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Mr. Hesseltine's b. c. Andalusian, four years old, 9st. 10lb. (Longstaff)
Mr. Humble's br. h. Jonathan, five years old, 7st. 7lb. (Gass)


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2 dr.

3 dr.

The Farmer's Stakes of 1 sov. each, with 5 added, for half-bred horses, was won, at two heats, by

Mr. J. Skeene's Elemore, five years old (Skeene), beating four others.


MONDAY, April the 15th.-The Craven Stakes of 10 sovs. each, with 50 added by the Jockey Club; for three years old 6st. 6lb., four 8st. 4lb., five 8st. 13lb., six and aged 9st. 5lb.; the winner to be sold for 600 sovs., if demanded, in the usual way, unless exemption from being sold is claimed at the time of entrance, and horses for which this claim is made are to carry 91b. extra; A.F.

Duke of Bedford's b. c. Retail, by Lancastrian, four years old (F. Butler)
Lord Exeter's ch. m. Tisiphone, five years old (Flatman)

Mr. Jaques's b. c. Thringarth, four years old (Bartholomew)..

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Mr. Marson's b. f. Nutbrown, three years old (carried 5lb. over weight) (E. Sharp)

7 to 4 on Retail. Won by a neck, Thringarth a bad third.


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The trainer of Thringarth was fined one sov. for not running in the colour declared. Renewal of the Sweepstakes of 50 sovs. each; for colts 8st. 71b., and fillies 8st. 4lb.; not engaged in either Riddlesworth, the 2000 gs., or the 1000 gs. stakes; D.M. (4 subscribers). Duke of Richmond's b. f. Officious, by Pantaloon (Flatman)

Mr. Batson's br. c. Abdallah, by The Provost, out of Barbara (Sly)

10 to 3 on Officious, who won by six lengths.

1 2

Mr. Greville's br. c. Brington, by Cotherstone (Flatman), beat Lord Glasgow's br. c. by Bay Middleton, out of Canada (F. Butler), 8st. 7lb. each; D.M.; 300; h. ft.

11 to 8 on Brington. Won by eight lengths.

Handicap Sweepstakes of 25 sovs. each, 10 ft., for four years old and upwards; T.Y.C. (4 subscribers).

Col. Peel's b. f. Ione, by Ion, four years old, 7st. 5lb. (Chapple)
Lord Clifden's br. m. Sagacity, six years old, 8st. 4lb. (Pearl)

Duke of Bedford's ch. c. Mahratta, four years old, 7st. 5lb. (Pettit)




6 to 5 against Sagacity, and 7 to 4 against Ione. Won by a neck, Mahratta a bad third. Mr. Rolt's b. h. Collingwood, by Sheet Anchor, aged, 8st. 10lb. (Flatman), beat Capt. Hervey's b. c. Strongbow, four years old, 7st. 2lb. (Pettit), D.M.; 200; h. ft.

Even betting. Won by a length.

The trainer of Strongbow was fined one sov. for not running in the colour declared. Handicap Sweepstakes of 20 sovs. each, and cnly 5 ft. if declared by ten o'clock the evening before running, to go to the owner of the second horse, for three and four years old; D.M. (7 subscribers, 1 of whom paid only 5 sovs).

Mr. Gurney's b. c. St. Fabian, by St. Francis, dam by Jerry, out of Pastille, three years old, 6st. 6lb. (W. Harlock)

Mr. Payne's b. c. Saucy Dick, four years old, 8st. 10lb. (Flatman)

Col. Peel's br. g. Vasa, four years old, 8st. 21b. (Rogers)

Lord Clifden's b. c. Cotton Lord, four years old, 8st. 4lb. (Pearl)

Lord Bateman's b. c. Goodwood, four years o'd, 7st. 12lb. (Dockeray)

Lord Exeter's ch. f. Cora, three years old, 6st. 10lb. (J. Mann)

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6 to 4 against St. Fabian, 4 to 1 against Vasa, 5 to 1 against Saucy Dick, and 6 to 1 against Cora. Won by a length, a neck between the second and third.

Sweepstakes of 100 sovs. each, h. ft., for the produce of mares covered in 1846, and not engaged in the Tuesday Riddlesworth; colts 8st. 71b., fillies 8st. 4lb; those got by untried stallions or out of untried mares allowed 3lb., if both 5lb.; Ab. M. (4 subscribers).

