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1857 Indian Mutiny. The Sepoys, or native Indian soldiers, in the Bengal army, mutinied at Meerut. marched on Delhi, and seized it, putting to death all the British residents-man, woman, and child. The chief centres of the mutiny were at Delhi, Cawnpore, and Lucknow.

The principal leaders of the British were General Havelock, Sir
Colin Campbell (Lord Clyde), Sir James Outram, and Sir
John Lawrence.

1858 The mutiny was quite stamped out, and on the 1st November, 1858, the governing power of the East India Company was abolished, and the country was placed under the sovereign of England.

1859 The Volunteer movement commenced, owing to the vast armies kept up on the continent, and the vague rumours of the invasion of England by France.


Lesson 221.-Learn for Monday Morning.


If thou art rich, then show the greatness of thy fortune, or, what is better, the greatness of thy soul, in the meekness of thy conversation; condescend to men of low estate, support the distressed, and patronise the neglected. Be great; but let it be considering riches as they are, as talents committed to an earthen vessel; that thou art but the receiver, and that to be obliged and to be vain, too, is but the old solecism of pride and beggary, which, though they often meet, yet ever make an absurd society.-Sterne.

If a rich man is proud of his wealth he should not be praised until it is known how he employs it.-Socrates.

OR ELSE LEARN Psalm cxlvii., verses 1-11.

Lesson 222.-Tuesday.-Geography. Write and Learn.


Russia is the largest country in Europe; it extends over more than half the continent; and, except the British, is the largest empire in the world.

BOUNDARIES.-North, by the Arctic Ocean; east, by the Ural Mts., the R. Ural, and the Cas'-pi-an Sea; south, by Mt. Cau-ca-sus and the Black Sea; and west, by Prussia, Austria, and Turkey.


SURFACE. Mostly flat. The chief mountains form the boundaries. The extreme north is either marshy or barren. In the south-east are the dry, barren Steepes, and in the south-west is an extremely fertile tract.

RIVERS.-The Pet-cho'-ra, flowing into the Arctic Ocean ; the Dwi'-na, into the White Sea; the Ne'-va, into the Gulf of Finland; the Western Dwi'-na, into the Gulf of Riga; the Dneiper and Dneis'ter, into the Black Sea; the Don, into the Sea of Azof; and the Volga and the Ural, into the Caspian Sea.

The Volga is the largest river in Europe. It rises in the Valdai
Hills, and has a course of 2,200 miles. The Neva drains Lake
La-do'-ga and Lake O-ne-ga.

CLIMATE AND PRODUCTIONS.-The climate is very various, and is subject to extremes. The north is cold and the winters are severe. Rye, wheat, flax, hemp, and tobacco are largely grown, and great quantities of sheep and cattle are bred in the south. The mineral wealth is great, gold being obtained from the Urals, and iron in all parts. The forests, which cover two-fifths of the country, are very valuable.

Lesson 223.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums. (1) What is the value of £796 stock at 105 per cent? (2) What is the purchase of £978 India stock at 744 per cent? *(3) Find the value of £3.135 + 936 crowns + 8/6.




(4) Multiply of by 4 of 175


(5) Find the difference between £43 and £43.

*(6) What number multiplied by off will produce 84 ?

Lesson 224-Thursday.-Grammar. Learn and Write.
Ex. 119.-Analyse and Parse.~

The flames are on the city wall,
Temple, and tower, and palace fall;
Danger, and de th, are hovering near,
And shrieks of terror wound the car.
That faithful bird herds not your cry,
She will not spread her wings and fly

Ex. 120. Write about books. State what was used before books were printed and why they were scarce and dear; who first printed books in England; what kind of books were first printed; the use of books, and the effect of cheap books.

Ex. 121.-Give the principal tenses of verbs, with examples, and show how they are formed.

* Inspector's Examination Questions.

Lesson 225.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

(1) A man bought cloth at 12/- a yard, and sold it at 16/- a yard: what did he gain per cent?

(2) Ift a be sold at 3/4 per lb. which cost 2/9 per lb.: what is the gain per cent?

(3) A town containing 8,500 people increases to 10,000: find the gain per cent.

(4) In a school of 250 children, 219 can write their names: what percentage is this of the whole?

(5) A man sells a horse for £28 and gains 8 per cent: what did it cost


*(6) If 1 ton 3cwt. cost £23, what must be the retail price per cent so as to gain 5 per cent ?

History.-Write and Learn.

1861 American Civil War between the Northern and Southern States of the United States. The southern ports being blockaded prevented the despatch of cotton to England, and caused the cotton famine in Lancashire. The war ended in 1865.

