, astute. Sy.-Sue, subah, sudatory, suet, suicide, suit, suitable, sumach, superable, superb, supine, supreme, sural, sutile, suture, superior, assume, consume, disuse, pursuit.

Sn.-Sneeze, sneak, snip, snack, snaffle, snag, snail, snake, snap, snare, snarl, snatch, sneer, sniff, snipe, snivel, snore, snout, snow, snub, snuff, snudge, snug.

Sl.-Slab, slam, slack, slag, slain, slake, slander, slang, slant, slap, slash, slate, slattern, slaughter, slave, slaver, Slavonic, slag, sleeve, sleezy, sled, sledge, sleek, sleep, sleet, slept, sleight, slender, slice, slide, slight, slily, slime, sling, slung, slink, slip, slit, sliver, sloat, sloe, sloop, slop, slope, sloth, slouch, slough, (uf) slough,(7-13)

Sk.-Scale, scab, skate, scheme, sky, scope, Scotch, score, scoop, scuffle, sculk, scullery, sculpture, scum, scupper, scurf, scurvy, scurrile, scut, scuttle.

Skl.-Sclavonian, Sclavonic, sclerotic.

Skr.-Scrabble, scrag, scramble, scrap, scrape, scratch, scrawl, scream, screech, screen, screw, scribble, scribe, scripture, scrivener, scrip, scrofula, scroll, scrub, scruple, scrutable, scruze, scrutoire.

Sky.-Skew, skewer, scutellated, excuse.

Skw.-Squab, squabble, squadron, squalid, squalor, squall, squamous, squander, square, squash, squat, squaw, squeak, squeal, squeamish, squeeze, squelch, squib, squill, squinancy, squint, squire, squirrel, squirt.

Before a vowel.-Esophagus, unceasing, thesis, missile, viscid, whistle, thistle, scissile, dissonant, listen, glisten, gristle, basin, mason, phasis, tacit, casing, pestle, message, vessel, sesame, sessile, jessamine, tessellate, desultory, necessary, lesson, wrestle, crescent, progressive, essence, essay, assident, assassin, acid, acetate, passable, massive, fascinate, vacillate, tacit, lassitude, veracity, cassowary, crassitude, glacis, (ece) glacier, glassy grassy, facile, bustle, throstle, faucet, saucer, possible, mossy, fossil, wassail, jostle, docile, tossing, Cossack, crossing, glossary, closer, grocer, looser, excuses, (s.) producer, juicy, pussy, mucilage, spicy, vices, enticing, dicer, crisis, sousing, rejoicings.

Before an articulation.-East, easterly, beast, feasts, yeast, ceased, least, creased, priest; pristine, blister, mist, fist, vista, wist, whist, sister, systole, gist, distaff, list, wist, kissed, Christian, grist, glister, hist; paste, baste, waist, taster, laced, cased, graced, hasty, chaste, pester, west, fester, vestry, westerly, zest, jesting, attest, destitute, nest, lest, dressed, rest, wrested, yesterday, crest, behest, chest ; past, repast, pasture, pastime, bastard, mastiff, fast, vastness, last, lastly, caste, classed; pustule, busts, mustard, fusty, justice, dost, lust, rust, custom, gust, crust, cluster. pursed, burst, worst, durst, nursed, cursed; posture, foster, wast, tossed, lost, crossed, costs, glossed, accost, hostage; post, boast, most, toast, roast, coast, engrossed, ghost, host; spliced, iced, enticed; moisture, foist, hoist; lisp, wisps, crisp, clasps, rasp, gasp, grasp, hasp, asps, wasps,

whisper, vesper, despicable, respite, aspect, jasper, grasping, prosper, auspicate, hospital, hospitable: episcopal, biscuit, fiscal, viscous, whisker, disc, frisk, risk, fescue, desks, grotesque, burlesque, rescue, ask, bask, masks, flasks, tasks, casks, rascal, busk, buskin, musk, musket, tusks, dusk, dusky, rusks, husky, bosky, Moscow, sixth sixths.

S final.-Piece, cease, lease, crease, grease, miss, thesis, bodice, analysis, kiss, hiss, pace, bass, mace, face, lace, race, case, chase, purchase, mess, chess, less, graceless, linkless, gas, mass, lass, pass, parse, farce, carse, amerse, erse, verse, terse, hearse, us, fuss, courageous, righteous, purse, disburse, worse, nurse, curse, sauce, morse, gorse, horse, boss, moss, foss, toss, loss, cross, gloss, force, source, course, coarse, hoarse, gross, close, (a.) noose, loose, moose, abuse, (s.) diffuse, (a.) puss, spruce, juice, goose, mice, vice, thrice, entice, paradise, dice, nice, rice, mouse, souse, grouse, house, voice, rejoice, choice.


OBSERVATIONS.-This element unites a vocal sound with the hissing of S. Its articulative position and action are in every respect the same as those of S. It is consequently liable to the same kind of defects, in lisping, &c; and the exercises prescribed for S, will, with voice added, be equally effective in perfecting Z. Thus,

[blocks in formation]

In the following arrangements V is added for the sake of contrast with Th, (see page 146.)

za va tha
za tha va

tha za va
va tha za
tha va za va za tha

with e, i, o, 00.

