A Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each, with 20 added; two years old 6st. 91b., three 8st. 9lb, four 9st. 5lb., five and upwards 9st. 9lb.; mares and geldings allowed 3lb.; horses to be sold for £200 allowed 3lb., for £150 9lb., for £100 14lb., for £80 21lb., for £10 28lb.; heats, halí a mile. .. Mr. T. King's ch. f. Hasta (£40), four years old, 7st. 2lb. (H. Goater) 0 21 1 2 2 2000000 0012000 0 2 0 Mr. Isaac Day's br. m. Mignon (£40), six years old, 7st. 61b. (Wakefield) 3 Mr. Minor's b. m. Shropshire Witch (£40), five years old, 7st. 61b. (Rookes) 0 00 Mr. P. Tomb's Lady Charlotte (£40), aged, 7st. 6ib. (Moon) 00 Capt. Hervey's b. c. Waterfall (late Skirlaugh the First), by Cataract, out of Size (£40), two years old, 4st. 9lb. (Wells) Mr. Roberts's b. m. Pride of Eden (£40), six years old, 7st. 6lb. (T. Byrne) 0 Lord W. Powlett's br. c. General Seidlitz (£80), three years old, 7st. 21b. Mr. E. Griffiths's ch. f. Miss Spring (£40), 6st. 6lb.-carried 6st. 10lb. (W. Mr. E. Davis's b. g. Buscot-half-bred (£80), four years old, 7st. 9.b. (W. 0 0 dr. 0 dr. Mr. Hayter's b. f. Terpsichore, by Epirns, out of Celeste (£40), two years old, 4st. 6lb.-fell (J. Goater) TUESDAY, April the 23rd.-Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, h. ft., with 20 added, for two years old; colts 8st. 7lb., and fillies 8st. 3lb.; the winner paid £5 towards expenses; T.Y.C. (11 subscribers). Mr. W. Ewbank's ch. c. England's Glory, by Clarion, or Emilius (Wintringham) Mr. R. H. Jones's b. f. Queen Bess, by Old England, dam by Brutandorf, out of Esmeralda (Marson) Mr. R. Hesseltine's'ch. f. Unity (Longstaff) Mr. W. Stebbing's b. c. Georgey, by Ibis, out of Albania (Templeman) Mr. Gardner's bl. c. Negropont, by The Sea, out of Netherton Maid (G. Arran) 2 to 1 against Pirouette, 2 to 1 against England's Glory, and 3 to 1 against Georgey. Won by a length and a half; a length between the second and third. The Malton Handicap of 10 sovs. each, 5 ft., and only 3 if declared on or before the 1st of March, with 100 added; the winner of any handicap value 50 sovs., after the weights are declared, to carry 5lb., of two or more 8lb. extra; the owner of the second horse received back his stake, and the winner paid 15 sovs. towards expenses; one mile and a half (30 subscribers, 15 of whom paid only 3 sovs. each). Mr. T. Dawson's b. h. Magnet, by Camel, aged, 7st. 7lb. (T. Lye) Mr. J. Osborne's gr. m. Lady Hylda, six years old, 8st. 71b. (G. Abdale) Sir C. Monck's br. c. Gulliver, four years old, 6st. 12lb. (Charlton) 1 3 Mr. J. Woffindin's b. c. Post-tempore, four years old, 8st. (Holmes) Mr. C. Peck na. br. g. Primrose, five years old, 7st. 7lb. (Dickinson) Mr. R. Hesseltine's b. c. Andalusian, four years old, 7st. (G. Oates) Mr. R. Gardner's br. f. The Little Queen, four years old, 6st. 10lb. (Skeene) Mr. Douglas's br. c. The Shareholder (late Beverley), four years old, 6st. 6lb. (J. Cow) 3 to 1 against Gulliver, 3 to 1 against Lady Hylda, 4 to 1 against Timothy, and 5 to 1 against Post-tempore. Won by half a length. The Welham Cup, by subscription of 5 sovs. each, for hunters not thorough-bred, that never won before the day of naming (matches excepted); four years old 11st., five 11st. 10lb., six and aged 12st.; ridden by Gentlemen, members of