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The Foal Stakes of 100 sovs. each, h. ft.; for three years old colts 8st. 61b., and fillies 8st. 3lb.; those by untried stallions or out of untried mares allowed 3lb.; once round and a distance (4 subscribers).

Mr. Jaques's ch. c. Mildew, by Slane, received ft.

Lord Stanley's b. c. Crotchet, by Touchstone, received ft. from Lord Caledon's b. c. by Simoon, out of Lady Caroline, 8st. 7lb. each, T.Y.C.; 200, h. ft.

FRIDAY.-The Liverpool St. Leger of 25 sovs. each, with 100 added; for three years old colts 8st. 81b., and fillies Sst. 3lb.; the winner of the 2000 gs. or Derby to carry 7lb., of the 1000 gs. or Oaks 5lb., of the Dee stakes, Chester, 3lb. extra, of any two of the above 2lb. extra, in addition to the highest weight attached to either of such two; the owner of the second horse received 50 sovs. out of the stakes, and the winner paid 10 sovs. towards expenses; one mile and three quarters (21 subscribers).

Mr. G. Watts's b. c. Chatterbox, by Magpie, out of Clari (Foley)
Mr. Meiklam's b. c. The Italian (Templeman)

Mr. Stebbing's ch. g. Michael Brunton (Marlow)

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6 to 5 each against Chatterbox and the Italian. Won by two lengths. The Aintree Stakes (handicap) of 10 sovs. each, h. ft., with 50 added, for two and three years old; the owner of the second horse received back his stake, and the winner paid 5 sovs. towards expenses; T.Y.C. (12 subscribers).

Mr. Dawson na. b. f. Tightwaist, by Y. Longwaist, two years old, 7st. (T. Lye)
Mr. J. Billington's br. c. by Launcelot, dam by Liverpool, two years old, 6st. 6lb. (J.

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Lord Stanley's b. f. Pirouette, two years old, 6st. 10lb. (Charlton)
Mr. Jamieson's b. f. The Recluse, three years old, 8st. 7lb. (A. Day)
Mr. Phillips's ch. f. Zaidee, three years old, 8st. (Whitehouse)

Mr. Lawson's b. g. Eunuch, three years old, 7st. 12lb. (Flatman)


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7 to 4 against Tightwaist, 3 to 1 against Pirouette, and 5 to 1 each against The Recluse and the Launcelot c. Won by a length, a neck between the second and third.

The trainer of the Launcelot c. was fined for not declaring his colour.

The Grand Stand Stakes of 10 sovs. each, with 50 added, for three years old fillies; a mile and a half (7 subscribers).

Mr. Pilling's br. f. by Auckland, out of Atalanta, 8st. 7lb. (G. Abdale)

Lord Eglinton's b. f. Probity, 8st. 7lb. (Marlow)
Mr. Meiklam's b. f. French Susy, 8st. (Arnold)..

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5 to 2 on Probity. Won by four lengths.

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The Stanley Stakes of 15 sovs. each, 10 ft., with 30 added; for two years old 7st. 2lb., and three 9st. 21b.; fillies and geldings allowed 2lb.; the owner of the second horse received back his stake; T.Y.C. (8 subscribers).

Mr. Halford's br. f. Harriott, by Gladiator, three years old (Whitehouse)
Mr. Dawson na, b. f. Tightwaist, two years old (T. Lye)
Mr. Watts's b. c. The Jester, three years old (Foley)

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6 to 4 on Harriott, and 6 to 4 against Tightwaist. Won by a neck, The Jester a good third. One Hundred Sovereigns, given by the Hotel Heepers and Licensed Victuallers of Liverpool, added to a Handicap Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each; the winner of a handicap value 200 sovs. after the declaration of the weights to carry 5lb., of 300 sovs. clear or upwards 7lb., of the Liverpool cup 12 extra; the winner paid 5 sovs. towards the expenses of the Course; one mile (41 subscribers).

Lord Stanley's b. c. Uriel, by Touchstone, four years old, 8st. (Flatman)
Mr. Moseley's ch. c. Alonzo, three years old, 6st. 121b. (W. Sharpe)

Mr. Howlin's ch. c. Shilmalier West, three years old, 6st. 4lb. (Arnold)..