Z is not so difficult to the Stammerer as S; for if he can produce the vocal sound in the articulation, he can have no difficulty, except what is merely articulative, in connecting it with a following vowel. But often the voice produced in Z is a mere murmur,—a momentary, feeble, breathy sound, which is as ineffectual as none. In this case all the difficulty of S will be experienced. To overcome this impediment, glottal power must first be acquired in the formation of clear ringing vocality, and the chest exercised to restrain any undue pressure in expiration. The buzzing sound of Z may be produced in a long continuous current, and finished by the quick retraction of the tongue, before described. Naturally abrupt articulations of the same element should

then be practised, separately, and with vowels subjoined; the teeth opening freely after the articulative action, that the succeeding vowel may be emitted in a full energetic volume.

Z initial combines only with Y; and but in the few words given in our list. It joins with no initial articulation.


Initial.-Zaccho, zaffre, zany, zarnich, zea, zeine, zeal, zealous, zebra, zebu, zedoary, Zend, zenith, zeolite, zephyr, zero, zest, zigzag, zimome, zinc, zircon, zocle, zodaic, zone, zoography, zoology, zoophyte, zufolo, zymology, zygomatic, zygodactylous.

Zy.-zumic, zumate, zumology, zeugma.

Between vowels.-Besom, easy, wheezing, weasel, reason, busy, busily, mistletoe, physiognomy, visit, wizard, dizzy, risen, gizzard, grizzle, mazy, daisy, nasal, laziness, razor, brazen, crasy, gazer, grazing, glazer, hazy, Jezebel, desert, resignation, resin, hesitate, azimuth, azote, basilisk, mazard, gaseous, hazardous, puzzle, dozen, nuzzle, muzzle, cousin, halser, pausing, causative, gauzy, positive, nozzle, lozenge, rosin, closet, posy, frozen, disposer, dozing, rosiness, closing, glozer, hosanna, oozing, losel, cruiser, choosing, despiser, miser, wiseacre, supervisor, sizar, rising, spousal, drowsy, mouser, rousing, housing, noisy, noisome, schism, spasm.

Before an articulation.-Spasmodic, jasmine, phantasmagoria, pismire, bismuth, dismal, prismatic, chrismal, cosmetic, cosmical, husband, wisdom, prismoid, osmazome, Osnaburg, grisly, guzzler, fizgig, vizier, Jesuit.

Final.-Ease, breeze, freeze, wheeze, these, seize, tease, sneeze, please, keys, agrees, grease, (v.) cheese, is, phiz, worthies, 'tis, ladies, carries, quiz, orgies, his, pays, baize, maize, fays, vase, ways, chaise, craze, glaze, haze; says, bars, mars, jars, tars, cars, sirs, firs, hers, buzz, furze, slurs, curs, pause, flaws, thaws, saws, jaws, laws, clause, gauze, oars, pores, boars, fours, sores, stores, shores, doors, roars, cores, owes, poze, beaus, mows, foes, woes, those, sews, toes, doze, nose, rose, close, (v.) goes, gloze, grows, hose, chose, pews, imbues, mews, views, thews, sues, shoes, Jews, contuse, dues, news, lose, ruse, cooes, glues, hues, choose, eyes, pies, buys, surmise, suffice, vies, wise, thighs, sighs, ties, dies, lies, rise, cries, guise, vows, sows, allows, rows, cows, poise, boys, joys, toys, noise, alloys, destroys, cloys.


OBSERVATIONS.-This element is produced when the breath is directed over the upturned tip of the tongue, so as to cause some degree of lingual vibration. In order to effect this, the breath must be perfectly obstructed at all other points, that the whole force of the stream may be concentrated on the tip; and the tongue must be held loosely, to enable it to vibrate readily. The vibration may be produced in every degree from the soft tremor of the English R, which merely vibrates the edge of the tongue, to the harsh rolling of the Spanish Rr, which shakes the whole organ. The trilled or strongly vibrated R is never used in English; but there are various degrees of vibration which characterize the English R in different situations.

Between vowels, as in merit, the R is strongest, but it has only a momentary tremor; for articulations between vowels are always short in English. Ris never, like n or l, prolonged when two articulations meet in a compound word; as in meanness, foully, &c.; the reason is, that R final is differently formed from R initial. Both letters have their regular formation in this position; as in

[blocks in formation]

R initial has an articulative vibration; but it is merely of the edge of the tongue, just enough to constitute the sound an articulation.

When the tongue is so placed as just to feel the passing stream of air not yield to it, we have the condition of the final R. The aperture for the emission of the voice is so free, that the vowel quality of the sound is scarcely,—if at all, -affected. When the succeeding word, however, begins with a vowel, the final r has generally the effect of medial r, to avoid hiatus.

Exercises on Final R (the 8th vowel) will be found at page 107.

No letter is more frequently faulty than this. The extremes of error are to throw the articulation back to the uvula, or forward to the lips; but these are found in all degrees of modification and combination. The sound of the former R, when roughly executed, as we often hear it, is like the snarling of a cur:the latter formation produces the effect of W, with generally an additional guttural modification.

The uvular vibration constitutes what is called burring,-a fault almost universal in some of the northern divisions of England. Ask a person who burrs to open his mouth, and you will see the little uvula dancing and leaping in the channel of the tongue. To cure this fault, the first care must be to keep this restless little organ out of the way. There would be but little difficulty in getting sufficient vibration of the point of the tongue from a few very simple exercises; but we should still have the guttural effect remaining. The Burrer should therefore exercise himself in separating the uvula and soft palate from the tongue as far as possible. After a little practice, he will generally be able to do this so effectually, that the uvula will shrink to a point, and the soft palate will form

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