: Christ far above all angels. HEBREWS, The necessity of Christ's 4 Being made so much better 14 Are they not all ministerthan the angels, as he hath by ing spirits, sent forth to minister inheritance obtained a more for them who shall be heirs of excellent name than they. 5 For unto which of the an gels said he at any time, Thou salvation? CHAP. II. Obedience due to Christ. art my Son, this day have I be- THEREFORE we ought to 6 And again, when he bring- let them slip. 7 And of the angels he saith, received a just recompense of Who maketh his angels spirits, reward; and his ministers a flame of fire. 3 How shall we escape, if 8 But unto the Son, he saith, we neglect so great salvation; Thy throne, O God, is for ever which at the first began to be and ever: a sceptre of right-spoken by the Lord, and was eousness is the sceptre of thy confirmed unto us by them that kingdom; heard him; 9 Thou hast loved righteous- 4 God also bearing them witness, and hated iniquity; there-ness, both with signs and wonfore God, even thy God, hath ders, and with divers miracles, anointed thee with the oil of and gifts of the Holy Ghost, gladness above thy fellows. according to his own will? 10 And, Thou, Lord, in the 5 For unto the angels hath he beginning hast laid the founda- not put in subjection the world tion of the earth; and the hea- to come whereof we speak. vens are the works of thy hands. 6 But one in a certain place 11 They shall perish; but testified, saying, What is man, thou remainest: and they all that thou art mindful of him? shall wax old as doth a gar- or the son of man, that thou ment; visitest him? 12 And as a vesture shalt thou 7 Thou madest him a little fold them up, and they shall be lower than the angels; thou changed: but thou art the same, crownedst him with glory and and thy years shall not fail. honour, and didst set him over 13 But to which of the angels the works of thy hands; : : assuming human nature. CHAP. III. Christ worthier than Moses. 8 Thou hast put all things in 16 For verily he took not on subjection under his feet. For him the nature of angels; but he in that he put all in subjection took on him the seed of Abraunder him, he left nothing that ham. is not put under him. But now 17 Wherefore in all things it we see not yet all things put behooved him to be made like under him: unto his brethren; that he might 9 But we see Jesus, who was be a merciful and faithful High made a little lower than the Priest in things pertaining to God, angels for the suffering of death, to make reconciliation for the crowned with glory and honour; sins of the people. that he by the grace of God 18 For in that he himself should taste death for every man. hath suffered, being tempted, 10 For it became him, for he is able to succour them that whom are all things, and by are tempted. whom are all things, in bringing CHAP. III. many sons unto glory, to make Christ is more worthy than Moses. the Captain of their salvation WHEREFORE, holy breth perfect through sufferings. partakers of the 11 For both he that sanctifi- heavenly calling, consider the eth, and they who are sanctified, Apostle and High Priest of our are all of one: for which cause profession, Christ Jesus; he is not ashamed to call them 2 Who was faithful to him brethren, that appointed him, as also 12 Saying, I will declare thy Moses was faithful in all his name unto my brethren, in the house. midst of the church will I sing 3 For this man was counted praise unto thee. worthy of more glory than Mo 13 And again, I will put my ses, inasmuch as he who hath trust in him. And again, Be-builded the house, hath more hold, I, and the children which honour than the house. God hath given me. 4 For every house is builded 14 Forasmuch then as the by some man; but he that built children are partakers of flesh all things is God. and blood, he also himself like- 5 And Moses verily was faithwise took part of the same ; ful in all his house, as a servant, that through death he might for a testimony of those things destroy him that had the power which were to be spoken after: of death, that is, the devil; 6 But Christ as a Son over 15 And deliver them, who, his own house: whose house are through fear of death, were all we, if we hold fast the confitheir life-time subject to bond-dence, and the rejoicing of the age. hope firm unto the end. HEBREWS, The Christian's rest. Danger of unbelief. lieve not? 19 So we see that they could 8 Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day not enter in because of unbelief. of temptation in the wilderness: 9 When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my works forty years. L CHAP. IV. Rest attained by faith. ET us therefore fear, lest a promise being left us 10 Wherefore I was grieved of entering into his rest, any with that generation, and said, of you should seem to come They do always err in their short of it. heart; and they have not known 2 For unto us was the gospel my ways. preached, as well as unto them: 11 So I sware in my wrath, but the word preached did not They shall not enter into my profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. rest. 12 Take heed, brethren, lest 3 For we which have believed there be in any of you an evil do enter into rest, as he said, heart of unbelief, in departing As I have sworn in my wrath, from the living God. if they shall enter into my rest: 13 But exhort one another although the works were finishdaily, while it is called To-day; ed from the foundation of the lest any of you be hardened world. through the deceitfulness of sin. 4 For he spake in a certain 14 For we are made partakers place of