afternoon. 3Twenty-third Sun, af, Trinityr 6 5929 5 43 7 T Cardington Csng. M. Rochdale F.r 7 15 40 s 4 23 2 6 17 6 3 6 57 1 10 1 30 1 50 2 10 2 30 2 50 3 10 3 25 3 45 4 5 4 20 4 40 r 7 10 5 8 37 6 9 36 r 7 13 710 36 4 55 5 15 5 35 5 55 6 20 6 45 7 10 7 45 8 25 9 5 8 F Altcar Coursing M. Stamford F.s 4 20 4 7 44 9 S Lord Mayor's Day 10 Twenty-fourth Sun. af, Trinitys 4 17 11 M St. Martin 12 T Liverpool Races & Steeple Chasess 4 14 Morning. s 4 1110 0 45 9 40 10 20 15 FCrewe Stpl. Chs. East Ilsley F.r 7 2011 1 51 10 5011 25 16 S Spelthorne Csng. M. Wells Fairs 4 812 2 5911 50 No tide 17 Twenty-fifth Sun. af. Trinityr 7 24 13 4 9 0 15 0 35 18 M 19 T Warwick Res. Malleny Csng. M.r 7 20 W Warwick Stpl. Chs. Boston Fairs 4 21 T afternoon. s 4 514 5 22 0 55 1 15 27 FRISES 1 30 1 50 316 5 11 2 10 2 30 30 17 5 56 2 45 3 5 118 6 51 3 25 3 45 r 7 3419 7 54 4 9 4 30 r 7 22 F Louth, Rugely, and Ripon Fairs s 4 23 S St. Clement 24 Twenty-sixth Sun. af. Trinitys 3 5920 9 6 4 50 5 15 25 M Aberystwith Meeting commences r 7 37 21 10 23 5 40 6 10 26 T Hednesford Races .... 15 South Lancashire.......... 27 12 Warwick and Leamington.. 20 COURSING MEETINGS IN NOVEMBER. 4 & 5 Brampton 5 Lytham........................................ 5 & 0 Wolverhampton ...... 7&8 5 & 6 Morpeth 6 Altcar... 6, 7, & 8 Whitchurch 12 12, 13, & 14 14 14 & 15 7 7 & 8 7 & 8 Newcastle (Belsay) 8 & 9 Spelthorne. ......... 16 & 23 Malleny....inām 19 to 23 7 Swaffham.... 12, 13, 14, & 15 From marts of Mammon, whither the many are led by the nose for the purposes of the few-from the wail of the spoiled, and the wile of the spoiler, how refreshing is it to turn to a scene rife with present grace and prodigal of pleasant memories! And in such wise we greet thee, fair Newmarket-thou green spot of that howling wilderness, the turf of " lists,' sweeps," and " and 66 "tips," and "touts"grim machinery of a rampant scoundrelism that is a reproach to the days we live in. Could the muse which thundered the Hints from Horace have imagined Granta in the ring on a Metropolitan Stakes day, what manner of remonstrance had come of it?...... "The world is a bundle of hay, And the greatest of all is John Bull." The First October Meeting, which for some years had been in a declining condition, made its appearance, in the calendar for the current season, like a giant refreshed. New blood was infused into it, as well as fresh "sinews ;" and it kept the word of promise to the hope. And with a little judicious nursing, the first autumnal week ought to gather strength rapidly. By the end of September yachting is over; and so, as relates to extreme relish, are the attractions of the "land of brown heath." Partridge shooting is an after-breakfast affair-discussed as a cigar is smoked: you stroll abroad-et voilà tout. Moreover (may it be said?) Michaelmas is the time of geese, and could one more appropriate be found for racing as at present constituted? Accordingly-that is to say, well-on the first day of the past month commenced the anniversary aforesaid, with an éclat and a spirit worthy the place and the occasion. We will hold our peace touching on dits and the like contrivances-confining this record to facts -things "done," not persons. On the preceding Sunday week "I'm very sorry: very much ashamed—” being at the Hippodrome in the good city of Paris, with the design of seeing one M. Poitevin leave the face of the earth upon his donkey, it chanced that I fell in with a certain member of the ring-a well-known wag, especially of the elbows. "Ah, ah," says he, “bone joueur”. settling the linch-pin in his choker-"good morning; how d'ye do? Going to Newmarket? I've a dodge will do ye good. There's one race-reg'lar rattle-snake, my boy. Whisper-right-perpendiculardown to it as a hammer-gallus old Greenacre...... But is not this the very thing we have disclaimed? Y 2 The Pray imagine the scene Newmarket: time, October 1st, whereof the noon is just turned. The dramatis personæ, indeed, may not be quite so easily conceived; for here all manner of men gather together-the cream of bon ton, and he whose chrysalis fed upon "cold missionaries," as alluded to by the Rev. Mr. Smith. For a town of one street it is a wonderful place-the kind of " West-end" you may suppose the Centaurs would have established in San Francisco, had they happened to fall upon California at these present diggins. Why, old Crocky's house is another Doge's palace....... Make the best of your way to the heath; the first event on the list is announced for one o'clock. There is little or no betting: the weather is not propitious. The ropes being adjusted in the vicinity of the "bushes," and the chair duly taken, they are off for a Handicap Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, for all ages except twoyear-olds, T.Y.C. Sagacity is the favourite at 5 to 2 against. field consists of seven. Newport takes the lead, is never approached, and wins in a canter