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Art. 14. Remarks on the Report of the East-India Directors, respecting the Sale and Prices of Tea, By Richard Twining. 8vo. Is. 6d. Cadel. 1784:

A refutation of one of the flimfieft impofitions ever attempted to be foifted upon the public. It was indeed truly abfurd to pretend, as the Eaft-India Company have done, that the nation, individually confidered, have already been confiderable gainers by the commutation act. The report animadverted on is very properly fubjoined to Mr. Twining's pamphlet,

Art. 15. A Narrative of the Conduct of the Tea-dealers, during the late Sale of Teas at the India-Houfe. By the Committee of Tea-dealers. 8vo. 1s. Cadel, 1785.

At length we are brought to fomewhat feriously worthy of the public attention. Had the author referved himself (for the fame hand evidently runs through these three performances) for this great, but, unfortunately for him, unforefeen occafion, his lucubrations would probably have made a much deeper and more aufpicious impreffion. But, to judge of Mr. Twining by the rapidity of his publications, he will have bore fubfeciva to write, at a time when the world will no longer have leifure to read his publications.

By the mutual inuendoes that each party had been throwing out against the other, the East-India directors and the tea-dealers evidently came together irritated and fore at the December fale. The tea dealers, previous to the fale, and with an eye to the reports that had firft inftigated Mr. Twining's appeal to the public, gave in a list of 1300 chefts of tea, included in the intended fale, that were of an unmerchantable quality. This the committee feem to admit was an unexampled ftep. After fome altercations, 23 chefts of the exceptionable tea were withdrawn. This, however, was far from fatisfying the buyers. They came to an unanimous refolution, that when any lot thould be put up, including one cheft of the excepted tea, they would reject the whole lot for the fake of that cheft. In this dilemma a filk broker, a stranger to this kind of business, was introduced under the aufpices of the directors, and bid only upon the objectionable lots. This conduct on the part of the company only caufed the tea-dealers to become more determined. They inftantly requested Mr. Twining to become the fole purchafer on their part; and many lots were accordingly knocked down to him at a low price. Such were the tranfactions of the first day.

On the fecond day of fale, the only bidders, as before, were Mr. Twining and the filk-broker. But it now appeared, that the new purchafer no longer bid upon the objectionable lots, but became the competitor of Mr. Twining upon the lots, confifting of what had univerfally been allowed to be merchantable tea. The dealers had in the interval between the two days offered to relinquish the lots bought in the name of Mr. Twining, upon condition that their requeft in regard to the excepted tea was complied with. They now obferved, that all ground of conteft was at an end, and that they were willing things should proceed in their old channel. But their remonstrances were unattended to, and Mr. Twining Conitable were nearly the fole purchafers.

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It cannot be denied that this late of things implies a charge against the court of directors, that will require a very folid and cogent anfwer, before it can be completely removed. The tea-dealers were indeed the aggrellors. They were actuated by a fufceptibility to the darts of rumour, which gives us no favourable impreffions of their conduct. But obviously it did not concern their immediate interest, to exclude all damaged and confequently cheap tea from their warehoufes. Befide which, they appear to have conducted themselves all along with temper, moderation and civility: while the court of directors difplay that fpirit, which is but too congenial to a profperous and arbitrary monopoly. Let them beware. The time may come, when the people of England will look with calm indifference on their fate; and every corporate body in the kingdom will no longer, by a happy concurrence of circumftances, fee its own deftruction involved in that of the franchifes of the Eaft India company. Art. 16. An Hiftory of the Inftances of Exclufion from the Royal Society, which were not suffered to be argued during the late Debates. With ftrictures on the Formation of the Council, and other inftances of the defpotifm of Sir Jofeph Banks, the prefent prefident, and of his incapacity for his high office. By fome members in the minority. 8vo. 1s. Debrett.

This pamphlet is written in too ferocious a fpirit. It can answer no other purpose than to inflame. But if the oppofition-faction in the Royal Society are too turbulent; it must be allowed that the Prefident has difcovered a tone of ambition that is infinitely misplaced in fociety which has in view the propagation of fcience and literature. To object to men of learning and probity, that they deserve not admillion into the Royal Society, because they are indigent, or because they have acted in the fituation of teachers, is an illiberality fo utterly grofs, and fo perverfely ftupid, that no apology can be made for it. Yet this charge, we fear, can be applied to the Prefident of the Royal Society. And what aggravates this wantonnefs, it appears, from the infpection of the names of the members of the Royal Soci ety, that there are individuals among thein, who have no claims of any kind to genius, fcience or letters. But they had estates, and were ambitious of diftinctions that did not belong to them. From the prefent fquabbles of this Society there may refult one propitious effect. The mingled indignation and contempt with which they are treated by the impartial public, may teach the Prefident to be lefs in tolerant, and may admonifh his enemies to be lefs captious and fplenetic.

