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involved, 253-the cost, 254;-a decimal currency undesirable, 255 ;-
one metal only admissible as a standard, ib;-nature and qualities of
metals, 256;-variations in value, ib ;-gold and silver coins, 257-the
silver currency question in India, 258;-a gold currency advisable and
necessary, 259;-bank notes, 260 ;-Native dislike for them, 261 ;-
promissory notes, ib;-the sovereign' recommended, 262;-its credit,
263;-silver coined at Bombay in twenty-eight years, ib;-total silver
currency of India, 264;-anticipated result of a change, ib.

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Persia.-British missions to, 110, 122, 128.

Pestalozzi, and the Colonies Agricoles' in Switzerland, 3.

Phra Kalahom, prime minister of Siam, 203.

Principles and Method of the English Reformation.-The reformation the
characteristic event of the sixteenth century, 236;-its general aim and
standard, 237;-political and social circumstances, ib;-character and
results, ib;-fundamental problem, 238;-necessity for a reformation, ib ;-
the conciliar scheme, ib ;-measures of the movement in England, 239 ;-
doctrinal turn of the controversy, 240;-difficulty in ascertaining the
sense of Scripture, 241;-an interpreter necessary, ib;-the Holy Spirit
the interpreter, 242;-through whom? ib;-Individualist view, 243;-
Romanist view, ib;-Calvinist view, ib;-estimate of these views by
English reformers, ib ;-the first and second views, 244 ;-obedience to the
Church, ib-aid to private judgment, 245;-the third view, ib ;-
respect for constituted authorities, 246 ;-the Papal supremacy an excep-
tion, ib;-great cause for reverence to existing institutions, 247 ;-English
reformers' own view, ib;--subsequent spread of principles of toleration,
248;-views respecting the employment of the secular arm,' ib.
Progressive Woman.-Generations past and present, 157;-improved ideas of
the age, 158;-evils and prejudices, 159;-preparations for matrimony,
160;-early marriages, ib ;-true ideas of marriage, 162;-the power of
love, ib;-effects of seclusion on women, 164 ;-education, 165;-strong-
minded women, 166 ;-rights-of-women ravings, 167 ;-Seraphina Sarks,
M.D., and her cause, 168;-occupations for an increasing female popula-
tion, 169;-desperate condition of two classes of noble women, 170 ;-
woman's work, 171;-her place in the world, ib.

Reformatory Movement in England.- Reports, &c. reviewed, 1 ;-characteristics
of philanthropy, ib ;-its bases, 2;-phases in the amelioration of prison
discipline, ib;-history of the movement: early experiments with juvenile
criminals, 3;-reformatories of Europe and America, ib;-principle over-
looked, 4;-the Philadelphian Institution, ib ;-its difficulties and reverses,
ib-discussion of methods of training boys, 5 ;-advantages of the agri-
cultural plan, 6;-opinion of Mr. J. E. Harries on the subject, ib ;-German
reformatories establishment of the Ranhe Haus, 7;-Protestant brothers
and sisters of charity, 8;-French Colonie Agricole at Mettray, 9 ;--results
of six years' operations, 10;-impressions of a visit to the institution,
ib;-its system with reference to religion, 11 ;-domestic arrangements, ib;
-occupations, 12;-system of patronage, ib;-Mr. Wheatley's opinion
on the system of rewards and punishments, 13;-progress of France and
Germany in the reformatory movement, ib ;-progress in England, 14;-
the voluntary principle, 14, 18;-neglect of large towns, 15;-individual

[blocks in formation]

vs. committee management, ib;-parallel in the new lunatic asylums, 16;
-industrial training of criminal and pauper children, 17;-English Ro-
man Catholic reformatories, 18;-the Kingswood school, 19;-assailable
points in the English system, 20;-Red Lodge female school, 21 ;-
division of the day in the Kingswood and Red Lodge institutions, 22;
the movement recommended for India, 23.