by a couple of lengths. So, you see, like ancient Homer, "aliquando dormitat "-your modern "Greek." A Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each for all ages, T.Y.C., 4 subscribers, brought the quartet to the post. The best esteemed were Hind of the Forest and The Rejected, either being backed at 2 to 1. It was won, however, by Hazy by a length-another throw in for the fielders. The Grand Duke Michael Stakes, 17 subscribers, mustered five starters. They laid 5 to 4 on Hardinge, and he did it; but not as one should "at the price." Won by a head on the post; Tomboy was second. True lines which is about the ideal of horse-racing; I mean the expression in its good sense-I do, seriously. We now come to one of the three features of the modernised First October Meeting-The First Year of the Third Triennial Produce Stakes of 10 sovs. each, for two-year-olds, 76 subscribers, T.Y.C. Out of this big lot they picked Hernandez to back at 2 to 1 against him; 5 to 1 Aaron Smith, the same about Catalpa, 6 to 1 Payment, and 8 to 1 Antigone. A scurry between a field of fourteen over the T.Y.C. at Newmarket allows of very few details. You see the disjecta membra of a rainbow as it were rushing towards you, should your position be in the vicinity of the post-and there's an end of particulars. It was by no means a race of any quality as regarded pace. Hernandez, a produce of Colonel Anson's nomination, now the property of Lord Enfield, was the winner by a length-cleverly. There were some casualties, and lots of tailing. Match for £200 a-side h.-ft.; Bordeaux, 8st. 9lb., beat Hippia, 6st. 121b., first half of Abingdon mile, by a length: 6 to 5 on the loser. The Hopeful, with its host of stipulations, had 20 subscribers, whereof a fourth shewed. They laid 2 to 1 on the filly out of Venus, now called Aphrodite; and they were correct in their reckoning, for she won cleverly by a length. As usual, she got off as full of freaks as Paddy's head at a pattern." Three matches having paid, or otherwise settled, the list was brought to an end. 66 Wednesday, in its skiey influences, was all that could be desired. In the town there was miscellaneous betting of all kinds...... "The world is a bundle of hay," and so forth. The sun shines cheerily let us meet it on the pleasant heath. At the same hour as yesterday the sport began. The opening race was a Fifty Pound Plate, Ditch in, for all ages except two-yearolds. The odds were 12 to 1 on Cariboo !!! It was run a match, and the favourite won by half-a-dozen lengths; it was but a dirty halfhundred. Sweepstakes of 100 sovs. each, h.-ft., for two-year-olds, &c., &c., T.Y.C., 3 subscribers. This also came off a match, which Constance, with 4 to 1 on her, won by a length easily. Sweepstakes of 50 sovs. each, h.-ft., for two-year-olds not engaged in the July, Chesterfield, Rutland, Clearwell, or Prendergast stakes, &c., &c., T.Y.C., 5 subscribers. Another "match;" Exeter, with 6 to 1 on him, made all the running, and won easily by a length. Match for 50 sovs. a-side, h.-ft., for two-year-olds, last half of Ab. mile. The odds were 2 to 1 on the Roman: the result was that The Lioness won easily by a length. This brings us to feature the second-the Second Year of the Second Triennial Produce Stakes of 10 sovs. each, for three-year-olds, &c., &c., 76 subscribers, across the flat. Nine were telegraphed to go; the betting being even on William the Conqueror, 5 to 1 against Hardinge, 6 to 1 Exotic, the same Compass, 10 to 1 Cranberry, 12 to 1 Clelia, the same Mickleton, and 14 to 1 Sisyphus. The front rank from the start to the bushes was well filled. Here Zadoc took a decided lead, and carried it down the fall, where he surrendered to Clelia. The mare won by a length, Compass being second to her, and Zadoc third. Mickleton was pulled up, having broken some small blood vessel of the head. A Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, for all ages, Rowley mile. Three two-year-olds went for it; Hazy, even against the other two, winning by about half a distance. The St. Leger, 15 subscribers, Ditch in, brought out five. The betting was 7 to 4 against Nutshell, 5 to 2 Mooltan, and 4 to 1 Nutcraker. The latter made the play, such as it was, up to the Duke's stand. Here Nutshell and Garforth singled themselves out, and ran a very resolute struggle home, the favourite winning by half a length. The Granby Stakes of 30 sovs. each, 20 ft., for twoyear-olds, &c., &c., 10 subscribers, from the turn of the lands in, had a field of three. The prestige was towards Prestige, 4 to 1 on; and the view was correct, for the favourite led from end to end, and won in a canter by two lengths. This wound up the sports, and a very enjoyable day. one would select for a however, was good: and First came a Sweep Thursday was anything but the sort of day sojourn on Newmarket Heath. The bill of fare, to it the regulars went, like French falconers. stakes of 5 sovs. each, for all ages, &c., &c., Criterion course, 3 subscribers. They all ran for this sporting prize, which, expenses included, might be worth some sixty shillings. Diligence, the favourite, won "industry must prosper. The Town Plate of 50 sovs., for threeyear-olds, Ditch in, drew forth another trio. They laid 6 to 1 on Cariboo. In support of this estimate, he ran first as far as he could: this was half-way up the ropes, when he let an animal by Dromedary, and whose dam was by Mulatto, one of a nameless race, pass him, and win easily by a length. Match for 100, h.