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Mr. Combe's br. f. Necklace, by the Nob, out of Rosalind, 7st. 13lb. (W. Cotton) 1 Sir J. Hawley's ch. f. Hippia, 8st. 4lb. (Templeman).. 7 to 2 on Necklace. Won by a length.


Sweepstakes of 100 sovs. each, h. ft.; for three years old colts 8st. 7lb.; Cambridgeshire Course (6 subscribers).

Col. Peel's b. c. Hardinge, by Sir Hercules (Flatman)

Mr. Combe's b. c. Tomboy, by the Nob, out of Premature (R. Cotton)
Lord Exeter's ch. c. Nutcracker, by Nutwith, out of Mecca (Norman)..



5 to 2 on Hardinge. Won by a head, a neck between the secord and third. Sweepstakes of 50 sovs. each; for three years old colts 8st. 71b., and fillies 8st. 3lb.; those got by stallions or out of mares that never bred a winner allowed 4lb., only one allowance; D.M. (7 subscribers).

Lord Exeter's br. c. Nutshell, by Nutwith, walked over.

TUESDAY.-The seventeenth Tuesday Riddlesworth Stakes of 200 sovs. each, h. ft., for the produce of mares covered in 1846; colts 8st. 7lb., fillies 8st. 4lb.; untricd stallions or untried mares allowed 3lb., if both 5lb.; D.M. (3 subscribers).

Col. Peel's br. c. Hardinge, 8st. 7lb. (Flatman)..
Lord Exeter's ch. c. Nutcracker, 8st. 2lb. (Norman)

2 to 1 on Hardinge. Won by a length.

Sweepstakes of 50 sovs. each; for three years old colts 8st. 7lb., and fillies 8st. 4lb.; the winner of the second Triennial produce stakes in 1849 to have carried 6lb. extra; D.M. (6 subscribers).

Sir J. Hawley's b. f. Tiff, by Slane, out of Temper, 8st. 4lb. (Templeman)

Mr. Combe's b. c. Tomboy, 8st. 7lb. (R. Cotton)

Mr. S. Stanley's br. c. by Mus, out of Virago, 8st. 7lb. (W. Boyce)

Mr. Greville's b. c. Bullfinch, by Slane, out of Little Finch, 8st. 7lb. (Flatman)



7 to 4 against Tomboy, and 2 to 1 against Tiff. Won by a length, a head between the second and third, half a length between the third and fourth.

Sweepstakes of 100 sovs. each, h. ft., for foals of 1847, got by untried stallions or out of untried mares; for colts 8st. 7lb., and fillies 8st. 4lb.; D.M. (6 subscribers). Lord Exeter's ch. c. Nutcracker, by Nutwith (Norman)

Lord Exeter's b. c. Ghio (Flatman)
Mr. Ford's br. f. Satire (Bartholomew)
Lord Clifden's b. f. Narbonne (Pearl)

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11 to 10 on Ghio and Nutcracker, and 6 to 4 against Satire. Won by a neck, same distance between the second and third, Narbonne a bad fourth.

Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each; for three years old 7st., four 8st. 4lb., five and upwards 8st. 11lb.; the winner to be sold for 80 sovs., if demanded, &c.; first half of Ab. M. Lord Exeter's br. h. Bishop of Romford's Cob, by Jereed, aged (Norman) Sir J. Gerard's b. m. Jest, five years old (Bartholomew)

Lord Clifden's b. f. Wallflower, four years old (Pearl)

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Capt. Hervey's b. c. Ranelagh, by Mayboy, or Retriever, ont of Rathmines' dam, three years old (W. Treen)

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Col. Peel's b. f. Electric, by Archy, out of Splitvote, three years old (G. Brown)
Mr. Lister's b. m. Hind of the Forest, five years old (W. Abdale)




3 to 1 against Bishop of Romford's Cob, 4 to 1 each against Jest, Ranelagh, and Hind of the Forest, and 5 to 1 against Electric. Won by six lengths.

Sweepstakes of 50 sovs. each; for three years old colts 8st. 7lb., and fillies 8st. 2lb.; not engaged in the Riddlesworth or Column stakes; those by stallions or out of mares that never bred a winner allowed 4lb., only one allowance; D.M. (7 subscribers).

