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bluff way, "I don't care about his politics self; and, secondly, because in Sir John or his campaigns, but I want something Herschel the power of scientific observa that will tell me the colour of his tion was pre-eminently associated not only breeches!" Ladies' hair was as deluding with the power of appealing to tens of a century ago as at the present time. "I thousands by his writings, but with all heard lately of an old baronet," says those qualities which, when we find them Graves, in the Spiritual Quixote, "that fell in a great man, make him universally bein love with a young lady of small fortune loved. at some public place for her beautiful brown locks. He married her on a sudden, but was greatly disappointed upon seeing her wig or tête the next morning thrown carelessly on her toilette, while her ladyship appeared at breakfast in very bright red hair, a colour the old gentleman had a particular aversion to."

Mr. Forsyth's analysis of stories that few people read now-a-days will be welcome to many who wish to know the pith of works once so celebrated and still often referred to by name. The closing chapter of the book is concerned with novels well chosen to illustrate the transitional state of manners from the coarseness of George II.'s reign to the age of Queen Victoria. The Vicar of Wakefield and Evelina exhibit the earlier features of this transitional state the works of Miss Edgworth and Miss Austen their later development. We fear that there is little to be expected from the inculcation upon novel-writers of a sense of responsibility. If their own genius does not make them high-minded and pure, the chances are that the writing under a sense of moral responsibility will render their works dull and unreadable. Yet we cordially agree with the words quoted by Mr. Forsyth in his conclusion to the effect that the ideals we set before us in fiction, as in other regions of mental and moral activity, can scarcely be too high or too ardently and steadfastly adhered to.

From The Saturday Review.

In attempting to give a sketch of a man who was so emphatically the son of his father, both in thought and work, it is impossible to speak of one without referring to the other. Not only were they la bourers in the same vast field, but for many years of his life Sir John Herschel was engaged in researches which may be looked upon as an extension of those commenced by his father. Born at Slough in 1792, he passed his childhood under the shadow of that giant telescope which his father's skill and indomitable perseverance had erected, and to which the liberality of the King, who endowed the father with a sum of 4001. a year, enabled him to devote all his energies. Here we may stop to remark upon the large amount of immortal work which has been done under analogous conditions. The names of Ptolemy, Galileo, and Tycho at once occur to us as having been similarly aided in the very science which the Herschels have so brilliantly cultivated. How much work is still remaining undone in the presence of exactly the opposite conditions now, when the même inutile of Louis Quatorze is clean forgotten, abstract science is all but an outcast, and "Her Majesty's Government" -the modern King - while indeed it performs its duty in buying pictures, does nothing for the furtherance of natural knowledge, and all too little for its distribution!

John Herschel, indirectly profiting without doubt by this magnificent endowment, and reared in an atmosphere of wonderful discoveries, went to Eton and subsequently to St. John's College, Cambridge, filled with an intense love of his father's pursuits; and, as a result of his early training and his own mental powers, he came out senior wrangler and first Smith's prizeman in 1813, with Peacock as second wrangler, and Babbage-backing out of the battle of giants-captain of the poll. In the same year he sent his first paper to the Royal Society.

Ir is a good sign for England that the death of a scientific man like Sir John Herschel, although he had lived for many years in close retirement, had rarely been seen except by members of his own family and personal friends, and had long given over scientific work of the more serious kind, is felt as a great and national loss. In 1816 we find him engaged in astroHigh and low, rich and poor, lament the nomical work in one of those prolific fields absence of one who has been to most of of observation which his father had opened them little more than a name; first, be- up to an astonished world. The fixed cause the dignity of a life spent in the stars, on which the prestige of immutabilstudy of nature is beginning to assert it-ity had rested after Galileo had snatched

