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taught the excellency of any scriptural doctrine or duty, by the Spirit of God, he will not let it go, and be seduced from it; but will always be led by the same Spirit to rejoice in its glory. And hence it is, that the saints are not given to change. There is not an instance of the kind recorded in the scriptures. Having laid the sure foundation, they go on unto perfection.

But it may be reasonably ex

the Spirit do not supercede the f expected, that when one has been teachings of the word of God, and the labors of his ministers; for the latter immediately respect the understanding, but the teachings of the Spirit are applied directly to the heart. So far are these from rendering the instructions of the word unnecessary, that they accompany the word. It is by the truths of the word, that the Spirit works on the heart it makes the word quick and powerful; and hence believers are said to be begot-pected of those, who have never ten by the word. They have the discerned the excellency and diword of God dwelling richly in vine glory, which attend the them. They, and only they, see doctrines and duties taught us the excellency of the word. in the scriptures, that they will be carried about, with every wind of doctrine, and the craftiness of those, who lie in wait to deceive; ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth, shifting from one thing to another, as their own caprice, or the caprice of their leaders shall carry them. Instances of this

Nor do the teachings of the word supercede the teachings of the Spirit, and render them unnecessary. For how much soever the understanding may be informed, if the heart be not anointed by the Holy Ghost, the man is still in his sins. Both are necessary to the beginning and progress of divine life.-kind have been very numerous Where there is nothing known, there can be nothing admired, and where there is nothing admired, however much may be known, there is nothing but wickedness in the heart.

Further We may expect from the teachings of the Spirit, which fill the heart with a sense of the excellency of divine things, that those, who are thus taught of God, will not be the sport of every wind of doctrine. Much is said in the scriptures about being sound in the faith-holding fast our professon-holding fast that which is good-continuing in the faith, grounded and settled, and not being moved away from the hope of the gospel, and we are directed to hold fast that which we have: and it may be

in the world, They were so in the days of the appostles. They went out from them, because they were not of them.-Those who are given to change, give evidence that they are not taught of God, and know not the excellency of the truth.

Finally We remark the importance of the command, "Quench not the Spirit.' Men may oppose his influences, by refusing to attend to truth and duty. We should cherish them diligently, by earnest prayer for them, by a prayerful reading of the holy scriptures, by which the Spirit operates on the heart, by a conscientious obedience, and conformity to the will of God in all things, and by devotiona meditations on the truths which

are revealed. Blessed is the a vapor, that appeareth for a litman that heareth wisdom, watch-tle time, and then vanisheth away." James iv. 14.

ing daily at her gates, and waiting at the posts of her doors.

Reasons for immediate repentance.


ANY confess repentance to be a duty; but put it off to some future time. They know and they acknowledge, that it is of great, and everlasting consequence, to repent, and become reconciled to God; but for the present they say to the Saviour, as Felix said to Paul; Go thy way for this time, when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee." They intend without fail, to secure salvation. By and by, at a future day, on a dying bed, or in old age, the great work they think, will be less difficult, and unwelcome. But consider;

Is it wise? is it safe, to depend upon such a bubble of the stream?

4. By determining to delay we determine to sin. Is not the very forming of such a purpose, high-handed rebellion? Are you to set God at nought yet more? to slight the Saviour yet more? to grieve the Spirit yet more? Will not the time past suffice to have wrought the will of the flesh? Must you add sin to sin; and iniquity to iniquity? He who can deliberately form such a purpose, is probably far from the kingdom of heaven.

5. The greatness of the work. The soul is of unspeakable value. It must be completely happy, or dreadfully miserable, throughout a boundless eternity.

Hence it is a thing exceedingly interesting, to secure the sal1. The necessity of the case. vation of the soul. "For what Do you think, that without re- shall it profit a man, if he gain pentance there is any possible the whole world, and lose his way to escape? Hear the Sav- own soul? Or what shall a man iour; "I tell you nay, but ex-give in exchange for his soul?” cept ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish."

