Particularly in reading the history of medicine every thoughtful reader must hope that the fatal inclination to philosophical systems and the dogmas of the day, so manifest in medical art, may finally cease: for it has been proven by centuries of experience that neither one-side: idealistic, nor yet one-sided materialistic and mechanical theories, can be of permanent advantage to it. On the contrary, it is manifest that med icine has always advanced only so far as it rendered both of these sys tems useful, and while it followed the only correct path the path of thoughtful experience. FINIS. INDEX OF NAMES.1 A. Page. Adams, Joseph (1756-1818) Aaskow, Urban B. (1742-1806) 1076 Adams, Robert (about 1857) Abaris (B. c. 696) Page. 702 912 Abd el Letif (1162-1231) 676, 702, 738 Egidius Corboliensis (ab. 1170) 901 543 191 236 Agardh, Karl Ad. (1785-1859) 845 114 Agatharchides (B. c. 170) Achard, C. (1753-1821) 726 n. 1 Agathinus of Sparta (about A. D. 40 . 125 . 165 191 1055, 1097 121 Agnew, Corn. R. (1831-1888) 930 370 Agricola, Rudolph (1442-1485) 289 Ahrun (7th century) 130 362-363 208, 228 658 234 676, 686 421 922 Ainzarbi, Ebn el (d. 1153) 1. Where differences are observed between the text and the index, the data of the latter are to be preferred. (1101) Page. P Alberti, M. (1682-1757) 611, 661, 706 Alpino, Prosper (1553–1617) 368,29 Albicus, Sigmund (b. 1347) 288 Alvarenga, P. F. Da Costa (died 542, 556 1883) Amabile. Luigi 697 697 Albinus, F. B. (1715–1778) casem, A. D. 936-1013) Aldarete, Prof. (about 1550) 1023 104 324 Amand, Pierre (died 1720) 402 801 n 1 231 Amboise, Adrien (16th century 256 n. 1 Amirillius, Samuel (?) . Amman, J. 236 781 104 227 Amman, J. C. (1669-1730). 517 1 Alexander, W. (about 1768) 621, 963 Ammonius Saccas (about a. D. 124 181 A. D. 200) 605). Alexanor Anacharsis (B. c. 592) 373 Anaxagoras (B. c. 500-428) 83 Anaximander of Miletus (born B. C. 611) 622 919 125 512 915, 1016, 1024 Almeida, Feliciano d' (d. 1726) Alphanus, Franciscus 1677) 909 André, Nicolas (about 1756) 918 Andriolli, Mich. A. (1672–1713) 496 633 636 496 143, 159 . 139 Baader, Franz X. v. (1765-1841) 1838) Babington, B. Guy (1794-1866) 903 Baratta, Giovanni (about 1820) 184 229 Barba, Pietro (about 1642) 541: 515 Barbatus, Hieron. (about 1676) Barbault, Antoine F. (d. 1784) Barbeirac, Charles (1629-1699 # Barbette, Paul (about 1658) 494 Barchusen, J. C. (1666-1723) 54 Bard, John (1716-1799) 803. Bard, S. (1742-1821) 618, 809.. 937 1098 1018 n. 2, 1031 n. 1 Bardeleben, H. A. (born 1819; 1 915, 918, 1021 Babington, G. G. (1795-1856) Baccelli, Guido (born 1832) 1045 Barker, Fordyce Bacchius (B. c. 264) Baccius. Andreas (about 1571) 871 Barlow, John 124 Barnes, Fancourt Barnes, Robert 721 Bache, Franklin (1792-1864). 923 750-1050) 959, Barnet, William (about 1764) Baron (about 1841) 225-226 Baron, John (about 1827) 71 Back, Jac. de (about 1649) 531 Baronio, Vincenzo (about 1633) Bacon, R. (1214-1292 or 1298) 283 Barrows, Thomas Bader, K. Fr. (about 1794) 409 Barry, Edward (about 1759) 901. |