it from the sun, had been found to include on spectrum analysis, for although he some which appeared double or treble, not would certainly, as a result of these exbecause they were in the same line from periments, have anticipated Kirchhoff and the eye, but because they were physically Bunsen, if he had been gifted with that connected, revolving round each other, or kind of genius which dominates the mind rather round a common centre of motion, of the discoverer, his mind was intent upas our earth does round the sun. This, on a great project which he did not delay and an examination of the nebula and to put into execution. This was nothing clusters discovered by his father, engaged less than an endeavour to do for the much of Herschel's attention for some Southern heavens that which his father years, and in conjunction with Sir James and himself had done for the Northern South he presented a paper to the Royal ones. This project he carried into execuSociety, embodying upwards of 10,000 ob- tion in the year 1834, by taking his celeservations on the double stars, which was brated 18 1-2 inch reflector, of 20 feet printed in 1824; and in 1832 a catalogue focal length, made by himself, and a smallof 2,000 nebulæ and clusters was also er refractor, to the Cape of Good Hope, printed in the Philosophical Transactions. and erecting his observatory at FeldhauBut this by no means represents the sum sen, near Table Bay. Here for four years total of his activity during this period. of self-imposed exile his industry was simThe Mathematical papers communicated in ply unparalleled. It requires an intimate 1813 and the following years to the Philo- acquaintance with the working of large sophical Transactions, were soon supple- reflecting telescopes of the construction mented by papers on Chemistry, many of adopted by Sir John Herschel to apprewhich appeared in the Edinburgh Philo-ciate the tremendous labour and patience sophical Journal about 1819. In 1820 involved in the work he had set himself to physical science was added to chemical do. Those who have only seen astronomscience, and Herschel broke ground in his ical observations carried on in an observamany researches on optical questions by a tory where for the most part equatorially paper in the Philosophical Transactions on mounted refractors, with observing chairs the action of crystallized bodies in homo- allowing the utmost ease to the observers, geneous light; while, with astonishing are employed, can form no idea of the exversatility, in 1824 he had sufficiently mas-treme discomfort of him who is perched tered the subject of electricity to deliver high up, on a small stage, standing for the the Bakerian Lecture before the Royal most part in the open air; yet this was Society on the motion produced in fluid Herschel's self-imposed duty, not only in conductors when transmitting the electric his Cape observations, but in the earlier current. We note these incidents merely work to which we have before referred. to show Herschel's many-sidedness in his Such was his industry that he by no scientific work, not by any means to ex- means confined himself to his "sweephaust its list; for this many pages in the ings," double star observations, and Royal Society's Index of Scientific Papers "nightwork" generally. Some of the would have to be quoted. There is one most beautiful drawings of sun spots that item of what may be termed his miscella- we possess are to be found in the volume neous work to which we must specially in which his work is recorded, entitled refer. In 1822 we find him investigating "Results of Astronomical Observations the spectra of coloured flames, and these made during 1834-38 at the Cape of Good researches were carried on, at intervals at Hope, being the Completion of a Teleall events, till 1827, when he wrote, "The scopic Survey of the whole Surface of the colours thus contributed by different ob- Visible Heavens, commenced in 1825"; a jects to flame afford in many cases a ready volume, let us add, which was published and neat way of detecting extremely mi- partly at the expense of the Duke of nute quantities of them." Here we find Northumberland. In addition to all the spectrum analysis almost stated in terms, new knowledge of old nebulæ, and deand yet, although Herschel, Brewster, and scriptions of those he had discovered in Fox Talbot were on the track of the most the Southern hemisphere, Sir John Herbrilliant discovery of our age, the clue schel took advantage of the position at the was lost and little came of their labours. Cape to delineate the magnificent nebulæ It is one thing to make observations, and of Orion, as well as that surrounding another to plan and conduct researches in Argûs, and to determine the places of all a perfectly untrodden field; and it is no the included stars visible in his large indisparagement of Herschel to make this strument. The fidelity of these drawings remark in connexion with his experiments is something wonderful. LIVING AGE. VOL. XXI. 990

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We may fitly complete our notice of Sir | on as if under a spell; there is nothing to John Herschel's work by referring to the cloud the scene. In another kind we have two catalogues which within the last few large knowledge and almost equal fluency, years he has presented to the Royal and but the poetry runs riot into sensationalRoyal Astronomical Societies - one of all ism, and nature is studied under difficulties known nebulæ, in which are brought to- the author, the showman, is everywhere. gether all the observations of Messier, his In yet another kind we find power of writfather, himself, Lord Rosse, Lassell, Bond, ing and some knowledge; but here the and others; the other a seventh catalogue harvest is not for the reader, but for the of double stars, completing the former writer, who therefore hesitates not to spice lists presented to the Royal Astronomical his articles highly, in order that his inacSociety during the years 1827-37. curacies may escape detection by the majority of his readers. We cannot pursue this analysis further; suffice it to say that Herschel's more popular writings were supreme in the highest class. And with all his consciousness of intellectual powers, he was never tempted into the weak vanity of scepticism. Very lately he observed of a well-known work upon the origin of species, that, if its author had only recognized a Creator, he would have made one of the greatest discoveries of science.

