Mr. J. L. Ewing's Lass o' Gowrie, beat Mr. A. Graham's bd. d. Conundrum Mr. W. Sharpe's f. b. Primrose Girl, beat Mr. W. Wilson's bd. d. John o' Grost. V. Mr. Peat's Leander, by Crofton, out of Phantom, beat Mr. J. L. Ewing's Jacobite, by Lucifer, out of Jenny Lind, and won the purse. The Dog Sapling Stakes. I. Sir J. Boswell's bk. Amontillado, beat Mr. J. Wilson's f. d. by Rufus Mr. J. Swan's r. Puzzle'm, beat Mr. Lee's r. d. Red Thunder. II. Mr. J. Swan's Puzzle'm, by Jason, out of Puzzle, beat Sir J. Boswell's Amontillado, by Foremost, out of Sherry, and won the stakes. The Bitch Sapling Stakes, No. 1. I. Mr. J. Wilson's w. bd. by Rufas, beat Mr. Ellis's f. b. Bonnet Blue Mr. J. Swan's r. o. Nips, beat Mr. Lee's w. bd. Kitty Carfrae. II. Mr. J. Swan's Nips, by Jason, out of Puzzle, beat Mr. J. Wilson's w. bd., by Rufus, out of Frolic, and won the stakes. The Bitch Sapling Stakes, No. 2. I. Mr. Ellis's bd. w. Bella, beat Mr. W. Sharp's w. r. b. Susey Brodie II. Mr. J. Wilson's bd, by Rufus, out of Nettle, beat Mr. Ellis's Bella, by Caliban, out of Judy Brogan, and won the stakes. Match, the best of three courses. Mr. W. Wilson's bk. w. d. Joseph Ady, by The Colonel, out of Blue Sir J. Boswell's r. b. The Flying Duchess, by Jason, out of Honey-bee The Selling Stakes. I. Mr. W. Wilson's f. d. Bravo, beat Mr. Gregson's bd. d. Bardon 20 1 1 1 0 2 dr. Mr. A. Graham's be. w. d. Balmoral, beat Mr. Gordon's bd. b. Gentle Zitella Mr. A. Graham's r. b. Currency, beat Mr. Murray's bk. d. The Little Devil Mr. W. Sharpe's f. b. Kitty Tyrrel, beat Mr. A. Graham's bd. d. Scholar V. Mr. A. Graham's Balmoral, by Sherwood, out of Conciliation, and Mr. A. Graham's Confusion, divided. END OF COURSING CALENDAR FOR 1849-50. London: Printed by Joseph Rogerson, 24, Norfolk-street, Strand. THE TURF REGISTER. 1850. LIVERPOOL SPRING MEETING. WEDNESDAY, February the 27th.-The Liverpool Spring Cup, in specie, a handicap of 15 sovs. each, 10 ft., and 5 only if declared on the 15th of February, with 50 added; the owner of the second horse received back his stake, and the winner paid 5 sovs. to the Judge; one mile and three quarters (19 subscribers, 10 of whom paid only 5 sovs. each). Mr. Meeson's b. f. Doubt, by Gladiator, four years old, 7st. 5lb. (W. Sharpe) Mr. Lawson's ch. c. Augean, three years old, 5st. 3lb. (Knott) 1 2 Mr. Hopkinson's ch. h. Quiz (late Raisthorpe), six years old, 8st. 7lb. (Templeman).. 0 Mr. B. Green's bl. c. Osbaldeston, three years old, 5st. 121b. (Basham) .. 0 5 to 4 against Osbaldeston, 7 to 2 against Doubt, 5 to 1 against Augean, and 6 to 1 against Wilmont. Won easily by a length. The Trial Stakes of 5 sovs, each, with 30 added by the Earl of Sefton; three years old 6st. 4lb., four Sst. 4lb., five 9st., six and aged 9st. 4lb.; mares and geldings allowed 4lb.; one mile and a quarter (13 subscribers). Mr. Hesseltine's b. c. Andalusian, by Liverpool Junior, four years old (Longstaff) Capt. Fraser's ch. f. Emma, three years old (Arnold) .. 