BY THE REV. J. A. GILES, D.C.L. LATE FELLOW OF C.C.C., OXFORD. VOL. II. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. BOOKS I. II. III. LONDON: WHITTAKER AND CO., AVE MARIA LANE. MDCCCXLIII. PREFACE. COMPLETE edition of the works of Venerable Bede has long been a desideratum in English literature. That want is now likely to be supplied, and the publication of this volume, containing the First Part of the Ecclesiastical History, announces that the whole works of England's first and most valuable writer will, ere long, be laid before the public. Another volume, containing the last part of the same important historical record, will speedily appear: after which, a series of volumes will be published, which, when finished, will comprise all that is known to have proceeded from Bede's pen; and the first volume of the series will contain a Memoir of the Author and his Works, wherein will be collected together all that we know of the life and character of this remarkable man. The Ecclesiastical History was first published on the Continent: the following is a list of the editions which were there printed : 1. Una cum Petri Trecensis (alias Comestoris) Historia Scholastica, et Eusebii Historia Ecclesiastica, per Rufinum et cum additione Rufini, Argentinensi, 1500. b 2. Ead. ed. repet. Hagenau, 1506. 3. Antverpiæ, 1550. 4. Lovanii, 1566. 5. In "Britannicarum rerum Scriptores, Heidel bergæ, fol. 1587." 6. Lugduni, 1587. 7. Coloniæ, 1601. 8. In "Bedæ Opera, &c. Parisiis, per Jametium, 1544." 9. Ead. ed. repet. 1554. 10. In "Bedæ Opera, &c. Basil., per Joannem Hervagium, 8 tom. fol. 1563.” 11. Ead. ed. repet. Coloniæ, 1612. 12. Ead. ed. repet. 1688. It was first published in England by Wheloc, fol. Cantab. 1643-4, with an Appendix containing the Anglo-Saxon translation by King Alfred the Great, under the following title, "Historiam Ecclesiasticam gentis Anglorum, una cum adnotatione et analectis, e publicis veteris ecclesiæ Anglicanæ homiliis aliisque MSS. Saxonicis excerptis, nec antea Latine editis; ut et Saxonicam Chronologiam, seriem hujus imprimis historicam complectentem, e Bibl. publica Cantab.; accedunt Anglo-Saxonicæ leges, et ultimo leges Henrici I., edidit A Whelocus. Cantab. 1644. The next critical edition was that of Chifflet, together with Fredegarius Scholasticus, under this title: -Bedæ Presbyteri et Fredegarii Scholastica Concordia ad senioris Dagoberti definiendam monarchiæ periodum, atque ad primæ totius Regum Francorum stirpis Chronologiam stabiliendam, in duas partes divisa, quarum prior continet Historiam Ecclesiasticam Gentis Anglorum, cum notis et Dissertatione de |