a racing or fox-hunting club, or by Farmers occupying not less than 200 acres of land, or their sons; two miles. Capt. Broadley's b. g. Charley Lopside, by The Lion, aged (owner) Sir C. Slingsby's ch. g. The Squire (late Tomboy), by Father of the Turf, aged 6 to 4 on The Squire. Won by ten lengths. The Amateur Stakes of 5 sovs. each, with 10 added, for horses of all denominations; ridden by Gentlemen, members of a racing or fox-hunting club; trainers or jockies allowed to ride, carrying 71b. extra; once round and a distance (5 subscribers). Mr. Barker's ch. c. Y. Bamboo, by Ratan, three years old, 9st. 10lb. (Mr. Gaman) .. 1 Mr. Simpson's b. g. Peter Simple (half-bred), aged, 11st. 4lb. (Mr. Peart) 7 to 4 on Y. Bamboo. Won by half a length. Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each, with 25 added by J. E. Dennison, Esq., M.P. for the Borough, for horses that never won plate or stakes of £50 before the day of naming; three years old 6st. 10lb., four 8st. 5lb,, five 9st., six and aged 9st. 4lb.; mares and geldings allowed 3lb.; heats, a mile and a half. Mr. Barker's br. c. Tordesillas, by Touchstone, three years old (Wakefield, jun.) .. 2 1 1 Mr. R. Bell's ch. c. by Ratan, out of Amosina's dam, three years old (Crosby) 1 2 3 Mr. Foster's b. c. Osbaldwick, three years old (Charlton) 3 3 2 Mr. Benson's ch. f. The Yaller Gal, by Katan, out of Misconception, three years old-bolted (Harrison) dis. WEDNESDAY.-The Claret Stakes of 10 sovs. each, h. ft., with 20 added, for three years old; colts 8st. 71b., and fillies 8st. 4lb.; the winner paid £5 towards expenses; one mile and a half (5 subscribers). Mr. Hesseltine's b. c. Timothy, by Bentley (Longstaff) Mr. G. Barton's br. c. Sir Phillip (J. Marson) Mr. J. Shepherd's b. c. Kill or Cure (Simpson).. 2 8 6 to 4 against Sir Phillip, and 2 to 1 against Timothy. Won by a length. The Convivial Handicap of 10 sovs. each, 5 ft., and only 3 if declared on or before the 1st of March, with 20 added; the winner of any handicap value 50 sovs. after the declaration of weights to carry 5lb., of two or more, or of the Malton handicap, 81b. extra; the owner of the second horse received back his stake, and the winner paid 3 sovs. to the Judge; one mile (10 subscribers, 3 of whom paid only 3 sovs. each). 3 Sir C. Monck's br. c. Gulliver, by Touchstone, four years old, 7st. 4lb. (Harrison) .. 1 4 5 2 to 1 each against Post tempore and Gulliver, 3 to 1 against Potentia f., and 4 to 1 against Andalusian. Won by a length. The Farewell Stakes of 10 sovs. each, h. ft., for two years old; colts 8st. 7lb., and fillies 8st. 4lb.; the winner to be sold by auction for £150, if for £100 allowed 5lb., if for £70 10lb., if for £50 14lb.; straight half-mile. Mr. W. Stebbing's ch. c. Bastinado, by Ratan (£50) (Fenn) Mr. G. Barton's ch. c. Galileo, by William le Gros, or Ben-y-Ghlo, out of Biddy (£50) (G. Oates) 2 to 1 on Bastinado, who won by a length. 