ΤΟ MATTER OF FACT AND Common Sense, OR A RATIONAL DEMONSTRATION OF MAN'S CORRUPT AND LOST ESTATE. BY THE REV. JOHN FLETCHER, VICAR OF MADELEY, SALOP. Ye pompous Sons of Reason idolized Wrong not the Christian; think not Reason yours; YOUNG. The Son of man is come, to seek and to save that which was lost. LUKE. TO THE PRINCIPAL INHABITANTS OF THE PARISh of Madeley, IN THE COUNTY OF SALOP. GENTLEMEN, You are no less entitled to my private labours, than the inferior class of my parishioners. As you do not choose to partake with them of my evening instructions, I take the liberty to present you with some of my morning meditations. May these wellmeant endeavours of my pen be more acceptable to you, than those of my tongue! And may you carefully read in your closets, what you have perhaps inattentively heard iv in the Church! I appeal to the Searcher of hearts, that I had rather impart truth than receive tythes. You kindly bestow the latter upon me; grant me, I pray, the satisfaction of seeing you favourably receive the former, from, Gentlemen, Your affectionate Minister, And obedient Servant, J. FLETCHER. MADELEY, 1772. CONTENTS. The doctrine of Man's corrupt and lost estate is stated at large, in the words of the Prophets, Apostles, and Jesus Christ; and recapitulated in those of the Arti- Man is considered as an inhabitant of the natural world, and his fall is proved by arguments deduced from the misery in which he is now undeniably involved; compared with the happiness, of which we cannot help conceiving him possessed, when he came out of the hands of his gracious Creator.... A View of this misery in the following particulars,- I. The disorders of the Globe we inhabit, and the dreadful scourges with which it is visited.—II. The deplorable and shocking circumstances of our birth.-- III. The painful and dangerous travail of women.-- IV. The untimely dissolution of still-born, or new- born children-V. Our natural uncleanliness, help- lessness, ignorance, and nakedness.-VI. The gross darkness in which we naturally are, both with respect to God and a future state.-VII. The general rebel- lion of the brute creation against us.-VIII. The various poisons that lurk in the animal, vegetable, and mineral world, ready to destroy us.-IX. The heavy curse of toil and sweat to which we are liable; in- stances of which are given in the hard and dangerous labours of the Author's parishioners.-X. The other |