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day give salted crackers, a little fresh fruit and occasionally add a little light wine to the water. Eventually add cookt vegetables, always consulting the palate and the tolerance of the stomach. Buttermilk is fine in most cases, fresh milk frequently objectionable. The physician must learn to individualize his patients' stomachs and apply diatetic principles accordingly. The patient's objections to fasting on the plea of "getting too weak" is readily overruled if we tell the patient that an empty stomach can do no harm, whereas a dilated stomach filled with undigested matter is in and of itself a cause of discomfort and disease.

Irrigation of the colon in the knee-chest position is one of the grandest adjuncts in the treatment of gastric disorder. It should be given at least three times a week. If we keep the transverse colon empty we are bound to relieve many of the pressure-symptoms. Irrigation of the colon is usually followed by a feeling of buoyancy, the effect be ng due to relief of pressure on the nerve-supply posteriorly. Hygienic Measures.-Keep the skin activ by Tonic packs (Briessnitz) or dry-heat baths. Give the cold sponge baths are excellent. patients plenty of sunlight and the more fresh air the better. Exercise must be enforced. In cases of poor circulation general massage (hand massage or vibratory) is to be recommended.

Above all things, train your mind to look for improvement along the lines indicated and not to be misled by the illusory action of digestiv ferments or the directly irritating effect of all so called stomach tonics. The object of all scientific treatment should be to remove causes and not to cover symptoms with the mantle of temporary improvement.


Cincinnati, O.

[This is "getting close to Nature" in a therapeutic sense. One advantage of sanitarium treatment is the prominence usually given to hygienics, exercise, manipulations, electricity, baths, etc., together with control of the habits and diet of the patient, and also the freedom from business cares and the complete change involved by leaving home. larger part of such benefit can be gotten at home by following the directions given in the above article, or by doing the things at home that would be done in a sanitarium. When such measures are used faithfully, skilfully and with confidence, there is very little need for drugs in the majority of chronic cases.-ED.]


A contributor sent an article on the treatment of typhoid fever, emphasizing particularly the deficiency of bile in typhoid. The article is in type, but the name and address of the writer has been misplaced or lost. Will he kindly send same?

Saccharimal; the Modern Nerve Disease. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-This being a newly discovered disease, and probably never having been written upon by any other physician, no synonyms are in use.

Saccharimal may be defined as an alteration in the function and properties of many tissues and fluids of the body, especially the nervous system and the various organs influenced thereby, due to the ingestion of saccharin matter in quantities beyond the capacity of the organism to appropriate.

Its origin, cause, clinical history, and nature are clear, but its special pathology is similar to many conditions as those caused by prolonged intermittent stimulation, such as alcoholic excesses and other drug habits, etc.

The morbid anatomy has not yet been investigated, but no doubt histologic study will show primary congestion followed by secondary anemia, at last succeeded by permanent tissue change of all glands and organs similar to the changes caused by alcoholic excesses.


The etiology being clear, the prevention, management, and removal of the disease is rendered possible. The cause is internal, ordinary, and exciting. It is internal because sugar is ingested that causes the symptoms. is ordinary because all of us are more or less exposed to it. It lurks in all sweet cake and pastry; even breads are contaminated to an uncertain extent with it. Puddings, pies, ice-creams, chocolates, also cocoa, and many other table drinks contain it. Even pickles and catsup are not free from it, to say nothing of its wholesale use in candy and confections. To one who has an idiosyncrasy to sugar, making it a poison as well as a stimulant even in minute quantities, it is almost impossible to eat and live in comfort. It is exciting to those who have that peculiar diathesis, whether inherited or acquired predisposition. Sugar may be used by them merely because of its agreeable taste, or from habit, or because of a craving for stimulants which sugar will temporarily satisfy. As an acquired habit it usually begins in childhood, altho it is not confined to any particular The female sex, being largely excluded by public opinion as well as by legislation from sources of alcoholic stimulation, are most given to sugar excesses. It is largely confined to the so called civilized races, as they alone are subject to the exciting cause.



