"Peace is despaired." (i. 660.) "Of Javan's issue held gods." (i. 508.) "What doubt we to incense his utmost ire?" (ii. 94.) "since our present lot appears For happy though ill, for ill not worst." (ii. 224.) 5. On Metre. Point out anything noteworthy in the rhythm of the following lines: i. 195; i. 159; i. 28; i. 82; i. 329; i. 38; ii. 207; ii. 626; ii. 4. 6. On the Action, Scene, and Characters of the poem. The questions under 3 deal also with this subject in a somewhat different way. a. What sort of names does Milton give the fallen angels and for what reason? b. In what two-fold fashion do Sin and Death appear in the poem? c. What is the meaning of the names Satan and Lucifer? What appropriateness have they to their bearer ? d. What place have Chaos, Night, Orcus, Ades, Demogorgon in the poem ? e. State briefly the action of the poem. in it is held by Books i. and ii. What place 7. On Milton's Poetic Manner. a. Give some examples of characteristic Miltonic phrases. b. Give some examples of conventional epic diction. c. What are epic similes? d. How does Milton use geographical names? e. Quote and comment upon some particular description as i. 589 foll. 8. On Milton's Life and Work in general. a. What different periods are to be noted in Milton's life and what distinguishes them? b. Why did Milton write his prose pamphlets? c. What is the main idea running through his great poems? d. What was Milton's relation to the Commonwealth? e. What is the relation of Milton's prose to his poetry? Such questions as these may fairly be asked to test a student's knowledge of a poem. Some of them will offer an opportunity for him to show his appreciation of it; but an examination is not a good means of testing poetic appreciation, nor was it devised for that purpose. 1629. Ode on Christ's Nativity (written). 1631. Epitaph on Marchioness of Winchester. L'Allegro and Il Penseroso (written?). 1608. Shakspere, Coriolanus (?); Beaumont and Fletcher (?), Philaster. 1608. Fuller, Clarendon born; Sackville died. 1609. Shakspere, Son- 1609. Suckling born. nets. 1610. Shaksperé, Tem pest; G. Fletcher, Christ's Victory, etc.; Chapman, Iliad (I.XII.); J. Fletcher, Faithful Shepherdess. 1611. King James Version of Bible completed. 1613. W. Browne, Britannia's Pastorals (Part I.). 1614. Raleigh, History of the World. 1616. Drummond, Poems; Jonson, First Folio; Webster, Duchess of Malfi (acted). 1620. Bacon, Novum Organum. 1621. Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy. 1612. Butler, Montrose born. 1613. Cleveland, Jer. Taylor, Crashaw (?) born. 1614. H. More born. 1615. Baxter, Denham born. 1616. Shakspere, F. Beaumont died. 1618. Lovelace, Cowley born; Raleigh, Syl vester died. 1619. Daniel died. 1621. Marvell born. 1622. Drayton, Poly- 1622. Vaughan born. olbion (complete); Wither, Mistress of Philarete. 1623. Shakspere, First 1623. G. Fletcher died. Folio. 1625. Bacon, Essays (final form). 1626. Sandys, Ovid. 1625. James I, Lodge, J. Fletcher died. 1626. Bacon died. 1628. Bunyan born. 1631. G. Herbert, The 1631. Drayton, Donne died; Dryden born. Temple. 1655. Fuller, Church History. 1659. Cleveland, Poems. 1660. Pepys' Diary begun; Dryden, Astræa Redux. 1663. Butler, Hudibras (Part I.). 1667. Dryden, Essay of Dramatic Poesy. 1658. Cromwell, Love- 1661. Fuller died; De- 1668. Davenant, Den- 1669. Dryden, Tyran- 1669. Prynne died. nic Love. |