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" For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. "
Fifty sermons on several subjects and occasions - Side 94
af Charles Wheatly - 1746
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The Christian institutes, or, The sincere word of God, a plain account of ...

Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - 352 sider
...will not be brought under the power of any. e Whofoever (hall keep the whole Law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all : For he that faid,...kill. Now, if thou commit no Adultery, yet if thou kill , thou art become a Tranfgreftbr of the Law. 1 So fpeak ye, and fo do, as they that (hall be judged...
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A Practical Exposition of Our Saviour's Sermon on the Mount

James Gardiner - 1720 - 448 sider
...commands of God, whofe authority is equally impreffed upon all as upon any one. For fays St. James, * He that faid, Do not commit adultery ', faid alfo^ Do not kill. He therefore who abftains from the one, in confcience of the authority of the impofer, fhould for that...
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Sermons Preached on Several Occasions: By James Burroughs

James Burroughs - 1733 - 296 sider
...and yet offend in one point, be is guilty of all. For he mho faid, Do not commit adultery^ faid al/9, do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a tranfgrejfer of the law. This text feems tq reprefent a partial obedience as...
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An Enquiry After Happiness in Three Parts, Bind 3

Richard Lucas - 1735 - 486 sider
...whatever obfervance we may pay all the reft : For be that fata1, Do not commit adultery ; faidalfo, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery , yet if thou kill, thou art become a tranjgre'ffbr of the law, Jam. ii. n. That the restraints man is to lay upon...
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Religious perfection: or, A 3rd part of the Enquiry after happiness, by the ...

Richard Lucas - 1735 - 486 sider
...God, whatever obfervance we may pay all the reft: For he that faid, Do not commit adultery ; faidalfo, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a tranjgreffor of the law, Jam. ii. n. That the reftraints man is to lay upon...
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A Paraphrase with Notes, on the Acts of the Apostles, and Upon All ..., Bind 2

1737 - 470 sider
...you break in upon the whole Divine Authority, that eftablifneth all Right between Man and Man. tery, faid alfo, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a tranfgreffor of the law. iz So fpeak ye, and fo do, as they that fliall be...
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Our Saviour's divine sermon on the mount ... explained ... in ..., Bind 4

James Blair - 1740 - 428 sider
...Point, as appears by the Context, is one of the great Commandments; for it follows immediately ; For be that faid, Do not commit Adultery ; faid alfo, Do not kill. Now ifthou commit no Adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a ^ranfgrejfor of the Law. By which Dodtrine...
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Discourses on several important subjects. To which are added, 8 ..., Bind 1

Jeremiah Seed - 1745 - 472 sider
...uniform and unreferved Obedience. St. JAMES U. 10, n.' fhall keep the whole Law, and yet offend in one Point , he is guilty of all. For he that faid, do not commit Adultery ; faidalfot do not kill. IN a former Difcourfe, having fhewn, i ft SHRM. V. the Reafonablenefs of an...
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Several Discourses Concerning the Terms of Acceptance with God

Benjamin Hoadly - 1754 - 456 sider
...thus St. James himfelf feems to explain his ,own Meaning in the Verfe immediately following the Text, For He that faid, Do not commit Adultery, faid alfo, Do not kill. If therefore thou commit no Adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a Tranfgreffor of the Law....
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An Explication of the First Part of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism ...

Thomas Boston - 1755 - 320 sider
...the whole Law at once : Jam. iL 10. it. ' For whofoever mall keep the whole law, ' and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. ' For he that faid,...kill. Now, if thou commit no ' adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a ' tranfgreflbr of the law.' > % X •Q.vftj 1 6. Did all Mankind- fall in Adam...
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