Mr. Phillips's b. c. Montezuma, three years old, 5st. 4lb. (Wells)..

Lord Eglinton's ch. c. Belus, four years old, 8st. (Marlow) ..

Mr. Wadlow's b. f. Sarah, four years old, 6st. 121b. (Charlton)




Mr. Thompson's br. f. by Falstaff, out of Y. Fenella, three years old, 5st. (Aldcroft).. 0 Mr. Wilkin's br. c. John of Tuam, three years old, 4st. 121b. (Chillman)


Even on Belus, 5 to 1 each against Alonzo and Shilmalier West, 7 to 1 against Montezuma,

and 8 to 1 against Uriel. Won by a length.

The trainer of Alonzo was fined for riding in wrong colours.

The Knowsley Dinner Stakes of 100 sovs. each, h. ft., for three years old colts 8st. 6lb., and fillies 8st. 2lb.; one mile and a-half (8 subscribers).

Lord H. Lennox's b. c. The Bee-Hunter, by Gladiator (Flatman)..

Mr. Watts's b. c. Chatterbox (Templeman)

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Mr. Watts's b. f. Marchioness d'Eu, by Magpie, out of Echidna (Foley)

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5 to 2 on The Bee-Hunter, and 3 to 1 against Chatterbox. Won by a head, a head between the second and third.

The Bentinck Testimonial, a piece of plate, value 100 sovs., added to a Handicap Sweepstakes of 15 sovs. each, 5 ft.; Stable corner in (7 subscribers).

Mr. Shepherd's br. g. The Alp, by The Provost, four years old, 7st. 3lb. (T. Lye)
Mr. Cotgreave's b. f. The Abbess of Jerveaux, three years old, 4st. 12lb. (Chillman) 2
Duke of Richmond's b. h. Vampyre, six years old, 8st. 10lb. (Flatman)..

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Mr. Lawson's b. h. Keleshea, six years old, 6st. 12lb. (Evans)

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Mr. Kemp's b. g. General Sale, four years old, 6st. 10lb. (Cooper) 6 to 5 against Vampyre, 3 to 1 against The Abbess of Jerveaux, and 9 to 2 against The Alp. Won by half a length, a head between the second and third.

The Selling Stakes of 5 sovs. each, with 30 added, for three years old and upwards; the winner to be sold by auction for £200, or allowances if for less, and any surplus over the stated selling price to go to the Race-fund; one mile and a half (5 subscribers).

Mr. Barton's b. c. Magician, by Lanercost, four years old (£50), 7st. 8lb. (Skeen)
Mr. Clough's b. m. Clara, six years old (£50), 8st. 6lb. (Oates)


Mr. Meiklam's b. f. French Susy, three years old (£50), 6st. 1lb. (Arnold)

5 to 4 on Clara. Won by five lengths.

The winner was sold for £126.




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THURSDAY, July the 11th.-The County Members' Plate, a sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each, with 50 added; the second horse saved his stake; three years old 7st. 5lb., four 8st. 7lb., five 9st., six and aged 9st. 3ib.; mares and geldings allowed 3lb., half-breds 71b.; winners once this year to carry 3lb., twice 5lb., thrice 71b. extra (winners of matches and handicaps excepted); the winner of a Queen's plate 101b. extra; the winner paid 5 sovs. to the fund; the winner to be sold for £200; heats, two miles (4 subscribers).

Mr. S. Rogers's b. g. Vasa, by Charles XII., four years old, 8st. 4lb. (Rogers) .. 1 1
Mr. Parr's br. c. Chicot (late Cast-off), four years old, 8st. 12lb. (Bartholomew) 2 2
Mr. Rogers's br. f. by The Earl of Richmond, dam by Glaucus, out of Alboni's
dam, three years old, 7st. 2lb. (Dockeray)

3 3

The Town Members' Plate of 50 sovs., added to a Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each; conditions the same as for the County Members' plate, and the winner of it to have carried 5lb. extra. Mr. R. H. Gurney's br. c. Bullfinch, by Slane, three years old, 7st. Sib. (Pettit).. 1 1 Capt. Lowther's b. g. Watchdog, six years old, 9st. (Rogers)

3 2 2 3 The Hunters' Selling Stakes of 3 sovs. each, with 15 added; weights as for County Member's plate; the winner to be sold for £70, if entered to be sold for £60 allowed 71b., if for £50 12lb., if for £40 18lb., if for £30 21lb.; the winner paid 1 sov. to the fund; the second horse saved his stake; heats, two miles.