So much in brief for Herschel's observational and experimental work. As a scientific writer he was equally diligent. Immediately after taking his degree, in 1813, he commenced writing on mathematical subjects, and afterwards these were changed for physical studies. In the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal and in various encyclopædias articles of unsurpassed excellence and clearness are to be found from his fertile pen, for instance, his articles on Meteorology, Physical Herschel's latest scientific publication Geography, and the Telescope, which have was his Outlines of Astronomy, first pubbeen reprinted in a separate form. Some lished in 1849, a work which would have of this work appeared before he went to almost if not quite sufficed to make the the Cape, as also his Preliminary Discourse reputation of any ordinary man; it has on Natural Philosophy and his Treatise on already run through several editions, and Astronomy. In all these there is evidence has been translated into several languages, of Herschel's great power as a writer, and Chinese among the number. The last of his appreciation of the importance of publication which bears his name was the natural knowledge in itself; while his fruit of that vigorous old age which sought thorough acquaintance with the position recreation in change of occupation; and it of England with regard to science may is characteristic alike of the versatility of probably have had something to do with Herschel's genius and of the immortal inthe fertility of his pen. For instance, interest of the Homeric poems that his final his Treatise on Sound he writes: "In volume should have been a translation of England whole branches of Continental the Iliad into English hexameters. Sir discovery are unstudied, and indeed John Herschel had long been accustomed almost unknown even by name. It is vain to charm his friends by sparkling vers de to conceal the melancholy truth. We are société, and in his leisure hours he would fast dropping behind." This charge, we divert himself with indulging in the comgrieve to say, still holds good, because our position of Latin verse. Governments, existing as they do for po- It is some consolation to know that the litical reasons, care little for the cultiva- great man at whose labours we have raption of science as a means of national idly glanced died full of honours in a ripe advancement. This consideration gives old age. Too often the merits of an Engadditional value to another class of Her-lish man of science are for the first time schel's writings-writings which have en- recognized when he has gone from among deared his name to tens of thousands and us. This was by no means Herschel's case. made it a household word, and have been a powerful engine of instruction and a valuable incentive to scientific study.

His scientific labours received the highest honours which the Royal Society, the Paris Academy of Sciences, and the Royal There are many kinds of popular scien- Astronomical Society can bestow. A bartific writing. In one we find a full knowl- onetcy was conferred upon him on his reedge and complete grasp of the subject turn from the Cape, where, let us add, all associated with a power of manipulating his observations were made at his own exlanguage and a vein of poetry, the greatest pense. St. John's College conferred upon charm of all being the perfect suppression him the first of its Honorary Fellowships; of the writer. The field of nature ex- Oxford granted him her D.Č.L.; and Marplored alone meets the eye, and one reads ischal College, Aberdeen, claimed him as

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its Rector. But he was never President of the Royal Society or of the British Association.

The distinguishing feature of his character was the quality which we can best describe by a very trite but expressive appellation, simplicity. The pride of intellect and the vanity of cleverness qualities different in themselves, though often confounded- were equally absent from his nature, while that self-reliance which is their better counterpart never failed to assert itself. The womanly jealousies and partizanships which too often discredit the career of philosophers were abhorrent to his nature, while in the scramble for titular distinctions his form could never be descried. His spirits were those of a boy, happy not only in the enjoyment of life but in the consciousness of being able to give the highest pleasure to others, while his sympathy was ever ready and ever judicious. We may give a characteristic instance of this quality. If anything à priori might have been thought alien from Herschel's pursuits it would have been the rifle movement, and yet he mainly incited a rural district to organize its corps by standing up in the big room of a country inn, and telling his neighbours at that time much excited by the insolence of Napoleon's colonels-that if we were invaded we must fight like wild cats.

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From The Examiner.


We have yet to hear the true story of the terrible disaster, in which culminated all the previous disasters of Paris and of France, on Wednesday last; and we may expect to find that its circumstances have been far more exaggerated than we already know them to be. Neither Nôtre Dame, the Louvre, nor the Sorbonne, the great historic centres of French religion, art, and literature, have been destroyed. Neither the Tuileries, the Hôtel de Ville, nor the Palais Royal are probably as "utterly reduced to ashes" as M. Thiers and the newspaper correspondents announced. But the best is bad enough; and, when full abatement has been made from the sensational stories of burning palaces and mangled corpses, it may be that the ugly residue of fact will have a yet uglier significance than has yet been attached to it. The lurid flames of Wednesday have, for the present, thrown into the shade the ten weeks' struggle between the National Assembly and the Paris Communists, to which this great catastrophe is a ghastly sequel, if, indeed, it is not rather an episode than a sequel; and a temporary veil has been thrown over the dismal prospect of wretchedness and degradation through which France will certainly have to pass before she can again take her place among the nations of the world. Before long we shall doubtless be weary of talking grandly about the horrors of the catastrophe itself, and of the vague and vindictive denunciations of its real or supposed authors that are now so plentiful, and shall have time to inquire as to its real meaning, and to apportion the blame with some semblance of justice.