12 Mr. A. Phillips's b. c. Montezuma, by Slane, out of Maid of Monton, three years old, (Mitchell) 0 Mr. Pedley's ch. f. The Golden Lady, by Velocipede, out of Luxury, three years old (Bellerby) 0 Mr. Sharp na. br. f. by Lanercost, dam by Muley Moloch, out of Miss Thomasina, three years old (Basham) Mr. G. Watts, jun. na. b. c. John of Tuam, by Croton Oil, out of Xarifa, three years old (Osborne) 0 Mr. Wilkin's ch. c. Magic Wand, three years old (Charlton) Mr. Jamieson's b. c. Tower, three years old (Iliett) Mr. W. Wright's ch. f. by Coronation, out of Old No. 12's dam, three years old (W. Mr. J. Osborne na. b. c. Nelson, by The Lord Mayor, dam unknown, four years old 0 3 to 1 each against Pio Nono, Emma, and Andalusia, 4 to 1 against Tower, and 5 to 1 against Lanercost f. Won by half a length. The owner of Nelson was fined for riding in wrong colours. The Optional Selling Stakes of 5 sovs. each, with 30 added; three years old 7st. 10lb., four 9st. 10lb., five 10st. 6lb., six and aged 10st. 101b.; mares and geldings allowed 31b.; maidens having started twice allowed 4lb., thrice 61b., and four times or more 8lb.; the winner to be sold for 150 sovs. in the usual way, and if entered to be sold for £130 allowed 3lb., if for £100 7lb., if for £80 12lb., if for £50 181b., if for £30 24lb.; the winner to be sold by auction, and any surplus over the selling price to go to the Race-fund; one mile (4 subscribers). Mr. Lawson's b. g. Eunuch, by Slane, three years old (£30), 5st. 71b. (Knott) Mr. Jamieson's b. c. Tower, three years old, 7st. 21b. (W. Sharpe) Mr. T. Wiley's ch. g. Old No. 12, five years old (£50), 8st. 4lb. (Tasker) Lord Waterford na. b. f. Effie Deans, three years old (£30), 6st. (Arnold) 6 to 4 against Eunuch, and 2 to 1 against Old No. 12. Won by two lengths. The Scramble Handicap of 3 sovs. each, with 20 added; the owner of the second horse received back his stake; half a mile (10 subscribers). Mr. Mangan's br. f. Portia, by Launcelot, four years old, 7st. 121b. (Keegan) Mr. Lawson's ch. c. Caurire, four years old, 7st. 12lb. (Noble) Mr. A. Phillips's ch. f. Zaidee, by Gladiator, out of Mamsel Otz, three years old, 6st. 5lb. (Arnold) .. Mr. Pedley's ch. g. Shadwell, three years old, 6st. 3lb. (Bellerby).. Mr. W. Powlett's ch. g. Pio Nono, three years old, 6st. 10lb. (Osborne).. .. .. 12 5 to 4 against Pio Nono, 3 to 1 against Cauliflower, and 4 to 1 against Caurire. Won easily. Lord Lurgan's ch. m. Fugitive, by Rust, aged (Magee), beat Capt. Cunningham's ch. m. The Mease, six years old (Wycherly), 10st. 5lb. each; one mile and a half, over four flights of hurdles; 100, h. ft. 2 to 1 on Fugitive. Won easily. The Grand National Steeple Chase was run on the same day. COVENTRY. TUESDAY, March the 12th.-A Selling Hurdle Race of 5 sovs. each, 3 ft., with 25 added; optional selling stakes; the winner paid 5 sovs. towards expenses; two miles. Mr. Land's b. m. Sarah Sykes, by Melbourne (£40), 10st. 21b. (Frisby).. Mr. J. Webb's b. m. Wiseacre (£30), 10st. 2lb. (H. Bradley) Lord Lurgan's b. g. Vaut-rien, five years old (£40), 10st. 21b. (S. Darling) Won by a neck. 123 3 A free Handicap Hurdle Race of 10 sovs. each, h. ft., with 40 added; the winner paid 10 sovs. to the Race-fund; two miles (8 subscribers). Lord Lurgan's Fugitive, by Rust, aged, 11st. 5lb. (Abbott).. Mr. Darling's Hawkstone, six years old, 9st. 6lb. (Archer) Mr. Barnard's Jack of all Trades, five years old, 9st. 6lb. (R. James) Three others started. Won by three lengths. 