Mr. Stephenson's b. c. Goodwood, four years old, 8st. 71b. (Dockeray)

Mr. Land's br. c. Sir Benjamin, by Lanercost, four years old

Mr. Batty's Slashing Jack, four years old
Mr. Vincent's b. g. Frank, six years old

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3 1 1

1 2 dr.

2 3 dr.

FRIDAY.-Her Majesty's Plate of 100 gs.; three years old 7st, 5lb., four 9st. llb., five 9st.

11lb., six and aged 10st. 2lb.; two-mile heats.

Mr. S. Rogers's b. g. Vasa, four years old (Rogers)

Mr. Gurney's b. c. St. Fabian, three years old (Pettit)

Mr. Land's br. c. Sir Benjamin four years old (Bartholomew)

1 1

2 2

3 3

A Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each, with 50 added by the Town Members; two-mile heats (4 subscribers).

Mr. Rogers's br. f. by The Earl of Richmond, dam by Glaucus, out of Alboni's
dam, three years old, 7st. 21b. (Dockeray)

Mr. R. H. Gurney's br. c. Bullfinch, three years old, 7st. 131b. (Pettit)
Capt. Lowther's b. g. Watchdog, six years old, 9st. (Rogers)..

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A Selling Stakes of 3 sovs. each, with 15 added by the Gentlemen of the County; weights as for the County Members' plate; the winner to be sold for £70, if entered to be sold for £60 allowed 7lb., if for £50 12lb., if for £40 181b., if for £30 21lb.; the owner of the second horse received back his stake, and the winner paid 1 sov. to the fund; two-mile heats. Mr. Abel's br. g. Anchor of Hope, five years old Mr. Land's br. c. Sir Benjamin, four years old Mr. Vincent's b. g. Frank, six years old

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A Hurdle Race of 2 sovs. each, with 25 added; four years old 10st., five 10st. 7lb., six and aged 11st.; thorough-bred horses 5lb. extra; the owrer of the second horse received back his stake; heats, over three sets of hurdles.

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THURSDAY, July the 11th.-The Sherwood Stakes of 3 sovs. each, with 30 added; three years old 7st. 4lb., four 8st. 6lb., five 9st., six and aged 9st. 4lb.; mares and geldings allowed 3lb.; winners of 50 sovs. and upwards 61b., twice 8lb., thrice or more 10lb. extra; the owner of the second horse saved his stake, and the winner paid 3 sovs.; heats, about a mile and ahalf.

Mr. Whitworth's b. f. Lady Jersey, by Bay Middleton, four years old, 8st. 3lb, (J. Frost)

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Mr. W. Baxter's br. f. Maid of Mansfield, by Sir Hans, dam by Colwick, four years old, 8st. 3lb.

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Mr. W. Langley's b. m. The Dart, aged, 9st. iilb.


1 2 2 2 3 dr.

The Portland Stakes of 2 sovs. each, with 15 added; three years old 7st., four 8st. 7lb., five 9st, 3lb., six and aged 9st. 71b.; mares and geldings allowed 3lb.; a winner of 50 sovs. 5lb. twice 71b., thrice or more 9lb. extra; about two miles.

Mr. Savory's br. h. Lecomte, by Assassin, five years old, 9st. 11lb. (F. Marson)
Mr. Jones's b. f. Flirt, four years old, 8st. 4lb.

Mr. Houghton's b. g. Sir Charles, aged, 9st. 4lb.

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Mr. Key's b. f. by Hardwick, out of Miss Burnley, three years old, 6st. 11lb. (bolted) 0 Won easily by two lengths.