The clinical history of this disease includes a vast array of symptoms which are not pathognomonic, but which are common to many disThe prodromes are both subjectiv and objectiv. The person influenced has at first a feeling of stimulation; she (I say she because it is usually a female) is exhilarated; she wants to talk or move about; she feels happy and

contented; desires to sing or to play. Slight aches and pains are removed; twinges occur, it at all, less frequently and with less severity; cravings are appeased, and if previously hungry the desire is satisfied. The objectiv signs are very similar to those of any other stimulant in either sex the eyes brighten, the volume and rate of the pulse is increast, the face flushes with a rosier hue, ideas are more imaginativ and words flow more freely; her playing and singing will be more spirited. This stage will last only a few hours, to be followed by corresponding depression, languor, even neuralgic pains, and a craving for more stimulation, but she may not know what. Her friends see that she is listless, peevish, fretful, and disinclined to either mental or physical exertion. The gravity of these acute attacks will be in direct ratio to the amount of sugar ingested and the idiosyncrasy of the patient. Their number and severity will determin the extent of the morbid habit developt.

As the disease becomes chronic, certain other symptoms are developt: headaches, neuralgia, earache, toothaches, myalgias, flashes of light (even with the eyes shut) usually zigzag in shape, dimness of sight, even hemiopia at times; attacks of nasal catarrh, with occlusion of either naris; indigestion due to chronic gastric catarrh, eructation of gas, hyperacidity of stomach, etc. The stomach may be emptied by vomiting, and in an hour or two it will be full again and yet again, after which the full tense pulse, flashes of light, headache, etc., will pass away, leaving the patient weak but well.

The following symptoms occur: palpitation of the heart, a sinking, all-gone feeling, and at times angina-like pains, hypertrophy of the liver, followed by atrophy, yellowish, dirtycolored skin and eyes, constipation, following looseness of the bowels, until physic is habitually resorted to; decaying teeth, mouth clammy in the morning, breath fetid, morning appetite absent, sleep disturbed, awakes tired and miserable, and unfit for the duties of the day; pains in the small of the back, weakness of the limbs, energy quickly exhausted, unable to concentrate the mind, despondent and irritable, even suicidal tendency. these symptoms may not be manifested in each case, but some cases will manifest many more; in fact, all the long array of symptoms attributed to the various neuroses, as a neurasthenia, hypochondria, hysteria, etc. Even the gravest diseases may be mimickt if not actually caused by sugar not oxidized circulating in the blood and other fluids, and poisoning all the tissues of the body.


The secondary processes set up by the alternate stimulation and depression of all the

glandular systems first cause hypertrophy, later followed by atrophy, until no secretion is normal in amount or function, after which a cure cannot be accomplisht even if the patient can be influenced to give up her sweets no more than the chronic alcoholic can be cured by the quitting of his accustomed stimulant.

Death seldom occurs directly from sugar, but the poison may cause death from anemia, asthenia, or even coma from uremia.

The diagnosis of saccharimal is not difficult when you have a comprehensiv knowledge of the symptoms and the fact that sugar will produce them; however, a direct diagnosis is not so easily made as a differential one, or even by exclusion.

The prognosis will usually be favorable as to the symptoms manifested, altho not without partial or total abstinence from sugar.

The treatment must be palliativ and prophylactic. Some persons cannot eat common bread containing very little sugar, even an unnoticeable quantity, without feeling out of sorts for two or three days, after a very slight preliminary stimulation lasting only a few hours. I have known a case whose urin would go down in specific gravity to 1,000 the next day after taking less than a teaspoonful of sugar. In two or three days it would be 1,020, and remain normal until sugar was again administered. In capsules, without the patient's knowledge, the result was always the same as if taken at her own pleasure. In this case prophylaxis meant absolute abstinence from all forms of sugar, including saccharin, during which time all symptoms were entirely absent.

Any treatment that improves oxidation is valuable, as deep breathing, outdoor exercise, or even indoor exercise. Baths, massage, etc., all have their value. The static machine gives excellent results (in my experience) no doubt due to the formation of ozone all over the surface of the skin, which is absorbed, and thus supplies the oxygen in a very activ

[blocks in formation]

A Study of Colocynth. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-The action of colocynthis upon the healthy body exhibits its nervous sphere. Organic changes are not induced by it. It produces neuralgias and hyperesthesias of certain parts of the central and sympathetic systems, notably the trigeminus, the celiac and hypogastric plexi, the lumbar and femoral nerves. Its limited but sharply defined sphere renders it a valuable, indispensable agent when indicated—a statement true, however, of any drug, and emphasizing the necessity of knowing exactly the capabilities and characteristics of monopharmacal drug action.