1 2 The Tally-ho Handicap of 10 sovs. each, 5 ft., and only 3 if declared by the 1st of April, with 10 added; ridden by Gentlemen qualified as for the Tally-ho handicap at Catterick; one mile and a half (4 subscribers, 1 of whom paid 3 sovs. ft.) Mr. Gardner's br. f. The Little Queen, by Coronation, four years old, 10st. 3lb. (Mr. Peart) Mr. G. Barton's br. c. Leonidas, three years old, 9st. (Mr. Gaman) Lord Cardross na. br. c. Billy Brown, four years old, 10st. 5lb. (Capt. Loadstone) 3 Even on Leonidas, and 2 to 1 against Billy Brown. Deciding heat-6 to 4 on Leonidas. Won by a head. The Langton Stakes of 5 sovs. each, with 10 added; two years old 5st. 71b., three 7st. 7lb, four 9st., five 9st. 7lb., six and aged 9st. 10lb.; mares and geldings allowed 31b.; winners at this meeting 31b. extra; three quarters of a mile. Sir C. Mouck's br. c. Vanguard, by Touchstone, four years old (Simpson) Mr. Barton's b. c. Magician, four years old (J. Marson) 2 to 1 on Vanguard. Won by a length. The Speculation Plate of 25 sovs., given by J. W. Childers, Esq., M.P. for the Borough, added to a Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each; the winner to be sold by auction for 200 sovs., and allowances if for less; any overplus to go to the fund; heats, a mile and a half. Lord Stanley's bl. c. Flash, by Ithuriel, out of Poll Maggot, three years old (£100), 7st. (C. Harrison) 2411 Mr. J. Shepherd's b. c. Kill or Cure, three years old (£40), 6st. (Charlton) 4 1 3 2 Mr. Barker's ch. c. Y. Bamboo, three years old (£80), 6st. 10lb. (Wakefield, jun.) Capt. Reynard's br. g. Jack in the Corter, five old, 8st. 7lb. (Mar wood) years Mr. Blacker's br. c. Theory, four years old, 7st. 7lb. (T. Lye)' Mr. Benson's ch. f. The Yaller Gal, three years old, 5st. 11lb.-bolted (Wood) .. TUESDAY, April the 23rd.-The Scurry Stakes of 5 sovs. each, with 25 added; Anglesey post (10 subscribers). Mr. Watts's Earl of Warwick, by Launcelot, out of Lady Guy, by Filho da Puta, Col. Westenra's b. h. Trouncer, six years old, 9st. 10lb. (Wynne).. 2 Mr. Mangan's b. f. Portia, four years old, 8st. Mr. Farrar's bl. c. Viscount, four years old, 7st. Elb... Capt. Lane's br. c. St. John, by Freney, or Magpie, out of Guiccioli, three years old, 6st. 4lb... Lord Waterford's b. c. Whiteboy, three years old, 6st. 21b. Mr. Irwin's ch. c. Independence, three years old, Gst. 2lb. Mr. Murphy's ch. f. by Tearaway, out of Zulima, three years old, 5st. 8.b. 0 0 Mr. Williamson's ch. c. by Retriever, out of May Girl, three years old, 5st. 8lb. 0 Her Majesty's Plate of 100 gs.; three years old 6st. 7lb., four 8st. 9lb., five 9st. 3lb, and aged 9st. 8lb.; mares and geldings allowed 3lb.; two miles. six Mr. Kelly's ch. h. Blucher, by Harkaway, five years old (Dawson) Mr. Murphy's ch. h. Dough, five years old (Magee) Lord Waterford's b. h. Duc an Durras, by Molineux, five years old Won cleverly. 2 3 0 Mr. St. George's gr. c. by Verulam, out of Whim, four years old The Madrid Stakes of 25 sovs. each, 5 ft., the fts. to go to the winner of the Challenge, for three years old; the owner of the second horse saved his stake; Rathbride post (20 subscribers, 6 of whom paid only 5 sovs. each). Mr. Disney's b. c. Captain Grant, by Freney, 8st. 3lb. (D. Wynne) Mr. Kuox's br. c. St. John, 8st. 4lb. (Foley) Mr. Murphy's brother to Dough, 8st. 4lb. (Magee) Mr. Watts's b. f. Marchioness D'Eu, 8st. 8lb. Mr. Irwin's ch. c. Pio Nono, 8st. 61b. Mr. Courtenay's gr. f. Caprice, 8st. 2lb. Sir T. Burke's ch. f. by Birdcatcher, out of Miss Nutting's dam, 7st. 111b. Won by a length. .. 