Dei cultor exstitit, sed etiam omnes subjectos suos meditatur die ac nocte ad fidem catholicam atque apostolicam pro suæ animæ redemtione converti. Quis enim audiens hæc suavia non lætetur? Quis non exultet et gaudeat in his piis operibus? Quia et gens vestra Christo omnipotenti Deo credidit, secundum divinorum prophetarum voces, sicut scriptum est in Isaïa, [xi. 10,] In die illa radix Jesse, qui stat in signum populorum, ipsum gentes deprecabuntur. Et iterum, [xlix. 1,] Audite insulæ, et attendite populi de longe. Et post paululum, [xlix. 6,] Parum, inquit, est, ut mihi sis servus ad suscitandas tribus Jacob, et fæces Israel convertendas. Dedi te in lucem gentium, ut sis salus mea usque ad extremum terræ. Et rursum, [xlix. 7,] Reges videbunt, et consurgent principes, et adorabunt. Et post pusillum, [xlix. 8,] Dedi te in fœdus populi, ut suscitares terram, et possideres hereditates dissipatas, et diceres his, qui vincti sunt, "Exite," et his, qui in tenebris, "Revelamini." Et rursum, [xlii. 6, 7,] Ego Dominus vocavi te in justitia, et apprehendi manum tuam, et servavi; et dedi te in lucem gentium et in fœdus populi, ut aperires oculos cæcorum, et educeres de conclusione vinctum, de domo carceris sedentes in tenebris. 66 Ecce, excellentissime fili, quam luce clarius est, non solum de vobis, sed etiam de omnibus prophetarum gentibus, quod sint credituræ in Christo omnium conditore. Quamobrem oportet vestram celsitudinem, utpote membrum exsistens Christi, in omnibus piam regulam sequi perenniter principis apostolorum, sive in Pascha celebrando, sive in omnibus, quæ tradiderunt sancti apostoli Petrus et Paulus, qui, ut duo luminaria cœli illuminant mundum, sic doctrina eorum corda hominum quotidie illustrat credentium." of God, but also studies day and night the conversion of A.D. 665. all his subjects to the Catholic and apostolic faith, to Who will not rejoice the redemption of his own soul. "Behold, most excellent son, how plain it is, not only of you, but also of all the nations of the prophets, that they shall believe in Christ, the Creator of all things. Wherefore it behoves your highness, as being a member of Christ, in all things continually to follow the pious rule of the prince of the apostles, in celebrating Easter, and in all things delivered by the blessed apostles, Peter and Paul, whose doctrine daily enlightens the hearts of believers, even as the two heavenly lights, the sun and moon, daily illumine all the earth." Et post nonnulla, quibus de celebrando per orbem totum uno vero Pascha loquitur; "Hominem denique," inquit, "docibilem, et in omnibus ornatum antistitem, secundum vestrorum scriptorum tenorem, minime valuimus nunc reperire pro longinquitate itineris. Profecto enim dum hujusmodi apta repertaque persona fuerit, eum instructum ad vestram dirigemus patriam, ut ipse et viva voce, et per divina oracula, omnem inimici zizaniam ex omni vestra insula cum divino nutu eradicet. Munuscula a vestra celsitudine beato principi apostolorum directa, pro æterna ejus memoria suscepimus, gratiasque ei agimus, ac pro ejus incolumitate jugiter Deum deprecamur cum Christi clero. Itaque qui hæc obtulit munera de hac subtractus est luce, situsque ad limina apostolorum, pro quo valde sumus contristati cum hic esset defunctus. Veruntamen gerulis harum nostrarum literarum vestris missis, beneficia sanctorum, hoc est, reliquias beatorum apostolorum Petri et Pauli, et sanctorum martyrum Laurentii, Joannis et Pauli, et Gregorii atque Pancratii eis fecimus dari, vestræ excellentiæ profecto omnes contradendas. Nam et conjugi vestræ, nostræ spirituali filiæ, direximus per præfatos gerulos crucem clavem auream habentem, de sacratissimis vinculis beatorum apostolorum Petri et Pauli; de cujus pio studio cognoscentes tantum cuncta sedes apostolica una nobiscum lætatur, quantum ejus pia opera coram Deo fragrant et vernant. "Festinet igitur, quæsumus, vestra celsitudo, ut optamus, totam