In accordance with the indications derived from physiological provings of colocynth we should expect, similia similibus curantur, to find the drug useful in the following diseased


Hemicraniae and prosopalgiae proceeding from an exaltation of sensibility, from an excitement dependent on rheumatic, gouty, or gastric irritation, or on congestion of the fifth; in all cases on a purely functional derangement of the sensitiv filaments.

Hemicraniae or prosopalgiae from organic change, as effusions, connectiv tissue hypertrophies, or neoplasms or infiltrations, are untoucht by colccynth. Hence the need for careful differential diagnosis. The colocynth hemicrania follows the frontal nerve and is accompanied by eye pains, often alternating with neuralgias of the celiac plexus. Its prosopalgias have no twitchings of single muscles nor palsy of the affected side, but follow the infraorbital, are frequent, periodic, and accompanied by toothache (neuralgia infraorbitodentalis).

Neuralgia hypogastrica, celiac neuralgia, ischialgia, especially from cold, vexation, or anger, occurring during the period of evolution, complicated with spinal irritation and femoral neuralgia, with hemorrhoidal difficulties, chronic diarrhea, or vermicular symptoms, are likely to be permanently removed by colocynth.

The ischialgiae under the control of this drug are such as are caused by affection of the terminal filaments of the cord; also those arising from cold, violent emotions, from trauma, or connected with gout, supprest hemorrhoids, or complicated with affections of vari ous parts of the celiac plexus. The sciatica is sharp, paroxysmal, crampy in character; is worse on the right side; relieved by warmth and rest; aggravated by motion. The acetabular nerves are most characteristically involved, and the pains shoot down the limb to the foot.

In dysentery presenting the character of a

neurosis, with markt hyperesthesia of the intestins and rectum, and where inflammatory or organic change is not predominant, colocynth is invaluable.

The abdominal, uterin or ovarian colic relieved by colocynth (compare mag. phos.) is violent and agonizing; the patient doubles up and is better from pressure, as lying on belly, leaning over the bed post or chair back; always neuralgic in type. The colic is cutting, griping; the bowels feel squeezed as tho between stones; there is pollakiuria with small discharge; cramps in legs and feet. The stool is commonly first watery and mucous, then bilious, lastly bloody.

The colic is aggravated by cold diet, sour things (eg., green apples), after eating, from fruit, motion, disagreeable emotional states. In a typical colocynth colic a cup of black coffee will often palliate an aggravation, when colocynth may be repeated, if necessary, for the cure. Smoking also rel eves the bowel pains.

To sum up: Colocynth presents and cures a neurotic state in the regions indicated. It is of no use in pure inflammation or organic change. Its colic symptoms are relieved by pressure and bending double; (diosc., bella. by bending backwards; mag. phos. by heat).

Its dose is efficacious in the fourth decimal trituration or dilution, a tablet every hour if necessary, or gtt.x in 1⁄2 glass water, teaspoonful every fifteen minutes in aggravated acute cases. With the first diminution of pain the interval should be greatly lengthened, or the drug stopt according to the judgment of the prescriber.

N. Y. City.


Fistula in Ano.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I have received quite a number of letters from physicians in different parts of the United States since the publication of my article in April WORLD (pages 175 and 176), asking for my treatment of fistula in ano. Samuel Hahnemann was once askt how he treated a certain disease. "I have nothing to do with diseases; I treat individuals," was his reply. I can only reiterate the words of the great philosopher. I do not treat fistula in ano, nor any other pathological condition, but individuals. The above statement, I suppose, is ambiguous to those who have made pathology the basis of their therapeusis. The indication with them when a local manifestation such as that under consideration presents, is to attack it with knife, cautery, ligature, etc. This is what I protest to be the farthest possible remove from rational, scientific treatment. The gentlemen who have askt me to prescribe for their cases of fistula have given me no data at all upon which to base a prescription, and I could suggest nothing in the way of a remedy. This has led me to write a brief outline of what I have found to be the only safe and successful treatment of fistula in ano, or any other local expression of disturbance of vital force. I will give a few of the leading indications of six of the most frequently indicated drugs; but do not forget that any drug in the materia medica may be indicated by the totality of symptoms in the treatment of fistula in ano, and that but one drug is thus called for at one time.

Alumina (pure clay): Is adapted to mild, cheerful

hypochondriacs; spare, thin subjects who are deficient in vital heat. Time passes too slowly; an hour seems like a whole day.

The skin is dry, tettery, itches intolerably when getting warm in bed; scratches until it bleeds, then becomes painful.