Mr. Gratwicke's bl. c. The Nigger, by Robert de Gorham, 8st. 3lb. (Flatman)
Mr. Ford's br. f. Satire, 7st. 12lb. (Bartholomew)

Col. Peel's ch. c. Habet, 8st. 3lb. (Rogers)

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7 to 1 on The Nigger. Won easily by two lengths.

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Sweepstakes of 50 sovs. each; for three years old colts 8st. 7lb., and fillies Sst. 2lb.; the winner of a two years old stakes amounting to 300 sovs., including the winner's own stake, to carry 61b., of two such stakes 10lb. extra; A.F. (6 subscribers). Lord Airlie's b. c. Clincher, by Turcoman, 8st. 13lb. (F. Butler) Duke of Richmond's b. c. Compass, 8st. 7lb. (Flatman)

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Renewal of the Newmarket Handicap of 25 sovs. each, 10 ft., and only 5 if declared to Messrs. Weatherby on or before the 1st of February, with 200 added (50 from the Town Racefund and 150 by the Jockey Club), for three years old and upwards; the owner of the second horse to receive 100 sovs. out of the stakes; the winner of the Northamptonshire stakes or the Metropolitan stakes at Epsom to carry 71b., of both 10lb. extra; Clermont Course (61 subscribers, 21 of whom paid 5 sovs. ft).

Mr. Gratwicke's b. f. Cheerful, by Sir Hercules, four years old, 5st. 12lb. (Collins)

Mr. Stevens's The Knight of Gwynne, three years old, 5st. 1lb. (T. Smith)

Mr. Neville's Herbert, four years old, 7st. 1lb. (E. Sharp) .

Sir J. Hawley's Fernhill, five years old, 8st. 2lb. (Templeman)

Mr. Drinkald's Dulcet, aged, 7st. 3lb. (Rodney)

Mr. W. Stebbing's Westow, four years old, 7st. (Chapple)

Capt. Hervey's Strongbow, four years old, 7st. (G. Brown)..

Mr. Wigram's Keraun, five years old, 6st. 91b. (carried 6st. 11lb.) (Dean)

Mr. Frankum's Dolly Varden, four years old, 6st. 7lb. (W. Treen)

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Lord Glasgow's b. h. by Don John, out of Impertinence, five years old, 6st. 4lb. (G.

Mr. Ramsbottom's bl. f. Beebee Bunnoo, four years old, 6st. 3lb. (Robert Sherwood)"
Mr. M. Dennett's Grasshopper, four years old, 5st. 12lb. (W. Harlock)
Capt. Lowther's br. c. Bastinado, three years old, 4st. 6lb. (Steggles)
Mr. Bulkeley's Hope, three years old, 4st. 5lb. (Rickards)

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7 to 2 against Cheerful, 5 to 1 against Fernhill, 6 to 1 against Westow, 12 to 1 against Herbert, 14 to 1 each against Dolly Varden and Bastinado, and 20 to 1 each against Impertinence h., Grasshopper and the Knight of Gwynne. Won by a length, Herbert a bad


WEDNESDAY.-Sweepstakes of 50 sovs. each, h. ft., for three years old; last half of

Ab. M.

Major Martyn's br. f. Fernande, by Slane, 8st. 5lb. (W. Abdale)

Duke of Rutland's ch. f. Ondine, 8st. 5lb. (W. Boyce)..


Lord Clifden's b. c. Le Beau, 8st. 7lb. (Pearl) ..

Lord John Scott's b. f. Albreda, 7st. 131b. (Flatman).

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5 to 2 against Le Beau, 5 to 2 against Fernande, and 3 to 1 against Albreda. Won by a neck, Le Beau a bad third.

Subscription Plate of £50; for three years old 7st., four 8st. 7lb., five 9st., six and aged 9st. 2lb.; T.Y.C.

