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many polemical divines contending, tanquam pro aris & focis for their own opinions in matters that do not regard the vitals of reli, gion. Mr. Richards writes with a levity unbecoming his character and with a contempt of the Church of Rome, and all the established churches of the reformation that is very reprehenfible. He draws every thing into his own vortex of immerfion, and wherever he finds the doctrine of infant sprinkling adopted, he damns its patrons as antichriftians, thus narrowing the Church of God that has furvived the wrecks of Empires, into the finall number who, on the subject of water baptifm, which is but the baptifm of John, or the law, and far inferior to the baptifm or purification by the holy fpirit, think as he does.





THE general predictions concerning the fate of Mr. Pitt's Re

form bill, have in the courfe of this month been verified, not greatly we may prefume, to his mortification. There was, in reality, no neceflity for fuch a reform as was propofed. The people when◄ ever they are unanimous, or nearly unanimous in any matter, can make their voice to be heard and felt without any addition to the number of their reprefentatives in Parliament. Of this truth, the nation had of late a friking proof in the destruction of the coalition. The voice of the nation which, on that occafion, fupported the weaker branch of the legiflature against the ftronger, would more eafily fupport the ftronger against the weaker.-In free govern ments important changes are not ufually brought about without a very general confent and approbation among the different orders of fociety. It was thus that the revolution was effected. A wifh for a political reform was never general throughout the nation. It was an idea that occurred to the political genius of Lord Chatham on the rack to invent an engine for fubverting the power of Lord Bute, which, it is well known, he dreaded above all other objects of terror. This idea defcended as an inheritance to his fon. It has for years been cherifled by men in oppofition to government. But, as it was rather a whim or political conceit, than a measure founded in any real neceffity, it has been exploded by the general good fenfe of the people of England, who are not apt to court innovation, but have, as they well may, a respect for antient inflitutions and



Administration have ferved their country more effentially, than they would have done, by any political reform, by fetting apart fo confiderable a fum as a million fterling annually for the gradual reduction of the national debt. This is a pleafing proof of the vast refources of this country. Such efforts of finances had they been


predicted half a century ago, would have been confidered as chimerical. But, as in the progrefs of life, every man of business, where nothing adverfe happens, if he increases his expences by extending his trade, increases alfo his income; fo nations go on for a time, accumulating at once wealth and expences. There is an increase of industry, invention, and capital: and it is impoffible to determine the precife point where this increase fhall be arrested.


Numerous obftacles daily arife to the plan for fettling an amicable connection with Ireland. The manufacturers of England, the great nerve of the nation, oppofe regulations in which they. fee, or imagine they fee, their own ruin. It may however be a century, fuch is the indolence of the Hibernians, before the evils dreaded by our manufacturers overtake them: the love of gain is quickfighted, and a very provident paffion. It is feldom that politicians are fo much moved by a confideration of objects fo diftant as thofe which have alarmed the British manufacturers.


A very large fum has been granted by parliament for the purpote of building a new college at Edinburgh. This is one among a number of favours lately extended to North-Britain. It is reafonable, that this ancient kingdom fhould profit by the American revolt, and the confequent pliancy of the legiflature, as well as other countries. Yet it may be doubted, whether the application of any extenfive fum for the building of a magnificent college at Edinburgh, be a wife or proper expenditure of the public money. The celebrity of the Scotch univerfities, does not depend, any more than that of the Scotch church, on external magnificence or rich endowments. It is only by the fame arts that acquired their fame, that they can maintain it. The nerve that obtains eminence of any kind, is generally relaxed where there appears a folicitude to display and fupport it by external decoration. Reafoning, therefore, from this fymptom, we should be led to fear, left the glory of the fecond Temple fhould not be equal to that of the firft. And certainly, from that viciffitude, which is incidental to literature, we may foretell, that the day will arrive, when the Mufes fhall take their flight from the capital of Scotland, and leave their new palace as a monumental fepulchre of that reputation by which it was founded.


This, however, is an event that is by no means to be wifhed for; and we hope that the Patrons of the University of Edinburgh will be stimulated from the generofity of the government to bestow their beft care in filling up fuch vacancies as happen in this illuftrious feminary of learning, with men of the moft approved abilities; that for the future they will fuffer no profefforfhip to be bought; and that they will permit no profeffors to enjoy their falaries, who difcharge not the duties to which they are bound.



The face of the world, for the perfection of human nature and the happiness of mankind, is broken into different kingdoms by rivers, and feas, and mountains, and vaft defarts. Though policy or arms may supercede thefe boundaries for a time, nature resumes her prerogative at laft, and extends or contracts whatever limits are not of her appointment. That great peninfula which is bounded on the north-east by the Pyrenean mountains, and on every other fide by the ocean, feems deftined to form the strongest monarchy in Eyrope. The double marriages between Spain and Portugal, have a. tendency to fulfill the intentions of nature, and to reduce thefe king doms into one empire, refpectable under any circumftances, but with liberty and the arts, formidable to the other governments. of Europe. If it fhall be the fortune of Spain to give an heir to the crown of Portugal, the power of the Bourbons will be of greater extent than ever. If on the contrary, the Spanish throne fhall in the process of time, be filled by a defcendant of the House of Bra ganza, there is an end of the famous family compact, and Spain and France, as heretofore, will be actuated against each other by the animofity of proud and hated rivals.

