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Cf. Pericles, iii. I. I: "These surges, That wash both heaven and hell."

104. avertit (sc. se; cf. v. 158, note), dat: the subject is prora. The prow by turning away is said to cause the broaching-to.

105. cumulo, abl. of manner; cf. v. 83.

106. his § 376 (235); B. 188, 1; G. 350, 2; H. 425, 4 (384, 12); H.-B. 366.

107. aestus, the seething flood (originally the boiling of heated water). - arenis: the water is turbid with sand; they are approaching the Syrtes (see v. 111).

108. Notus: cf. note on Aquilone, v. 102.-torquet, hurls: the word is usually applied to the hurling of a spear, from the revolving motion (like that of a rifle ball) given by the thong wound round it. latentia, hidden by the roaring waves: in calm they are visible (dorsum immane, v. 110) at the surface. These reefs are supposed to lie just outside the Bay of Carthage.

109. Parenthetical: rocks like what, in midwater, the Italians call "altars," not necessarily this particular group, which they probably knew nothing about.

110. Eurus: cf. notes on vV. 102, 108.

III. in brevia et Syrtis, shoals and quicksands, i.e. probably the shoals of the great Syrtis; but Virgil has evidently compressed the northern coast of Africa from south to north. - visu: § 510 (303); B. 340, 2; G. 436; H. 635, 1 (547); H.-B. 619, I.

112. aggere, embankment: a figure from military operations; ships drawn up on land were thus intrenched (cf. castris, iv. 604).

114. ipsius: i.e. Æneas, the leader himself; cf. the common ipse dixit. - ingens pontus: like our phrase "a heavy sea."-a vertice: the phrase, as often, belongs properly with the verb, but in sense serves as an adj.

115. puppim: § 75, b (56, b); B. 38, 1; G. 57; H. 102 (62); H.-B. 88, 1.-excutitur, is thrown overboard: the regular term for being thrown from a chariot or horse, etc.

116. ter: the number is proverbial ("three times round went our gallant ship").

117. rapidus, greedy (cf. rapio, seize). - aequore: locative abl.

118. rari, scattered, i.e. the drowning crew.

119. arma: shields, for instance, would float visibly for a while; but the word may refer to any equipments.

121. qua: instrumental ablative; § 409 (248, c); B. 218; G. 401; H. 476 (420); cf. H.-B. 446, 1.

122. laxis compagibus (instrumental abl.), with loosened joints. 123. imbrem: properly rain-flood; but here water in general. — rimis: abl. of manner; cf. vv. 83, 105.

124. murmure: abl. of manner.

126. stagna refusa: i.e. the still waters beneath were forced forth (lit. poured back) upon the surface. vadis abl. of separation; § 400 (243); B. 214; G. 390, N.o; H. 466 (414, N.1); H.-B. 410, 2.—commotus, disturbed, inwardly; but as a god he must be represented with placidum caput (cf. v. 11). — alto: locative abl. or possibly abl. of separation.

127. unda: abl. of separation.

128. aequore: cf. v. 29.

129. caeli ruina, the wreck of the sky: the violent rain is regarded as an actual downfall of the sky itself.

130. fratrem: obj. of latuere, were hidden from ; § 396, c (239, d); H.-B. 391, 1, b. — doli, irae: her craft (known to him as her brother), and the wrath which led to its exercise.

131. dehinc: here monosyllabic.

132. generis fiducia vestri, confidence in your origin: the winds were the sons of Aurora and the Titan Astræus; and so on one side of divine origin, and on the other sprung from the rivals of the gods.

133. iam, at length, with the notion of a gradual progression, the regular force of the word. — caelum, etc.: cf. Paradise Lost, iv. 452–453 : I heard the wrack,

As earth and sky would mingle.

134. miscere: § 456 (271); B. 328, 1; G. 423; H. 607 (533); H.-B. 586. 135. quos ego: he leaves the threat to their imagination; he can spare no time for words. Such a break is called aposiopesis, i.e. a sudden silence § 641 (386); G. 691; H. (637, xi, 3); H.-B. 632, 16.—componere: § 452 (270); B. 327, 1; G. 422; H. 615 (538); H.-B. 585.