1863 The Prince of Wales was married to the Princess Alexandra of Denmark.

1865 Rinderpest, a plague or cattle disease, was imported by the Russian cattle from the Steppes into England, causing great loss to farmers, and beef to rise greatly in price.

Fenianism in Ireland, caused by certain foolish Americans inciting the Irish to rebel against England and form themselves into a Republic. The Habeas Corpus Act was suspended, and many persons were imprisoned.

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Lesson 227.-Tuesday.-Geography. Write and Learn.


MANUFACTURES.-These are not very important, but they include leather. sailcloth, cordage, linen, and spirits.

The COMMERCE is very great, much of it being with England. The internal trade is chiefly carried on at "fairs," the chief being that of Nish'-ni Nov-go-rod.

The GOVERNMENT is an absolute monarchy, under an Emperor or Czar. The RELIGION is that of the Greek Church, but all forms are tolerated. The population is about 68 millions.

CHIEF TOWNS.-St. Pe'-ters-burg, the capital, on the Neva, was founded by Peter the Great, 1703. It has a great export trale in tallow, hemp, flax, grain, and timber. Moscow, the former capital, is one great centre for the inland trade. Nish'-ni Nov-go-rod is noted for its great fair, which lasts three months. Rev'-el and Ri-ga are ports on the Baltic. O-des'-sa is the chief port on the Black Sea, and exports iminense quantities of grain. As-tra-khan' is the chief port on the Caspian, and is situated near the mouth of the Volga. War-saw, on the Vis'-tula, was the capital of Poland. Se-bas'to-pol, in the Crimea, was destroyed by the British and French in 1855.

Lesson 228.—Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums. * (1) A man sells a horse which cost him £28 at a loss of 7 per cent: what did he get for it?

*(2) A grocer uses instead of a 1lb weight one that only weighs 15 75oz.: what does he gain per cent. by his dishonesty?

*(3) How many eggs must be sold at 15d. a dozen to produce the same as 105 sold at 9 for a shilling?

* A coach wheel 10ft. 9in. in circumference makes 12 revolutions in 10 seconds at what rate per hour is the coach travelling?

* (5) If 17 yards of lace cost £2.56, how many yards will 13 guineas buy?

Lesson 229.-Thursday.-Grammar. Learn and Write.
Ex. 122. Analyse and Parse.-

Think not maternal love can tire ;
That nest will be her funeral pyre.
More closely still she spreads her wings
Above those feeble, trembling things;
And since their lives she cannot save,
She shares with them one common grave.

* Inspector's Examination Questions.


Ex. 123.-Write about a rainy day; appearance, the cause of rain; its discomforts; necessity for rain; and its benefits. We should not repine at God's blessings.

Ex. 124. Explain what you mean by active and passive voice, and give examples.

Lesson 230.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

* (1) 1f 10yds. of linen be required for 3 shirts, how many will a piece containing 53 yards make?

(2) If 20 reapers can reap a field in 6 days, in what time will 30 do it? (3) Divide of 18 by of 2.

(4) From of a cwt. take of a ton.

*(5) Divide 1·1 by 0009.

(6) If a schoolboy prepares his lessons in of the time he plays, which amounts to off of a day, how much of a day does he take to

prepare his lessons in ?

History.-Write and Learn.

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1867 The Reform Bill, passed by the Conservative party in parliament, under Benjamin Disrae i. It greatly extended the franchise. 1868 Warin Abyssinia, owing to the refusal of King Theodore to release some British subjects he had imprisoned. Under Sir Robert Napier his capital, Magdala, was taken, and the prisoners liberated.

1870 The Education Act was brought forward by Mr. Forster, with Mr. Gladstone as premier. It loads the way to securing good instruction for every child in the kingdom.

1870 To pacify Ireland. the Liberal government passed the Irish Church Bill, by which the Protestant Church ceased to be the Established Church of Ireland from January 1st, 1871. 1871 To further pacify the country, the Irish Land Bill was passed, to allow a tenant compensation on ejectment for improvements

he had made in the farm.


Lesson 231.-Learn for Monday Morning.

There is nothing possible to man which industry and integrity will not accomplish. The poor boy of yesterday may become the talented young man of to-day by the power of his good right arm, and the potent influence of his pure principles, firmly and perpetually maintained. When poverty, and what the world cal's disgrace, stares him in the face, he shudders not, but presses onward, and exults in high and honourable exertions in the midst of accumulating disa-ters and calamities. These are the men who make the country-who bring to it whatever of iron sinew and unfailing spirit it possesses or desires.

·OR ELSE LEARN Psalm xix.

* Inspector's Examination Questions.

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