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The Mizer Sanatorium


For the treatment of Drug and Liquor addictions only.

Conducted along successful and ethical lines.

A physician in constant attendance and none but graduate nurses employed.

Our method is humane, absolutely painless. and has proven to be free from harmful results; no barred doors, windows, or straight-jackets.

Unless the results of treatment are successful to the satisfaction of the patient or their physician no fee will be charged for treatment.

All those who have tried other treatments and have failed to receive the desired results are especially solicited.

Further information to interested physicians on request.

R. J. BEELS, M.D., Superintendent

and Resident Physician.


JESSE MCCLAIN, M.D., Consultants.

E. C. CARR, M.D.,


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A Mineral Springs Health Resort and Sanitarium


All approved forms of Hydrotherapy, Massage and Electricity, given under the direction of experienced physicians, by skilled attendants. The Nauheim Baths, for weakness or disease of the heart, administered with a Natural Iodo-Bromo-Muriated Brine. Hot Brine Baths for elimination.


In the treatment of Rheumatism, Gout, Obesity, Neuralgia, Diabetes, Digestive Disorders, Anæmia, Neurasthenia, Diseases of the Nervous System and of the Heart and Kidneys we offer advantages unsurpassed in this country or in Europe. Beautiful location; healthful climate, mild, dry and equable; sixty acres of private park; measured and graded walks for Oertel Hill climbing exercises. Golf, Tennis, Putting Green, etc. House appointments, service and cuisine unexcelled. Correspondence with physicians solicited. For descriptive booklets address,

W. E. Leffingwell, President, Watkins, N. Y.

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Marks Patents of 1854 to 1912 cover all the accredited improvements in artificial legs and arms, and make the Marks' artificial limbs peerless. Rubber feet remove jar and make the stump bearings easy. Rubber hands extend the limits of accommodations

Light. Durable and Practicable. Do not get out of order, are inexpensive to wear. Appreciated

by over forty thousand wearers and thousands of surgeons of

prominence. Forty-six highest awards granted by Exposition. Appointed by U. S. Government, railroad companies, and other large corporations to furnish artificial limbs to pensioners and employees.

The Limits of the utility of Marks artificial limbs are unbounded. Persons wearing them engage in every occupation and profession.

A conductor on an Eastern railroad wears an artificial arm with rubber hand. He holds tickets between rubber finger and thumb while he punches them with his natural hand. A signal man in the employ of a large railroad wears one artificial leg, and attends to his duties in an


Copyright, 1907, by James S. Coward

Taken from an actual photograph. Dotted lines show torsional strain on ankle muscles in a pronounced case of fallen arch, caused by wearing shoes which throw the weight of the body on the heels, and give no support to the instep.

Mail Orders Filled Write for Catalogue

416 pages. Instructions are given how to take measurements and obtain artificial limbs without leaving home


701 Broadway NEW YORK U. S. A.


"REG. U. S. PAT. OFF."

As a preventative and natural remedy for "flat-foot," falling arch and strained ankles, there are many exclusive features that commend to physicians the


Arch Support Shoe

Adequate, anatomical support is
given the metatarsus by the springy
steel span, built into the arch of this
shoe. All strain on the tibial muscles
is relieved, and they regain their nor-
mal strength and elasticity. The
weight of the body is properly dis-
tributed on the ball of the foot, giv-
ing correct poise. The torsional
strain on the ankle muscles is en-
tirely eliminated (see illustrations).

Made in all sizes and widths in-
suring a perfect fit for every foot

264-274 Greenwich Street
(Near Warren St.) NEW YORK


Copyright, 1907, by James S. Coward

The same feet in a pair of COWARD ARCH SUPPORT SHOES. Ankle strain relieved, by giving natural support to the arch. Weight of the body properly distributed, inducing correct poise. Remedial features, being within the shoes, are invisible.

Treatise on "Flat Foot" Malled to Physicians Free Upon Request


R. CHAS. P. MILLER of Los Angeles, California, thoroughly enjoyed a 6000 mile auto trip through Cali-
fornia this summer because it was his first extended trip without suffering acutely from coryza
caused chiefly by dust.

His immunity this year was due to his use of Nazeptic Wool. He found that by lightly plugging both
nostrils with strands of this 'wool'-really absorbent cotton suitably impregnated with a properly bal-
anced medication of menthol, phenol, eucalyptol and methyl-salicylate-just before starting on his day's
run, and keeping the plugs in situ all day, he was entirely free from coryza, although ordinarily very sus
ceptible to it.