6. The difficulty of the work becomes greater by delay. 1. Because one delay produces another. Having put off once, you again put off with less reluc tance. You" resolve, and re-resolve, and die the same." 2. Because your sins become greater

2. The shortness of time. When we take out of human life, the years of infancy, the time of business, the hours of sleep, the days of sickness, and the period of old age, how small is the season which re-by delay. Every day they are mains? There surely is no room increasing. They are as a thick for idleness and delay. cloud ascending up to heaven.

3. The uncertainty of life. 7. Is it your duty to repent at Death often comes at an untime- all? Why is it not your duty now, ly and surprising hour. It ar- even now, while it is called to-day? rives when we are not aware; The present is the only time of and in a moment cuts us down; which you are sure. If you are and the places which knew us, now unwilling to repent, and beknow us no more forever.-lieve, and be saved, what evi"What is your life? It is even dence have you, that you ever

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shall be willing, or that you ever shall be saved?

8. All the invitations and promises of God, are confined to the present time. We never read, If thou believest" to-morrow, "thou shalt be saved." We never read, "He that cometh unto me," to-morrow, "I will in no wise cast out." But the scripture saith; "Repent, and believe the gospel," now; for now is the accepted time; and now is the day of salvation.

once resolving to come to hea ven at last, as you now are; and what security have you, that their present situation, will not shortly be yours also?

12. God awfully threatens delaying sinners. "Because I have called," &c. Turn to the first chapter of Proverbs; read from the 24th to the 31st verse. Here the wicked every day; and that you see that God is angry with their delay is exceedingly provoking to him.

is no time for repentance. When Be not deceived; a dying hour the sinner lies turning his faint

body convulsed in the agonies of death; is he in a situation to re

9. "God now commandeth all men, every where, to repent." He says to every sinner; 66 Repent and be converted." " Repent, for the kingdom of heavening head from side to side; his is at hand." These commands are plain and positive; there is no limitation; they are absolute in their requirements, and in their extent, universal. As God has commanded therefore, he will not be disobeyed with impunity.

pent? Are not some even in

these solemn moments; on a

dying bed; when there is but a step between them and death; stili thoughtless of futurity? stupid as a post? their hearts, hard as the nether millstone?

10. You must feel sorrow for sin; either here, after a godly ble. How many whose locks are Old age is equally unfavorasort; or without avail hereafter. whitened by length of years, This must needs be; it is insur- are yet in sin! hardened to an ed by an unalterable determina-inveterate, and almost hopeless tion of Jehovah; for he "wil! degree! They are like the aged by no means clear the guilty." oak, which has been stripped of You must therefore, either re- all its branches by the hand of pent and forsake sin; or suffer time; now being visited by the the penalty of that law, which genial rays of the sun, instead declares; "The soul that sin- of putting forth leaves, it only neth, it shall die." becomes more dry, seared, and

11. Many have delayed re-destitute of life and verdure. pentance to their everlasting ru- Such is the aged sinner; he is in. By putting off they were neither allured by hope, nor mo finally lost; they were undone; ved by terror. Now, therefore, and they are now beyond the is the best time; it is the time reach of hope. Thousands, now which God points out; and "if in torment, were once sinning, ye will hear his voice;" if ye as you now are; they were once have any design to repent, and discbeying God, as you now are; live; delay not } "harden not they were once delaying repent- your hearts." ance, as you now are; they were


On Singing.

N all ages of the world, sing

enter upon the performance of this pleasing part of worship,

ble part of divine worship. When impressed with a solemn sense creation first received existence of the duty, in which we are enfrom its Maker's hand, the mor- gaged: Every sound, which esning stars are said to have sung capes the lips, should be felt together, and the sons of God, to in the heart: Every sentiment have shouted for joy. This pri- contained in the sacred song, meval example was early imitat- should so impress the feelings, ed by the rational inhabitants of as to give its corresponding mod⚫ the earth. Wherever the wor-ulation to the voice :-In this ship of a Deity has been estab-way it should be tuned, at one lished, Music, either vocal or time, to the sprightly airs of joy instrumental, has invariably con- and praise; at another, to the stituted one part. And this has, plaintive strains of penitence and more especially, been the case grief. in the worship of those, who have constituted the church of the true and living God and it will continue to be the case in that happy world, where his children will have their eternal residence. Since Music ever has, and ever will be a part of divine worship, and since it is our duty to worship our Maker with every power both of body and of soul, it becomes us to attend seriously to the subject, that we may be prepared to perform our duty in an understanding and ac-" melody of the heart," with ceptable manner. In discussing this subject, we may take for our guide the resolution of the great apostle of the Gentiles: "I will sing," says this experienced servant of his Lord," with the Spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also."

