BRAND NEW PHYSICIAN'S PHAETON FOR SALE A Perfect Beauty-Never Been Used. FACTORY PRICE, $150.00. WILL BE SOLD CHEAP. A FIRST-CLASS VEHICLE IN EVERY PARTICULAR. DRAWER G, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers. SOO SOUTH SHORE LINES SHORT LINES FROM PRINCIPAL POINTS IN LOWER MICHIGAN TO St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Helena, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, New Wagner Vestibuled Buffet and Palace Sleeping and Dining Cars on through trains. JOHNSTON OPTICAL COMPANY, INVENTORS AND MANUFACTURERS, Corner of Washington Avenue and State Street, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Oculists, Attention! Dioptric Eye Meter, a substitute for Test Lenses, works with triple their speed and ease tre We handle the Natchet Test Case; also a full line of Test Cases of our own manufacture, with any quantity and class of lenses. Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers. PATENTS CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS For a CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive MUNN & CO., NEW YORK, 361 BROADWAY. Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers The Physician and Surgeon A JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. CONDUCTED BY FREDERICK WHARTON MANN, M. D., AND JOHN WILLIAM KEATING, M. D. DETROIT AND ANN ARBOR. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $2.00 PER YEAR; $1.00 FOR SIX MONTHS. Address The Physician and Surgeon, Ann Arbor, Michigna. The National Medical Exchange. Physicians', Dentists' and Druggists' Locations and Property bought, sold, rented and exchanged. Partnerships arranged. Assistants and Substitutes provided. Business strictly confidential. Medical, Pharmaceutical and Scientific Books supplied at lowest rates. Send ten cents for MONTHLY BULLETIN containing terms, locations, and list of books. Correspondence solicited. Address, H. A. MUMAW, M. D., Elkhart, Indians. DIABETES FLOUR. Also Gluten Dyspepsia Flour, Barley Crystals, and Patent Biscuit Cake and Pastry Flour. Unrivaleda America de Europe. Circulars and Baling Samples Free. Write Farwell & Rhings, Watertown, N.Y., U.S.A. Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers. Established 1834. TARRANT & CO., Manufacturing and Importing Chemists, The Best Saline for Use in Cases of Chronic Constipation, Controls the Vomiting and Constipation of Pregnancy. AN ADMIRABLE VEHICLE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF TINCTURE OF IRON AND THE SALICYLATES. AN INVALUABLE ANTACID IN RHEUMATIC AND GOUTY DIATHESIS, AND AN AID TO THE DIGESTION OF MILK. Hoff's Malt Extract "Tarrant's" MANUFACTURED BY LEOPOLD HOFF, MAMBURG. Introduced into the United States in 1866. An Unrivalled Nutritive Tonic in Cases of Debility and Convalescence. The Most Nourishing Food in all Fevers and Wasting Diseases. A Galactagogue. When Prescribing HOFF'S MALT EXTRACT, it is absolutely necessary to SPECIFY "TARRANTS," as this alone will secure the original imported preparation and prevent the substitution of another so-called Hoff's Malt, which is at present extensively advertised to the general public. Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers A. KUHLMAN, Manufacturer, Importer of and Dealer in Superior SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Elastic Stockings, DEFORMITY APPARATUS, BATTERIES, Vial Cases. Etc. We carry in stock the LARGEST assortment of Instruments west of New York, At the Lowest Market Prices. Latest styles of General Operating, Seal-Skin Case, Calf-Skin Elliott's Obstetrical Forceps contains: 1. Exploring Needle. 1 Tenaculum. 1 Tenotomy Knife. 1 Metacarpal Saw. 1 Sharp Bistoury. 1 Blunt Bistoury. 1 Finger Knife. 1 Scalpel. 1 Long-Pointed Probe. 1 Pair Artery and Needle For 1 Pair Straight Scissors. 1 Pair Pean's Artery Forceps. 1 Director and Tongue Tye. Scissors and Forceps can Instruments Repaired, Polished, and Nickle be separated and easily cleaned. (best) .....$5.00 Obstetrical Bag, 16-inch...$3.00 Hypodermic Syringe, with patent oil chamber, finger rests, 2 needles, in moroсco-covered case...$1.50 net Fever Thermometer, with certificate, in gold-plated case, with chain......$1.25 net Graves' Vaginal Speculum, which can be converted into a Sims' (best)....$2.00 net. Agents for Geo. Tiemann & Co., New York. Prices furnished on application, also illustrated catalogue, upon receipt of 7 cents in postage. A. KUHLMAN, 203 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers, CAN YOU STUDY ELECTRO-THERAPY OUT OF BOOKS WITHOUT THE AID OF A GOOD BATTERY? Our large Illustrated Catalogue is really a work on electro-therapeutics, and gives besides descriptions and prices of all kinds of batteries and electro-therapeutical accessories. We want every physician to have one and will forward a copy by mail to you upon application WITHOUT CHARGE. It may save you many dollars. WRITE FOR ONE. MCINTOSH BATTERY AND OPTICAL COMPANY. 141-143 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers. DR. J. FEHR'S Properties:-Antiseptic, Antizymotic and Disinfectant. Useful as a General Sprinkling Powder, with positive Hygienic, Prophylactic and Therapeutic properties. Good in all Affections of the Skin. Sold by the Drug Trade generally. Per box, plain, 25c.; perfumed, 50c. Per dozen, plain, $1.75; perfumed, $3.50. Only advertised in Medical and Pharmaceutical prints. NEW JERSEY. ONLY ADVERTISED IN MEDICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PRINTS. Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEO to advertisers. WILLIAM T. SIMPSON, Only Successor to JAMES A. FOSTER in the Manufacture of FOSTER'S PATENT UNION ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, 112-114 Bates Street, Corner Congress, DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES AND BLANKS. For making application for government orders for Limbs or commutation therefor Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to advertisers. FLAVELL'S SUSPENSORY BANDAGES AT ALL DRUGGISTS. Physicians $2.00 Retro- No Leather to become hard or stain Abdominal Supporters. DIRECTIONS FOR MEASUREMENT. K. L. M. -M -L -K Silk Elastic, $2.75. Thread Elastic, $2.00. It is indispensable for women dur- Goods sent by Mail upon receipt of G. W. FLAVELL & BRO., 1005 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, Pa. FIG. 4. SEND FOR PRICE LIST OF ELASTIC STOCKINGS. FIG. 1. Price to Physicians: for returning money added. |