The Innkeeper's Purse of 2 sovs. each, with 15 added, free for horses that never won the value of 50 sovs. at one time; three years old 7st. 4lb., four 8st. 6lb., five 9st., six and aged 9st. 4lb.; mares and geldings allowed 31b.; heats, about a mile and a half (5 subscribers).

Mr. W. Baxter's b. f. Maid of Mansfield, by Sir Hans, four years old, 8st. 3lb... 1 1 Mr. Haslam's ch. g. Prince, aged, 9st. llb.

Mr. Key's br. m. Shade, five years old, 8st. 11lb.

Mr. Hattersley's b. g. The Doctor, five years old, 8st. 111b.

3 2

2 3

4 4

FRIDAY.-The North Broxtowe Stakes of 2 sovs, each, with 20 added; three years old 7st. 4lb., four 8st. 6lb., five 9st., six and aged 9st. 4lb.; mares and geldings allowed 3lb.; winners of 50 sovs. or upwards 6lb., twice 8lb., thrice or more 101b. extra; the second saved his stake; the winner paid 2 sovs. to the Race-fund; heats, about one mile and a-half (4 subscribers). Mr. W. Baxter's b. f. Maid of Mansfield, four years old, 8st. 3lb. (F. Marson) Mr. Jones's b. f. Flirt, four years old, 8st. 3lb. Mr. Houghton's b. g. Sir Charles, aged, 9st. 1lb.

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1 1

3 2

2 3

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The Town Plate of 2 sovs. each, with 15 added; three years old 7st. 4lb., four 8st. 6lb., five 9st., six and aged 9st. 4lb.; mares and geldings allowed 3lb.; the second saved his stake, and the winner paid 1 sov. to the fund; heats, once round (4 subscribers). Mr. Savory's b. h. Lecomte, five years old, 9st. (F. Marson)

Mr. Langley's b. m. The Dart, aged, 9st. llb.

Mr. Haslam's Prince, aged, 9st. lib.

First heat won by half a length, the second by a length,

A Handicap for the beaten horses.

Mr. Houghton's b. g. Sir Charles, aged, 8st. 71b.
Mr. Jones's b. f. Flirt, four years old, 7st. 5lb.
Mr. Langley's b. m. The Dart, aged, 10st.

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TUESDAY, July the 16th.-The Bunny Park Stakes of 10 sovs. each, 5 ft., to which £50 would have been added if three horses had started; two years old 6st. 121b., and three 9st. 2lb.; fillies and geldings allowed 3lb.; the owner of the second horse to have received 20 sovs. out of the stakes, and the winner to pay 5 sovs. to the Race-fund; T.Y.C. (6 subscribers).

Mr. H. Stebbing's b. c. The Cutler, by Sheffield, two years old, walked over. The Nottinghamshire Handicap of 20 sovs. each, 10 ft., and 5 only if declared on or before July 1, with 200 sovs. added by the Noblemen and Gentlemen of the County; a winner of any handicap or sweepstakes of 200 sovs. value, including the winners' own stake, from the time of declaring the weights to the time of starting, to carry 5lb., of 300 sovs., including the winner's own stake, 10lb. extra; the owner of the second horse received 50 sovs. out of the stakes, the third saved his stake, and the winner paid 20 sovs. to the Race-fund; two miles (62 subscribers, 43 of whom paid only 5 sovs. each).

Mr. Wrather's ch. m. Maid of Masham, by Don John, five years old, 8st. 7lb. (G.

Mr. Walter's b. f. Maid of Team Valley, four years old, 7st. 3lb. (T. Lye)
Lord Chesterfield's b. c. Humphrey, three years old, 5st. 5lb. (Wells)

Mr. J. Clarke's Maid of Lyme, aged, 8st. 1lb. (J. Evans)

Sir C. Monck's b. c. Vanguard, 8st. 1lb.-including 5lb. extra (Simpson)

Mr. Lister's b. f. Peasant Girl, four years old, 6st. 9lb. (Basham)

Mr. Meiklam's b. c. Roland, four years old, 6st. 7lb. (Arnold)

Mr. E. R. Clark's br. c. Rodney, four years old, 6st. 5lb. (R. Sherwood)"

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5 to 2 each against Roland and Maid of Team Valley, 5 to 1 against Vanguard, 7 to 1 against Rodney, 8 to 1 each against Maid of Masham and Maid of Lyme, and 10 to 1 against Peasant Girl. Won by a length; a length between the second and third,

A Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, with 30 added, for two years old; colts 8st. 7lb., and fillies 8st. 21b.; a winner of 50 sovs. clear before starting to carry 5lb. extra; the winner paid 5 sovs. to the Race-fund; T.Y.C. (13 subscribers).