The naval preparations in the port of Cadiz, have doubtlefs, for their object, the fecurity, perhaps the extenfion, of the Spanish power in the West Indies.

Our Account of Dr. Prieflley's Letters to Dr. Horley, Part II. is unavoidably deferred to the next Number.



For MAY,


ART. 1. A Collection of Theological Tracts. By Richard Watfon, D. D. F. R. S. Lord Bifhop of Landaff, and Regius Profeffor of Divinity, in the University of Cambridge, 8vo. 6 Vols. 185. Merril, Cambridge. Evans, London. 1785.

THE editor of this publication is already well known to all the lovers of manlinefs of fentiment, and of gehuine Chriftianity. The volumes before us, as the qualities they principally exhibit are rectitude of judgment, and patience of felection, may not perhaps add much to the repu tation he enjoys, as a polished and eloquent writer. But they will certainly add to the praife, which is not only more worthy of the Chriftian divine, but upon which a higher estimation will be placed by every man of elevated fentiments, the "praife of true defert" and difinterested exertion for the benefit of fociety.

The purpose of the work will perhaps be beft ftated in the language of the compiler.

In publishing this collection of Theological Tracts I have had no other end in view, but to afford young perfons of every denomi nation, and efpecially to afford the Students in the Universities, and the younger Clergy, an eafy opportunity of becoming better ac quainted with the grounds and principles of the Chriftian Religion than, there is reafon to apprehend, many of them at prefent are. My first intention was to have admitted into the collection, fuch fmall tracts only in Latin or English on Theological fubjects as had funk into unmerited oblivion; but, on mature reflection, I thought it better to confult the general utility of the younger and lefs informed clergy, than to aim at gratifying the curiolity, or improving the understanding of those who were more advanced in years and Eng. Rev. Vol. V. May 1785. knowledge,



knowledge. Instead therefore of confining myself to fingle tracts I have not fcrupled to publifh fome, intire books, but they are books of fuch acknowledged worth, that no clergyman ought to be unacquainted with their contents, and by making them a part of this collection, they may chance to engage the attention of many who would otherwise have overlooked them. It would have been an easy matter to have laid down an extenfive plan of study for young divines, and to have made a great fhew of learning by introducing into it a systematic arrangement of hiftorians, critics, and commentators, who in different ages and in different languages, have employed their talents on Theological Subjects. But there is a fashion in ftudy as in other purfuits; and the taste of the prefent age is not calculated for the making great exertions in Theological criticifm and Philology. I do not confider the tracts which are here published as sufficient to make what is called a deep divine, but they will go a great way towards making, what is of more worth-a well informed Chriftian. In divinity, perhaps, more than in any other fcience, it may be reckoned a virtue aliqua nefcire; for what Quinctilian observes of hiftorical, is certainly very applicable to an abundance of Theological writings.-Perfequi quidem quod quifque umquam vel contemptiffimo rum hominum dixerit, aut nimia miferia, aut inanis jactantiæ eft : et detinet atque obruit Ingenia, melius aliis vacatura.

The contents of the feveral volumes are,

"Vol. I. Dr. John Taylor's Scripture Divinity.-Reflections on the Books of the Holy Scripture to establish the Truth of the Christian Religion, by Peter Allix.”

"Vol. II. History of the Apoftles, by Nathaniel Gardner, D. D."

Vol. III. Differtation on the Ancient Verfions of the Bible, by Thomas Brett, D. D.-Hiftorical Account of the feveral English Tranflations, by Anthony Johnson.-Introduction to the reading of the Holy Scriptures, by Meffrs. Beaufobie and L'Enfant.-Key to the Apoftolical Writings, by John Taylor, D. D.-Plain Reasons for being a Christian, by Samuel Chandler, D. D."

"Vol. IV. Reasonableness of Christianity, by M. Locke -Discourse on natural and revealed Religion, by Dr. Sam. Clarke.-Difcourfe on Prophecy, from Difcourfes by John Smith.-Effay on the Teaching and Witness of the Holy Spirit, from Lord Barrington's Mifcellanea Sacra.-Effay on Infpiration.-Effay to fhow that no Text of Scripture has more than one fingle fenfe, from Benfon on the Epiftles.

"Vol. V. Of the Truth of the Chriftian Religion, from Hartley on Man.-Ditto, by Addifon. Of our Saviour's Predictions concerning the Deftruction of Jerufalem, from Lardner's Jewish and Heathen Teftimonies. Of the Probability of the Gospel Hiftory, from Macknight's Truth of the Gospel History-Of the Man of Sin, from Benfon on


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