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readily absorbable preparation must be employed. Sublimate in pill form for ingestion, and benzoate of mercury in alkaline solution for subcutaneous injection, are prescribed. Of sublimate, a centigram is administered, with a like amount of extract of thebane, twice daily. The benzoate is employed in injections of two centigrams, once daily. The ideal treatment contemplates alternation, giving the sublimate one day and the benzoate the next, permitting frequent rests from treatment during the pregnant state. In albuminuric conditions the dose by injection should be decreased one-half, and when elimination is faulty the tannate of mercury, two to ten centigrams, must succeed a period of milk diet.


AMERICAN MEDICINE BECOMES A MONTHLY. DOCTOR GEORGE M. GOULD has announced the transformation of American Medicine from a weekly into a monthly publication. At a recent meeting of the stockholders there was an overwhelming sentiment in favor of certain changes of policy, and the directors of the corporation were constituted a committee to inaugurate such changes as might seem indicated after due deliberation. A new series monthly is an innovation contemplated in the new policy. After giving assurance that the present "scientific, professional, and literary standards" of the weekly will be maintained in the monthly, the editor has this to say:

"The cause of independent medical journalism is growing more important each year, and recognition of its value and necessity is becoming more general in the profession. The professionally-owned journal conducted in the interests of untrammeled opinion and speech, usually the sole medium of expression for the minorities through whom progress has always come, must necessarily encounter more difficulties than those periodicals which represent interests solely commercial, or are the mouthpieces of societies or other organizations, whether great or small. It is a matter for congratulation that there is always an emergence from such conditions into greater freedom and progress. Experience has shown, moreover, that most of what is best worth while in the profession has been accomplished through the efforts of independent professional journals, though too frequently the final details of the measures they have inspired or inaugurated must be left to the publications which, representing large professional bodies and hence more powerful financially, deal naturally with measures which have become popularized and thus represent "majority" views. The profession is vitally concerned in the existence and power of its professionally-owned medical journals, and a large part of this interest must be directed, if it is foresighted and wise, to the cause of the independent medical journal. No efforts should be spared to make recognition of these facts more general."


THE Illinois Medical College is a beneficiary in the will of the late Doctor Addison H. Foster, a prominent Chicago physician, who bequeathed his valuable library to the institution.

DOCTOR LEONARD LAWSHE SKELTON, professor of neurology and psychiatry in the Illinois Medical College, died at his home in Chicago on March 14, aged forty-three years. Doctor Skelton was graduated from Northwestern University in 1885.

BALLARD, Washington, is to have a new hospital for the treatment of tuberculosis, smallpox and other contagious diseases. The projectors have organized a company, the capital stock of which is $100,000, and the plans contemplate a magnificent main building.

THE path of mystic medicine does not seem to be strewn with roses in any section of the country. A "mental healer" was recently convicted at Sea Breeze, Florida, after a trial lasting twelve days, and sentenced to pay a fine of $500 and serve thirty days in jail.

OUT of five hundred volunteers, one hundred physicians have been chosen as subjects for experimentation by the Anti-Seasick League, which meets in Lisbon during April. Various remedies for the affection will be tested, and a special steamer has been chartered that practical demonstration may be made.

REVOCATION of the charters of several of the transit companies operating in the Borough of Manhattan is threatened. The cars, besides. being of an antique design, are said to positively reek with filth. Since they have not been painted in years, and are generally in a very dilapidated condition, they are hygienically and otherwise a menace to health and limb.

CARMEN SYLVA, in an article on "The Jews in Roumania," comes to the defense of her countrymen in their treatment of the Jews, by proclaiming that they are not inhospitable, but utterly poverty-stricken. She argues that the country's wealth is not sufficient for the support of foreigners and that her own people are barely able to obtain an existence.

THE suit instituted by a contagious-disease patient against the Pullman Car Company, to recover damages sustained by being refused admittance to a passenger coach, has been won by the company, the Supreme Court of Alabama contending that the operators of car systems have the right to exclude persons suffering from contagious and infectious diseases.

A BILL has been introduced in the New York legislature which provides for the creation of a state commission to regulate the practice of nursing. The measure provides for a commissioner and deputy, whose salaries shall be $7,500 and $4,500 respectively; a secretary, whose salary shall be $4,000; and a board of physicians. It is intended that the fees of applicants shall cover the salary expenditure.

PROFESSOR VON BEHRING, whose startling declaration that he had discovered a cure for tuberculosis was published some time ago, recently stated, in an address at Berlin, that the milk of immunized cows is a specific for the disease. Has the doctor unearthed two cures, or has the therapy of his first alleged remedy inadvertently leaked out?

THE Mississippi legislature recently defeated a bill to compel compounders of proprietary and patent medicines to divulge their formulæ. Druggists of the state strongly denounced the measure as detrimental to their interests, inasmuch as its passage would necessitate the publication of formulæ which had taken years of experience to perfect.

HEIDELBERG is to have a new Cancer Institute, and in connection with its opening next September, an International Congress of Cancrology will be held. The local authorities are pledged to furnish funds for the maintenance of the institution for fifty years. Nearly $200,000 has already been subscribed. Czerny, chief of the surgical staff at Heidelberg, has resigned that post and will henceforth devote his energies to cancer research.

PAUL C. FREER, M. D., PH. D., who until recently occupied the chair of chemistry at the University of Michigan, is now editor-inchief of The Philippine Journal of Science, the first number of which has made its appearance. The publication is issued by the Bureau of Science and will chronicle the researches of the profession in the Philippines, dealing especially with problems involving bacteriology, immunity and tropical diseases.

