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No more let youth the Sabbath-day profane,-
Nor dreadful curses rend our ears with pain!
May all be brought to hear the sacred word,
And hallow'd lips sing praises to the Lord!

Oh! what a harvest to our view is this!
Each aids the cause, and each partakes the bliss!
Who sparing sows, must surely sparing reap;
The lib'ral soul abundant store shall heap.
God ne'er forgets the labours of our love;
May ev'ry heart with gen'rous pity move!
And cheerfully your favours now bestow

"To praise the Lord, - from whom all blessings flow!"


When my soul in gross darkness was closely shut up,
All religion to me was a pain;

Now, I hope, since by grace I am light in the Lord,
I shall count nothing else to be gain.

When ambition inflames the proud heart after fame,
And riches and pow'r among men,

My highest ambition is Jesus to gain,

And enjoy him thro' time without end.

When the gaudy and gay, for the glitter of shew,
All other pursuits do resign;

I'll rejoice, tho' in sorrow my life should be spent,
If in glory with Jesus I shine.

What dangers and troubles do many endure,
Vain titles or honours to gain !

I'll risk all I have, yea my life I'll forego,
With Jesus for ever to reign.

The profane may reproach me as long as I live,
My religion their scorn let them make,
In the cross I will glory, my Christ is my All,
And I'd glory to die for his sake.

When laid on the bed of affliction and death,
Their joys are all gone with the past;

But affliction prepares me for pleasures to come,
And in death all my sorrows are lost.

When conquer'd by death, and consign'd to the grave,
They're imprison'd for ever in night,

My bones rest in hope, while my soul wings its way
To abodes of perfection and light;

Where, with angels and saints, all embosom'd in bliss,
Many ages of pleasure I'll spend,

Till the voice of Jehovah burst open the grave,
And my Saviour to judgment descend.

Then embody'd again, and in glory complete,
I'll ascend to the mansions above,

Where, with all the redeem'd, Christ, my life, I will praise,
And eternally sing of his love.

Printed by G. AULD, Greville Stree', London



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MISS LOUISA COOKE was the youngest daughter of Mrs. Cooke, of Bristol, widow of the late Mr. Isaac Cooke, of that city. She was born April 1, 1781; and died September 5, 1807, aged twenty-six years.

This amiable young person was educated in the nurture and admonition of the Lord: but the æra from which her religious course is to be dated, is the month of April 1799, when attacked by a putrid fever, which seemed likely to terminate in her death. During this illness it pleased God to reveal his Son in her. Being then on a visit in London, she expressed a great anxiety to sce her honoured mother. When she arrived, the crisis of her disorder was past, and she had begun to recover. Her health gradually returned; and in the course of three weeks she was able to travel, by easy stages, to Bristol. There she made a covenant with her adored Lord to be entirely his; which engagement she scaled at the Lord's Table. The means of grace were from this time greatly blessed to her soul; and she would often speak of them with rapture. Six months after her first attack she had another, which again threatened her life. It however pleased God to raise her up a second time, from what was expected to prove her death-bed. For five succeeding years her constitution continued in a weak and delicate state; but she grew in grace, and in the knowledge of her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

In the month of April, 1805, she was seized with a nervous fever, which confined her for some days to her bed; and as her health was not speedily re-established, she went in the following June to Dawlish, under the hope that the sea-air might prove a restorative; but the great and wise Disposer of all events had

This Memoir was communicated to us some weeks ago, before it appeared in any other perio lical publication; but could not be earlier inserted in this Work; and even now, we are obliged considerably to abridge it. 4 E


determined otherwise; and a low chronic fever kept her in a state of constant debility, and rendered her, in her own apprehension, a pilgrim and a stranger upon earth. From this period she lived chiefly in retirement, either in reading the sacred volume on her knees, or in pouring out her soul in prayer to God. While thus employed, she was not unfrequently indulged with visits from her gracious Lord; and sometimes felt herself to be surrounded, as it were, by his glorious presence. In public ordinances, where her attendance was constant, she felt great enlargement of heart. To the solicitations of her friends, who, on account of her increasing debility often endeavoured to dissuade her from going to church, her constant reply was," While I have strength to attend the house of God, ought I to absent myself?"

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On the 5th of April, 1807, she partook of the Lord's Supper at St. James's Church; where, on the Lord's Day, she usually attended. While at the table, she became so enfeebled as to be unable to pray. On her return into her pew, she was overwhelmed with sorrow, at the recollection of having risen from her knees without breathing out her soul into her Saviour's bosom. The agony which she felt, produced strong convulsions. On being asked, if she were ill, she answered, that her head throbbed violently with pain; "but," added, "if it be the will of my dear and gracious Saviour to vouchsafe a continuance of his presence, I think I could support any corporeal pain which he may see fit to lay on me. I would rather suffer the tortures to which the martyrs were exposed, than be deprived of communion with my God! But be the issue what it may, am I not washed, am I not sanctified, am I not justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God? Oh, yes; if I had a million of tongues, I could not praise and adore his name as I ought to do, for having excited in my soul strong desires after himself! I did delight in his Commandinents while I was in health. Had I not known Him then, but had gone to Him for succour only now in the time of my distress, I might be apprehensive lest he should laugh at my calamity, and mock now that my fear cometh :"but, blessed be his holy name, I am relieved from these anxieties, and from every harrassing thought, because I know that I stand complete in Him! Therefore, though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him!"

After some hesitation, occasioned by her anxiety to act in all things conformably to the will of God, she was induced, by the persuasions of her friends, to try the effect of another journey to the sca-side; and on the 13th of April set off for Weymouth. On the road she often expressed her satisfaction on refleeting, that her dear mother and other Christian friends were praying for her: but her satisfaction rose far higher when she added, "The great Intercessor is always pleading for me at the throne of grace!". While travelling, she repeated from memory many of the Psalms,

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