suam insulam Deo Christo dicare. Habet enim profecto protectorem, humani generis Redemtorem, Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, qui ei cuncta prospera impertiet, ut novum Christi populum coacervet, catholicam ibi et apostolicam constituens fidem. Scriptum est enim, [Mat. vi. 31,] Quærite primum regnum Dei, et justitiam ejus, et hæc omnia adjicientur vobis. Nimirum And after some lines, wherein he speaks of celebrating A.D. 665. Easter uniformly throughout all the world, he adds— "We have not been able now to find, considering the length of the journey, a man, docile, and qualified in all respects to be a bishop, according to the tenor of your letters. But as soon as such a proper person shall be found, we will send him well instructed to your country, that he may, by word of mouth, and through the Divine oracles, with the assistance of God, root out all the enemy's tares throughout your island. We have received the presents sent by your highness to the blessed prince of the apostles, for an eternal memorial, and return you thanks, and always pray for your safety with the clergy of Christ. But he that brought these presents has been removed out of this world, and is buried at the church of the apostles, for whom we have been much concerned, because he died here. However, we have ordered the blessed gifts of the holy martyrs, that is, the relics of the blessed apostles, Peter and Paul, and of the holy martyrs, Laurentius, John, and Paul, and Gregory, and Pancratius, to be delivered to the bearers of these our letters, to be by them delivered to you. And to your consort also, our spiritual daughter, we have by the aforesaid bearers sent a cross, with a gold key to it, made out of the most holy chains of the apostles, Peter and Paul; at whose pious endeavours all the Apostolic See rejoices with us, as much as her pious works shine and blossom before God. "We therefore desire your highness will hasten, according to our wish, to dedicate all your island to Christ our God; for you certainly have for your protector, the Redeemer of mankind, our Lord Jesus Christ, who will prosper you in all things, that you may bring together a new people of Christ; establishing there the Catholic and apostolic faith. For it is written, 'Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.' Truly your highness enim quærit, et impetravit, et ei omnes suæ insulæ, ut optamus, subdentur. Paterno itaque affectu salutantes vestram excellentiam, divinam precamur jugiter clementiam, quæ vos vestrosque omnes in omnibus bonis operibus auxiliari dignetur, ut cum Christo in futuro regnetis seculo. "Incolumem excellentiam vestram gratia superna custodiat." Quis sane pro Wighardo repertus ac dedicatus sit antistes, libro sequente opportunius dicetur. CAP. XXX.-UT ORIENTALES SAXONES TEMPORE MOR TALITATIS AD IDOLOLATRIAM REVERSI, SED PER INSTANTIAM JARUMANNI EPISCOPI MOX SINT AB ERRORE CORRECTI. EODEM tempore provinciæ Orientalium Saxonum post Suidhelmum, de quo supra diximus, præfuere reges Sighere et Sebbi, quamvis ipsi regi Merciorum Wulfhere subjecti. Quæ, videlicet, provincia cum præfatæ mortalitatis clade premeretur, Sighere cum sua parte populi, relictis Christianæ fidei sacramentis, ad apostasiam conversus est. Nam et ipse rex, et plurimi de plebe sive optimatibus, diligentes hanc vitam et futuram non quærentes, sive etiam non esse credentes, cœperunt fana, quæ derelicta erant, restaurare, et adorare simulacra; quasi per hæc possent a mortalitate defendi. Porro socius ejus et coheres regni ejusdem Sebbi magna fidem perceptam cum suis omnibus devotione servavit, magna, ut in sequentibus dicemus, vitam fidelem felicitate complevit. Quod ubi rex Wulfhere comperit, fidem videlicet provinciæ ex parte profanatam, misit ad corrigendum errorem, revocandamque ad fidem veritatis provinciam, Jarumannum episcopum, qui successor erat Trumheri ; qui multa agens solertia, (juxta quod mihi presbyter, |