3 0 Sweepstakes of 15 sovs. each, 5 ft., and 2 only if declared, &c., with 25 sovs. added from the Club, and 25 from the Trainers' Fund; Waterford post (18 subscribers, 11 of whom paid only 2 sovs. each). Mr. Kennedy's br. h. King Fisher, by Birdcatcher, aged, 9st. 5lb. (Wynne) .. Mr. Watts's br. c. Jester, by Harkaway, dam by Wamba, three years old, 7st. 12lb. Won by a neck. 1 2 4 WEDNESDAY.-The Wellington Stakes of 30 sovs. each, h. ft., and 5 only if declared, &c.; the owner of the second horse saved his stake; Three years old Course (18 subscribers, 4 of whom paid only 5 sovs. each). Mr. Irwin's ch. h. Ballinafad, by Harkaway, five years old, 8st. 9lb. (Wynne) .. .. Mr. Disney's b. c. Victory, by Napier, out of Y. Iambic, two years old, 6st. 9lb. (Jones).. Lord Waterford's ch. f. Queen Margaret, by Freney, out of Red Rose, two years old, 6st. 10lb. Sir T. Burke's ch. f. by Birdcatcher, out of Honoria, two years old, 6st. 4lb. Won by a neck. A free Handicap of 10 sovs. each, h. ft., with 25 added, for three years old; Conolly's mile (6 subscribers). Mr. E. Power's b. c. Bullion, by Elvas, 8st. 1lb. (Dawson).. Mr. Forster's ch. g. Lord George Bentinck, 8st. 61b... Mr. Irwin's ch. f. Sweet Norah, by Retriever, out of Harmony, 8st. 5lb... Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, h. ft., for hunters, racers admitted, with 20 added; three years old 9st. 7lb, four 11st. 61b., five 12st., six and aged 12st. 5lb.; mares and geldings allowed 3lb.; the winner of a Queen's plate in 1848 or 1849 to carry 71b., of two or more 10lb. extra; three years old never having wou £50 or upwards allowed 5lb., four years old ditto allowed 8lb., five years old ditto allowed 10lb., six and aged ditto allowed 121b.; horses entering to be sold and not claiming the above allowance of maiden horses may run under the following conditions -if entered to be sold for £100 to be allowed 71b., if for £75 9lb., if for £50 121b.; no horse in any instance to be allowed more than 121b.-mares and geldings 14lb. in full of all allowances; ridden by Gentlemen qualified as for the Corinthian stakes at the Curragh; one mile and a half on the Peel Course. Lord Waterford's b. h. Duc an Durras, by Molineux, five years old, 11st. 7lb. (Mr. Mr. Quin's ch. h. Farewell, five years old, 11st. 4lb. Mr. Williamson's ch. g. Poor Yorick, five years old, 11st. THURSDAY.-Her Majesty's Plate of 100 gs.; three years old 7st. llb., four 9st. 4lb., five 9st. 13lb., six and aged 10st. 4lb.; mares and geldings allowed 3lb.; Red post. Mr. Kelly's ch. h. Blucher, by Harkaway, five years old (Dawson) Mr. Murphy's ch. c. brother to Dough, three years old (Duune) Mr. Watts's b. c. Chatterbox, three years old (Fallon) Mr. Disney's b. c. Victory, three years old Mr. Wallace's b. c. Sir Simon, by Bretby, three years Mr. Farrar's bl. c. Viscount, four years old old Mr. Davies's b. c. by Launcelot, out of Penelope, three years old.. Won in a canter. € : : Challenge of the Madrid Stakes of 25 sovs. each, and the 5 sovs. ft.; Rathbride post. Won by a neck. 12300000 Selling Stakes, a sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each, with 25 added, for all ages; three years old 6st. 4lb., four 8st. 4lb., five 8st. 131b., six and aged 9st. 5lb.; all horses starting are subject to be sold by anction for £200, if entering to be sold for £150 to be allowed 5lb., if for £100 9lb., if for £50 14lb.; one mile and a quarter on the Peel Course. Mr. Mangan's b. f. Portia, by Launcelot, four years old, 7st. 4lb. (E. Keegan) Lord Waterford's br. h. Duc an Durras, five years old, 8st. 8lb. Mr. Williamson's ch. g. Poor Yorick, five years old, 7st. 131b. Won by half a length. The winner was sold by auction for £105. FRIDAY.