Mr. Rolt's b. h. Collingwood, by Sheet Anchor, aged (Flatman)
Lord Clifden's b. c. Houeycomb, four years old (Pearl)

Duke of Bedford's b. c. Bonmot, four years old (F. Butler)
Mr. E. Batson's ch. c. Thistledown, three years old (J. Mann)

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7 to 2 on Collingwood. Won by half a length, Bonmot a bad third. Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each; for three years old colts 8st. 71b., and fillies 8st. 3lb.; the winner to be sold for 200 sovs., if demanded, &c.; first half of Ab. M. Lord Exeter's ch. f. Cora, by The Provost (Norman) Lord W. Powlett's br. c. General Seidlitz (Rogers)

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Mr. Stephenson's br. c. by Dromedary, dam by Mulatto, out of Lunacy (F. Butler) .. 3 Col. Peel's b. c. Sisyphus (Flatman)

Sir J. Hawley's ch. f. Hippia (Templeman)


5 to 2 against Dromenary c., 3 to 1 each against Sisyphus and General Seidlitz, and 4 to 1 against Hippia. Won by a head, a neck between the second and third.

The Column Stakes of 50 sovs. each, h. ft.; for three years colts 8st. 7ib., and fillies 8st. 4lb.; the produce of mares covered in 1846; those got by untried stallions or out of untried mares allowed 3lb., if both 51b.; R.M. (22 subscribers).

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Sir J. Hawley's ch. c. Cranberry, 8st. 4lb. (Templeman)
Mr. Bowes's ch. c. Mickleton, by Epirus, out of Mickleton Maid, 8st. 71b. (F. Butler) 4
Lord Exeter's br. f. Clelia, 8st. 1lb. (Norman)

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6 to 4 against Mickleton, 5 to 2 against Clelia, and 5 to 2 against Longinus. Won by a head, Cranberry a bad third.

Duke of Bedford's Minto, by Plenipotentiary, 7st. 7lb. (Pettit), beat Capt. Lowther's Watchdog, 8st. 71b. (Rogers), T.M.M.; 50; h. ft.

5 to 4 on Minto. Won by a length.

Post Match of 200 sovs. each, h. ft., 8st. 71b.; D.M.; one to the post.

Lord Exeter's Clelia, by the Provost, received ft. from Duke of Bedford's f. St. Sophia, and f. by Erymus, out of Esmeralda.

THURSDAY.-Handicap Sweepstakes of 20 sovs. each, and only 5 ft. if declared by ten o'clock the evening before running, to go to the owner of the second horse, for four years old and upwards; A.F. (7 subscribers, 4 of whom paid 5 sovs. ft.)

Mr. W. Stebbing's b. c. Westow, by Melbourne, four years old, 8st. llb. (Rogers)
Mr. Wigram's bl. h. Keraun, five years old, 8st. 5lb. (W. Boyce) ..



The highest weight left in at ten o'clock the evening before running being 7st. 2:b., it was raised to 8st. 7lb., and the others accepting in proportion.

2 to 1 on Westow. Won by four lengths.

Sweepstakes of 50 sovs. each, h. ft.; for three years old colts 8st. 7lb., and fillies 8st. 2lb.; which never won before the time of closing this stake; horses which had started twice before the time of closing this stake allowed 4lb., twice or more 6lb., such allowance to be claimed at the time of naming; D.M. (3 subscribers).

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Duke of Richmond's ch. f. Harum-scarum, by Pantaloon, 7st. 10lb. (Flatman) Lord Clifden's b. c. Warner, by Bay Middleton, out of Projectile's dam, by Velocipede, 8st. 7lb. (Pearl) Lord Clifden's ch. c. Beaufort, by John o'Gaunt, two years old, 6st. 13lb. (G. Brown), beat Duke of Bedford's Mahratta, four years old, 9st. 6lb. (F. Butler), first half of Ab. M.; 100; h. ft.

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Subscription Plate of 50 sovs.; for three years old 6st. 121b, four 8st. 71h., five 9st., six and aged 9st. 3lb.; the winner to be sold for 300 sovs. if demanded, &c.; D.M. Mr. Batson's bl. h. Beauclerc, by Jerry, five years old (Sly).. Duke of Bedford's ch. c. Sabraon, four years old (F. Butler) Mr. Freeman's b. f. Impression, three years old (Hatley) Lord Clifden's b. c. Le Beau, three years old (G. Brown) Baron de Veauce's bl. h. Philosopher, six years old (P. Price) Mr. Barne's b. h. Tufthunter, six years old (Pearl) Mr. Daley's b. f. Cayenne, four years old (S. Rogers) Mr. Greville's D. f. Clarissa, four years old (Flatnian).. Lord J. Scott's br. h. Defaulter, five years old (A. Day) Lord Exeter's b. c. Ghio, three years old (J. Mann) Capt. Lowther's br. c. Bastinado, three years old (Dockeray)

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5 to 1 each against Sobracn, Beauclerc, and Philosopher, 6 to 1 against Ghio, and 7 to 1 each

against Le Beau, Tufthunter, and Defaulter. Won by a length, a neck between the second and third.