Our first object will naturally be, to describe what it is to sing with the spirit.

But this is not the principal thing intended in singing with the spirit. The term spirit, in the writings of this apostle, is frequently opposed to flesh, and means holy affections. Something of this kind, we may presume, is intended here. We must not only feel the solemnity of the duty, in which we are employed, and enter into the spirit of the sentiments expressed, but also exercise holy affections towards them. This is that

which the apostle directs us to sing-that harmonizing of the affections with the expression of the lips, which will render our sacrifices a sweet savor to our God. While we are singing the praises of Jehovah, onr hearts should be warmed with love to his infinitely glorious perfections: While divine truths are chanted by our lips, cur hearts should approve, and harmonize with them. And, while we are speaking in sacred songs the nat

By the spirit here, we may naturally understand, in the first place, the soul or the heart; and by singing with the spirit,ural effusions of a holy heart, that inward sensibility, which our hearts also should be in the ought to accompany the melody exercise of those particular feelof the voice, to give it its proper ings, which are the subject of force or expression. When wel the song. If our hearts do not

thus harmonize with the expressions of our lips, our praises will be but the sacrifices of hypocrisy, which are an abomination to God. If we would sing the praises of our God aright, our affections must be spiritualized; they must be set on things above and not on things on the the earth. And in our rapturous flight, we must leave this vain earth and all that it contains so far beneath us, as almost to lose sight of it entirely. Thus shall we imitate the glorified inhabitants of the heavenly world, and perform a service, on which even our God will look with complacency.

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Let us now enquire, what it is to sing with the understanding. This expression doubtless intends, that we make use of our rational powers in performing this part of divine worship. That we perform it, not in a careless, inattentive manner, but on the contrary with all the judgment, and with all the skill which we are capable of using. For in cases, in which we are capable of worshipping our Maker understandingly, he doubtless will not accept a service, which is destitute of design. But to be more particular:

In singing with the understanding, we must consider, and understand something of its being a solemn and important du

Further, singing with the spirit, may be intended also to include dependence on the Spir-ty. A duty to be performed diit of God for assistance to per- rectly to our God. That it is form this part of divine worship not simply performing our part acceptably. As we are at all well in the public assembly, but times dependent on God, and that it should be performed as can do nothing without him, and in the presence of a heart-searchespecially as we are dependent ing God. And, of course, with on his Spirit for all those graces,solemnity, reverence and awe. that are necessary to render our To sing with the understandservices acceptable in his sight, ing implies also an understandit is important, that we should ing of the words or sentiments, never lose sight of so fundamen-which are sung. If we undertal a truth. It is becoming, there-stand not the sentiments which fore, that in our attempts to cel-we express with our lips, we do elate the praises of our God, but ofer to our God the sacriwe should acknowledge this de-fice of the fool; and further, if the pendence, by looking to him for tone or expression of the voice Every Lecessary a do upce. We is to be adapted to the nature of shorid feck that it is God, who the se fment expressed, how inodictes our voices, and gives can it be done, if it be not underpee. Il to use the in nclodiously.tood? The apostle reproved We should fee, that it is the Spirit of Cod, w, to gives us our meisure of grace, and prepares our hearts to harmonize with the spirit of the song. And with I...le submission to his will would we look to him for those things, for which, we are con£cious, that we are dependent.

the Corinthians for a timilər fauit. They both prayed and sang in an unknown tongue; and though they might be edified themselves, yet they did not edify each other. And we may as well sing in an unknown tonque, as to sing what we do not understand ourselves, and in

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