Mr. Ford's ch. f. Payment, by Slane, 8st. 71b. (Bartholomew)

Mr. Dawson's b. f. Tightwaist, 8st. 7lb. (T. Lye)


Mr. Beresford's br. f. Sneer, 8st. 2lb. (Sly)

Lord Rancliffe's ch. f. Palais Royal, by Hampton, dam by Liverpool-Tiresias, 8st. 21b. (J. Marson)

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5 to 2 on Payment. Won easily by a length; two lengths between the second and third. The Sherwood Stakes of 5 sovs. each, to which 50 sovs. would have been added if three horses had started; three years old 10st. 4lb., four 11st. 2lb., five 11st. 10lb., six and aged 12st. 2lb.; mares and geldings allowed 3lb., half-bred horses 10lb.; a winner once before starting to carry 5lb., twice 7lb. extra; the owner of the second horse to have received 15 sovs. out of the stakes; Gentlemen riders; two miles (8 subscribers).

Mr. Shepherd's br. g. Alp, by The Provost, four years old, 11st. 9lb., walked over. Mr. Savory's br. h. Lecomte, by Assassin, received ft. from Mr. F. Houghton's br. h. Sir Charles, 9st. each; two miles. £40.

A Plate of £50 given by the County Members; three years old 6st. 10lb., four 7st. 12lb., five 8st. 5lb., six and aged 8st. 10lb.; mares allowed 4lb., geldings 7lb.; the owner of the second horse received £10; two miles.

Mr. Stebbing's ch. g. Michael Brunton, by Don John, three years old, 6st. 3lb. (Arnold)

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Mr. Shepherd's br. g. Alp, four years old, 7st. 5lb. (Lye)

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Mr. Baxter's b. f. Maid of Mansfield, four years old, 7st. 8lb. (F. Marson)

Mr. Gardner's br. f. Psyche, three years old, 6st. 6lb. (Basham)

Mr. J. Osborne na. br. c. The Swift, four years old, 7st. 121b. (Osborne, jun.)`
Mr. Clough's b. m. Clara, six years old, 8st. 6lb. (Oates)



6 to 4 against Alp, 3 to 1 against Michael Brunton, and 4 to 1 against Swift. Won by half a length; a neck between the second and third.

WEDNESDAY.-The Chesterfield Handicap of 15 sovs. each, 10 ft., and only 5 if declared by the 1st of July, with 50 added by the Earl of Chesterfield; the winner of the Nottinghamshire handicap to carry 7lb., or of any handicap race of the value of 200 sovs., including the winner's own stake, 5lb. extra; the owner of the second horse received back his stake, and the winner paid 5 sovs. to the Race-fund; one mile and a half (13 subscribers, 7 of whom paid only 5 sovs. each).

Sir C. Monck's br. c. Vanguard, by Touchstone, four years old, 8st. 3lb.—including 5lb. extra (G. Simpson)

Lord Chesterfield's ch. f. Penthesilea, four years old, 6st. 101b. (Hiett)

5 to 4 on Vanguard. Won by a neck.

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1 2

Her Majesty's Plate of 100 gs.; three years old 8st. 21b., four 9st. 4lb., five 9st. 11lb., six and aged 10st.; two-mile heats.

Mr. H. Walter's br. f. Maid of Team Valley, by Velocipede, four years old (T.

Mr. Clarke's b. m. Maid of Lyme, aged (Holmes)..

Mr. G. Barton's ch. g. Smuggler Bill, aged (W. Oates)..
Mr. Baxter's b. f. Maid of Mansfield, four years old (F. Marson)

1 1

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3 2

2 3

4 4

First heat-2 to 1 on Maid of Team Valley. Second heat 5 to 2 on Maid of Team Valley.