-A Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, h. ft., with 30 added; Waterford post. Mr. Irwin's ch. h. Ballinafad, six years old, 9st. 10lb. (Wynne) Sir T. Burke's ch. c. Ormsby, four years old, 7st. 11lb. Mr. Mangan's b. f. Portia, four years old, 8st. 2lb. Lord Waterford's b. c. Whiteboy, three years old, 5st. 6lb... Won by a neck. Her Majesty's Plate of 100 gs, for mares; three years old 6st. 7lb., four 8st. 91b., five 9st. 3lb., six and aged 9st. 81b.; two miles. Mr. Courtenay's gr. f. Caprice, by Coronation, three years old (E. Keegan) Mr. Watts's b. f. Marchioness D'Eu, three years old (J. Wynne).. Mr. Walsh's b. m. Panic, aged Lord Howth's ch. f. Alma, three years old Lord Waterford's ch. f. Queen Margaret, three years old Mr. Murphy's ch. f. by Tearaway, out of Zulima, three years old.. Capt. Haworth's ch. f. Baroness, four years old.. Mr. Wallace's br. f. Dark-haired Girl, three years old.. Mr. Davies's bl. f. Make Safe, by Retriever, three years old.. Mr. J. W. Murphy's br. f. Consuella, by Mayboy, three years old Mr. J. Hyland's b. m. Allegrette, five years old.. Won by two lengths. 1 2 00000000 Mr. Courtenay's Caprice, 8st., received ft., from Lord Waterford's Modesty, 8st. 7lb.; one mile and a quarter; 100, h. ft. Second class of the Madrid Stakes (handicap)-renewed-of 25 sovs. each, 15 ft., and only 5 if declared, &c., for three years old; Rathbride Course; the owner of the second horse saved his stake (21 subscribers, 11 of whom paid only 5 sovs. each). Mr. G. Power's b. c. Bullion, by Elvas, 7st. 2lb. (E. Keegan) Mr. Williamson's b. c. Larry's the Lad (late Little Larry), 7st. 3lb. (Doyle, jun.) Mr. M'Cormick's ch. c. Louis Philippe, 7st. 5lb. Mr. Disney's b. c. Conveyer, 7st. 8lb. Mr. Knox's br. c. St. John, 7st. 5lb. Sir T. Burke's ch. f. by Birdcatcher, out of Honoria, 6st. 101b. The Corinthian Stakes (handicap) of 10 sovs. each, h. ft., with 25 added, for hunters (racehorses admitted); ridden by Members of the Turf Club, or Coffee-room, at Kildare, Daly's Kildare-street, United Service and Sackville-street Clubs, or by Commissioned Officers in the Army or Navy; heats, one mile and a half on the Peel Course. Lord Waterford's br. h. Duc an Durras, five years old, 12st. 9lb. (Mr. Poulett) 1 1 Mr. Irwin's b. f. Queen of Kildare, three years old, 10st. 1200 NEWMARKET FIRST SPRING MEETING. MONDAY, April the 29th.-Sweepstakes of 50 sovs. each, h. ft., for three years old; D.M. (3 subscribers). Mr. Stevens's br. c. The Knight of Gwynne, by Gilbert Gurney, 8st. 7lb. (Marlow).. 1 Duke of Richmond's ch. f. Harum-scarum, 7st. 12lb. (Flatman) .. 