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Resolved, That the following be incorporated as a part of article three, section three of our constitution and by-laws:

"And notify all members in arrears immediately after the annual meeting."

The above resolutions were read before the meeting and laid over until the next annual meeting.

On motion, it was resolved that Dr. A. C. Taylor deliver the annual address at the next annual meeting.

Several verbal reports of cases in practice were presented, which elicited considerable discussion, making the meeting one of special interest to all present. Adjourned.

D. E. LAKE, M. D.,





ELMIRA, March 8, 1876. The Eclectic Medical Society of the Southern Tier convened pursuant to adjournment at the Delavan. By invitation it adjourned to the office of Dr. M. E. Davis, where it was called to order by the President, Dr. Skinner in the chair.

In consequence of the sickness of Dr. Stevens, the records of the society were not present. There being no special business, the members entered into a general discussion of various subjects pertaining to the profession and had a very enjoyable time.

Meeting adjourned to meet at Watkins on the fourteenth of June next, at ten o'clock, A. M.



Recording Secretary pro tem.

C. A. JANES, M. D.,

WATKINS, June 14, 1876.

The Eclectic Medical Society of the Southern Tier convened in annual session in Temperance Hall and was called to order by the President, Dr. Skinner in the chair.

Minutes of previous meetings read and approved.

Members present-Drs. M. Skinner, Alfred Force, Miles Stevens, C. A. Janes, O. S. Brown, John M. Crane, L. E. Horton, T. A. Stewart.

The annual report of the Secretary and Treasurer was presented and read before the society, viz.:


Your Secretary and Treasurer would submit the following statement of cash receipts and expenditures since the last annual report: Amount on hand at last annual report .... Received for annual dues

Received for two books Transactions State Society

Received for adjoining fees....

Whole amount receipts.

[ocr errors]

$15 97



[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Whole amount disbursements...

Balance due Secretary and Treasurer at this date.

WATKINS, June 14, 1876.

$1 00




6 00


1 68

$30 23

0 26

MILES STEVENS, Secretary and Treasurer.

On motion, the report of the Secretary and Treasurer was received and approved.

Communication of the Secretary of the State Society was presented and read.

On motion, it was received and adopted, except that part contained in a resolution of the State Society, requiring the auxiliary societies to grant licenses hereafter to practice medicine, etc., for only one year, and the certificates emanate from the State Society.

The following preamble and resolution was offered by Dr. M. Stevens:

Whereas, The act incorporating the Eclectic Medical Society of the State of New York, and auxiliary local medical associations, passed April 24, 1865, grants the right, and privilege to all auxiliary societies which have received the sanction of the State Society to grant licenses to practice medicine and surgery, and that, too, without limit as to time. Also, in the act of May 11, 1874, the same rights, power and authority are therein verified. With all due deference and respect to the requirement and authority of the State Society, be it therefore

Resolved, That this Society cannot, consistently with its dignity and honor, surrender any of its rights and privileges, granted and conferred by the acts aforesaid.

On motion, the foregoing preamble and resolution was unanimously adopted.

Simeon Smith, of Alpine, N. Y., presented himself before the Board of Censors for examination. After an examination he was refused a license.

Bills of C. A. Janes and L. E. Horton, for their railroad fare to Albany and return, as delegates to State Society, amounting to twenty-six dollars and sixteen cents were presented and read. On motion, said bills were ordered paid.

On motion, W. B. Remington was expelled from this society, for unprofessional conduct, non payment of dues and assessments.

On motion, J. W. Hedden was expelled from this Society, for nonpayment of dues and assessments.

Dr. Crane reported several cases of cancer treated by him and discharged as cured.

The Society then proceeded to elect officers for the ensuing year, with the following results, viz.:

President.-Alfred Force, M. D., Horseheads, Chemung Co., N. Y. Vice-President.-L. E. Horton, M. D., Tolesville, Steuben Co.,

N. Y.

Recording Secretary and Treasurer.-Miles Stevens, M. D., Watkins, Schuyler Co., N. Y.

Corresponding Secretary.-M. Skinner, M. D., Watkins, Schuyler Co., N. Ý.

Board of Censors.-Drs. M. Skinner, A. Force, L. E. Horton, C. A. Janes, O. S. Brown.

Moved and carried that Dr. M. Stevens be exempt from dues to this Society while acting as Secretary thereof.

The annual address was then delivered by Dr. A. Force.

Committee on "Good of the Society," Drs. I. K. Richardson, T. H. Horton, O. D. Stiles.

The following members paid annual dues :

[blocks in formation]

Moved and carried that our first quarterly meeting of the present year, which occurs on the second Wednesday of September next, be held at the office of Dr. J. M. Crane, in Addison, N. Y., at 10 o'clock A. M. of that day.

On motion, meeting adjourned.

MILES STEVENS, M. D., Secretary and Treasurer. surer:

ADDISON, September 13, 1876.

The Eclectic Medical Society of the Southern Tier met at the office of Dr. J. M. Crane, in Addison, and was called to order by the vice-President, L. E. Horton, in the chair.

Members present, Drs. L. E. Horton, Miles Stevens, T. A. Stewart, T. H. Horton, I. K. Richardson, O. D. Stiles, J. M. Crane, J. D. ' Gilbert.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

Dr. Stiles reported a case, with treatment, which was discussed by several members.

Dr. Gilbert reported a case of Dropsy, with treatment, which was also ably discussed by Drs. Stiles, Crane, T. H. Horton and Richardson.

Dr. T. H. Horton was appointed to deliver an essay at the next meeting.

Drs. L. E. Horton, O. D. Stiles, Alfred Force and C. A. Janes were appointed delegates to attend the meeting of the State society. Dr. I. K. Richardson paid dues....

Dr. J. D. Gilbert paid dues

Dr. O. D. Stiles paid dues

$1 00

1 00

1 00

On motion a vote of thanks was tended to Dr. Crane for his generous hospitality and kind entertainment of the members of this society while in session at his place.

It was moved and carried that our next quarterly meeting, which occurs on the second Wednesday of December next, be held at the Delevan House, in Elmira, at 10 o'clock A. M. of that day.

On motion, meeting adjourned.





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