ΑΝ ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY OF IRELAND, FROM THE FIRST INTRODUCTION OF CHRISTIANITY THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY. COMPILED FROM THE WORKS OF THE MOST ESTEEMED AUTHORS THE IRISH CHURCH; AND FROM IRISH ANNALS AND OTHER AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS, BY THE REV. JOHN LANIGAN, D. D. FORMERLY PROFESSOR OF HEBREW, THE SACRED SCRIPTURES, AND IN FOUR VOLUMES. VOL. IV. DUBLIN: PRINTED BY D. GRAISBERRY. SOLD BY HODGES AND M'ARTHUR, 21, COLLEGE-GREEN, AND THE OTHER BOOKSELLERS. 1822. Gough Held= Ireland. 8vo 1.23. AN ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY OF IRELAND, &c. CHAPTER XXV. Several Irish monasteries founded in GermanyMonastery of St. Peter at Ratisbon founded by Marianus an Irishman-Domnus, an Irishman, first abbot of the monastery of St. James at Ratisbon-John, an Irishman, bishop of Mecklenburgh, martyred by the apostate SclavoniansDeath of Marianus Scotus the chronographerDeath of Moel-Iosa archbishop of Armagh Domnald bishop of Armagh makes a visitation of Munster and other parts of Ireland-Battle of Magh-choba-Death of Domnald-Samuel bishop of Dublin elected by Mortogh O'Brien and the clergy and people of Dublin, and consecrated by Anselm archbishop of Canterbury-Waterford erected into a Bishoprick-Malchus, its first bishop, consecrated by Anselm-Assembly of the clergy and people of Ireland at Cashel, in which king Mortogh made over that seat of the Munster kings to God and the church-Donald, nephew of Mortogh, made king of Mann and the HebridesGillibert bishop of Limerick endeavours to reduce the various liturgies in Ireland to one uniform system-Celsus, or Ceallach, archbishop of Ar |