TWENTY-FIVE thousand dollars has been set aside by the trustees of Montefoire Hospital and Home for Chronic Invalids, in New York City, for the assistance of former patients of the institution who have either been cured or permanently relieved, the interest accruing from the amount being utilized for the purpose. Patients at the county branch of the institution-the Bedford Sanitarium for Consumptivesare included among the beneficiaries of the fund.

THE equipment of the Craig Colony for Epileptics is to be augmented by the construction of five additional cottages, contracts for which have recently been signed. When the structures are completed and occupied the colony will comprise about one thousand two hundred fifty patients. A bill is pending in the legislature for the appropriation of $300,000, for the construction of new buildings, and in the event of its passage the colony will be increased to eighteen hundred persons.

"THE name Carnrick has for nearly half a century been a sufficient guarantee to medical men of the ethical status of their preparations." The foregoing announcement has been circulated by an Eastern concern presumably with the idea of gaining prestige, but an advertisement in the last number of this journal advises the profession that the instigator of the above quotation is not identified with the pioneer pharmaceutic firm of Reed & Carnrick, who assume responsibility for their own products solely.




THE fourth revised edition of this valuable work is now on sale. Many improvements are noticeable in the illustrations. A number of new ones are introduced, and many of the old ones have been changed to conform to modern conceptions. The greatest changes are found in the second volume. One finds described here by text and illustration the latest methods of performing intestinal anastomosis, gastroenterostomy, pylorectomy, and many other new and important operations in the upper abdomen. One has only to read a chapter here and there to be convinced that the book is modernized.

We take pleasure in introducing it to our friends who do surgery because they can secure accurate knowledge from it, and to those who read surgery because of its charming style.

C. G. D.

*By Joseph D. Bryant, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery, Operative and Clinical Surgery, in the University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College; Visiting Surgeon to Bellevue and Saint Vincent's Hospitals; Consulting Surgeon to the Hospital for Ruptured and Crippled, Woman's Hospital, and Manhattan State Hospital for the Insane, et cetera.


THE authors have given to the profession a work that has long been needed. We feel that in recommending it to our readers we are only doing our duty. It should be in the hands of every health officer and of those who have much to do with the acute contagious diseases. Every important phase of the subject is fully considered by men whose years of experience with these diseases cannot help but enable them to speak with authority. It is a book that should be read and reread. The illustrations are the best that have been produced. Those who have had experience with the acute contagious diseases will appreciate them, and those who are doubtful of the characters of the closely allied eruptions will receive much help from a critical differential study of them.

*A Treatise on Acute Contagious Diseases. By William M. Welch, M. D., Consulting Physician to the Municipal Hospital for Contagious and Infectious Diseases; Diagnostician to the Bureau of Health, et cetera, Philadelphia, and Jay F. Schamberg, A. B., M. D., Professor of Dermatology and of Infectious Eruptive Diseases, Philadelphia Polyclinic; Consulting Physician to the Municipal Hospital for Contagious and Infectious Diseases, and Assistant Diagnostician to the Philadelphia

Bureau of Health, et cetera. In one very handsome octavo volume of 781 pages, illustrated with 109 engravings and 61 full-page plates. Cloth, $5.00, net; leather, $6.00, net; half morocco, $6.50, net. Lea Brothers & Company, Publishers, Philadelphia and New York, 1905.


THIS Volume keeps up the excellent record made by Doctor Kelly in the practical series it represents. Treatment, Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ophthalmology and Pathology are the topics for this number. It is difficult to select a few from so many articles-twenty-five in all-but among the most useful for the general practitioner may be named: "The Treatment of Some Common Gastric Disorders," by Norman B. Gwyn; "Empyema, with a Report of Thirty Cases," by J. N. Hall; "The Later Stages of Cirrhosis of the Liver," by Sir Dyce Dickworth; "The Thyroid Gland-Its Anomalies of Secretion and their Manifestations and Treatment," by Thomas R. Brown; “The Results of Operations in the Treatment of Diseases of the Stomach,' by John B. Deaver; "Phlebitis, Thrombosis and Embolism Following Abdominal and Pelvic Operations," by William A. Edwards; “The Etiology and Early Diagnosis of Acute Peritonitis," by Benjamin T. Tilton. Charles F. Craig has a very thorough paper on the "Symptomatology and Diagnosis of Malta Fever," and Aldred S. Warthin one on "An Experimental Study of the Effects of Röntgen Rays upon the Blood-Forming Organs, with Special Reference to the Treatment of Leukemia." As before, the series warmly deserves the study and support of the profession.

*A Quarterly of Illustrated Clinical Lectures and Especially Prepared Articles, et cetera, et cetera. Edited by A. O. J. Kelly, A. M., M. D. Volume IV. Fifteenth Series. 1906. Philadelphia and London: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1906.


THIS book is well adapted to make a physician's book-keeping reliable and accurate. It is complete in every respect. *Lea Brothers & Company, 1906.


PROGRESSIVE MEDICINE for June, 1905, contains the following subjects: Hernia; Surgery of the Abdomen Exclusive of Hernia; Gynæcology; Diseases of the Blood; Diathetic and Metabolic Diseases; Diseases of the Spleen, Thyroid Gland, and Lymphatic System; and Ophthalmology. Each section brings into convenient form the year's work on the lines indicated. A comprehensive index makes the book valuable for rapid reference.

*Lea Brothers & Company, Philadelphia and New York.

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