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An Agency for



Editor School Bulletin,

Syracuse, N. Y.

Editor School Journal,

Des Moines, Iowa.

The Exchange needs the names of good teachers to fill the best positions in Iowa and ad-
joining states. Send stamps for application blanks and circulars. Address,
Des Moines, Iowa.

Complete Poetical Works of Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes and Lowell.


To subscribers for WISCONSIN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION for the best essay not exceeding 1,000 words on


A general Method.

"How a Masterpiece of American Literature can be used to the best advantage by Pupils in the Reading Classes in Grammar School Grades."

2. The Application of this Method to the use of Longfellow's Evangeline.

Any applicant for the prize is at liberty to substitute Whittier's Snow-Bound, Burroughs's Birds and Bees, or Hawthorne's Wonder-Book in place of Longfellow's Evangeline.

A copy of the Household Edition of the poems of each of the following authors-Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes and Lowell-will be given free to that subscriber for WISCONSIN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION who sends us before May 15 the best essay on the subject indicated above. The essay receiving the prize will be published in this paper.

The books offered as a prize contain the complete poetical works of the authors with the exception of the Longello w volume which does not contain the dramatic poems of that author. Address





The School Board Journal's Teachers' Bureau is absolutely free to all its subscribers.


HERE is no medium in the United States, which has a closer connection with all Boards of Education and School Committees than the American School Board Journal. It has the prestige and standing of a reliable and valuable journal and enjoys the confidence of thousands of school officials. It is therefore not a difficult matter, aside from the clerical work attached to this department, to procure good positions for all those desiring them, and who have the qualifications to fill them. There is no educational journal published at this time which gives a more complete report of the doings of school boards and teachers. It is handsomely illustrated, givng the latest text-book adoptions, salaries fixed by school boards, changes in rules governing teachers and pupils, in fact a bird's-eye view of all important transactions in the country. It is endorsed by all state superintendents and by hundreds of principals and superintendents everywhere. Price of subscription, $1.00 per year, in advance. All subscribers enjoy the privileges of the Teachers' Bureau.


Every teacher should take it in addition to the Wisconsin Journal of Education. You can get both journals for

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At this writing (March 21st) we have calls direct from employing officers for 3 High School Principals at $1,000 to $1,200; 4 High School Assistants at $50 to $60; 4 Grade Teachers, $35 to $55; 2 Primary Teachers, $50 and $60; 1 Kindergartner, $50; 1 Music Teacher, $900; 4 Principals of Graded Schools, $50 to $85; 1 Teacher of Mathematics, $1,200 to $1,500; 15 District School Teachers for Dakota, $40 to $50. Persons wishing to apply for any of these positions should write at once sending testimonials and naming references. The annual membership fee is $1.00. Circulars free on application.



Boston Block,

Minneapolis, Minn.



Four blocks west of main entrance to Fair, one from Elevated R. R., three to Woodlawn Station on Illinois Central R. R., four to Plaisance, on quiet residence street. EVERY COMFORT.



C. R. LONG, Manager, 6422 Sheridan Ave., Chicago.



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lege, and thus, with one additional year's study, if qualified, can secure the degree of M. D.

Spring term begins April 3, 1893, and continues three months. Eighth Annual Winter term begins October 17, 1893, and continues six months. For catalogue and circulars, giving full particulars, address

THEO. MENGES, Secretary,


Summer Normal School at the World's Fair City.

A summer school will be held at the Cook County Normal School, beginning Monday, July 10, 1893, and continuing three weeks. Ten Minutes from the World's Fair Grounds. Morning Sessions Only. World's Fair Afternoons and Evenings.

The Cook County Normal School Buildings and grounds afford every opportunity for convenience and comfort to teachers who desire to combine a visit to the World's Fair, professional study under intelligent direction, and the elegance of a mountain or seaside hotel for rest and enjoy


The Faculty of the School.

The members of the faculty engaged for this Summer School are specialists of the first order in the departments over which they will have charge. No such Summer School faculty was ever advertised before.


Teachers can be accommodated at the Boarding Hall, if two occupy a room, at $10 per week. This hall will be

open from June 27, but teachers attending the Summer School will, if they write early, have rooms reserved for them during the session of the school.


Tuition will be regulated according to the work teachers desire to do in any department, being from $3 to $15 a course.

Drawing and Music.

The Thompson System of Drawing and the Whiting Public School Music Course will be the systems of drawing and music taught. A large circular is being prepared which will contain the syllabi of the different departments. This will be sent on request.

