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The Mississippi Valley Medical Association.

THE thirty-second annual meeting of the Mississippi Valley Medical Association will convene at Hot Springs, Ark., on November 6th next and continue three days. The meeting promises to be one of more than usual interest. The principal addresses will be delivered by Drs. Frank P. Norbury and Dr. Florus F. Lawrence; Dr. Norbury delivering the address in Medicine and speaking on Clinical Psychology," Dr. Lawrence delivering the address in Surgery, his subject being "Surgical Principles and Theories." Aside from these the program gives promise of better than seventy-five

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papers, a large proportion being from the authorities, and the range of subjects being so wide as to insure a constant and deep interest in the program.

Of course the meeting being at the Springs it is hardly necessary to say that the social features of the meeting will be strongly accentuated; we all know what the Hot Springs profession does to us when it sets out to give us a good time, and they have all the facili. ties for successfully doing this, and they are past masters at the game. Science is the object of the meeting, but every man has to breathe so much Arkansas ozone that he will return considerably exhilarated.

Present indications are that the meeting is to be liberally attended, the society is one of the largest of American medical bodies, and

Jacksonville, Ill.

courtesies with that intentness that our comfort be absolute that has made the route so popular with the traveling public. Reservations should be made at once. A rate of one and one-third fare on the certificate plan will be in effect.

Hot Springs, the great "National Sanitarium," as it is called, is owned and controlled by the U. S. Government, having been set apart for the treatment of its people in 1832. The government scheme of improvements at Hot Springs has been going on for years. Its income from the water and other rentals has all been spent on the reservation, until now it is one of the most beautiful spots belonging to Uncle Sam, as the accompanying pictures will show.

Following is the preliminary program:

Charles E. Barnett, Fort Wayne, Ind., Operative Necessities for Cure in Tuberculous Orchitis.

J. H. Barnett, Pikeville, Tenn., Gall Stones; Reports of Two Cases.

John M. Batten, Downington, Pa., Strength.

H. M. Beaver, Ochel tree, Kan., Tuberculosis, its Prevention and Treatment as viewed

by the Medical Profession and the Laity-A Special Study.

G. G. Buford, Memphis, Tenn., True Cause of Functional Neuroses.

James B. Bullitt, Louisville, Ky., Appendicitis, the Imperative and the Alterative.

V. P. Blair, St. Louis, Mo., Etiology, Pathology, and Operative Treatment of Deformities of the Face and Mouth Due to Mal-relations of the Jaws.

J. B. Bolton, Eureka Springs, Ark., Some Suggestions of Importance to Organized Medicine.

Geo. F. Butler, Chicago, Ill., Constipation and its Treatment.

A. H. Cordier, Kansas City, Mo., NonLithogenous Obstruction of Biliary Ducts. Geo. C. Flippin, Pine Bluff, Ark., Surgery of the Gall Bladder.

R. D. Garcin, Richmond, Va., The Obstetrical Forceps; their Indications and


W. Gavis, Canton, Ohio, Lithemia. Frank W. Glenn, Nashville, Tenn., Prevention and Treatment of Gonorrhea.

Howell B. Gwin, Nashville, Tenn., Epididymitis in Patient Presenting Three Testes and Double Penis-Showing Patient.

D. M. Hall, Memphis, Tenn., Report o Case of Acute Toxemia of Pregnancy.

Earl Harlan, Cincinnati, O., Partial Intestinal Obstruction; Its Causes, Symptoms, and Surgical Treatment.

M. L. Heidingsfeld, Cincinnati, O., Paraffin Prothesis; its Histology and other Considerations.

Marc Ray Hughes, St. Louis, Mo., Epilepsy.

C. H. Hughes, St. Louis, Mo., The Enton. ing of the Psychic Neurones in Neurotherapy and in General Therapeutics.

J. E. Johnson, Memphis, Tenn., Prosthetic Surgery of the Face.

J. L. McGehee, Memphis, Tenn., Stones of the Common Bile Duct.

E. H. Miller, Liberty, Mo., Masked Typhoid Fever.

Frank Parsons Norbury, Jacksonville, Ill., Clinical Psychology.

Wm. Porter, St. Louis, Mo., Tuberculosis; A Personal Appeal.

H. A. Rodebaugh, Columbus, Ohio, An Explanation of the Formation of Drug


H. J. Scherck, St. Louis, Mo., Bladder Surgery.

John N. Sluss, Indianapolis, Ind., The Diagnosis and Treatment of Brain Traumatisms.