The winner was claimed, but afterwards given up. Sweepstakes of 100 sovs. each, h. ft. for foals of 1847; colts 8st. 7lb., fillies 8st. 4lb.; the produce of mares that have bred a winner of the 2000 gs., Grand Duke Michael, Derby, Oaks, or Doncaster St. Leger stakes to carry 7lb. extra; those by untried stallions or out of untried mares allowed 31b; D.M. (8 subscribers).

Lord Exeter's b. c. Nutshell, by Nutwith, 8st. 4lb. (Norman)
Col. Peel's Longinus, 8st. 7lb. (Flatman)..


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Mr. Gannon's b. c. Chieftain, by Touchstone, out of Haggish, 8st. 4lb. (J. Sharp) 3 Even betting between Nutshell and Longinus. Won by half a length, Chieftain a bad third. Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, for three years old and upwards; the winner to be sold for 200 sovs., if demanded, &c., or allowances if for less; D.M.

Mr. Drinkald's ch. g. Dulcet, by Dulcimer, aged (£70), 7st. 12lb. (Rodney)
Mr. Ford's ch. h. Telegraph, five years old (£100), 8st. 5lb. (Bartholomew)
Mr. Greville's b. c. Bullfinch, three years old (£40), 6st. (G. Mann)

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Even on Dulcet, and 6 to 4 against Bullfinch. Won by a neck, Bullfinch a bad third. Sweepstakes of 50 sovs. each, h. ft.; for three years old colts 8st. 71b., and fillies 8st. 3lb.; the winner of the July, Chesterfield, Triennial, Hopeful, Clearwell, Prendergast, or Criterion stakes at Newmarket, the New stakes at Ascot, the Ham, Lavant, or Molecomb stakes at Goodwood, the Prince of Wales's stakes at York, the Champagne stakes of 20 sovs., Two years old stakes at Doncaster to carry 6lb., of any two of those stakes 91b. extra; the winner of any other sweepstakes value 200 sovs. including the winner's own stake, up to the time of running, to carry 3lb. extra, no horse to carry more than 9lb. extra; Criterion Course (6 subscribers).

Duke of Richmond's b. f. Officious, 8st. 6lb. (Flatman)
Mr. Newton's ch. c. Falcon, 8st. 7lb. (Rogers)

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7 to 2 on Officions. Won by two lengths.

1 2

Duke of Bedford's St. Rosalia, by St. Francis, 8st. 3lb., received ft. from Mr. Payne's Farthingale, 8st. 7lb.; T.Y.C.; 200; h. ft.

FRIDAY.-Handicap Sweepstakes of 15 sovs. each, 10 ft., for all ages; T.Y.C. (8 sub


Mr. Ford's ch. h. Telegragh, by Ratcatcher, or Dulcimer, five years old, 7st. 13lb. (Dockeray)

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Mr. W. S. Stanley's br. c. by Mus, out of Virago, three years old, 5st. 121b. (Hartlock) 2
Mr. Dennett's b. f. Grasshopper, four years old, 6st. 13lb. (E. Sharp)
Mr. Payne's b. f. Farthingale, four years old, 8st. 3lb. (Flatman)..
Mr. W. Stebbing's b. c. Westow, four years old, 7st. 12lb. (Rogers)
Mr. Frankum's b. c. The New Era, four years old, 7st. llb. (J. Mann)

3 to 1 each against Farthingale, Telegraph, and Westow, and 4 to 1 against the Mus c. Won by three quarters of a length, a neck between the second and third.

The Port Stakes, a sweepstakes of 100 sovs. each, h. ft., for four years old colts 8st. 71b., and fillies 8st. 4lb., not named in the Claret Stakes; the owner of the second horse received b ck his stake; T.M.M. (9 subscribers).