7 to 4 on Knight of Gwynne. Won by two lengths. Handicap Sweepstakes of 20 sovs. each, h. ft., if declared by ten o'clock the evening before running, for three years old and upwards; T.Y.C. (8 subscribers, 8 of whom paid 10 sovs. ft.) Duke of Bedford's ch. c. Newport, by Epirus, four years old, 8st. (R. Pettit) Col. Peel's br. g. Vasa, four years old, 8st. (Flatman).. Lord Clifden's b. c. Le Beau, three years old, 6st. 4lb. (G. Mann) Mr. Delamere's br. f. Fuoco, four years old, 7st. 12lb. (Dockeray).. Mr. Frankum's b. f. Dolly Varden, four years old, 8st. 7lb. (Bartholomew) 1 5 to 2 against Vasa, 3 to 1 each against Newport and Fuoco, and 4 to 1 each against Dolly Varden and Le Beau. Won by a length; half a length between the second and third. Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, for three years old; colts 8st. 7lb., and fillies 8st. 4lb.; the winner to be sold for 200 sovs. if demanded, &c.; T.Y.C. Mr. Newton's ch. c. Falcon, by Birdcatcher (Rogers) Mr. Combe's br. c. by The Nob, out of Harmony (R. Cotton) 1 2 3 5 to 4 against Falcon, and 3 to 1 against any other. Won by a length; Diligence a bad third. Duke of Bedford's b. f. St. Rosalia, by St. Francis, 7st. 5lb. (Pettit), beat Lord Clifden's Surplice, 8st. 10lb. (Pearl); T.Y.C.; 300, 50 ft. 6 to 4 on Surplice. Won easily by two lengths. Sweepstakes of 20 sovs. each; three years old 7st., four 8st. 9lb., five 9st. 2lb., six and aged 9st. 4lb.; D.M. Mr. Stevens's b. c. The Knight of Gwynne, three years old (G. Brown).. 1 2 3 Even on The Knight of Gwynne, and 10 to 6 against Beauclerc. Won casily by half a length; Beauclerc a bad third. Sweepstakes of 300 sovs. each, h. ft., for four years old; colts 8st. 7lb., and fillies 8st. 2ib.; Cesarewitch Course (7 subscribers). Col. Anson's ch. c. Don Juan, by Don John (F. Butler) Mr. R. H. Nevill's br. f. Letitia (Flatman) Sir J. Hawley's b. c. Queensberry (Templeman) Lord Eglinton's br. g. Solon (Marlow) .. 3 5 to 2 against Queensberry, 3 to 1 each against Don Juan and Solon, and 7 to 2 against Letitia. Won by a neck; Queensberry a bad third. Fifty Pounds; four years old 7st. 10lb., five 8st. 9lb., six and aged 9st.; entrance 3 sovs.; last three miles of B.C. Mr. W. S. Stanley's b. c. Fire-eater, by Charles XII., four years old (Chapple) Mr. Osbaldeston's b. h. Swiss Boy, five years old (F. Butler) 7 to 4 on Sotterley, 4 to 1 against Fire-eater, and 8 to 1 against Westow. Won by half a length; Swiss Boy a bad third. Lord H. G. Lennox's b. c. William the Conqueror, by Touchstone, 8st. 7lb., received ft. from Lord W. Powlett's b. c. by John o'Gaunt, out of Ma Mie's dam, 8st. 4lb.; D.M.; 200, h.ft. TUESDAY.-Sweepstakes of 300 sovs. each, 100 ft., for four years old; colts 8st. 7ib., and fillies 8st. 2lb.; B.C. (4 subscribers). Duke of Bedford's ch. g. Quasimodo, by Harkaway (F. Butler) The Coffee-room Stakes of 50 sovs. each, for three years old; colts 8st. 7lb., and fillies 8st. 4lb.; the produce of mares which never produced a winner; A F. (4 subscribers). Lord Orford's ch. f. by Slane, out of Exotic (Pettit) Duke of Bedford's br. g. Bordeaux, by Cotherstone (F. Butler) Mr. Greville's Brington (Flatman).. 5 to 4 on Bordeaux, and 6 to 4 against Exotic f. Bringtou a bad third. After the dead heat Bordeaux walked over, and the Duke of Bedford and Lord Orford divided the stakes. The 2000 gs. Stakes, a subscription of 100 sovs. each, h. ft., for three years old; colts 8st. 7lb., and fillies 8st. 4lb.; the owner of the second horse received back his stake; R.M. (27 subscribers). Mr. Hill's ch. c. Pitsford, by Epirus (A. Day) .. Lord H. G. Lennox's b. c. The Bee-Hunter (Templeman) |