F. D. Smythe, Memphis, Tenn., Volvulus of the Omentum, Intra-abdominal.

W. A. Spitzley, Detroit, Mich., Reasons for the More General Use of Local Anesthetics and the Methods of Employing Them.

Sterling B. Taylor, Columbus Ohio., Hemorrhoids, Post of Treatment.

Madison J. Walton, Memphis, Tenn., Report of Cases of Probable Maternal Impressions.

Willis Walley, Richton, Miss., Typhoid Fever, with Treatment.

W. H. Wathen, Louisville, Ky., Drainage in Surgery of the Gall Bladder and Bile Ducts.

T. J. Watkins, Chicago, Ill., Blunt Dissec. tion in Plastic Gynecologic Operations.

R. W. Webster, Chicago, Ill., Indications for and Effects of Over-feeding and Underfeeding.

T. C. Witherspoon, St. Louis, Mo., Bowel Obstruction.

C. M. Capps, Knoxville, Tenn., Foreign Bodies in the Throat, with Report of Cases. Wm. Britt Burns, Memphis, Tenn., Head Injuries.

Maynard A. Austin, Anderson, Ind., The Personal Element in Successful Surgery. W. W. Robertson, McComb, Miss., Periostitis, Surgical Treatment.

Florus F. Lawrence, Columbus, O., Surgical Principles and Theories.

C. N. Harrison, Little Rock, Ark., Modern Medicine

I. H. C. Cook, Hattiesburg, Miss., Typhoid Fever.

Richard A. Barr, Nashville, Tenn., Undescended Testicles.

of Case of Amebic Dysentery: Abscess of A. A. McClendon, Marianna, Ark., Report Liver and Appendicitis.

W. A. McKinley, Columbus, O., Deep Abscesses following Furunculosis.

M. Goltman, Memphis, Tenn., Gall Bladder Diseases and Floating Kidney.

Channing W. Barrett, Chicago, Ill., A Consideration of Retro-versio-flexions in their Relation to Pregnancy.

Geo. F. Suker, Chicago, Ill., Clinical Data -Diagnostic-Concerning Ocular Tumors. Quitman Kohnke, New Orleans, La., Yellow Fever and Mosquitoes in New Orleans

in 1905.

E. G. Epler, Fort Smith, Ark., Specific Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis.

Geo. Homan, St. Louis, Mo., The Danger of Dust as a Cause of Tuberculosis.

Wm. Porter, St. Louis, Mo., The Tubercu losis Question.

C. C. Stephenson, Little Rock, Ark., Trachoma.

John W Selman, Greenfield, Ind., Idiopathic Epilepsy, its Course, eto.

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Alex. Weiner, Chicago, Ill., Modern Treatment of Surgical Tuberculosis.

Hugh T. Patrick, Chicago, Ill., Remarks on Combined Degeneration of the Spinal Cord.

M. Rosenthal, Cape Girardeau, Mo., Malaria; its Bearing on Life Insurance in the Mississippi Valley.

Emory Lanphear, St. Louis, Mo., HyoscineMorphine-Cactin Anesthesia as a Substitute for Ether and Chloroform in Major Surgery. E. B. Montgomery, Quincy, Ill., Pubiotomy and its Relative Indications.

S. T. Rucker, Memphis, Tenn., Hysteria; with Report of Case of Hysteria Major in Woman Sixty-four Years Old.

The following have also promised papers: Spencer Graves, St. Louis; T. M. D. Clarke, New Orleans, La.; B. G. Henning, Memphis, Tenn.; Bransford Lewis, St. Louis; F. D. Kendall, Coluumbia, S. C.; J. H Stucky, Lexington, Ky.; Curran Pope, Louisville, Ky.; Robert Wallace Hendon, Chicago, Ill.; D. A. Ledbetter, New Orleans, La.; Wm. N. Wishard, Indianapolis, Ind. E. D. Fenner, New Orleans, La.; O. H. Elbrecht, St. Louis; Francis Reder, St. Louis; Morgan Smith, Little Rock; Árk.; S. C. Stanton, Chicago, Ill.

The officers of the Association are lows:

as fol

President, J. H. Carstens, Detroit, Mich. First Vice-President, J. Rilus Eastman, Indianapolis, Ind.

Second Vice-President, H. Horace Grant, Louisville, Ky.

DR. J. R. EASTMAN, DR. S. C. STANTON, Vice-President. Treasurer.

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