Mr. Hill's b. c. Osterley, by Bay Middleton (A. Day)

Mr. Ford's br. f. Lady Evelyn (Flatman)..

Duke of Rutland's b. c. Fire-eater (W. Boyce)..
Lord Clifden's b. c. Honeycomb (Pearl)

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2 to 1 on Lady Evelyn, and 3 to 1 against Osterley. Won by half a length, Fire-eater a bad third.

Lord Exeter's br. c. Preslaw, by The Provost, 8st. 4lb. (Norman), beat Lord Glasgow's b. c. by Bay Middleton, out of Canada, 8st. 71b. (Flatman), last half of Ab. M.; 200; h. ft.

4 to 1 on Preslaw. Won easily by a length.


TUESDAY, April the 23rd.-The Lansdown Trial Stakes of 15 sovs. each, 10 ft, with 50 added; three years old 7st., four 8st. 7lb., five 9st., six and aged 9st. 31b.; mares and geldings allowed 31b.; the winner paid 10 sovs. towards expenses; one mile (14 subscribers). Mr. Rolt's b. h. Collingwood, by Sheet Anchor, aged (Flatman)

Mr. W. V. Jenkins's ch. f. Miss Larkaway, three years old (T. Byrne)

Capt. Hervey's br. c. Strongbow, four years old (A. Day)



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7 to 1 on Collingwood. Won by a length; Strongbow a bad third. The Somersetshire Stakes of 25 sovs. each, 15 ft., and only 5 if declared on or before the 1st of February, with 100 added; the winner of the Northamptonshire stakes, Newmarket handicap, or Metropolitan stakes, to carry 7lb., of any two of such stakes 14lb. extra; the owner of the second horse received 50 sovs., and the third received back his stake; the winner paid 10 sovs. to the Judge, and 5 sovs, for weights and scales; two miles and a distance (50 subscribers, 27 of whom paid only 5 sovs. each).

Mr. Drinkald's b. c. Sauter la coupe, by Sleight-of-hand, four years old, 6st, 6lb.

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Duke of Richmond's br. h. Halo, six years old, 8st. 21b. (Flatman)..
Mr. T. Parr's br. g. Chorister, five years old, 7st. 3lb. (T. Williams)

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Capt. Archdall's b. c. Windischgratz, by Jeremy Diddler, out of Medea, three years old, 5st. 7lb. (N. Treen) ..

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Sir J. B. Mills's b. f. Won't you come out to-night, by Venison, out of Virginia, three years old, 5st. (Cowley, jun.)

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Mr. Fowler's b. g. Seagull, six years old, 6st. 6lb. (Evans)

Mr. Cowley's b. f. Second-sight, four years old, 7st. 21b. (Dockeray)

Sir J. Hawley's b. h. Fernhill, five years old, 8st. 9lb. (A. Day)



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7 to 4 against Halo, 3 to 1 against Won't you come out to-night, 5 to 1 against Seagull, 10

to 1 against Chorister, 12 to 1 each against Second-sight and Sauter la coupe, and 100 to 3 against Fernhill. Won by two lengths; Chorister a bad third; Halo broke down.

A Handicap Sweepstakes of 7 sovs. each, 3 ft., if declared, &c., with 25 added; one mile (12 subscribers, 1 of whom paid 3 sovs. ft.)

Mr. T. King's ch. f. Hasta, by Jereed, four years old, 7st. 7lb. (H. Goater)

Mr. E. Griffiths's ch. h. Hagley, five years old, 8st. 2lb. (A. Day)..

Capt. Crofton's b. m. Pell Mell, six years old, 8st. (Williams)

Lord Lurgan's b. g. Fugitive, aged, 7st. 12lb (G. Whitehouse)

Lord W. Powlett's br. c. General Seidlitz, three years old, 7st. 10lb. (Dockeray)
Capt. Hervey's br. c. Ranelagh, three years old, 7st. 2lb. (F. Treen)

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Mr. A. Goddard's b. c. by Ratcatcher, out of Esperanga, three years old, 7st. (Rodney)

Mr. Roberts's b. m. Pride of Eden, six years old, 7st. (T. Byrne)..

