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the fame Being with the Father, and alfo a Lord, he could not be an Object of Faith and Confidence, and Chrift could not have executed his Offices, and be the Meffias, or a Saviour, Ifaiah xxv. 9.

Q. What Conclufion then do you make from what Bath been faid?

A. That the Catechift hath fully explained this Article of our Faith, which gives us the fureft Means to receive true Confolation, according to the pure Doctrine of our Church, founded on the Gofpel.

Q. What Inftruction do you receive from hence? A. That we pay all due Reverence to the Son, as the true God, departing from our Sins, and entirely fubjecting ourselves to the Dominion of this bountifuland mighty Lord.

The 35th Question of the HEIDELBERG CATECHISM.


WHA AT means the Saying, that he was conceived


of the Holy Ghoft, and born of the Virgin

"A. That the eternal Son of God, who was very "God from all Eternity, and remains fuch, took on ❝ him the true human Nature of the Flesh and Blood "of the Virgin Mary, by the Operation of the Holy "Ghoft, that he might be the true Seed of David, "being made in all Things like his Brethren, except Sin."

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Q. How do you prove that the Son of God took on bim the true human Nature of the Flesh and Blood. A. From John i. 14. And the Word was made Flesh, and drvelt among us. And Phil. ii. 7. And took upon him the Form of a Servant, and was made in the Likeness of Men.

Q. What is meant by the Words, Being made Flesh? A. That God took upon him a real Body, and not the Appearance and Likeness only, Luke xxiv. 38,

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and 39. And he faid unto them, Why are you troubled, &c. Behold! My Hands and my Feet, that it is myself; bandle me, and fee me, for a Spirit hath no Flesh and Bones as ye fee me have.

Q. Had he a true human Soul as well as a Body? A. Yes; together with the natural Faculties and Powers thereof, Mat. xxvi. 38. Then faith he unto them, My Soul is exceeding forrowful, even unto Death. Q. How did Chrift, being the Son of God, become Man?

A. He was conceived by the Power of the Holy Ghost, in the Womb of the Virgin Mary, and born of her, yet without Sin, Luke i. 31. And behold, thou fhalt conceive and bring forth a Son, and shall call his Name Jefus. And Luke i. 35. The Holy Ghost Shall come upon thee, and the Power of the Higheft fhall overShadow thee.

Q. How do you prove that Chrift was without Sin? A. From Heb. vii. 26. For fuch an High Priest became us, who is haly, harmless, undefiled, feparate from Sinners, &c.

Q. Do these two Natures make two Perfons.

A. No. The human Nature is united to the fecond Perfon, and fubfifts in Union with it, John i. 14. Ifa. vii. 14. Behold, a Virgin fhall conceive, and bear a Son, and fhall call his Name Emanuel. And yet each of thefe Natures are attended with its diftinct Properties.

Q. Is not the Godhead altered into human Shape? A. No; Becaufe the Godhead is unchangeable, Mich. iii. 6. John i. 17.

Q. Why was it neceffary be should become Man?

A. That he might be capable of fuffering Death in our Room, Heb. xi. 15, 16, 17. But verily, he took not on him the Nature of Angels, but he took on him the Seed of Abraham, Wherefore in all Things it behoved bim to be made like unto his Brethren, that he might be a merciful

merciful and faithful High Prieft, in Things pertaining to God, to make Reconciliation for the Sins of the People. The 36th Question of the HEIDELBERG.


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Q. WHAT Profit does there come to us from the holy Conception and Birth of Jefus Chrift?

"A. That he is our Mediator; and that by his "Innocence and perfect Holiness he hides before God "thofe Sins in which we were conceived, and with " which we came into the World."

Q: What doth the Believer apply to himself from bence?

4. Not only that this Man Chrift Jefus is his Mediator of Conciliation and Interceffion, 1 John ii. 1, 2. but that he, by his Innocence, hides before God all his Sins. Q. What Sins are meant ?

4. Every Sort of Sin, especially that in which he was conceived, and which, as well as actual Sins, deferves Punishment..

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Q. How are they covered?

m. By an Imputation of Righteousness, and For givne s of the fame, P. xxxii. 1.

Q. By what Means?

m. By the innocent and perfect Holiness of the Redeemer, Rom. v. 19. Luke i. 10, 11.

Q. What do you conclude from the Inftruction you have received from the Catechift in this Article of Faith??

A. That the forrowful Sinner is hereby led unto the true Means of Confolation, and which alfo fhews the Purity of our Doctrine....

Q. What Ufe do you make of it?

At, Fobelieve that this Doctrine (notwithstanding the difficulty of it to be underfood) is exactly conformable to the Word of God. 2dly, To pour out our Hearts in Gratitude to God for his infinite Goodness in fending us his dear and only Son as a

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Redeemer, who alone is able to reconcile us to him; . verily, fuch an inconceivable Love of the Almighty Father, is enough to inflame us with the devouteft Acknowledgements, and tranfport us with Admiration. 3dly, To pray to him that he may be conceived and dwell in our Hearts; and to embrace him with a true Faith, fo that we may be confoled as well in Life as Death.

The 37th Question of the HEIDELBERG


Q. WHAT do you understand by the Words, He

has fuffered?

"A. That during all the Time he lived upon the "Earth but more particularly towards the End of his "Life, he bore both in Body and Mind the Weight of "the Wrath of God for the Sins of all Mankind; to "the End, that by his Sufferings, as a propitiatory "Sacrifice, he might redeem our Bodies and Souls "from eternal Damnation, and acquire for us the "Grace of God, Juftification, and eternal Life."

The 38th Question of the HEIDELBERG


WHY did he suffer under the Judge Pontius

Q. W


"A. That he who was innocent, being con"demned by a temporal Judge, might thereby free "us from the fevere Judgment of God, which was "to fall " upon us.

The 39th Question of the HEIDELBERG


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S there any Thing more in his being crucified than,
if he had fuffered any other Kind of Death?
"A. Yes,

"A. Yes, without Doubt; for I am thereby af "fured that he took upon himself the Curse to which "I was obnoxious, the Death of the Crofs being "curfed by God himself.”

The 40th Question of the HEIDELBERG CATECHISM.

Q. WHY was Jesus Christ obliged to humble himSelf even unto Death?

"A. Becaufe, according to the Justice and Truth " of God, there could be no poffible Satisfaction for 66 our Sins, but by the Death of his Son Jesus Christ.”

The 41st Question of the HEIDELBERG CATECHISM.

Q. WHY was he buried?


"A. To fhew thereby that he was really

The 42d Question of the HEIDELBERG CATECHISM.

Q. SINCE therefore Jefus Chrift died for us, how comes it that we are still fubject to Death?

"A. Our Death is not a Satisfaction for our Of"fences, but an Abolition of Sin, and a Passage to "eternal Life."

The 4'3d Question of the HEIDELBERG CATECHISM.

Q WHAT Benefit have we by the Sacrifice of Jefus Chrift, and by his Death on the Cross? "A. By his Virtue, our old Man is crucified with ❝ him, dies, and is buried, that our carnal Appetices

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