INDEX TO ENGLISH NOMINATIONS. The pedigrees of two and three year olds, whose sires and dams do not appear in the Age. 2 Abbess of Jerveaux, The 3 Abbess of Melsa, (25) 71, 71, 76, 79, 80, 82 2 Abdalha, (10,) 27 3 Abraham Wood, by Laner- 4 Acanthis, 42 2 Accia, by Y. Augustus. 3 By ACCIDENT, f.-Garga- 4 Assault, 4 3 f. (dam's pedigree 2 Achyranthes, (31,) 50, 52 2 Actress, (32,) 52, 75, 75 3 Astley, by Clarion - Betty 2 6 Baronet (h. b.), 76, 77 2 Bastilia, (11,) 17,57 3 Bastilion, by Cæsar-Bas- 2 Bastinado, by Archy, d. by 3 Battlement, 33, 43, (49) 2 2 3 By ASTRACAN, f. — Lady 2 4 Athelstane, 61, 64, 64, 68, By BAY MIDDLETON, C.- Diversity. See Fanny Dowling f. Elflock, 20 c. (dead,)—H. R.H., 3, 5, 22, 33 f.-Lyndhurst's d,30 3 2 3 f. 4 Attraction, 24, 61, 68, 69 3 Auctioneer, (49), 79 6 Auricula, 62, 81 - 2 Azimuth, (10,) 30, 38, 39, 7 Amazement, 62, 65, 79, 80 3 Ambassadress, (26,) 43, 3 Amphion, (23,) 33 3 Andros, 5, (23) 3 Annesley, by The Doctor, - 72 Bacchanalian, 19, 74, 77, 2c. d. by Mulatto, 28 3 By BARNACLES or THE 2 Barley, by Pantaloon 2 Barnton Boy (27) 3 2 Mustard, 25 Octave, 3, 33 f. d. by Voltaire, 30 29 c.-Zipporah, 10, 15, 3 Beauvale, 1, 5, 5, 11, 12, 5 Bedlam, 62 3 Bedwardine,(23,) 44,47, 64 2 Bender, (10,) 17 3 Bernadotte, 6, (20,) 33, 42 3 Beverley, (48,) 75, 79 2 Billy the Beau, (8,) 27, 67 2 Baron Hill (29,) 52, 83 C. Lady Strut, 8, 4 Bird of Paradise, 77, 78, 78 2 Black Man, The, (11,) 29, 2 Blarney, (27,) 35, 42, 42, 4 Blaze. 4, 7, 24, 61, 68 2 Blue Peter, by Emilian, d. 4 Blucher, 61, 63, 68, 69 3 Carnival, (25) 3 Carthaginian, (22,) 49, 53, 3 2 Cash er, 12, (22,) 54, 74, 75, 75 Castanero, 19, (27), 35 2 Catalan, 8, 11, (56) 3 Champion, 1, 3, 5, 5. 7, 9, 3 Chantrey, (21,) 34, 45, 45, 2 2 Bolingbroke (9), 16, 27, 56 2 2 2 California, by Camel Jun. 54, 55, 59, 60, 67 3 Bon-bon, 2, 3, 6, 11, (24,) - Miss Sheraton, 81 2 2 76 3 3 Bonnet Rouge, by Cother- 2 Bordeaux, bv Cotherstone 3 Boundless, (26,) 54, 57, 58, 68 2 Boxer, (28) 3 By BRAMBLE, c. d. by 5 Brandy-face, 73 2 Brennus, (29,) 46, 50, 61, 3 Bright Buck, by Venison, 3 British Consul, (23,) 55 6 Brown Fly, 83 3 Bruiser, The, (49) 2 Buckler, 18, 38, 41, 81, 81 2 Buckskin, (27) 5 Buckskin, 74 3 Buffalo Gal, (26,) 66 2 Bullfinch, 15, 18, 38, 42, 45 3 Burghley, 2, 3, 19, (21,) 2 2 Calmar, 20, (28), 81 Charles the 2nd, (57) 3 3 By CAMEL JUN., c. d. by 2 2 Candlewick, (10,) 35, 44 2 3 3 Cantab, The, by Little 2 2 2*Capsicum, (51) 4 Capsicum, 83 2 Captain Grant, (27,) 51, f. Benevolence, 33 C. Flambeau's d, C.- Frill, 28, 51 48 51 C. The Hind, 22, C.