Appetite abnormal; craves starch, chalk, charcoal, cloves, coffee and tea grounds, acids, etc. Potatoes always disagree with the alumina case.

Constipation; no desire for and no ability to pass stool until there is a large accumulation of fecal matter. Stool is passed only with the greatest effort; must grasp the seat tightly. Stool hard, knotted, covered with mucus; or it may be soft, clay-like, adhering to the parts. Inactivity of the rectum.

In females: Profuse leukorrhea, running down to the heels; worse in daytime; relieved by cold bathing. After menses physically and mentally exhausted; can scarcely speak.

Fistula in ano accompanied by the foregoing symp toms will be perfectly and permanently cured by the exhibition of alumina potentiated sufficiently high.

Berberis vulgaris: Renal and vesical symptoms predominate under this drug. There is sensitivness to pressure over the kidneys. A prominent characteristic of berberis is a severe cutting pain running from the left kidney thru ureter, bladder, to end of urethra; worse from jar, when sitting, lying, or when fatigued. Burning and soreness, stiffness and lameness in renal region.

Renal colic, particularly the left side.

Urin greenish or blood-red, with transparent, reddish or jelly-like sediment.

Gallstone colic, icterus, clay-colored stools.

The complexion is pale, earthy, cheeks hollow, eyes sunken and blue-encircled.

The berberis patient is usually of a rheumatic or gouty diathesis.

After operations for fistula in ano, if a short, dry cough and other chest symptoms supervene, berberis is often the indicated remedy.

Calcarea carbonicum: One of the greatest of antipsorics, hence often indicated in the treatment of chronic diseases.

Pale, weak, timid, easily tired, disposed to obesity. The muscles are flabby, and the patient sweats easily and profusely, especially the head and shoulders. Very sensitiv to cold air and dampness, taking cold from least exposure.

In children there is mal-assimilation; imperfect ossification, the fontanelles and sutures remaining open; curvature of long bones and spine; difficult dentition, head preternaturally large and sweats 'excessivly, saturating the pillow. The abdomen is very protuberant, the pit of stomach turned out like the bottom of an inverted saucer, and painful to pressure.

Women Menses too early and profuse, protracted; feet always cold and damp, stockings feeling as if wet to the knees. Always complaining of the cold; cannot keep warm even in bed.

The calcarea carbonicum feels better in every way when constipated.

Craving for eggs is a markt peculiarity of this drug. Milk disagrees and is vomited in sour curds. All the secretions and excretions are acid.

Pain in right chest; mucous rales, more right side; purulent expectoration; great emaciation and sweat; dyspnea, especially on going up stairs; dry cough at night, looser during the day; expectoration tastes sweetish.

Skin unhealthy; slight wounds suppurate.

Causticum: Weakly, psoric individuals, with very yellow, sallow complexion; prone to affections of respiratory and urinary tracts. The skin is unhealthy, old cicatrices repeatedly reopening and suppurating. Tendency to rawness and soreness of the scalp, throat, lungs, rectum, vagina, uterus, etc.

Melancholia; sad, hopeless, with much weeping; for results of long lasting sorrow; also for effects of sudden emotions, fear, fright, joy, anger, etc.

Weakness of vesical sphincter; spurts urin when coughing, sneezing, laughing, etc.

Cough, with rawness, soreness in the chest; inability

to expectorate; must swallow sputa. Hoarseness, with rawness; aphonia; worse in the morning.

Restless at night; must keep constantly moving, but moving does not relieve.

Women: Menses too early and scanty. Flows only during the day; ceases when lying down. (Pulsatilla, flow increased when lying.)

Paralysis of single parts: vocal cords, tongue, eyelids, face, extremities, generally right side; from exposure to cold, wind or draft; sequela of typhoid, typhus or diphtheria; comes on gradually.

Rheumatism, with contractions of tendons and stiffness of joints; tension and shortening of muscles.

Warts: Large, rough, often pedunculated, bleed easily, exude moisture. There may be many small ones all over the body, face, eyelids, nose, etc. Aggravation in clear, fine weather; cold air and drafts from getting wet and bathing.

Better in damp, wet weather, and in warm air. Kali carbonicum: Especially adapted to elderly people with tendencies to dropsies and paralysis.

The pains of this drug are darting, stitching, worse during rest and when lying on the painful side-the exact opposit of bryonia alb.

Cannot bear to be toucht; jumps at the slightest touch, especially on the feet.

Afraid to be left alone.