1 2 WEDNESDAY.-The City Stakes of 5 sovs. each, with 20 added, for half-bred horses; three years old 8st., four 9st. 4lb., five 9st. 12lb., six and aged 10st. 2lb.; two miles. Mr. Ongley's b. m. Bird of Paradise, by Gilbert Gurney, five years old (Norman) Lord Lurgan's b. g. Rory-be-aisy, five years old (H. Bradley) Two others started. 12 A Selling Hurdle Race of 3 sovs. each, with 25 added; 11st. 7lb. cach; the winner to be sold for 100 sovs., if entered to be sold for £80 allowed 3lb., if for £60 7lb., if for £40 12lb., if for £30 171b., if for £20 24lb.; two miles. Mr. Land's b. m. Sarah Sykes (£40) (Archer) .. Mr. Webb's Wiseacre (£20) (Bradley) Lord Lurgan's Vaut-rien (£20) (J. Kelly) Mr. Thrift's b. g. Wireworm-half-bred (£20) (Stagg) Mr. Smith's Forget-me-not (£40) (Dabbs) Mr. Barnard's Jack of all Trades (£20) (R. James) The Scramble Stakes Handicap of 1 sov. each, with 10 added, was won by 12300 Lord Lurgan's b. g. Vaut-rien, by Ascot, five years old, 12st. 2lb. (T. Oliver), beating two others. DONCASTER SPRING MEETING. THURSDAY, March the 14th.-Handicap Hurdle Race of 5 sovs. each, with 30 added; the owner of the second horse saved his stake, and the winner paid 5 sovs. towards expenses; two miles, over six flights of hurdles (12 subscribers). Mr. Lister's br. m. Wharfdale Maid, aged, 10st. 8lb. (Frisby) Mr. Gardner's br. f. Little Queen, four years old, 9st. 7lb. (G. Arrau) Capt. Reynard's br. g. Jack in the Corner, five years old, 10st. (Marwood) Mr. T. C. Percival's ch. g. Dunchurch, by Tamworth, dam by Canteen (half-bred), aged, 10st. 6lb. (Frost) Mr. Hargreaves na. b. h. Chintz Print (half-bred), aged, 10st. 2lb. (W. Brooke) Mr. J. R. Scott's ch. m. Good Girl, five years old, 9st. 131b. (A. Clark).. Won by half a neck. The Grand Stand Stakes of 5 sovs. each, with 30 added; two years old 7st., and three 9st.; fillies and geldings allowed 31b.; a winner once in 1849 or 1850 to carry 3lb., twice 5lb. extra; horses that have started twice in 1849, and never won, allowed 5lb.; Red house in (7 subscribers). Mr. Dawson na. b. c. Mark Tapley, by The Hydra, three years old, 9st. 3lb. (Cartwright).. Mr. R. Hesseltine's b. c. Timothy, three years old, 8st. 9lb. (Longstaff)'' Mr. Barker's br. c. Tordesillas, three years old, 8st. 91b. (Templeman) Mr. A. Shepherd's ch. f. Emina, by Young Priam, dam by Muley (half-bred), three years old, 8st. 11lb. (owner) Mr. G. Barton's br. c. Leonidas, three years old, 8st. 91b. (W. Oates) Mr. Jamieson's b. c. Tower, three years old, 8st. 91b. (Dean) 0 0 0 5 to 4 against Mark Tapley, 3 to 1 against Tordesillas, 7 to 2 against Timothy, and 5 to 1 against Leonidas. Won by a length, same distance between the second and third. The Municipal Stakes of 5 sovs. each, with 30 added; three years old 7st., four 9st., five 9st. 71b., six and aged 10st.; half-bred horses allowed 71b.; mares and gelding 3lb.; maiden horses 5lb.; the winner to be sold for £150 sovs., if entered to be sold for £100 allowed 5lb., if for £75 12lb., if for £50 18lb., if for £30 24lb.; the owner of the second horse saved his stake, and the winner paid 5 sovs. towards expenses; St. Leger Course. Mr. J. Condron's br. f. Peasant Girl, by The Major, four years old (£30), 7st. llb. (Keegan) Mr. Blacker's