With respect to compofition, the pamphlet before us has no title to applaufe. The manner of it is coarfe and vulgar; its reafoning is not clofe or artful, and its language is colloquial and impure. It is a pain to us to obferve that any members of the Royal Society fhould difcover fo flight an acquaintance with polite literature. Art. 17. Dialogues concerning the Ladies. To which is added, An Effay on the antient Amazons. 12mo. 35. Cadel. There is a degree of pertnefs in thefe dialogues, which approaches to vivacity. But they are altogether without character. The au thor has only a flender store of knowledge; and while his manner is difagreeable, he communicates no information of any importance.

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His diction, too, is inelegant; and upon the whole his performance is ufclefs and trifling..

Art. 18. Elements of Nature; or, Free Opinions Sported in the Interior Cabinet of Venus. By Montaigne. Publifhed from the laft Venetian Edition. Including the Beauties of his Immortal Eflays. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Peacock.

It had been but fair, if the compiler, in imitation of fame of his brethren, had ftyled his pamphlet, the Deformities, not the Beauties, of this agreeable mifcellanit. But fuch titles as the above are fufficiently understood.

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Art. 19. A Letter to a young Gentleman of Fortune, just entered at the University. 12mo. 6d. Oxford. Prince 1784.

A feries of juft and fenfible advice, thrown together with a view to à particular fituation. For what purpofe the private transactions of the young gentleman and his tutor are published, we do not so readily apprehend.

Art. 20. The Deformity of the Doctrine of Libels and Informations, ex officio, with a view to the cafe of the Dean of St. Asaph, and an Inquiry into the Rights of Jurymen, In a Letter to the Hon. Thomas Erfkine. By M. Dawes, Efq, 8vo. 1s, Stockdale, London.

This pamphlet is a vindication of the infulted rights of Jurymen, It is written with more warmth than ability. But as the intentions of the author are very honourable, we abftain from confidering very critically his penetration and literature.

Art. 21. The Compleat Conftable; being a Digeft of the Statute and Common Law; divefted of the technical Law Terms. To which are now added, Practical Strictures on the feveral Duties to be performed in the due Execution of the Office of Conftable, By John Paul, Efq. Barrister at Law. 12mo. 1s. 6d. Fielding. This publication appears to us to be exact; and its utility does hot admit of a doubt.

Art. 22. The Magiftrate's Affifiant, or a Summary of thofe Laws which immediately refpect the Conduct of a Justice of the Peace to the End of the Fifteenth Parliament of Great Britain. To which are annexed more than an Hundred Forms of Warrants, Summonfes, Recognizances, &c. And a compleat Index, or Table of Contents to the whole. By a Country Magistrate. &vo. 6s, 6d, Gloucefter. Raikes. Gardner. London,

The defign of this work is to difplay more immediately to the eye of the magistrate that line of conduct which, in almost every emer gency, it is his duty to purfue. In this relpect it is perhaps preferable to the work of Dr. Burn, which comprizes much more than it is neceffary for a jufice of the peace to inveftigate in the ordinary and common duties of his office. "Art. 23. Thoughts on Bonds of Refignation Svo. Faulder.

It is the purpofe of this tract, to recommend the abolition of all bonds whatfoever, with regard to ecclefiaftical livings; as indecent in their principle, irreconcileable in many infta.ces to the rules of law, and productive of mischief and litigation. We must acknowledge, that we fincerely agree with this author in opinion. It is


right that the church fhould be cleared from corruptions of every fort. But, though we approve his fentiments, we think that he does not establish his points in the very ftrongest manner. His reading appears to be confined; his talents for reafoning are feeble; and his file does not evince that he has profited by the advantage of a liberal education. His meaning, however, is proper; and we very freely bestow upon him our commendation for his fincerity and public


Art. 24. The whole Proceedings of the Affizes at 'Shrewsbury, on Friday Auguft the 6th, 1784; in the Caufe of the King, on the profecution of William Jones, Attorney at Law, against the Rev. William Davies Shipley, Dean of Sr. Afaph, for a Libel, before the Hon. Francis Buller, Eq. one of the Judges of his Majesty's Court of King's Bench. Taken in fhort-hand, by William Blanchard, No. 4, Dean-ftreet, Fetter-lane, London. 8vo. is. Johnson,

It is univerfàlly understood, that the liberty of the prefs is the great bulwark of the English conftitution. The greateft efforts have therefore been made by prerogative lawyers, to reprefs and overbear the rights of juries in trials for libels. The cafe before us is a memorable example of this corruption. But it is to be hoped, that the people will ever be awake to all exertions of this kind, and that jurymen will never ceafe to fupport and vindicate the full privileges that belong to them. Of this publication it is fufficient to fay, that it is circumftantial and exact.