136. post, hereafter. — commissa, your misdeeds. non simili poena (abl. of instrument), no penalty like this. —luetis, atone for: the word signifies the payment of a debt or fine (the true meaning of poena).

139. sorte datum: sc. esse: § 580 (336, 2); B. 314, 1; G. 650; H. 642 (523, i); H.-B. 533. Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto were said to have chosen their realms by lot.

140. vestras though addressing Eurus, he includes them all. : as a king, he must have his court somewhere.

- aulā :

141. clauso: i.e. reign over the imprisoned winds, without power to let them loose.

142. dicto: § 406, a (247, b); cf. B. 217, 4; H. 471, 7 (417, N.5); H.-B. 416, e, ftn.1.

144. Cymothoë, a sea nymph, and Triton, Neptune's trumpeter ("the herald of the sea"), blowing a conch shell, are mentioned to suggest all the minor sea divinities. "Scaly Triton's winding shell" (Comus, v. 873). "Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn" (Wordsworth, Sonnet, "The World is," etc.). Spenser mentions " lightfoot Cymothoe" and all the rest of the fifty Nereids by name in the Faery Queen, iv. 11. 48-51, adding:

All these the daughters of old Nereus were,
Which have the sea in charge to them assinde,
To rule his tides, and surges to uprere,

To bring forth stormes, or fast them to upbinde,
And sailors save from wreckes of wrathfull winde.

adnixus, pushing against the ships.

145. scopulo: abl. of separation. -levat: using the trident as a "lever."

146. syrtis: the sand-banks piled against the ships; cf. v. 112.

147. levibus, light, skimming the surface. —rotis: abl. of manner. 148. veluti, just as: introducing the first and one of the most celebrated of Virgil's similes. The ferocity of a mob and the power of eloquence were things very familiar to the Romans. For a Roman riot quelled in this way, see the lively scene with which Shakspere's Coriolanus opens. - magno in populo: the greater the crowd the more striking the effect. — saepe belongs properly to the whole idea, and so is equivalent to as often happens.

149. seditio, revolt, lit. a going apart (=se-itio). — animis (abl. of manner), with passion: cf. v. 56, note. — ignobile, mean or obscure, lit. of no recognizable standing (in-gnosco).

150. iam: see note, v. 133. faces: Rome, then largely built of wood, was very vulnerable to this favorite weapon of the mob.

151. tum: correl. with cum, v. 148.— gravem, of weight or influence. — meritis, services (to the state). — si quem belongs with virum.

152. conspexere: plur. because here the individuals are thought of, though a collective noun is used before. — adstant, stand by (attentive).

153. regit... animos, sways their minds by words (addressed to their reason); pectora mulcet, calms their passion (whose seat is in the breast; cf. note to v. 36). — mulcet: used originally of the stroking of an animal, and so of soothing the blind passion of the crowd.

154. fragor, crash of the breakers (frango).

155. caelo: locative abl.-curru: dat.; § 89 (68); B. 49, 2; G. 61, N.2; H. 131, 4 (116); H.-B. 97, 2.- secundo, smoothly gliding (lit. following [the horses]: old participial form sequendo).


157. quae proxima (sc. erant), the nearest.

158. vertuntur, turn: used in the reflexive or "middle" sense (cf. Tрéжоua), expressed in English by the active form and in Latin more commonly by the passive; but the active is also common in the same sense after Cicero's time (cf. v. 104); § 156, a (111, a); B. 256, 1; G. 219; H. 517 (465); H.-B. 288, 3.

160. obiectu, interposition, i.e. an island makes a harbor by interposing its shores, against which every billow breaks, dividing and rolling

FIG. 4.

back in two curving (sinus) reflected waves.— quibus: abl. of instrument; § 409 (248, c); B. 218; G. 401; H. 476 (420); H.-B. 423.