Scott, Mr. Russell, and the Kingswood school, 19.
Siam: Past and Present.-Sir John Bowring's work, 172;-early European
intercourse, 173;-Portuguese travellers, and their tales, ib;- beastly
and horrible custom' of a 6
kingdom of heathens,' 174;-early French
travellers and their accounts, 175;-first Siamese ambassadors to Paris,
and their mission, 176;-their reception and success, 177 ;-French
embassy to convert the king, ib;-the voyage, 179;-first experiences in
Siam, 180-preparations for the reception, 181;-the hall of audience,
182;-appearance of the king, ib;-description of Joudia, 183;-the
court and its ceremonies, 184, 186;-Siamese punishments, 185;-embassy
of Sir John Bowring, 186;-letter from the king to the ambassador on his
arrival, 187 ;-letter from the second king, 188;-reception of the embassy,
ib-voyage up the Meinam, 189;-first interview with the king, ib;
-the king and court, 190 ;-the white elephant, 191;-Bangkok, 192;
-climate of Siam, ib ;-the royal family, ib ;-barbarous custom, 193 ;-
prescription for morbific fever,' ib;-position of the women, ib ;-customs
of the country, 194;-its laws, 195;-language, 196;-education, ib;—
religion, 197;-maxims and duties of the priestly orders, 198;-ideas of
hell, 199;-commercial advantages, ib;-the commercial treaty, 200;-
articles of export, 201;-present sovereigns: the first king, ib; the second
king, 203;-the prime minister, ib;-extracts from the ambassador's journal
respecting him, 204 ;-remarks, 206.

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Siege of Honore in relation to Recent Events.-Secret of British ascendancy
in India, 264 ;-heroes past and present, 265 ;-Forbes's Oriental Memoirs,'
ib;- moral of the story of the siege, ib ;-the war with Mysore: capture of
Honore by Captain Torriano, 266;-arrival of fugitives from Barcelore,
267;-investment of Honore by Lutoph Ally Beg, 268;-commencement
of operations, 269;-incidents of the siege, 270;-the armistice and its
terms, ib;-the starving out' system of Tippoo's generals, ib, note;-
Lutoph Ally's estimate of the treaty, 271-working out of his plans,
272;-suspicions and proceedings of the English commander, ib;-inter-
change of compliments, 273;-a new actor on the scene: Maw Mirza
Khan, 274;-characteristic piece of oriental diplomacy, ib;-characteristic
British response, 275-the controversy cut short, 276;-a trusty
spy, ib, note;-two 'fast' generals, 277;-miseries of the garrison,
278;-desertions, ib;-Nana-like treachery of the enemy, 279 ;-
a British renegade, ib ;-picture of the interior of the fortress at
this period, 280 ;-suspicions respecting the sepoys of the garrison,
281;-grounds for them, 282 -extracts from a letter of Captain
Torriano respecting his position, 283 ;-capture of Fortified Island by the
enemy, 284;-the Mirza's explanation, 285;-his inventive genius, 286;
kind inquiries, and a disappointment, 287;-another explanation, 288;—
rough challenge from the commandant, and the reply to it, ib;-con-
clusion of peace, 289 ;-continued vigilance of the commandant, ib ;-visits
his late antagonist, ib;-fate of the English traitor, 290;-after-piece to
the general drama of the siege, ib ;-Mirza's search for Brahmins, 291 ;—
escape of the principal, 292;-safety of the others ensured by Torriano,

293;-surrender of the fort, ib ;-departure of the garrison, 294 ;- interest
attaching to the siege, 295;-characters of Torriano and his opponents,
296;-their guiding principles, ib ;-secret of Torriano's success, 298 ;-
Tippoo's empire a chimera, 299-cause for British success in India,
300;-mistaken ideas of the Natives regarding us, 301;-recent exem-
plification of their tendency, ib;-the mistake not to be wondered at,
802;-what is loyalty? 303;-power of England to punish the guilty,
304;-future government: the malady, ib;-the cure, 305;-improve-
ment of the Natives, 306;--difficulties to be encountered, ib.

Symons, Mr. Jelinger, on the management of the Kingswood school, 20.


Taylor, Bayard.-See Egypt and the White Nile, 24.

Tippoo Sultan.-See Malcolm, Sir John, 108, 110.

Torriano, Captain, his defence of Honore, 267.

Turner, Rev. Sydney.-See Reformatory Movement in England, 6.


Wellesley, Arthur.-See Malcolm, Sir John, 110, 115.

Wellesley, Lord.-See Malcolm, Sir John, 109, 120.

Wheatley, Mr., on the system of the Mettray reformatory, 13.
Wichern, Dr., and reformatories in Germany, 7.

Willoughby, Lieutenant, the hero of Delhi, 352.

Wilson, Dr., on existing Maráthí literature, 320.

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Wiseman, Cardinal, the supposed author of Fabiola,' 64.


Young, Robert, founder of the Philanthropic Society, 3.


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