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Mr. E. V. Fox's br. c. Taunton Dean, by Confederate, out of Miss Newton, three years old, 6st. 8lb. (E. Ford)


Mr. Harris's br. f. Lady Day, four years old, 6st. 5lb. (Gilbert)

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Capt. West's ch. f. Danella, by Envoy, dam by Miracle, four years old, 6st. (Cowley, jun.)

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3 to 1 against Hagley, 3 to 1 against Fugitive, 6 to 1 against Pell Mell, 7 to 1 against Rane-
lagh, 7 to 1 against General Seidlitz, and 10 to 1 against Pride of Eden. Won by a head.
A Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, with 50 added by Wm. Miles, Esq., and Wm. Pinney, Esq.,
Members for the Eastern Division of Somerset ; three years old 6st. 10lb., four 8st. 7lb., five
9st., six and aged 9st. 5lb.; "mares and geldings allowed 31b.; the winner to be sold for £400,
if entered to be sold for £300 allowed 61b., if for £200 12lb, if for £100 161b.; the winner
paid 2 sovs. for weights and scales; heats, once round, about a mile and a half (5 subscribers).
Capt. Pettat's b. g. Eagle's Plume, by Lanercost (£100), five years old, 7st. 91b.

Mr. Saxby's b. f. Paquita (£100), four years old, 7st. 2lb. (W. Treen)..
Mr. Parr's br. f. Mantle (£200), four years old, 7st. 61b. (Williams)
Mr. A. Goddard's b. c. by Ratcatcher, out of Esperanza (£300), three years old,
6st. 4lb. (Rodney)..

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First heat-11 to 8 on Eagle's Plume. Second heat-2 to 1 on Eagle's Plume. Third heat10 to 1 on Eagle's Plume.

WEDNESDAY.-The Dyrham Park Stakes of 15 sovs. each, 10 ft., with 100 added (50 sovs. by G. W. Blathwayt, Esq., Lord of the Manor, and 30 sovs. by the Committee), for three years old; colts 8st. 10lb., fillies and geldings 8st. 5lb.; a winner of £100 or upwards at any time before starting to carry 5lb. extra; the winner paid 5 sovs. to the Judge, and 5 sovs. for weights and scales; one mile and a half (11 subscribers).

Mr. Gannon's b. c. Deicoon, by Sir Hercules, out of Zebra, 8st. 10lb. (J. Sharp)
Mr. W. V. Jenkins's ch. f. Miss Larkaway, 8st. 10lb. (A. Day)

Mr. Fowler's b. g. The Mouk, 8st. 5lb. (Whitehouse)

Mr. E. V. Fox's br. c. Taunton Dean, 8st. 10lb. (S. Rogers)

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5 to 2 on Deicoon, 4 to 1 against Miss Larkaway, and 5 to 1 against The Monk, Won by four lengths; The Monk a bad third.

The Weston Stakes of 10 sovs. each, with 50 added, for two years old; colts 8st. 9lb., fillics and geldings 8st. 4lb.; the produce of untried horses or mates allowed 3lb., if both 5lb.; the winner paid 5 sovs. towards expenses; T.Y.C., straight half-mile (15 subscribers). Mr. Howard's ch. f. Prestige, by Epirus, 8st. 4lb. (A. Day)..


Mr. H. Waring's br. f. Gloom, by Bay Middleton, out of Tenebrosa, 8st. 4lb. (T. Carlisle)

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Capt. Archdall's br. f. Quadroon, 8st. 41b. (Wakefield)

4 to 1 on Prestige, who won easily by a length and a half; Quadroon a bad third. The City Cup of 100 sovs. in specie, added to a Sweepstakes of 20 sovs. each, h. ft., for all ages; the owner of the second horse received back his stake; the winner paid 5 sovs. to the Judge, and 5 sovs. for weights and scales; to start at the Red post and go once round, about two miles and a half (12 subscribers).

Sir J. Hawley's b. h. Fernhill, by Ascot, five years old, 9st. 9lb. (A. Day) Mr. Fowler's br. c. John Dory, four years old, 7st. 12lb. (Whitehouse) Capt. Lowther's br. g. Tarn Wadlin, four years old, 7st. 12lb. (S. Rogers) Even on Tarn Wadlin, and 5 to 2 each against John Dory and Fernhill.




Won by a length.

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