-ft., T.Y.C.: Santiago, 8st. 9lb., 7 to 4 on him, beat colt by Taurus out of Fair Jane, 8st. 2lbs. The gallant captain gives half-a-stone and wins. The Queen's Plate of 100 guineas, for three-year-olds and upwards, R.C. Five went for "the Queen's guineas," as the plate is dubbed vernacularly; the odds being 6 to 5 against St. Rosalia, 7 to 4 Little Jack, 5 to 1 Zadoc, and 8 to I Van Dieman. It was a slovenly affair up the hill, presently improved by Van Dieman making the pace a little better. As they passed the corner of the plantation, coming home, the race lay with Little Jack and St. Rosalia, the mare winning by half a length. The Third Year of the First Triennial Produce Stakes, &c., &c., 120 subscribers, Ditch in, had a field of half-a-dozen at the post. This was feature the third of the meeting. The betting was 6 to 5 against Vatican, the winner of last year's series, 5 to 2 Elthiron, 4 to 1 Landgrave, and 10 to 1 Herbert. There is no course over Newmarket Heath which offers such materiel for management as the Ditch in. It is not too long for speed, and there is not an inch of it that may not be turned to profit by the conversant in the science of pace. What passages of horsemanship have been achieved from the Turn of the Lands in!-such, for instance, as Robinson's finish for the Portland Handicap on Sheet Anchor....... Well, off set the quintet, Mr. Nevill's Letitia making running at score for that gentleman's other-Herbert. As they climbed the hill from the Turn of the Lands up to the Duke's Stand, Elthiron passed the filly and went on with the running. As they closed the ropes Flatman showed fight. He brought up Landgrave a "stunner," as the lads say-shot by Vatican, and caught and beat Elthiron, winning clevery by a length; Elthiron, who was second, did not finish very stoutly; Vatican was three lengths behind the second, and the other moiety of the field was "beaten to fits." Thereupon, up went Landgrave to anything you pleased to take for the Cesarewitch. The Rutland Stakes, 30 sovs. each, for two-year-olds, 20 ft.; from the Turn of the Lands in, had a dozen nominations, and five runners. They laid 5 to 4 on Merry-peal, and 5 to 1 against Buckhound. After a misellaneous gallop up to and past the Duke's Stand, the pair selected by the ring singled themselves out from the ruck, and ran a very fierce struggle home, of which Buckhound had the best finally, by a short head. Three matches having paid, the bill of fare of a capital meeting was run out. Let us hope that all the company were satisfied with the "reckoning.' The A legion of Provincial Meetings occurred about this time, many of them of an interest which had claimed notice in this paper, but that the space assigned to it placed even the merest epitome of their results beyond its bounds. For instance, Scarborough had two good sporting days; and then there was racing at Monmouth, Felton, Sandbach, Woodford, Chesterfield, Cirencester, Manchester with a flare up-cum multis aliis-which cannot even be catalogued. But as every rule has its exception, so of course has this. In conformity with that logical postulate let us take a cursory review of the Chester Autumn Meeting. ancient city seems to have put on a new spirit. In lieu of the Races going to the dogs, as once upon a time they appeared very likely to do, the turf spreads upon the Roodee as doth verdure upon the river's bank. On Tuesday, the 8th ult., commenced the reunion in question. It began with the proof positive of prosperity: money abounded, not less than five hundred and fifty pounds being "added "-the polite phrase for given, in Olympic diction. In the next place, the company was considerable," in more senses of the word than that which implies number. Moreover, the "profession" was scarce, and the sport was ample and of a quality eminently above "small beer." It opened with the easy triumph of the Black Doctor for the Trial Stakes; the winner being subsequently purchased, by grace of his Derby engagement, for £1,200, as it was reported. There was a Free Handicap, with 24 nominations, and a field of thirteen, and a good race-won by Master Downes. The Mostyn Stakes, for two and three-year-olds, had five runners, the winner being Sir Robert-a cocktail according to the returns. Then came a match, "of no use to anybody but the owners;" followed by the |