162. rupes: the rocky shore in general; scopuli, peaks or headlands. Scopulus (σKÓTEλos, from σκοπέω) is a rock suitable for a look-out, a borrowed word; the corresponding


Latin form, speculum, has a different sense. - gemini, twin, i.e. corresponding, one on each side. For the whole description, cf. Od. xiii. 96; Bry. 117; also ix. 136; Bry. 164.

164. scaena: properly the decorated wall (frons scaenae) at the back of the stage in Roman theatres; here, the background of woods and hills as seen from the shore (see Fig. 4). - silvis: abl. of quality; S415 (251); B. 224; G. 400; H. 473, 2 (419, ii); H.-B. 443; cf. scopulis, v. 166, a dark forest with bristling shade (referring to the forms of the firs, etc.), like a scene with waving woods, juts over from above. Cf. Akenside, Pleasures of the Imagination, ii. 277:

Aloft, recumbent o'er the hanging ridge,

The brown woods waved, etc.

165. umbra: abl. of manner.

Cf. Comus, vv. 37-39:
This drear wood,

The nodding horror of whose shady brows
Threats the forlorn and wandering passenger.

Paradise Lost, i. 296:

A pathless desert, dusk with horrid shades.

166. scopulis (abl. of quality): i.e. it is a cave of overhanging rocks.

167. aquae dulces, fresh springs (opposed to amarae, brackish or salt): cf. Tennyson, Enoch Arden: "Where the rivulets of sweet water ran." — vivo saxo, living rock, i.e. in its natural site, and so sharing in the common life of nature; saxo is abl. of material: § 403 (244); cf. B. 224; G. 396, N.3; H. 470 (415, iii); H.-B. 406, 4, a.

170. omni ex numero: twenty in all (v. 381); one was lost; twelve were scattered but afterwards came to shore (v. 393).

171. amore: abl. of manner.

172. Troes: § 82 (64); B. 47, 2; G. 66, 4; H. 109 (68); H.-B. 95. — arenā: § 410 (249); B. 218, 1; G. 407; H. 477 (421, i); H.-B. 429.

173. sale tabentis, dripping with the brine (abl. of means).

174. silici, from flint: § 368, a (229, c); B. 188, 2, d; G. 345, R.1; H. 428 (385, 4); H.-B. 371, b.

175. foliis, dry leaves, used as tinder: § 409 (248, c); B. 218; G. 401; H. 476 (420); cf. H.-B. 446, 1.

176. nutrimenta: anything that would keep the spark alive,—chips, stubble, etc.; § 364 (225, d); B. 187, 1, a; G. 348; H. 426, 6 (384, 2); H.-B. 376, b. — rapuit, etc., he kindled a blaze in dry fuel. The word seems to refer to the sudden bursting out of the flame.

177. Cererem, corn: identified with the goddess herself by the so-called figure metonymy; cf. Bacchi, v. 215. — corruptam, damaged. — arma, utensils, such as hand-mills (saxa), baking pans, etc.

178. expediunt: i.e. from the ships.—fessi rerum, weary of toil: they are eager to catch ever so short a respite. For genitive, see § 349, d (218, c); B. 204, 4; G. 374, N.o; H. 451, 2 (399, iii); H.-B. 354, c. - receptas, recovered from the sea.

179. torrere, to parch, before grinding or bruising (frangere): the wet grain would particularly need it.

180. scopulum conscendit: cf. Od. x. 146; Bry. 176.

181. pelago locative abl. - Anthea si quem videat, [to see] if he can see any [thing of] Antheus: indir. quest.; § 576, a (334, ƒ); B. 300, 3; G. 460, b; H. 649, ii (529, 1); thea, see § 81 (63, ƒ); B. 47, 1; 183. Capyn: § 82 (63, g); H. 68, 2; H.-B. 95, d.

H.-B. 582, 2 and a.
G. 65; H. 109 (68);

perhaps arranged in order along the quarter.

184. cervos: see Od. x. 158; Bry. 190.

[blocks in formation]

For the form An-
H.-B. 95.

-arma, shields,

188. tela: § 307, e (201, d); B. 251, 4; G. 616, 2; H. 399, 5 (445, 9);

H.-B. 327.

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