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"A curious thing happened to me shortly after the honey-moon, which was very awkward at the time, but "has since amused me much. It so happened that "three married women were on a wedding visit to my "wife, (and in the same room, at the same time,) whom I had known to be all birds of the same nest. Fancy "the scene of confusion that ensued!

"I have seen a great deal of Italian society, and swum "in a gondola, but nothing could equal the profligacy of high life in England, especially that of "knew it.



when I

There was a lady at that time, double my own age, "the mother of several children who were perfect angels,

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with whom I had formed a liaison that continued without interruption for eight months. The autumn of a beauty "like her's is preferable to the spring in others. She told me she was never in love till she was thirty; and I thought myself so with her, when she was forty. I never felt a stronger passion; which she returned with equal ardour. I was as fond of, indeed more attached " than I ought to have been, to one who had bestowed her "favours on many; but I was flattered at a preference that



"had led her to discard another, who in personal at"tractions and fashion was far my superior. She had "been sacrificed, almost before she was a woman, to one "whose mind and body were equally contemptible in the "scale of creation; and on whom she bestowed a numerous family, to which the law gave him the right to be called "father. Strange as it may seem, she gained (as all wo

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men do) an influence over me so strong, that I had great difficulty in breaking with her, even when I knew "she had been inconstant to me; and once was on the point of going abroad with her, and narrowly escaped "this folly. I was at this time a mere Bond-street "lounger-a great man at lobbies, coffee, and gambling"houses: my afternoons were passed in visits, luncheons,

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lounging and boxing-not to mention drinking! If I had known you in early life, you would not have been "alive now. I remember Scroope Davies, H—, and myself, clubbing 197., all we had in our pockets, and losing it at a hell in St. James's-street, at chicken-hazard, which may be called fowl; and afterwards getting drunk toge"ther till H. and S. D. quarrelled. Scroope afterwards

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wrote to me for my pistols to shoot himself; but I de"clined lending them, on the plea that they would be for

"feited as a deodand. I knew my answer would have


more effect than four sides of prosing.

"Don't suppose, however, that I took any pleasure in "all these excesses, or that parson A. K. or W- were asso"ciates to my taste. The miserable consequences of such





a life are detailed at length in my Memoirs. My own

master at an age when I most required a guide, and left to the dominion of my passions when they were the strongest, with a fortune anticipated before I came into posses❝sion of it, and a constitution impaired by early excesses, I "commenced my travels in 1809, with a joyless indifference to a world that was all before me*.

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"Well might you say, speaking feelingly," said I :

"There is no sterner moralist than pleasure t."

* "I wish they knew the life of a young noble;

"They're young, but know not youth: it is anticipated;
"Handsome but wasted, rich without a sou;

Their vigour in a thousand arms is dissipated,

"Their cash comes from, their wealth

goes to a Jew."

Don Juan, Canto XI. Stanzas 74 and 75.

† He used to say there were three great men ruined in one year,

Brummel, himself, and Napoleon!

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I asked him about Venice:

"Venice!" said he, "I detest every recollection of the "place, the people, and my pursuits. I there mixed again "in society, trod again the old round of conversaziones, "balls, and concerts, was every night at the opera, a constant frequenter of the Ridotta during the Carnival, and, "in short, entered into all the dissipation of that luxurious place. Every thing in a Venetian life, its gondolas, "its effeminating indolence, its Siroccos,-tend to ener"vate the mind and body. My rides were a resource and a stimulus ; but the deep sands of Lido broke my horses



down, and I got tired of that monotonous sea-shore ;-to "be sure, I passed the Villagiatura on the Brenta.*

* To give the reader an idea of the stories circulated and believed about Lord Byron, I will state one as a specimen of the rest, which I heard the other day :

"Lord Byron, who is an execrably bad horseman, was riding one - evening in the Brenta, spouting 'Metastasio.' A Venetian, passing in a close carriage at the time, laughed at his bad Italian; upon which his Lordship horsewhipped him, and threw a card in at the window. The nobleman took no notice of the insult."-ANSWER. Lord Byron was an excellent horseman, never read a line of Metastasio,'





"I wrote little at Venice, and was forced into the search

of pleasure,—an employment I was soon jaded with the pursuit of.

"Women were there, as they have ever been fated to

be, my bane. Like Napoleon, I have always had a great contempt for women; and formed this opinion of them "not hastily, but from my own fatal experience. My "writings, indeed, tend to exalt the sex; and my imagina"tion has always delighted in giving them a beau idéal "likeness, but I only drew them as a painter or statuary "would do, as they should be.* Perhaps my prejudices, "and keeping them at a distance, contributed to prevent the illusion from altogether being worn out and destroy"ed as to their celestial qualities.



and pronounced Italian like a native. He must have been remarkably ingenious to horsewhip in a close carriage, and find a nobleman who pocketed the affront! But "er uno disce omnes."

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* His Medora, Gulnare (Kaled), Zuleika, Thyrza, Angiolina, Myrrha, Adah,—and Haidee,' in Don Juan, are beautiful creations of gentleness, sensibility, firmness, and constancy. If, as a reviewer has sagely discovered, all his male characters, from Childe Harold down to Lucifer, are the same, he cannot be denied the dramatic faculty in his women,-in whom there is little family likeness.

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