Art. 25, Elegy to the Memory of Dr. Samuel Johnson. By Thomas Hobhoufe, Efq. 4to. 6d. Stockdale 1785.

Elegy is too beaten a tract for common poets to fhine in. Accordingly, in the production of Mr. Hobhouse there is nothing par ticularly ftriking; yet the verfification is flowing and fmooth, the images are caft in the mould of melancholy, befitting the occafion, and the author's fentiments and famentation feem to proceed from the heart.

ART. 26. Adventures of a Petticoat Penfioner. Containing fecret Memoirs of the polite World, interfperfed with the gallan tries, Intrigues and Amours of many celebrated persons of both Sexes in High Life. To which are fubjoined curious Anecdotes of the most diffinguifhed Demireps of the haut-ton, which have never before tranfpired. London printed for the Author; and fold by G. Lifter. 1784. 12mo. 2s. 6d. ftitched.

As a fpecimen of the wit to be met with in this performance we give the following extract." His cafh lafted him one evening; but not without conning the vowels, i. o. u. which the next night "produced the fixth vowel, y.-Why don't you pay me, Sir?" fuch fort of clenches, feraps of French, and a profufion of obscenity, form the contents of the volume before us: it is a difgrace to the prefs. ART. 27. An Effay to prove the Infufficiency of a fubaltern Officer's Pay in the Army, compared with the neceffary Expences attending his Station. To which is added, a Plan for the more ef fectually recruiting the army, both in times of Peace and War. By a Subaltern. London. S. Crowder, J. Murray, T. Stock



dale, J. and J. Merrils, Cambridge, and S. Simmons, Lincoln. 1784. 2s. 6d. boards. Small 8vo.

The truth of what this well-informed fubaltern here lays before the public is almost generally acknowledged. He has entered into a minute detail, for which we muft refer our readers to the work, but thall here give the refult of his calculations. The unavoidable yearly expences of a fubaltern he states thus,


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Expence beyond fubfiftence,

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Our author we think very justly terms the above, unavoidable expences, in which he has even omitted a regimental furtout coat, though it appears to us indifpenfably neceffary. He concludes the finall volume before us with fome fenfible hints for the more effectually recruiting the army; which are, as well as his plea for his brother fubalterns, expreffed in the language of modesty and diffidence. We agree with the fubaltern that the income of an enfign or lieutenant is by no means adequate to their rank; and that the modes hitherto adopted of recruiting the army are not the best that could be devifed, and yet we fufpect that no effectual remedy will be fpeedily applied to either of thefe evils.

ART. 28. The Emigrant: a Poem. By J. Ireland. 4to. Is. Richardfon. 1785.

If juvenility can fuccefsfully plead in extenuation of poetical blemishes, and blunt in fome meafure the keen edge of criticifm, the author of the following pages may lay claim to no inconfiderable fhare of indulgence.'

We tell thee young man, for poct thou art not, that the public have nothing to do with Juvenility in poetical cafes. The author of a dull and infipid performance like unto thine, whether young or old, male or female, is deferving of critical chastisement! But the folicitations of a few private friends will be gratified.-By turning thee and thy verses into ridicule mafter Ireland,

This poem feems to be written againft emigration, and confifts of fuch rhymes as these.-Speaking of a cottage which the tenant was about to forfake.

The great who chanced to fee the smiling Spot
Seemed wifhful to exchange their higher lot
And live the happier lords of fuch a spot.'

4to. Is.

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Art. 29. An Ode on the much lamented Death of Dr. Samuel Johnson. Written the 18th December. Bew. 1784. Nothing can be more eafy, than for a reviewer to deal out at random the epithets of nonfenfical, abfurd, ridiculous, incomprehenfible, and the like, which fo readily occur to a man, who has had all his feelings jarred by the anomalous effufions of a poetafter. But the reader, born under a milder planet, and who is at liberty


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