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vice. And this is the most lamentable of all the effects of party-spirit. Thus I, who certainly could boast of as fair titles as ever man could, to the benevolence of my species, in every part of the world, found myself hunted by a kind of dumb persecution, for no other reason on earth than because I had already been the victim of my own generosity, and the perfidy of my enemies.

Instead of finding any elucidation of my new position, I was here more in the dark than ever: nor did I know to whom to apply for aid. For chusing to be of no party, I had claims on none. The merchants of my own country, who carried on their commerce by connivance, were afraid to serve me, for fear of mischief to themselves. I early applied to one of them most noted for liberality, and he refused to have any thing to do with my signature, but offered to lend me a small sum of money, which I refused upon such terms. such terms. It is fair to say that I had thought it just to apprise him of that diabolical act of parliament, which made it felony to correspond with


This I conceived it but candid to do: and it had alarmed him probably for his friends who resided in Ireland, and were under the scourge of the laws made by that ever memorable parliament. I confessed to him also that my servant had been tortured with impunity; and it is not to be wondered at that he should fear, after such information, to do an act which otherwise, among civilised beings, was but a thing of course.

I was one morning sitting up in my bed, ruminating on this disagreeable subject, when it came into my recollection that there was here a house of commerce, of which the principal was a Mr. Forster, whose son I had known in Oporto; and whom I knew to be the correspondent of several of my friends in the North of Ireland, as well as of Mr. Skeys, who, with the privity of the Irish government, had given me letters of recommendation and credit in Portugal. I rose and went to his house, and introduced myself under these titles. I briefly and frankly exposed my situation to him. I found him at first not divested of the common prejudices; but I cut short his animadversions by shewing him all my passports and some letters of his correspondents. I then asked him if he would give me the sum of money I should have need of upon my bill? to which he consented.

The usual manner of drawing upon my country, during the war, was under a fictitious date. With this form I did not chuse to comply: but for the safety of all concerned, I drew upon the same Mr. Skeys for the sum of fifty pounds, dating my draft Bordeaux and under my signature I wrote, in nature of protest, that I had been sent there from Lisbon against my written and verbal protestation to the contrary and that I was now in nature of a prisoner on parole, under the surveillance of the police. And indeed, so true was this fact, that for eighteen months that I inhabited Bordeaux and its neighborhood, I was constantly held by my passport to present myself eve

ry ten days before the municipality. I am at the same time far from complaining of that circumstance. I see nothing but justice in it, as my claim went no further than to the hospitality due, even in time of war, to a persecuted stranger.

Although the service I received from Mr. Forster, namely, the discounting my bill, does not seem very important: yet, considering the refinement of my persecution, and the unabating rancor of which you will see more towards the conclusion of this narrative, I have reason to be very grateful for it. But such was the effect of terror, such the abuse of power towards me, that had not this very respectable gentleman done me this good office, I have reason to think I should not at that juncture have found so much liberality elsewhere. Another act of kindness no less important was added to the obligation, that of forwarding to my family some account of my existence, and apprising the government in my name, which he undertook to do of what had past.

I wrote besides to Mr. Skeys, upon whom I had drawn, a letter of advice, in which I requested him to reimburse himself, by drawing upon my brotherin-law in Belfast; and I left the protest to work its own effect. I also wrote to Mr. Dobbs, to apprise him of the atrocities committed against me; and entreated him, not merely as my kinsman, but as one who had borne an active part in the melancholy negociation abovementioned, to go to the castle, and relate what had passed; and to say, that if any step was taken to molest me further, or to injure my se

curities, that I should then be obliged of necessity, to vindicate myself by showers of proofs which might not be agreeable. Mr. Dobbs went accordingly to Mr. Cooke, who told him, that if the representation I made was true, my bail had nothing to fear, and his advice to me was, to remain quietly where I was, without taking any further steps.

It was in the latter end of July, that Mr. Forster sailed for Guernsey, from whence he was to proceed to England. And I, finding the party spirit encreasing in the town of Bordeaux, and considering it my first duty to avoid entering in any manner into the affairs of a country where I was enjoying, by a special exception in my favor, protection and hospitality: and being also desirous of an economical retreat, I retired to the banks of the Dordogne, in the neighbourhood of St. André Cusac, where I spent the remainder of the summer. And so well had I calculated what was about to happen, that the very day af ter my quitting Bordeaux, a movement took place which cost some lives, but which had no other result. It was during my residence in this retired spot, that I had the misfortune to loose my faithful servant, John Russell, who died of a fever, and was buried in the church-yard of St. Gervais, bearing upon his body to the grave, the marks of the torture he had undergone.

The death of this faithful friend, for so I must now call him, was indeed a poignant affliction. With a heart big with anguish, and eyes wet with unfeigned tears, I examined his dead body, and contemplated

the scars which the lash of his atrocious executioners had inflicted. His gallant and generous spirit was fled to the mansions of eternal rest! He was gone to appear before that Judge, in whose sight, servant and master, lord and peasant, stand in equal degree. If it be the will of that Righteous and Eternal Judge, to confront the guilty with the innocent, what must be the wretchedness, what the atonement of those vicious men? In the whole course of his services, I had never once opened my mouth to him upon any subject of political concern; and the unvaried, and voluntary respect he bore towards me, was a law which he had never once transgressed. He was as gentle as he was brave-and the most respectable inhabitants of the commune where he died, did not refuse to his memory the tribute of a tear. It was not for many days after, that mine ceased to flow and when again on examining his effects, I perceived in one of his frocks, the hole through which the cartridge of the Orangeman in Abbey-street had pierced. That additional token of his magnanimity revived those emotions of grief and sorrow, which my own personal sufferings had never been able to extort.


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