One of Dr. Miller's patients, a San Francsico banker, who crosses the bay twice a day, and who formerly had daily attacks of coryza while on the water, adopted the same expedient and has entirely freed himself of this annoying irritation.

The use of this preparation affords a continuous antiseptic vapor bath to the naso-pharynx, hence both its prophylactic and remedial properties in colds, coryza, hay fever, etc.

We understand that samples of Nazeptic Wool are obtainable from Sharp & Dohme of Baltimore.

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Classified Directory

of Advertising


Campho-Phenique (Liquid)

is an efficient antiseptic used in surgery. Campho-Phenique (powder) is a superior dry dressing for cuts, burns, ulcers and all superficial wounds.


The claims for this agent cover the strongest points in scientific literature and embrace the most sought-for features of the best antiseptic-non-poisonous; non-irritating; does not coagulate albumin; does no injury to membranes or newly-forming tissues.


Wherever there is decay, putrefaction, decomposition, bacterial infection or odors arising therefrom, Dioxogen, the prophylactic cleanser, has a definite field of usefulness.


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Hoyt's Gum Gluten

is the National Pure Food Law Standard for Gluten. It is even richer in protein than re quired by law.

Jireh Diabetic Foods

Diabetes is no longer an incurable malady. The Jireh Diabetic Foods build up tissues and repair the waste.

Phillips' Digestible Cocoa

is a nutritious beverage, with that delicate, rich chocolate flavor that is so gratefully recived by the stomach. Digestible Cocoa should largely take the place of tea and coffee at the table, with much benefit to the users.


is made from clean, hard wheat, including the bran-coat, and a small proportion of pure molasses. It does not cause the nervousness usually accompanying the use of coffee, nor the constipation following the use of tea.


This new compound has made remarkably rapid strides in gaining professional confidence and favor, not only because of its inherent therapeutic value but also due to its remarkable adaptability in a most prevalent disorder of metabolism-neurasthenia.

Scott's Emulsion.

Prof. Frankland, London, has proved that cod-liver oil exceeds all other foodstuffs as a generator of energy. In Scott's Emulsion the highest grade of cod-liver oil is combined with hypophosphates of lime and soda and glycerine.

Welch's Grape Juice

has attained its popular and professional favor through merit alone. This product has been perfected and marketed under the personal direction of the physician whose name it bears and whose purpose from the beginning was to produce a liquid food possessing all the nutrient essentials necessary to metabolism in sickness and convalescence.


The Coward Shoe

Prevents and corrects weakness of ankles and arches through the natural and scientific support afforded, either in incipient or advanced stages. Thirty years' experience. Made in all sizes and widths, insuring a perfect fit for every foot.


"Harvard" Clinicals

Are standardized on permanency, accuracy, reliability and dependability. "You depend on your clinical thermometer to answer questions of human life and suffering."

Co-Active Magnetic Wave


At the Laboratory of Emile Bachelet Co., Inc., 246 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, may be seen the 1911 model Electro-Therapeutic Apparatus, having four co-acting magnetic wave generators, acting simultaneously, producing no flashing of sparks or atmospheric ignition and no suppression of normal secretions. "Tycos" Fever Thermometers

Are invariably accurate, and therefore dependable. They are the product of 60 years' experience in the manufacture of thermometers. "Tycos" thermometers are scaled after two years' seasoning, thus eliminating contraction, the main cause of inaccuracy in green glass instruments.


The Glen Springs

Is the only place in America using a natural brine for the Nauheim baths. It is open all the year, and has the most complete equipment in hydrotherapy, mechanical and electrical appliances, under skilled medical direction. Illustrated literature is sent on application to the Springs at Watkins, New York.

The Mizer Sanatorium

of Coshocton, Ohio, invites members of the profession to submit their cases of drug and liquor additions on the simple evidence of "making good." The mode of treatment is open to practitioners and the approbation already gained for prompt and permanent results is evidence of its scientific procedure. Patients are allowed their freedom during the course of the treatment and invariably express their deep s nse of gratitude for restoration on returning 10 their homes.

The Mudlavia Bath, Kramer, Ind.

offers special advantages peculiar to this institution. Physicians throughout the country express their unqualified satisfaction of the efficacy of this treatment, conducted under strictly ethical relations, by a staff of trained physicians. Physicians themselves find this a magnificent retreat for respite from professional toil. The mudlavia baths, the salubrious climate, the cheerful surroundings, the unfailing courtesy of the management afford ideal conditions.

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