EXHAUSTIVE MONOGRAPH, DETAILED DESCRIPTION, WITH FORMULA, DOSE, ETC. SENT GRATIS ON APPLICATION. Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers. The Salicylic Acid being from Oil of Wintergreen. Sample of Tongaline sent to any physician who will pay express charges. Sample of Ponca Compound sent free on application. MELLIER DRUG COMPANY, ST. LOUIS KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN. DR. C. T. WILBUR, Proprietor. A Private Institution and School for the Education, Training and Custody of the Feeble Minded. This admirably appointed Home and School combines all the advantages of a larger institution, WITH THE PRIVACY AND COMFORT OF A GENTLEMAN's residence. The establishment affords accommodations for thirty inmates, permitting the Superintendent, his wife and teachers the opportunity of making a special study of each case in its peculiar phases, thus securing for the inmates that constant and watchful care and training which is so important for the most successful results, but SIMPLY UNATTAINABLE IN A CROWDED PUBLIC ASYLUM. Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers. Pure Norwegian IS Hagee's Cordial of NOT disagreeable in taste and smell "Hagee's Cordial" (Cord. Ol. Morrhuæ Comp.) is not only not disagreeable, but is really pleasant in taste and delightful in odor. In addition to the tissue building properties of cod liver oil, it contains the nerve-feeding hypophosphites of lime and soda. Is not this the preparation desired by the profession for their phthisical patients who (and whose stomachs) object to the odor and taste of cod liver oil? Is it not just the thing to prescribe for such patients as want to grow fat and want pleasant medicines? It's a great appetizer, too, and causes rapid accumulation of flesh, and is not an emulsion or saponified oil. Each fluid ounce represents 33% pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, with 6 grains Hypophosphites of Lime and 3 grams Hypophosphite of Soda. In 16 oz. bottles only. Price $1.00, express prepaid. Katharmon Chemical Co., EGAN IMPERIAL TRUSS Has been introduced and is now in use in every State and Territory of the United States, and from the large number of commendations voluntarily sent to us, we have every reason to believe is giving general satisfaction in cases of Inquinal, Femoral and Umbilical Hernia. The Spiral-Spring Pad, with interchangeable springs, giving any pressure from one pound to ten pounds, is a most desirable feature. This instrument has the approval of the Medical Faculty of the University of Michigan. If you do not find this Truss for sale by local Druggist, order direct from us. Discount to Physicians. EGAN IMPERIAL TRUSS COMPANY, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. A GREAT CONVENIENCE TO PHYSICIANS AND DRUGGISTS. HOLLOW SUPPOSITORIES, NO WAX BUTTER OF COCOA ONLY is used in the manufacture of these Suppositories. They save time. They melt at the temperature of the body. They insure Even Medication. Anal, Nasal, Urethral, Cystic, Vaginal, and Intra-Uterine sizes. Also Ricord's Solid Suppositories for Gonorrhœa, and Nelaton's Solid Suppositories for Constipation and Piles. Samples sent Free on application and mention of this paper. HALL & RUCKEL, 218 Greenwich Street, New York City. Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers. MEALTM! REST! TO PHYSICIANS Desiring to send patients away from home for change of scene, in connection with systematic regimen and oversight, THE JACKSON SANATORIUM This institution is under the personal care of a permanent staff of regularly educated and experienced physicians. Location, 1,200 feet above sea level, in a woodland park, overlooking charming upland and valley views of Genesee region. Pure spring water from rocky heights. Clear, dry atmosphere, free from fogs and malaria. Perfect drainage and sewerage systems. Delightful walks and drives. Elegant (brick and iron) fire-proof main building and twelve cottages, steam heated, and designed to meet every requirement of invalids, or seekers of rest and quiet. Extensive apartments for treatment arranged for individual privacy. Skilled attendants. All forms of baths, Electricity, Massage, Swedish Movements, etc., scientifically administered. Culinary Department under er supervision of Mrs. Emma P. Ewing, Superintendent of the Chautauqua Cooking School, whose reputation as a teacher of scientific and hygienic cooking is national. Comfort without care; freedom from the taxations of fashionable life and from the excitements and temptations of popular resorts. Especial provision for quiet and rest; also for recreation, amusement and regular outdoor life. Telegraph, telephone, electric bells, safety elevator, open fires and all modern appliances for comfort and health. On direct line of Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad between New York City and Buffalo. Only nine hours from New York. ESTABLISHED IN 1858. For circulars and other information, address OPEN ALL THE YEAR. J. ARTHUR JACKSON, Secretary, Dansville, New York. Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers. If, On Account of their Superior Quality and high reputation, you entertain a preference for the PERFECT PILL Of W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & Co., New York, we venture to suggest that, in prescribing, you specify "W. H. S. & Co.," as marked in the following brief, but always seasonable, selections from our lists: W. H. Schieffelin & Co., New York. Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers, |