Edematous swelling of upper eyelids.

Dry, racking coughing, with vomiting of food; worse at 3 or 4 o'clock a.m.; cutting pains thru the lungs. Stomach feels as if it would burst after eating. Food all seems to be converted into gas.

A frequently indicated drug in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Silicea: Another great antipsoric. Like calcarea carbonicum, adapted to scrofulous, rachitic children. Anxious, yielding, fainthearted people. Mental labor very difficult and exhausting.

Swelling and suppuration of glands, cervical axillary, parotid, mammary, inguinal, etc.

Chronic sick headache. Pain ascends from nape of the neck to vertex, locating in one eye, usually the right; worse from the slightest draft of air; must keep the head warmly wrapt up. Better from tight bandaging.

Like calcarea carb., sweats profusely about the head. Constipation from inertia of rectum. The stool when partially expelled slips back into the rectum again.

Unhealthy skin, every slight wound suppurating. Nails of fingers and toes grey, dirty as if decayed, scattering like powder when cut and splitting into layers. Offensiv perspiration of hands and feet and axillæ. Intolerable, carrion-like odor of the feet.

Fistula in ano alternates with chest symptoms. And so I might run on indefinitly, for almost any drug in the materia medica may be indicated in the treatment of fistula in ano. I have given but a few of the leading characteristics of six of the drugs most frequently indicated in the treatment of the individual who has among other symptoms the condition under consideration. I have yet to meet a patient with fistula in ano who does not exhibit symptoms that point to constitutional dyscrasia; and he who thwarts this conservativ effort on the part of Nature with knife, ligature or cautery, is on a par with him who weights down the escape valve of a surcharged steam boiler. Possibly the boiler may be tough enuf to endure the strain, but how foolhardy and senseless to subject it to such strain. Our great work on materia medica, Hering's Guiding Symptoms, has nearly six thousand pages of symptomatology which no human being can memorize. It can only be managed by the use of repertories. the use of repertories the work is wonderfully simplified, and that which appeared chaotic becomes the pleasantest, most fascinating study known to man. To stop at this statement would leave the uninitiated as much at sea as ever; so if the readers of THE WORLD wish it, I will take a bonafide case and demonstrate how the use of the repertory will unerringly lead to the indicated drug. All who are interested in this subject please drop me a postal to that effect. That will give me an idea of "where I am at." S. E. CHAPMAN. Watsonville, Cal.


Self-Repairing Capacity of Organized Bodies. "I've Tried It."

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Normal organic bodies, when crippled, possess the power of evolutionizing themselves back into their normal state.

In consequence of this, it is incontrovertible that the great majority of diseases would recover sooner or later without the use of medicin.

As physicians, we practise a great deal of medicin and other things, avowedly to cure disease, but if the veil to the inner courts" could be raised for a moment, and we could see the utter worthlessness of many of our procedures and the actual elements at work in this reinstating process, no doubt the revelation would make us stand amazed.

This reconstructing or self-righting capacity in human bodies is so strong that much inert or even damaging medication may be indulged in and still the healing processes occur. The healing under such circumstances is not really a cure by medicin, but simply a "getting well" by Nature. This self-righting power does its work while the ignorant savage chants and sings and dances, believing that he is thus frightening away the disease. This same power does its silent but sure work while the faith curist is ignorantly delivering his manual passes and uttering his prayers in the belief that he is thus convening the gods to snatch the sufferer from the clutches of death.

This same self-righting capacity relieved many a sufferer in the past, even while his doctor was bleeding, blistering and salivating him in the delusiv hope that these perversions were curing the disease.

Even today this self-righting capacity is doing its work while so called high authority is circumcising healthy babies, punching holes in spinal cords, excising turbinated bones, cutting out healthy ovaries and appendices, injecting innocent babes with diseased serums and viruses of one sort and another, and calling it all curing or preventing disease.

This self-righting capacity does its work while the silly old woman is rubbing "black cat's grease" on the babies of her neighborhood for every conceivable ailment, and swearing at the same time that nothing but the "black" cat would do the work.

This same power is the curativ agent when the patent medicin vender with a single remedy for all ailments gains a wonderful reputation for "curing " everything that comes his way.

This same power does its work when the deluded fellow with a thousand remedies for each disease plies his busy course chasing the various symptoms as they come and go, all the time imagining that he is waging heavy warfare with the cohorts of disease.

