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" Antiseptic, Antizymotic, and Disinfectant. Useful as a General Sprinkling Powder, With positive Hygienic, Prophylactic, and Therapeutic Properties. GOOD IN ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE SKIN. Sold by the Drug Trade generally. Per Box, plain, 250. "
Physician and Surgeon: A Professional Medical Journal - Side 2
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Medical Brief, Bind 19

1891 - 1404 sider
...Acids. PROPERTIES: — Antiseptic, fectant. Antlzymotlc and DisinUseful as a GENERAL SPRINKLING FOWDÇK, with positive Hygienic, Prophylactic and Therapeutic properties. Good in All Affections of the Skin. Solil by the Drug Trade generally. Per Box, plain, 25c. ; Per Box. perfumed, 50с. Per Dozen, plain,...
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Hall's Journal of Health and Miscellany, Bind 40,Oplag 6

1893 - 36 sider
...: -Silicate of Magnesia with Carbolic and Salicylic Acids. PROPERTIES :— Antiseptic, Antizymotic, and Disinfectant. Useful as a GENERAL SPRINKLING POWDER,...Sold by the Drug Trade generally. Per box, plain, 25 cents ; perfumed, 50 cents. P<-r dozen, plain," $1.75 ; perfnmed, $3.50. The Manufacturer; JULIUS...
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Pacific Medical Journal, Bind 37

1894 - 886 sider
...and Salicylic Acid. PROPERTIES : — Antiseptic, Antizymotic and Disinfectant. USEFUL AS A 6ENERAL SPRINKLING POWDER, With positive Hygienic, Prophylactic,...Box, plain, 25c.; perfumed, 50c. Per Dozen, plain, $1.76; perluniecf, $3.50. THE MANUFACTURER; JULIUS FEHR, MD ANCIENT PHARMACIST, HOBOKKN. - - - NJ Only...
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The Medical Brief: A Monthly Journal of Scientific Medicine and Surgery, Bind 26

1898 - 1016 sider
...Magnesia with Carbolic and Salicylic Acids. Antiseptic, Antizymotic and Disinfectant. A general Dusting Powder, with positive Hygienic Prophylactic and Therapeutic properties. GOOD IN ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE SKIN. BEWARE. The original 13 put up in round paper boxes only, thus avoiding the posslbilit}' of Lead poisoning...
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The Medical Bulletin: A Monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery, Bind 17

1895 - 630 sider
...COMPOSITION:— Silicate of Magnesia with Carbolic and Salicylic Acids. PROPERTIES :— Antiseptic, Antizymotic, and Disinfectant. Useful as a GENERAL SPRINKLING POWDER,...Therapeutic properties. GOOD IN ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE SKIN. PER BOX, PLAIN, 85 Cents ; PERFUMED, BO Cents. PKR DOZ., PLAIN, B1.75 J PERFUMED, S3.5O. SOLD BY THE...
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Southern Practitioner: An Independent Monthly Journal ..., Bind 15,Oplag 2

1893 - 78 sider
...Magnesia with Carbolic and Salicylic acids. PROPERTIES : Antiseptic, Antizymotic, and Disinfectant, seful as a General Sprinkling Powder, With Positive Hygienic,...Therapeutic Properties. GOOD IN ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE SKIN. Per Box, plain 25c I Per Box, perfumed, 50 Per Dozen, " $1,75 | Per Dozen, " 83.50 Sold by the Drug...
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Southern Practitioner: An Independent Monthly Journal ..., Bind 16,Oplag 6

1894 - 78 sider
...with Carbolic and Salicylic acids. PROPERTIES : Antiseptic, Antizymotic, and Disinfectant. Useful aa a General Sprinkling Powder, With Positive Hygienic,...Therapeutic Properties. GOOD IN ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE SKIN. Per Box, plain iic I Per Box, perfumed, 50 I'er Dozen, " $1,75 | Per Dozen, " $3.50 8old by the Drug...
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Southern Practitioner: An Independent Monthly Journal ..., Bind 15,Oplag 8

1893 - 78 sider
...PROPERTIES : Antiseptic, Antizymotic, and Disinfectant. Useful as a General Sprinkling Powder, AVith Positive Hygienic, Prophylactic, and Therapeutic Properties. GOOD IN ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE SKIN, Per Box, plain 25c I Per Box, perfumed, 60 Per Dozen, " $1,75 | Per Dozen, ' $3.5*' Sold by the Drug...
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Southern Practitioner: An Independent Monthly Journal ..., Bind 16,Oplag 9

1894 - 76 sider
...COMPOSITION: Silicate of Magnesia with Carbolic and Saiic;, lie acid^. PKOPBRTIES : Antiseptic, Antizymotic, and Disinfectant. Useful as a General Sprinkling Powder, With Positive Hygienic, Prophylactic, and TheraGOOD IN ALL AFFE6f IffllS 01 THE SKIN. Per Box, plain 2.">c I Per Box, perfumed, :.H Per Dozen,...
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The Medical Bulletin: A Monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery, Bind 15

1893 - 556 sider
...PROPERTIES:— Antiseptic, Antliymotlo, and Disinfectant. Useful as a GKNERAL SPRINKLING POWDER, with porttire Hygienic, Prophylactic, and Therapeutic properties. GOOD IN ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE SKIN. PER BOX, PLAIN, 25 Cents; I' I :ic I Ml I i>, SO Cent*. PER IK'/., PLAIN, *1.75; PERFUMED, S3.JSO....
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