Do not make any arrangements for the summer which will prevent you from attending this school. For full information send for large circular, or write to

W. E. PULSIFER, or E. E. SMITH, Managers, 3 East 14th St., N. Y. 86 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.



... Midland Publishing Company ..


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Any of the above sent by mail, prepaid, at the above rates. A reduction when sent in quantities.

Publishers' Column.

But we

Advertisements are a part of every paper which should be read, as well as the regular reading matter. We keep our advertisements strictly separate from our reading matter for the convenience of our subscribers in binding the volumes of the Journal, and to insure them the full amount of reading for which they have paid. One publishing firm refuse to advertise with us unless we will agree to put their advertisement on the same page with our reading matter and no other advertisements on the same page. prefer to lose their advertisement rather than to rob our subscribers. We try to protect our subscribers also from all immoral or fraudulent advertisements, and are constantly refusing such as fast as they are offered to us. We ask our subscribers in return to read carefully each advertisement. Frequent changes are made in them, and you cannot assume that the advertisements are the same from month to month. This month for instance, there is scarcely anything which remained exactly as it was last month.

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Hotel Elmore.

SAFE. Nearly all the World's Fair hotels are dangerous fire-traps, as is proved by the enormous rates of insurance charged upon them. Do not risk your life in them, but go to a cottage hotel where there is no danger from fire. SANITARY. Although it is not likely that the cholera will come, there are equal dangers from impure drinking water, and from sewer gas and other sources of contagion in large buildings and great crowds, as well as from sitting around in cold and damp rooms in bad weather. We furnish fire when needed without extra charge We sterilize all the water used for drinking and for cooking. We furnish pure air by natural ventilation. We take the utmost care of the health of our guests. A large part of Chicago is built on a marsh. We are on a dry sandy ridge.

QUIET.-Get away from the noise and confusion all around the exposition grounds, night and day, into a quiet residence section. After being in a crowd all day you want quiet at night.

Comfortable.-Comfort is worth something. It is worth something to know that you are in a religious and moral residence section of the great city-far away from the slums with their vice and crime, far away from saloons with their annoyances-and that you are among a class of people with whom you would be glad to associate, and that you are close to churches where strangers are cordially welcomed, which is not the case down-town. It is worth something to be able to get a seat on a car and to get to your destination in a few minutes, rather than to wait ten minutes in a perfect jam of people before you can even get standing room, and then stand up in a crowded car in motion.

If you wish to stop, while at the World's Fair, in a safe, sanitary, quiet and comfortable place, go to the Hotel Elmore. We can furnish cheaper accommodations which will not have all these advantages. We can furnish more expensive accommodations. But we can best recommend the Hotel Elmore to the readers of the WISCONSIN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, as what they wish. Mr. Wright, our president, expects to make that his home during the Exposition rather than any of the other places which we shall either manage ourselves or be agents for.

If engaged in advance the cost of rooming will be $1.00 a day each for two in a room. Board can be obtained in the hotel for $1.00 a day or fifty cents a meal. A day's board will include two good meals and a lunch to be taken to the Exposition. Electric cars run from the Hotel Elmore to the Exposition in a fifteen minute trip, at a cost of five cents. Remember it is an hour's ride by cable car from the Exposition up town, and much more if you go over on the north or west side of the city.

Send for circulars to

COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION EXCURSION CO. 902 Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, Ill.

Col. A. G. Weissert, commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, asks that all schools shall celebrate Memorial Day. Write to The Acme Haversack, Syracuse, N. Y., with 15 cents for the best school exercises for that day.

Chicago Academy Hotel.

This beautiful building will be occupied during the vacation months as a World's Fair Hotel for teachers and pupils. Write for information to Chicago Academy, corner West Adams St. and Seeley Ave., Chicago, Ill.


This is a personal agency. Its aim is, by personal recommendation, to supply vacancies with teachers. I cannot be of much service to any teacher whom I do not know well enough personally or by reputation to recommend on my own responsibility. I want to become acquainted with competent teachers in all grades-from the kindergarten to the university. Such teachers are always in demand. Superintendents and employers of teachers may always depend on satisfactory service, and correspondence is solicited when vacancies are to be filled. Teachers may obtain enrollment blank by sending a 2 cent postage. stamp. No fee for registration. Address

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S. R. WINCHELL, 262 Wabash Avenue, Chicago.

How to Raise the
Grade of Your

We can help you to do this without
interfering with your regular school

With the least possible waste of time. With the least possible expenditure of money.

Write for particulars to


K. A. KASBERG, Prin. Stoughton Academy,

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Pioneer Block, Madison, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg, Ashland, Wis.
Design and superintend construction of School-Houses.

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