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Corns on the Sole of the Foot.-The following treatment is suggested in the British Medical Journal: Soak a piece of lint or cotton-wool the size of the corn with acetic acid, forming a compress, to be well covered with a piece of gutta-percha sheeting; bandage lightly. Do this for three consecutive nights.

After-Treatment in Appendicitis.-Ochsner's operative mortality in appendicitis (Clinical Review) in a series of 565 cases has been only 32%. He gives no food by the mouth and no cathartics whatever, but employs frequent gastric lavage to relieve the peristaltic pain, overcome nausea and lessen meteorism.

Bitter Cascara.-The natural bitter taste of cascara sagrada bark is due to about 3% of the laxative glucosid emodin. The bark contains likewise about 16% of tasteless frangulin, which is also laxative. The bitter principle is readily separated by digesting with ammonia and then treating with milk of lime.

Hysterical Retention of Urine.-E. Owen (quoted in New York Medical Journal) say that in the treatment of this affection the great secret is not to pass a catheter. Put the girl into a hot bath and tell her to micturate; if she will not, suddenly pour cold water on her head, which will most certainly have the desired effect.

Typhoid Spondylitis.-A case of typhoid spine, beginning on the eighty-third day of the disease, is related in detail by A. Kuhn (quoted in Medical News). The diagnostically important symptoms in this case were the lumbar pains and tenderness, distinct swelling over the area, and later a distinct kyphosis, which disappeared gradually.

Dressing for Painful Ulcerations.-The appended formula is taken. from the Medical Fortnightly: Chloride of sodium, 32 grammes; Slippery elm bark, 96 grammes; Hyoscyamus leaves, 4 grammes. Some of this powder is spread on a circular piece of absorbent cotton, which is folded with the powder inside, and applied to the uterine neck daily through a speculum.

Acute Cardiac Failure.-According to Powell (quoted in Medical Record) this may arise from direct injury, as the rupture of an aortic cusp during violent exertion, by the displacement of a clot from a systemic vein, or by overtaxation. Vomiting is a common sign of heart distress; diarrhea is not uncommon. The acute cardiac impairment of acute disease is best met by attention to the secretions, the occasional use of mercurials, careful limitation of the ood, a small blood-letting sometimes, oxygen inhalations and rychnine.

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Richness in Creosote, 90%; in Guaiacol, 92%; and in Phosphorus, 9 and 7%
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Prepared only for the Medical Profession.

Indications: Gout and all of those diseases arising from a gouty condition of the system, rheumatism and all of those diseases arising from a general rheumatic condition, chronic constipation, hepatic torpor and obesity. In all cases where there is a pronounced leaning to corpulency, it reduces to a minimum the always present tendency to apoplexy. In malaria because of its wonderful action on the liver, increasing twofold the power of quinine.

Packages containing four ounces (sufficient for three week's treatment) $1.00, obtainable from your druggist, or direct from this office, carriage prepaid, on receipt of price.

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To Render Milk Digestible.-The addition of 20 minims of dilute hydrochloric acid, with constant stirring, to a pint of gently warmed milk, is recommended by Robert T. Edes in the Medical Times. A very fine flocculent coagulum is produced, floating in the whey and easily accessible to the digestive secretions. None of the nutrient properties of the milk is lost by this method.

The Sterilization of Cocaine and Atropine Solutions. Dr. Sidler (quoted in Post-Graduate) has found that these solutions when sterilized by heat are changed chemically and rendered useless, as well as more easily infected. After a trial of various antispetics, he has settled upon 45% alcohol as most satisfactory, solutions in this liquid having remained sterile and unaltered for a year.

Census of European Nations. Since 1850 (Medical News) the population of France has increased only from 35,000,000 to 38,000,ooo, whereas that of the United Kingdom has risen from 27,000,000 to 41,000,000, Germany from 35,000,000 to 56,000,000, Austria from 30,000,000 to 45,000,000, Italy from 23,000,000 to 32,000,000, and Russia, partly owing to annexations, from 66,000,000 to 128,000,000.

Epigastric Pain.-Henry Wald Bettmann (Cleveland Medical Journal) emphasizes this statement: "It should be laid down as

a clinical rule that gall-stones should be suspected whenever patients complain of regularly recurring or paroxysmal severe epigastric pain, coming on several hours after eating, and when a careful examination of the secretions and digestive functions of the stomach reveals no abnormality."

Medical Lecturing and Cigarette Smoking. Dr. Dudley S. Reynolds, one of the founders of the Louisville Hospital College of Medicine, and a member of its faculty from the inception of the school, has been dismissed from the institution because in his lectures he denounced cigarette smoking and smokers. He is said to be sueing Central University, of which the medical school is a part, for $15,000 damages.

lodophilia. This reaction, says Dunham (Boston Medical and Surgical Journal) is always present in pneumonias and progressive suppurations; also in leukemia and grave anemias. The stain consists of 1 part iodine, 3 parts potassium iodide and 100 parts water, thickened to a syrup with gum arabic. A drop of this is added to the blood-smear, which is then examined under an oil immersion lens. A positive reaction is shown by some of the polymorphonuclear neutrophiles taking on a light pink to dark red coloration, either diffuse or limited to the refractive granules.

Treatment of Inoperable Sarcoma.-Dr. Coley is now able to report sixteen cases that have remained well from three to eight and a half years after treatment with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and bacillus prodigiosus. It seems that about 50% of cases of inoperable spindle-celled tumors can be cured by this method, which is however of much less value in the other forms of sarcoma, and is practically of no avail in carcinoma.

The Causation of General Paresis.-In support of the general belief that general paresis is practically always syphilitic in orgin, Wm. B. Noyes (Medical Review of Reviews) quotes Van Ehlers as stating that in Iceland (where syphilis is almost unknown) only three cases of general paresis have ever been observed-one in a young man who had lived a fast life abroad, and two in females who had immoral intercourse with foreign sailors.

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Chronic Fluorine Poisoning. The fluorids employed as food preservatives. That they are not wholly innocuous is shown by a case reported by F. Schuryzer in the New York Medical Journal, and due to drinking bottled beer. The chief symptoms were mononuclear leucocytosis, greatly increased excretion of calcium salts, general pains in the bones and increased coagulability of the blood favoring thrombosis.

Food For Summer Complaint.-Meigs (Medical News) recommends a mixture of equal parts of arrowroot water, lime water, cream and milk, of which the dose is two ounces every two hours. Between feedings, plenty of cold water should be given, with a dram of brandy to 8 ounces of the water if desired. After a day or two the dose may be increased to 3 ounces, gradually diminishing the proportion of cream and lime water till the infant's normal food is resumed.

Puerperal Influenza.-The differentiation between an intercurrent influenza and puerperal fever, says M. Stolz, (quoted in Medical Record) is not always possible. In the former, occurrence of relapses and the relative slowness of the pulse may aid the diagnosis, but slight local symptoms, malodorous lochia, incomplete evolution and tenderness frequently appear in influenza, so that in the absence of bacteriologic examinations the presence of an epidemic or pandemic may be the sole guide.

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