It is a welcome indication of the growing feeling of the value and dignity of scientific work that the remains of Sir John Herschel should rest in Westminster Abbey, close to the grave of Newton. Of his private life in his beautiful home of Collingwood, at Hawkhurst in the rich Weald of Kent, we should have much to say if we could bring ourselves to expose to the public gaze the interior of a house- The event is not one to be rightly unhold singular for the unbroken affection derstood by the false light of its own unwhich united all its members, the earnest-natural flames, and still less should we ness and purity of its aims, the talent, the venture to trace out the causes of it by taste, and the gracefulness of all its pur- that light alone. It may be that the remsuits. The lady whom Sir John Herschel nant of the Commune, which remained in made the partner of his life was in every power when the troops from Versailles way worthy of him, with an intellect to broke through the walls of Paris on Monapprehend his deepest studies, a self-for- day; gave orders, open or secret, for this getting devotion to ease every labour, a terrible, wholly indefensible, and most beauty and gentleness which lightened short-sighted vengeance on its conquerors; the philosopher's study with all the charms and, if it did so, we need not greatly wonof graceful happiness. The children who der, as, during the past fortnight and grew up under such auspices reflected the more, every healthy element in the domivirtues and abilities of their parents, nant party has been weeded out, and only while in Alexander Herschel we find the the worst representatives of Red Repubthird generation of a family of science. licanism in its worst form have been suffered to remain. Or it may be that the wanton incendiarism was the act of a few unauthorized madmen, aliens or foreigners,

who, finding that their cherished hopes | effete race of the Valois, poisoned by her were destroyed, chose the cruellest and union with it! Down to the luckless days most senseless means within their power of Marie Antoinette, it was a haunt of of allaying their disapointment. But, royal vice, and a centre of corruption for whoever lit the fires, their real causes must French society, and when the First and not be sought in the Paris of to-day. The the Third Napoleons added to its splen worst that the immediate offenders have dour, they imported into it no virtue. We done has been to apply a match to fuel need not marvel that the most infuriated that other and greater culprits have been of the enemies of the old order of things carefully preparing during many genera- should have resolved to destroy for ever tions. The whole French nation is to the centre of so much mischief, a structure blame; and the blame must chiefly fall on which, in spite of its artistic beauties, was those who have been entrusted with its morally almost as hideous as that Bastile leadership and guidance. The spoliation which their forerunners destroyed in the of M. Thiers's house was a crime; but was time of the First Revolution. And those it not a proper retribution for the criminal other buildings that they have set on fire way in which M. Thiers in time past, pan- are only whited sepulchres. We cannot dered to the national vanity by his pane- palliate the offence of this Vandalism. gyrics of the First Empire, and, in the They who have most at heart the regenpresent, has sought to build up a new eration of France will most strongly deptyranny for France, under the name of Re-recate the temper which has burst out in publicanism? The pulling down of the wanton incendiarism this week, seeing that Vendôme Column was a greater crime; perhaps its most immediate effect will be but was it not a proper retribution for the to delay the advent of new life to the nagreater criminality of the bad man whose tion, and to strengthen a revival of the statue was at its summit, and whose wrong-old tyranny. But it is necessary to redoing during his lifetime was intensified member that the wanton incendiarism is by the vicious folly with which it was carried on by his nephew and successor? The burning of the Tuileries, the Hôtel de Ville, and the other buildings, is a far more monstrous crime; but is it not a proper retribution for the long train of oppression which long lines of tyrants have laid upon France? It is silly. It is wicked. The heart sickens as it hears of the spoliation of these gay trophies of civilization in the centre of European civilization, and yet more of the vicious temper shown in their destruction, and, most of all, of the waste of life and provocation of deadly passions that are attendant upon it. But the men who have done these deeds are not the causers of them, any more than they are the causers of the degradation that now weighs heavily on the whole of France. The Nemesis has been working this week in Paris. The seeds of ruin have been sown in other generations, and this generation is forced to reap the bitter fruit.

There is cruel fitness in the catastrophe, and in the special shape which it has taken. The palace of the Tuileries was the great ornament of Paris, the pride of France, the admiration of all the pleasure-seekers who sought their pleasure in the capital of gaiety and folly. But how many foul scenes have been enacted within its walls since the day when it was built by Catherine de Medici, to be a favourite abode of the Bourbon line which superseded the

only a natural consequence of the treatment to which France has been subjected by Valois and Bourbons alike, and hardly less by the weak kings and false emperors who have succeeded them; and the hideous spectacle of Wednesday will not have been wholly deplorable if, by-and-by, when the passions of the moment are appeased, the stern teachings of history are apprehended, and a new France can be created out of the old France that now writhes in agony.

From The Spectator. BELGIAN POLITICS.

ALTHOUGH the recent war seemed at the outset full of peril for Belgium, one of its indirect results has apparently been to place that country in a more secure position than it previously occupied. The apprehensions which were excited by the publication of the Secret Treaty were certainly not without foundation, and it is easy to conceive that, if the conflict had been for a time more evenly balanced, the Germans might have been tempted to sacrifice Belgium to France as the price of territorial concessions to themselves. As matters have turned out, the Power from which Belgium had always most to fear has been utterly overthrown, while at the same time the other belligerent is now

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