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Anglorum, Ethelhun et Egbertus, quorum prior frater fuit Ethelwini, viri æque Deo dilecti, qui et ipse ævo sequente Hiberniam gratia legendi adiit, et bene instructus patriam rediit, atque episcopus in provincia Lindissi factus multo ecclesiam tempore nobilissime rexit. Hi ergo cum essent in monasterio, quod lingua Scotorum Rathmelsigi appellatur, et omnes socii ipsorum, vel mortalitate de seculo rapti, vel per alia essent loca dispersi, correpti sunt ambo morbo ejusdem mortalitatis, et gravissime afflicti; e quibus Egbertus, (sicut mihi referebat quidam veracissimus et venerandæ canitiei presbyter, qui se hæc ab ipso audiisse perhibebat,) cum se æstimaret esse moriturum, egressus est tempore matutino de cubiculo, in quo infirmi quiescebant, et residens solus in loco opportuno cœpit sedulus cogitare de actibus suis, et compunctus memoria peccatorum suorum faciem lachrimis abluebat, atque intimo ex corde Deum precabatur, ne adhuc mori deberet, priusquam vel præteritas negligentias, quas in pueritia sive infantia commiserat, perfectius ex tempore castigaret, vel in bonis se operibus abundantius exerceret. Vovit etiam votum, quia adeo peregrinus vivere vellet, ut nunquam in insulam, in qua natus est, id est Britanniam, rediret; quia præter solennem canonici temporis psalmodiam, si non valetudo corporis obsisteret, quotidie Psalterium totum in memoriam divinæ laudis decantaret, et quia in omni septimana diem cum nocte jejunus transiret. Cumque, finitis lacrimis, precibus et votis, domum rediret, invenit sodalem dormientem; et ipse quoque lectulum conscendens cœpit in quietem membra laxare. Et cum paululum quiesceret expergefactus sodalis respexit eum et ait, "O frater Egberte, O quid fecisti? Sperabam quia pariter ad vitam æternam intraremus. Veruntamen scito quia, quæ postulasti, accipies." Didicerat enim of great capacity, of the English nobility. The former A. D. 664. of which was brother to Ethelwin, a man no less beloved by God, who also afterwards went over into Ireland to study, and having been well instructed, returned into his own country, and being made bishop in the province of Lindsey, long governed that church worthily and creditably. These two being in the monastery which in the language of the Scots is called Rathmelsigi, and having lost all their companions, who were either cut off by the mortality, or dispersed into other places, fell both desperately sick of the same distemper, and were grievously afflicted. Of these, Egbert, (as I was informed by a priest venerable for his age, and of great veracity, who declared he had heard those things from his own mouth,) concluding that he was at the point of death, went out of his chamber, where the sick lay, in the morning, and sitting alone in a convenient place, began seriously to reflect upon his past actions, and, being full of compunction at the remembrance of his sins, bedewed his face with tears, and prayed fervently to God that he might not die yet, before he could make amends for the offences which he had committed in his infancy and younger years, or might further exercise himself in good works. He also made a vow that he would, for the sake of God, live in a strange place, so as never to return into the island of Britain, where he was born; that, besides the canonical times of singing psalms, unless prevented by corporeal infirmity, he would say the whole Psalter daily to the praise of God; and that he would every week fast one whole day and a night. Returning home, after his tears, prayers and vows, he found his companion asleep, and going to bed himself, began to compose himself to rest. When he had lain quiet awhile, his comrade awaking, looked on him, and said, "Alas! Brother Egbert, what have you done? I was in hopes that we should have entered together into life everlasting; but know that what you prayed for is granted." For he had learned in a vision what the other had requested, and A.D. 664. that his prayer was granted.

