Arminian Magazine, For the YEAR 1787. CONSISTING CHIEFLY OF EXTRACTS AND ORIGINAL TREATISES Ο Ν Univerfal Redemption. VOLUME X. LONDON: Printed by J. PARAMORE, at the Foundry, Moore's3 THE Arminian Magazine, For JANUARY 1787. An EXTRACT from Dr. WHITBY'S DISCOURSES on the FIVE POINTS. [Continued from Vol. ix. page 636.] Of fufficient and effectual, common and Special Grace. FOR the right stating of this Question it will be requifite to fhew, 1. What is the fcripture import of the word Grace. II. What is the manner of its operation upon the foul to difpofe it to what is fpiritually good. III. What renders it efficacious in fome, and not in others, to produce Faith, Repentance and Converfion of the foul to God; and what is the account the fcripture, and our blessed Saviour, give of this matter. |