br. c. Theory, by Theon, out of The Lawyer's Lady, four years old (£30) Mr. Millwood's br. f. Lodona, three years old (£75), 5st. 8lb. (Osborne) 1 2 3 5 to 2 against Peasant Girl, 3 to 1 against Theory, 4 to 1 against Lodona, and 5 to 1 against Billy from Brigg. The winner was sold by auction for £50. The Sheffield and Rotherham Stakes, a handicap of 6 sovs. each, h. ft., with 40 added by a few friends of racing in the above towns, for horses that before the entry never won at any one time £100 clear; the winner paid 5 sovs. towards expenses; one mile (14 subscribers). Mr. B. Eddison's br. f. Eliza Middleton, by Bay Middleton, out of John Cosser's dam, three years old, 6st. 21b. (Chilman) Mr. B. Green's br. c. Osbaldeston, three years old, 6st. 12lb. (Basham) Mr. J. Taylor's br. h. Luxor, six years old, 8st. 4lb. (Jeukinson) Mr. G. Barton's b. c. Didsbury, four years old, 8st. (W. Oates) Mr. Cowell's b. c. Patrick, four years old, 7st. 13lb. (Hughes) Mr. Styan's br. m. Ellen, by Lanercost, out of Miss York, five years old, 7st. (Smith) Mr. J. Shepherd's b. c. Kill or Cure, three years old, 6st. 61b. (Charlton) Mr. Rickaby's br. f. by Touchstone, out of Lady Emily, three years old, 5st. 12lb. (Osborne) 1 2000000 3 to 1 against Osbaldeston, 3 to 1 against Didsbury, 4 to 1 against Kill or Cure, 5 to 1 against Eliza Middleton, 6 to 1 against Young Bamboo, and 7 to 1 against Touchstone. Won easily by a length, same distance between the second and third; the Lady Emily f. was third. FRIDAY.-The Optional Selling Stakes of 3 sovs. each, with 20 added; three years old 7st. 10lb., four 9st. 10lb., five 10st. 4lb., six and aged 10st. 10lb.; mares and geldings allowed 3lb.; maidens having started twice allowed 4lb., thrice or more 6lb.; the winner to be sold for £120, if entered to be sold for £100 allowed 3lb., if for £80 7lb., if for £60 121b., if for £40 181b., if for £30 24lb.; the winner of the Municipal stakes to have carried 5lb. extra; one mile. Mr. Blacker's br. c. Theory, by Theon, four years old (£30), 8st. (Cartwright) 2 3 0 Mr. Rickaby's br. f. by Touchstone, out of Lady Emily, three years old (£60), 6st. 3lb. (Osborne) 0 Mr. Millhouse na. b. g. The Monk, by Revolution, six years old (£30), 8st. 11ib. (Elkins) 0 Mr. Johnson na. b. h. Pioneer, aged (£30), 9st. 21b. (Moorhouse) 3 to 1 against Present, 4 to 1 against Lady Emily f., 5 to 1 against Magic Wand, and 5 to 1 against Theory. Won by two lengths. The winner was sold for £48. The Doncaster Handicap Stakes of 10 sovs. each, 5 ft., and only 3 if declared by the 6th of March, with 100 added by the Innkeepers of Doncaster; a winner once after the weights are published to carry 4lb., twice 7lb. extra; the owner of the second horse saved his stake, and the winner paid 25 sovs. towards expenses; St. Leger Course (18 subscribers, 5 of whom paid only 3 sovs. each). Mr. H. Lister's b. h. King Hal, by Jereed, six years old, 7st, 61b. (F. Marsou) Mr. Dawson na, br. f. Priestess, four years old, 8st. 21b. (Cartwright) 1 Mr. Pedley's br. h. Foreclosure, six years old, Est. 71b. (Templeman) Mr. T. Carter's Dulcamara, five years old, 7st. 11b.-bred in France (Dean) Mr. Robson's ch. f. Laura, by Hetman Platoff, three years old, 5st. 10lb.