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ropean or ship before. He left his native island for Mannicolo about two years before the Hunter touched at Tucopia and landed Martin; the other two left their island about six years after.

Bushart having concluded his narrative, I stood to the eastward under easy sail for the night. At noon I set the three points of the island in my view, and found the bearings as follow: East point, S.E. by S. per compass six miles; north point, S. by W. six miles; the centre point or head between those, S. by E. distance off four miles. Latitude observed at noon,

11° 7' S.

10th. At daylight Mannicolo, Otooboa, and Indenney were in sight. Set all sail, and steered N.N.W. for the latter, and shortly after N.W. and W.N. At 9 A. M. the Volcano or Thinnacooro Island was in sight, with its summit hid by the clouds. At half-past 10A.M. the east point of Indenney (called by Capt. Carteret, Cape Byron) bore S. by E. one or two miles. Shortly after two villages came in sight; one to the east of Swallow Bay, and the other at the bottom of the bay. Some canoes came off with cocoa-nuts and other things for sale, but we were going so fast as not to admit of any intercourse. As we passed along-shore we observed a number of villages, and people standing on the beach, with canoes coming from all parts of the shore. There we observed many persons:

some sitting and others standing, under the shade of large trees, who were covered with cloth from head to foot, on which account I supposed them to be females.

At noon the ship was near to Bloody Bay, where Captain Carteret's master and four seamen received the wounds that caused their deaths, in August 1767. We were here about one mile north of the shore, and I observed the latitude to be 10° 39′ S. Several canoes came out from this bay, but were not able to keep way with us, and one of them was upset with her cargo, by holding on the tow-rope too long.

On many parts of the shore we saw a much larger kind of canoe than those which came off to us, hauled up, and covered with cocoa-nutleaf mats. The large canoes, I suppose, are used for foreign voyages, and the others for domestic purposes. On passing Ferris' Bay town, a very large village came in sight, from which eighteen canoes were launched, but dropped astern, as did all the others.

At 1 P.M. I hauled round Carteret's Point, and stood up la Gracioso Bay of the Spaniards. On bringing Trevannion's Island to bear W. by N., I had soundings in twenty-five fathoms, on a point or spit of coral that ran off from the main land; the next cast I had no ground with forty fathoms line. We stood up the bay, as close to the wind as the weather would permit,

and made about a S.S.W. course, no bottom to be found with forty-five fathoms line.

On opening the passage between Tyrawley's Point and Monates' Point, the banks or sands which obstruct the passage were dry, with something standing on them like small black rocks or a forest of piles, projecting above the water. On a nearer approach, I found this was occasioned by hundreds of people with canoes fishing on the reef. As soon as the ship was perceived, twenty-five of these canoes approached, and the crowds of people retired to the shores of both points from the fishery. At this time there were upwards of a hundred canoes coming off to us; the people in them making friendly signs, calling out "Takee, takee," and exhibiting their cocoa-nuts, &c. We were too much engaged to traffic with them freely, but purchased a few things in exchange for fish-hooks.

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We now passed the opening between Trevannion's and Monates' Points, when it became necessary to tack to the eastward. Bottom was not found with seventy fathoms' line, nor on the east side of the bay with seventy-five. The water was as smooth as glass, with no surf on the shores: I continued working the ship up toward the head of the bay, expecting every moment to find bottom, but was disappointed. At ten minutes past 5 P.M. I determined to stand out to sea for the night, and come in again to

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morrow to seek for anchorage. At this time I might be distant from the head of the bay two miles, and reluctantly gave up the ground I had gained with such trouble. At 63 P.M. it was dark, Carteret's Point then bearing E. by N. This is the east point of the great bay, up which I sailed about seven miles. I directed the ship to be hauled close to the wind on the starboard tack, and stood out to the N.E.. The volcano on Thinnacooro was observed at this distance to emit flames every five minutes, but hardly perceptible at so great a distance. I was becalmed in the ship St. Patrick for one night off this volcano in May 1826, and saw it emit immense quantities of lava, which rolled down its sides in torrents.

As the ship passed up the bay to-day I could discern several villages on each side. The houses were larger than are generally to be found on the islands in the South Seas, with a door at each end and one on each side. Every house was surrounded by a dry stone wall, four or five feet high and as many thick, with an opening or gateway: it may thence be inferred that the natives frequently quarrel among themselves, and when necessary retreat behind the walls for shelter.

Most of the canoes to-day were navigated by two men, others by three, four, or five; but, whatever the number, there was always a bow

We nearly

for each, with a number of arrows. had a misunderstanding with one of these people. Before they became so numerous alongside, I had a rope placed over each side, towing in the water, and another over the stern, for them to hold on by with their canoes; but when the wind became light, I found that the canoes considerably retarded the ship, and I therefore ordered the ropes to be hauled in. Two were got in without trouble, but a man held fast by the third, and refused to let it go, though frequently called to, till at length the gunner snatched the rope away, at which he exhibited evident marks of displeasure, at the same time seizing his bow in one hand, while in the other he grasped an arrow. Apprehensive that hostilities, if commenced by one man, might become general and serious, there being at least six hundred men about the ship, all armed, to prevent the impending mischief I instantly ordered the guard on the poop, with loaded muskets, put the ship about, and soon lost sight of the offender. The other islanders took no notice of what passed, and continued to barter away their trifles, but could not by any means be induced to come on deck, though the two Tucopians from Otooboa did all they could to entice them. On seeing the ship stand out to sea they seemed disappointed; but the Tucopians, who had been at this place before, and

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