The Innkeepers' Plate of 40 sovs., given by the Innkeepers of Nottingham, added to a Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each; three years old 6st. 10lb., four 8st., five 8st. 71b., six and aged 8st. 12lb.; heats, once round and a distance.

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3 3 1 1

4 1 2 2

1 2 3 3 2 4 dr.

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Mr. Shepherd's br. g. Alp, four years old (T. Lye) Mr. Gardner's br. f. Psyche, three years old (Arnold) Mr. Savory's br. h. Lecomte, five years old (F. Marson) Mr. Clough's b. m. Clara, six years old (G. Oates) First heat-2 to 1 on Alp, and 3 to 1 against Lecomte. Second heat-even on Lecomte, and 2 to 1 against Alp. Third heat-5 to 4 on Psyche, and 2 to 1 against Lecomte. Fourth heat-6 to 4 on Alp.

Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each, with 50 added; two years old 5st. 10lb., three 7st. 10lb., four 8st. 121b., five 9st. 3lb., six and aged 9st. 71b.; mares and geldings allowed 3lb.; the winner to be sold for £100, if for £80 allowed 4lb., if for £65 7lb.; if for £50 10lb.; the winner paid 5 sovs. to the Race-fund; T.Y.C. (7 subscribers).

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Mr. Hesseltine's ch. f. Unity, by Anti-Repealer, two years old (£65), 5st. (Wells)
Mr. Webb's br. f. Vigilant, two years old (£50), 4st. 11lb. (Kendall)
Mr. G. Barton's b. f. Taly, three years old (£100), 7st. 7lb. (G. Oates) ..
Mr. Osbaldeston's b. c. by Touchstone, out of Queen of Beauty, two years old (£50),
5st. (Barker)

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Mr. Yorke's Lysimachus, four years old (£50), 7st. 121b. (G. Simpson).. Mr. Meiklam's br. f. Polonaise, four years old (£50), 7st. 13lb. (T. Lye) Even on Unity, 2 to 1 against Taly, 3 to 1 against Queen of Beauty c., and 4 to 1 against Vigilant. Won by a length; same distance between the second and third.

The Selling Stakes of 5 sovs. each, for three years old and upwards; the winner to be sold for £300, or allowances if for less; twice round (3 subscribers).

Mr. Hesseltine's b. c. Timothy, by Bentley, three years old (£50), 5st. 5lb., walked over.


WEDNESDAY, July the 17th.-The Stamford St. Leger, a Sweepstakes of 25 sovs. each, 10 ft., with 25 added, for three years old; colts 8st. 7lb., and fillies 8st. 4lb.; the winner of the Derby to carry 91b., the second in that race 3lb. extra; of the Oaks 5lb., the second in that race 3lb. extra; the winner of any stake before starting value 200 sovs., including the winner's own stake, 3lb. extra; maidens at starting allowed 3lb.; about one mile and a quarter (11 subscribers).

Duke of Richmond's b. f. Officious, by Pantaloon, 8st. 7lb. (Flatman)
Lord Exeter's br. f. Clelia, 8st. 7lb. (Norman)

Mr. E. Batson's Thistledown, 8st. 10lb. (Sly)

2 to 1 on Officious. Won by a length; Thistledown a bad third.

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A Sweepstakes of 20 sovs. each, with 25 added from the Race Stand, for two years old; colts 8st. 7lb., and fillies 8st. 5lb.; the winners of the July and Chesterfield stakes at Newmarket, and the Triennial stakes at Ascot, to carry 71b. extra, all other winners 3lb. extra; T.Y.C. (3 subscribers).

Lord Clifden's ch. c. Beaufort, by John o'Gaunt, 8st. 10lb. (J. Marson).
Lord Exeter's ch. c. Midas, by Beiram, out of Merope, 8st. 7lb. (Flatman)

4 to 1 on Beaufort. Won by a head.

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A Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each, with 25 added by the Gentlemen of the Cottesmore and Fitzwilliam Huuts, for hunters; optional selling weights; the winner to be put up by auction after the race for the amount of the sweepstakes and the selling price, and the surplus, if any, to go to the fund; Gentiemen riders; to start at the top of the New mile and go once round (6 subscribers).