-2lb. extra (Charlton) 5 to 2 against Priestess, 5 to 2 against Didsbury, 3 to 1 against Foreclosure, 5 to 1 against Timothy, and 5 to 1 against Andalusian Won by a length, a neck between the second and third. Mr. Hesseltine declared to win with Andalusian. The Innkeepers' Purse of 10 sovs., added to a Sweepstakes of 1 sov. each, for horses not thorough-bred; the winner to be sold for £50; if entered to be sold for £40 allowed 6lb., if for £30 121b., if for £25 181b., and if for £20 24lb.; one mile. Mr. Mason's ch. g. Horace, by Hampton, aged (£20), 10st. llb. (J. Smith) Won easily by four lengths. .. : : 123000000 The Scurry Stakes (handicap) of 3 sovs. each, with 20 added, for horses of all ages; the owner of the second horse saved his stake, and the winner paid 5 sovs. towards expenses; Red house in (10 subscribers). Mr. B. Green's br. c. Osbaldeston, by The Saddler, three years old, 6st. 13lb. (Basham) Mr. Lister's br. f. Peasant Girl, four years old, Sst. 6lb. (F. Marson) Mr. Shepherd's b. c. Kill or Cure, three years old, 6st. (Chariton) Mr. Pedley's b. g. Bird-killer, six years old, 8st. 7ib. (Templeman) Mr. Armstrong's br. c. Harlestone, four years old, 8st. 21b. (Longstaff).. Mr. Foster's ch. m. Fanny, aged, 6st. (J. Arnold) Mr. Styan's br. m. Ellen, five years old, 6st. 91b. (Metcalfe) Mr. Barker's b. c. Tordesillas, thrce years old, 7st. 2lb. (Wakefield) Mr. G. Barton's Leonidas, three years old, 5st. 10lb. (Osborne) 1 2 3 0 0 3 to 1 against Osbaldeston, 3 to 1 against Peasant Girl, 3 to 1 against Kill or Cure, 3 to 1 against Leonidas, 4 to 1 against Tordesillas, and 5 to 1 against Ellen. Won by half a length, same distance between second and third. WARWICK AND LEAMINGTON SPRING MEETING. TUESDAY, March the 19th.-The Scurry Stakes of 5 sovs. each, with 20 added, for horses of all denominations (winners previous to starting excepted); 12st.; Gentleman riders, qualified as for the Willoughby handicap; the winner paid 5 sovs. to the fund; T.Y.C. Mr. Barnard's br. g. Jack of all Trades, by brother to Riddlesworth, five years old (Mr. Mr. Wilson's b. h. Venture, five years old (Capt. Little) Mr. Williams's b. f. Syrup, four years old (Mr. Brooke) Mr. A. Robertson's b. g. Catch me who can (Capt. Broadley) Even on Venture, and 5 to 2 against Syrup. Won by a head. 1234 The Trial Stakes of 10 sovs. each, with 50 added by the Town of Warwick, for three and four years old; the winner paid 10 sovs. to the fund; one mile (13 subscribers). Mr. W. Moseley's ch. c. Alonzo, by Alpheus, out of Zarina, three years old, 6st. 121b. (W. Sharpe) .. Mr. T. Dawson's b. c. Mark Tapley, three years old, 7st. (Arnold) Mr. Stevens's b. or br. c. Knight of Gwynne, three years old, 7st. (Sabin); Mr. Scott's b. c. Warwick, brother to Yardley, three years old, 6st. 121b. (H. Evans) Mr. W. T. Sadler's b. f. Woodsprite, sister to Hind of the Forest, three years old, 6st. Mr. Merry's ch. c. Brennus, three years old, 6-t. 121b. (G. Oates).. 123000 0 Lord Clifden's b. c. Torpor, by Bay Middleton, out of Vacuna, three years old, 6st. 12lb. (Gooch) 0 5 to 2 against Mark Tapley, 3 to 1 against Knight of Gwynne, 7 to 2 against Torpor, and 8 to 1 against Alonzo. Won by a head; a neck between the second and third. |