the seventh day on this of Christ, if we hold the begin-wise, And God did rest the se ning of our confidence steadfast venth day from all his works. unto the end; 5 And in this place again, If 15 While it is said, To-day they shall enter into my rest. if ye will hear his voice, harden 6 Seeing therefore it remainnot your hearts, as in the pro-eth that some must enter therein, vocation. and they to whom it was first 16 For some, when they had preached entered not in because heard, did provoke: howbeit, not of unbelief: all that came out of Egypt by 7 (Again, he limiteth a certain Moses. day, saying in David, To-day, 17 But with whom was he after so long a time; as it is grieved forty years? was it not said, To-day, if ye will hear his with them that had sinned, voice, harden not your hearts. whose carcasses fell in the wil8 For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward derness? 1 18 And to whom sware he have spoken of another day. CHAP. V. Power of God's word. The priesthood of Christ. 9 There remaineth therefore ed for men in things pertaining a rest to the people of God. to God, that he may offer 10 For he that is entered into both gifts and sacrifices for his rest, he also hath ceased from sins: his own works, as God did from his.) 2 Who can have compassion on the ignorant, and on them 11 Let us labour therefore to that are out of the way; for enter into that rest, lest any that he himself also is compassman fall after the same example ed with infirmity. of unbelief. 3 And by reason hereof he 12 For the word of God is ought, as for the people, so also quick, and powerful, and sharp- for himself, to offer for sins. er than any two-edged sword, 4 And no man taketh this piercing even to the dividing honour unto himself, but he asunder of soul and spirit, and that is called of God, as was of the joints and marrow, and is Aaron: a discerner of the thoughts and 5 So also Christ glorified not intents of the heart. himself to be made a high priest; 13 Neither is there any crea- but he that said unto him, Thou ture that is not manifest in his art my Son, to-day have I besight: but all things are naked gotten thee. and opened unto the eyes of him 6 As he saith also in another with whom we have to do. place, Thou art a priest for ever 14 Seeing then that we have after the order of Melchisedec. a great High Priest, that is pass- 7 Who in the days of his ed into the heavens, Jesus the flesh, when he had offered up Son of God, let us hold fast our prayers and supplications with profession. strong crying and tears unto 15 For we have not a high him that was able to save him priest which cannot be touched from death, and was heard in with the feeling of our infirmi- that he feared; ties: but was in all points tempt- 8 Though he were a Son, ed like as we are, yet without yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; sin. 16 Let us therefore come 9 And being made perfect, boldly unto the throne of grace, he became the author of eternal that we may obtain mercy, and salvation unto all them that obey find grace to help in time of him; need. CHAP. V. Of Christ's priesthood. 10 Called of God a high priest after the order of Melchisedec. FOR every high priest taken 11 Of whom we have many from among men, is ordain- things to say, and hard to be HEBREWS, danger of apostacy. The guilt and uttered, seeing ye are dull of ance; seeing they crucify to hearing. themselves the Son of God 12 For when for the time afresh, and put him to an open ye ought to be teachers, ye shame. have need that one teach you 7 For the earth which drinkagain which be the first prin-eth in the rain that cometh oft ciples of the oracles of God; upon it, and bringeth forth herbs and are become such as have meet for them by whom it is need of milk, and not of strong dressed, receiveth blessing from meat. God: 13 For every one that useth 8 But that which beareth milk, is unskilful in the word of thorns and briers is rejected, righteousness: for he is a babe. and is nigh unto cursing; whose 14 But strong meat belongeth end is to be burned. to them that are of full age, even 9 But, beloved, we are per those who by reason of use have suaded better things of you, and their senses exercised to discern things that accompany salvation, both good and evil. CHAP. VI. The danger of apostacy. THEREFORE leaving though we thus speak. 10 For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and the labour of love, which ye have name, in principles of the doctrine shewed toward his of Christ, let us go on unto that ye have ministered to the perfection; not laying again the saints, and do minister. foundation of repentance from 11 And we desire that every dead works, and of faith toward one of you do shew the same God, diligence to the full assurance 2 Of the doctrine of baptisms, of hope unto the end: and of laying on of hands, and 12 That ye be not slothful, of resurrection of the dead, and but followers of them who of eternal judgment. through faith and patience in 3 And this will we do, if God herit the promises. permit. 13 For when God made pro 4 For it is impossible for those mise to Abraham, because he who were once enlightened, and could swear by no greater, he have tasted of the heavenly gift, sware by himself, and were made partakers of the 14 Saying, Surely blessing I Holy Ghost, will bless thee, and multiplying 5 And have tasted the good I will multiply thee. word of God, and the powers of the world to come, 15 And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the 6 If they shall fall away, to promise. renew them again unto repent-| 16 For men verily swear by |