To every fake, ancient or modern, to every method, however forceless or however hurtful, this self-righting capacity has furnisht innumerable recoveries; and thoughtless people, doctors included, have as often refused to place the credit where credit is due.

All these various means, inert or foul, thus become ingrafted into the practises of men who say I've tried it," and who look no further for the rational fitness of their methods. When the thinkless man sees a patient recover while a given means is applied, he swears that his means did the curing and is ready to fight you if you say no" and attempt to show him that it is contrary to creativ designs. From past experience many things we know are true, regardless of any man's present experience.

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It is easy to conceive that the users of inert medicins (like 30x salt for instance) would see more nice natural recoveries from disease than would be seen by the heavy drugger or reckless cutter. Hence it is that under the various faith practises, suggestiv methods and high potency (?) remedies, the great majority of sick people recover nicely, naturally, and sometimes marvelously, while the liberal cutter or drugger is left to bite his lips in chagrin.

The sin of doing too much is undoubtedly more monstrous than the sin of doing too little. Human minds are prone to extremes. It is only a normal judgment based on the normal designs of creation that can hold us in the "straight and narrow way" of truth. Infinitesimals are one extreme and big doses the other.

According to some letters, lately received, my little squib in January WORLD on "Dilutionists" seems to have, in their own language, "jarred" some of our homeopathic brethren. They did not exactly construe properly. Some seemed to think that I had attackt everything in their school, when, in truth, I could have meant only the high potency fellows, and I mentioned no remedy but salt. Dilution and trituration are reasonable in certain bounds. I use them.

I have just been trying to say some good things about small doses, but want to say further that when salt is really needed as a medicin, it is folly to give the 30x trituration. Give "salt" if it is needed, but when a man has had it regularly, three times a day, in sensible quantities, don't be so visionary as to think that 30x in grain doses every other day is the one thing still in demand.

Again, however, if you are going to give such things as the poisonous extracts from centipedes, tarantulas, spiders, cobras, rattlesnakes, mad dogs, etc., or any other virus, or diseased serum, or extracts, for God's sake continue to give them in 30x or 200x, and even then they would all be better still if thoroly heated in the crucible before administration. For all such relics of heathenism and barbarism as these, dilutionists of the high type are the acme of perfection.

You homeopaths have done quite a good work for humanity, in contending to the world that these things work better in the high dilutions. From you we should accept the experimental proof in case we are unequal to the intellectual task of discarding it theoretically. Many other things you have taught us about small doses.

Dilutionists believe in the real efficacy of 30x salt. Let me state something mathematically certain about 30x salt. If our earth were a complete mass of sugar of milk (8,000 miles in diameter, remember), and we had five such globes of milk sugar and could roll and tumble them about and grind them well up with one little grain of salt, then the whole mass would be what these dilutionists would call 30x salt. Think of it! Five worlds, each the size of our earth, with one grain of salt mixt in with the whole!

This is what dilutionists would ask intelligent men to consider as activ medicin. Mathematically, a quantity infinitly small is put down at zero. The salt contained in a grain of such a mixture is certainly infinitly small, and is absolutely nothing. If this sort of a demonstration does not appeal to a mind, then such a mind, it seems to me, is incapable of conceiving of the force of mathematical certainties, and is open to the reception of any falsely conceived notion that might be presented. The bulwark of mental self-protection in such a mind is entirely broken down. A conclusion drawn by such a mind from any sort of an experiment would lack the savor of a rational basis.

We could give such attenuations of salt, and often our patients would recover, proving, not the efficacy of the attenuation, but the efficacy of the self-righting ability in human organisms.

The proof against the activity of 30x salt is immensely stronger than would be found for it in the getting well of dozens of patients who had taken 30x salt, for in all these the recovery might have been the result of applied hygienic and dietetic laws in connection with the self-correcting tendency of the body.

These dilutionists raise their hands in holy horror and shout "Oh, we have 10,000 intelligent men prescribing 30x salt and proving every day that it is activ." Bigger crowds than this have been known to hug errors for many centuries.

Now the truth is, it does not require intelligence to give a dose of medicin to a patient and then conclude that his actions after that were all the result of that dose, but it does require intelligence to give a dose of medicin and then decide which if any of the following symptoms are really the result of the dose.

It does not require an intelligent mind to make an experiment in merely giving a simple remedy, but it does require intelligence to draw rightful conclusions therefrom.

It does not require mental ability to give some one of the thousand patent medicins in existence and then spread glowing testimonials as to its inestimable

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