- The Hind, 28, C - Lady Eden, (Best Bower's d.), 18, 3 13 2 C.- Miss Petworth, Parry, (23,) 44, 49, 3 By CHARLES XII. or St. 55, 65 MARTIN, f.- The Maid, 3 Charm, 12, (26) 3 Chawryddes, (26,) 66 3*Cherry, (26), 60, 75, 80 3*Currig-a-Cuss, by David or 3 Cynthia, 6, 12, 13, (25,) c. out of Souvenance, 2 Cyprus, (29,) 50, 52, 57, 59 Coronet, by Coronation,-3 Czarina, 6, (25,) 37, 39, 48, 72 4 Corsican, 2, 63, 69 5 d. 2 By COTHERSTONE, f. 323 3 Clothworker, The, 33, (47,) 3 2 Cloudy, (52) 4 Cockermouth, 2, 19, 24, 3 Cocktail, The, by The Pro- 71, 77 3- 2 f.- Cowslip, 12 - f. (dead) The Em- 4, 12 Gitana, C.- Mandane, 4, 6, 14, 34, 37 76, 77 4 Dacia, 19, 61, 68, 76 2 Dactyl, (8,) 11, 29, 42, 73 2 Damask (11,) 13, 16, 17, 3 Dame Trot, (26) 2 Dark-haired Girl, (32) C.- Ragged Petti-2 3 Cotton Lord, 19, (22,) 48, a. Counterfeit, 81: 2 Countess, (by Robert de 2 Countess, (by Auckland,) 2 Countess of Albemarle, 3 Countess of Lansfeld, (63) 3 Cracow, 2, 5, 6, 12, 14, 4 Cracow, 23, 60, 83 The, 3 Croagh Patrick, 33, (48,) 2 Cross-bow, (30,) 36, 52, 57, 2 By CROTON OIL, C. 3 Crown Jewel, by Corona- - Daughter of the Sea, by 11, 16 2 Dauphin, (28,) 51, 58, 60, 72 3 Decrepit, by Defence 55 4 Deerstalker, 24, 62, 65 2 Dego (8,) 10, 15 3 Diana, by Harkaway - 3 Diana, by Harkaway-Red 2 Dick's Hatband, (29,) 45, 3 Didsbury, (22,) 61, 65, 76, 5 Diplomatist, 1, 70, 78, 78 78 3 Docility, (25,) 44, 44, 80 2 By EARL OF RICHMOND, C. 2 2*Earl of Warwick, The, Age. 2 2 Maid, 8, 10, 17, 27, 36, C.- f. 3*Eau de Vie, (dead,) 3, 12, 2 2 Ebury, (28,) 35 3 2 Egalité, 11, 15 2 Electricity,(15,) 32, 35, 35, 44 8 Elemi, 62 3 Eliza, (25,) 46, 48, 58 2 C. - Erica, 11 Creno- Esmeralda, 15 5 Eryx, 18, 76 3 Escalade, 1, 6, 9, (23,) 26, 4 Escape, 59, 70, 78, 78, 79 2 Estafette, 8, (10,) 31 3 Elizabeth, by Stockport, 4 Donna Hermosa, 53 80 4 Doryforth, 77, 81 46, 48, 55, 58 3 Do-the-Boys, 5, 11,19,(20,) 2 Ellen Middleton, by Bay 33, 37, 44, 63, 68 4*Dough, 61, 64, 68, 70 2 Douglas, The, 47, 50, (52,) 57, 70 4 Dover, 4 5 Middleton-Miss Heath- 4 Ellerslie, 19, 62, 68, 70 3 Drakelow, 4, (20,) 32, 33, 3 Elthiron, 12, (20,) 33, 45, 37, 44, 45, 47, 54 2 Draper, The, (10) 3 Draycott, (48) 54, 57, 63, 69, 71, 72 3 Duc de Brabant, (21,) 54 42 3 3 Emily (late Aldersgate). 12, 43 2 Emma, (50) 3 Emma-donna, (24,) 46, 4 Empress of Russia, The, 77 2 Encounter, (31) 23 -My Niece, 2 Earl of Albemarle, The, 3 Fellow Commoner, The, 3 Fencer, (48,) 82 2 Fernande, (13,) 31, 35, 45 3 Ferozepore, 12, (23,) 46, 54 3 Ferret, 12, (26,) 46 2 Ferrea, (31) 4 Ferryhill, 62, 77, 81, 81 |