per visionem, et quid ille petiisset, et quia petita impe


Quid multa? ipse Ethelhun proxima nocte defunctus est. At vero Egbertus, decussa molestia ægritudinis, convaluit, ac multo postea tempore vivens, acceptumque sacerdotii gradum condignis ornans actibus, post multa virtutum bona, ut ipse desiderabat, nuper, id est, anno Dominicæ incarnationis septingentesimo vicesimo nono, cum esset ipse annorum nonaginta, migravit ad regna cœlestia. Duxit autem vitam in magna humilitatis, mansuetudinis, continentiæ, simplicitatis et justitiæ perfectione. Unde et genti suæ, et illis in quibus exsulabat nationibus Scotorum sive Pictorum, exemplo vivendi, et instantia docendi, et auctoritate corripiendi, et pietate largiendi de his, quæ a divitibus acceperat, multum profuit. Addidit autem votis, quæ diximus, ut semper in quadragesima non plus quam semel in die reficeretur, non aliud quam panem ac lac tenuissimum, et hoc cum mensura, gustaret; quod videlicet lac pridie novum in phiala ponere solebat, et post noctem ablata superficie crassiore, ipse residuum cum modico, ut diximus, pane bibebat. Cujus modum continentiæ etiam quadraginta diebus ante natalem Domini, totidem quoque post peracta solennia Pentecostes, hoc est, Quinquagesimæ, semper observare curabat.


[subsumed][merged small][graphic]

In short, Ethelhun died the next night; but Egbert, shaking off his distemper, recovered and lived a long time after to grace the priestly office, which he had received, by his worthy behaviour; and after much increase of virtue, according to his desire, he at length, in the year of our Lord's incarnation 729, being ninety years of age, departed to the heavenly kingdom. He led his life in great perfection of humility, meekness, continence, simplicity, and justice. Thus he was a great benefactor, both to his own nation, and to those of the Scots and Picts among whom he lived a stranger, by his example of life, his industry in teaching, his authority in reproving, and his piety in giving away much of what he received from the bounty of the rich. He also added this to his vow above-mentioned; during Lent, he would eat but one meal a day, allowing himself nothing but bread and thin milk, and even that by measure. That milk, new the day before, he kept in a vessel, and the next day skimming off the cream, drank the rest, as has been said, with a little bread. Which sort of abstinence he likewise always observed forty days before the nativity of our Lord, and as many after the solemnity of Pentecost, that is, of the Quinquagesima.



bishop of A.D. 665.

In the meantime, King Alfrid sent the priest, Wilfrid, wilfrid, to the king of France, to be consecrated bishop over York. him and his people. That prince sent him to be ordained to Agilbert, who, as was said above, having left Britain, was made bishop of the city of Paris; and by him Wil

est magno cum honore ab ipso, convenientibus plurimis episcopis, in vico regio, qui vocatur in Compendio. Quo adhuc in transmarinis partibus propter ordinationem demorante, imitatus industriam filii, rex Oswius misit Cantiam virum sanctum, modestum moribus, Scripturarum lectione sufficienter instructum, et ea, quæ in Scripturis agenda didicerat, operibus solerter exsequentem, qui Eboracensis ecclesiæ ordinaretur episcopus. Erat autem presbyter vocabulo Ceadda, frater reverendissimi antistitis Cedd, cujus sæpius meminimus, et abbas monasterii illius, quod vocatur Lestingau. Misitque rex cum eo presbyterum suum vocabulo Eadhedum, qui postea, regnante Egfrido, Rhipensis ecclesiæ præsul factus est. Verum illi Cantiam pervenientes invenerunt archiepiscopum Deusdedit jam migrasse de seculo, et necdum alium pro eo constitutum fuisse pontificem. Unde diverterunt ad provinciam Occidentalium Saxonum, ubi erat Wine episcopus; et ab illo est vir præfatus consecratus antistes, assumtis in societatem ordinationis duobus de Britonum gente episcopis, qui Dominicum Paschæ diem, ut sæpius dictum est, secus morem canonicum a quarta decima usque ad vicesimam lunam celebrant. Non enim erat tunc ullus, excepto illo Wine, in tota Britannia canonice ordinatus episcopus.

Consecratus ergo in episcopum Ceadda mox cœpit ecclesiasticæ veritati et castitati curam impendere; humilitati, continentiæ, lectioni operam dare; oppida, rura, casas, vicos, castella, propter evangelizandum, non equitando, sed apostolorum more pedibus incedendo, peragrare. Erat enim discipulus Aidani, eisdemque actibus ac moribus juxta exemplum ejus, ac fratris sui Cedd, suos instituere curavit auditores. Veniens quoque Britanniam Wilfridus jam episcopus factus et ipse perplura catholicæ observationis moderamina ecclesiis Anglorum sua doctrina contulit; unde factum est, ut, crescente

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