CH. MARCHAND'S PEROXIDE OF HYDROGEN. (MEDICINAL) H2O2 (ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS.) MOST POWERFUL BACTERICIDE AND PUS DESTROYOR. UNIFORM IN STRENGTH, PURITY AND STABILITY. Send for free book of 80 pages, giving articles by the following contributors: DR. P. GIBIER, DR. S. POTTS EAGLETON, DR. C. P. NOBLE, DR. C. A. PHILLIPS, DR. J. H. DeWOLF, DR. J. V. SHOEMAKER, DR. W. S. MULLINS, DR. C. W. AITKIN, DR. H. F. BROWNLEE, DR. J. LEWIS SMITH, DR. J. MOUNT BLEVER, DR. W. B. DEWEES, and many others. NOTE.-Avoid substitutes-in shape of the commercial article bottledunfit, unsafe and worthless to use as a medicine. Ch. Marchand's Peroxide of Hydrogen (Medicinal) is sold only in 4-oz., 8-oz., and 16-oz. bottles, bearing a blue label, white letters, red and gold border, with his signature. Never sold in bulk. PHYSICIANS WILLING TO PAY EXPRESS CHARGES WILL RECEIVE FREE SAMPLES ON APPLICATION. Charles Marchand Chemist and Graduate of the "Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures de Paris" (France). LEADING DRUGGISTS, Laboratory, 28 Prince St., New York. Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers. APODYΥΝΑ. (I PUT PAIN TO FLIGHT.) Antipyretic, Analgesic, Anodyne. Under the name of APODYNA we offer to the profession a new analgesic and antipyretic, in competition with a certain high-priced remedy of similar therapeutic action. APODYNA has been thoroughly tested and found to be a most excellent remedy in the treatment of Neuralgia, Myalgia, Sciatica, Rheumatism, and all forms of Headache. As a sedative, anodyne, and antipyretic, it is unequalled. APODYNA is capable of reducing fever heat without affecting the normal temperature, and without producing the unpleasant gastric disturbances so frequently attending the administration of other antipyretics and analgesics. 20 to 50 grains may be administered in 24 hours, in doses of 3 to 10 grains. Price 50 Cents per oz. Send for sample. DETROIT PHARMACAL COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF PHYSICIANS'SUPPLIES 96 and 97 WOODWARD AVENUE, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers. MEDICINE, PHARMACY, DENTAL SURGERY, AND VETERINARY SURGERY. COMPLETE EQUIPMENT IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Clinical and practical teaching made the important features. Hospital facilities unsurpassed for instruction in all branches of Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics, Diseases of Women and Children, Ophthalmology, etc. Daily clinics in the large Hospitals and at the College. Three years' course in Medicine and Dentistry. Two years' course in Pharmacy and Veterinary Surgery. Next term in Dental Department begins September 23, 1893, and continues nine nonths. Next term in Departments of Medicine, Pharmacy, and Veterinary Surgery begins October 5, 1893, and continues seven months. Send for Catalogues to E. C. SKINNER, M. D., Secretary, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers. ESTABLISHED IN 1840, HENRY TROEMNER 710 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURER OF Assay Balances, Analytical Balances, Fine Scales and Weights, OF EVERY KIND AND DESCRIPTION. Illustrated Price List Sent on Application, Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers. THE IMPROVED “YALE” SURGICAL CHAIR MANUFACTURED EXCLUSIVELY BY THE CANTON SURGICAL AND DENTAL CHAIR CO., CANTON, OHIO. 9th. The leg and foot rests folded out of the operator's way at any time. Figs. XI, XV and XVII. 10th. Head Rest universal in adjustment, with a range of from 11th. Affording unlimited modifications of positions. 14th. Broad turntable upon which to rotate the chair, which cannot be bent or twisted. 15th. Stands upon its own merits and not upon the reputation of others. Piease mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers. THE BEST OF AMERICAN. PLANTEN'S Standard Soluble Hard. Elastic---Soft. CAPSULES Improved French. Pearls and Globules. Empty for Powders, Solids, Liquids, SOME SPECIALTIES: Vagina, Rectum, and Horses. SANDALWOOD, ERIGERON, CREASOTE, TEREBENE, COMPOUND SANDAL, IODIDÉ ETHYL, WINTERGREEN, APIOL, MALE FERN, ETC. IMPORTANT. We will gladly send Druggists or Physicians, direct by mail, any Send for Latest List. Capsules on our list not stocked by their jobber, H. PLANTEN & SON, NEW YORK. (Established in 1836.) Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers. Scott's Emulsion. Always Sweet, Always in Full Strength, Always Ready For Use. No one knows quite so well as the physician how much depends upon these conditions in Cod Liver Oil. The superiority of Scott's Emulsion is not limited to taste, digestibility, ease of assimilation-tests, under the widest possible range of climatic influence, have shown that no other preparation of cod liver oil is so permanent so trustworthy. The perfect incorporation of hypophosphites with glycerine, gives this preparation a wider range of usefulness than had from plain oil. FORMULA: 50% of the finest Norwegian Cod Liver Oil; 6 grs. Hy- | pophosphite of Lime; 3 grs. Hypo- | phosphite of Soda to the fluid ounce. SAMPLE of Scott's Emulsion de- | Prepared by SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 132 South Fifth Avenue, New York. Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers. THE IDEAL EMULSION is made from the PUREST Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Rose's Peptonized Beef and contains not a particle of gum or other emulsive accessory; thus all inert mucilage and other emulsive agents are rejected. The oil globules are reduced to a degree of fineness not equalled by any preparation before offered. It contains 50 per cent. of the finest Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. In this we have an emulsion that is purely a food, readily assimilated, palatable to the most fastidious taste, does not regurgitate and, without exception, is the most nutritious product of cod liver oil in the market. It is a remarkable and very valuable agent in the treatment of septicæmia. It is a valuable food in the treatment of exhausting diseases of a surgical character. Send for Article upon Septicæmia treated by Foods, Drainage and Rest. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU OF ITS MERITS. DR. PRESTON B. ROSE'S PEPTONIZED BEEF. A Therapeutic Nutrient, Primarily a Food and Secondarily a Digestive Agent. Each pound of Rose's Peptonized Beef represents the nutritive principles of nearly five pounds of fresh lean beef. ROSE'S PEPTONIZED BEEF is not AN EXTRACT. It contains both the Albuminous and Extractive constituents of lean beef. As a therapeutic nutrient, ROSE'S PEPTONITED BEEF is indicated, first, IN ALL DERANGEMENTS OF THE DIGESTIVE CANAL, second; IN ALL DISEASES ATTENDED WITH ELEVATION OF TEMPERATURE, CONDITIONS OF DEBILITY OR TISSUE WASTE, as being assimilated with the least expenditure of force, and third; IN ALL NERVOUS MALADIES, as being the important factor in the elaboration and nutrition of fat. Leube suggested in 1872 the use of prancreatized beef pulp, and afterward Ewald proposed the peptones of beef as offering suitable material for rectal feeding. We desire especially to call the attention of Physicians to the great value of ROSE'S PEPTONIZED BEEF when used as a support by enema. In the largest Sanitarium of this country ROSE'S PEPTONIZED Beef has been used by enema as the sole support in cases of ulceration of the stomach until the patient has recovered. Its remarkable supporting power when so used will commend itself to all Physicians who may give it a trial. CHAS. S. BAKER & CO., (Successors to Chapman, Green & Co.) Manufacturing Pharmacists and Chemists, CHICAGO, ILL. |