Mr. Rayner's b. f. Pulcherrima, by Venison, four years old (£150), 10st. 10lb. (Mr.

Mr. Tresham's Cogia, four years old (£150), 10st. 10lb. (Mr. Savin)

Mr. Wilder's b. m. Dart (half-bred), six years old (£50), 10st. 10lb. (Mr. Swann)
Mr. Draper's ch. m. Ruth, aged (£50), 10st. 13lb. (Mr. Stokes)

Mr. Marfleet's b. m. The Polka (half-bred), five years old (£50), 10st. 6lb. (Mr.









6 to 4 against Pulcherrima, and 5 to 2 against Cogia. Won by four lengths. The Burghley Stakes (handicap) of 25 sovs. each, 15 ft., and 5 only if declared on or before the 1st of July, with 50 added by the Inhabitants of Stamford; the owner of the second horse received back his stake, and the winner paid 10 sovs to the Clerk of the Course; to start at the New mile starting-post and go once round (47 subscribers, 35 of whom paid only 5 sovs. each). Lord Exeter's b. c. Little Jack, by Slane, three years old, 5st. 131b. (W. Harlock) Lord Clifden's br. h. Wanota, six years old, 8st. 61b. (J. Marson).. Capt. Lowther's b. c. The Gent, three years old, 5st. 12lb. (T. Smith) Lord W. Powlett's br. h. Brandy-face, six years old, 8st. 8lb. (S. Rogers) Duke of Richmond's ro. f. Jelly Fish, four years old, 7st. 61b. (Flatman) Lord Exeter's b. m. Tophana, five years old, 6st. 13lb. (J. Mann).. Mr. Lister's br. c. Knight of Gwynne, three years old, 6st. 5lb. (Basham) Mr. E. Batson's b. c. Thistledown, three years old, 6st. 3lb. (G. Mann)


5 to 2 against Wanota, 7 to 2 against Jelly Fish, 5 to 1 against The Gent, and 6 to 1 each against Little Jack and Brandy-face. Won by a head; a length between the second and third.

A Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each, with 50 added by the Marquis of Exeter, for three years old and upwards; the winner of one plate, match, or sweepstakes this year to carry 3lb., two 5lb., three 71b. extra; the winner to be sold for £250 if demanded, &c.; twice round (4 subscribers). Capt. Lowther's b. g. Watchdog, by Ratcatcher, 8st. 9lb. (8. Rogers) 1

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Mr. Hesseltine's Louisa, by Worlaby Baylock, out of Miss Burns' dam, four years old, 7st. 11lb. (C. Smith)

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Mr. Lister's b. f. Peasant Girl, four years old, 8st. 21b.-carried 5lb. under weight (Basham)

6 to 4 on Watchdog. Won easily.

THURSDAY. A Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, with 25 added, for three years old and upwards; Cup weights; to start at the double distance post and go once round (4 subscribers). Mr. Standwell's bl. f. Miss Stamford, by Voltaire, four years old, 7st. 11lb. (carried 8st.) (Bartholomew) Mr. Lister's b. h. Lecomte, five years old, 8st. 13lb. (Savin)

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Mr. Baxter's b. f. Maid of Mansfield, four years old, 7st. 11lb. (F. Marson)

6 to 4 on Lecomte. Won by a length.



A Sweepstakes of 15 sovs. each, 5 ft., to which 25 sovs. would have been added if not walked over for; for two years old; colts 8st. 7lb., and fillies 8st. 3lb.; the winner before starting of any two years old stake value 200 sovs., including the winner's own stake, to carry 3lb., of 300 sovs. 5lb. extra; T.Y.C. (19 subscribers).

Lord Exeter's ch. c. Midas, by Beiram, walked over.

The Gold Cup of 100 sovs. value, by subscription of 10 sovs. each, with 20 added from the fund, the surplus in specie; for three years old 6st. 71b., four 8st., five 8st. 13lb., six 9st. 5lb., and aged 9st. 71b.; mares and geldings allowed 31b.; three times round (14 subscribers),

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