THIRD TABLE OF ORTHOPHONY. EXERCISES ON THE ELEMENTS OF "EXPRESSION. WHISPERING. "ALL'S hushed as midnight, yet! HALF-WHISPER. "Step softly, and speak low, "PURE TONE." "Pale mourned the lily where the rose had died '" "Oh! that this lovely vale were mine!" "Joy! joy forever! My task is done!" "OROTUND." "Farewell! a long farewell to all my greatness!" FORCE. Very soft: "Oh! lightly, lightly tread!" Soft: "Take, holy Earth, all that my soul holds dear!" Moderate: - "The breath of spring awakens the flowers." Loud:-" Up! let us to the fields away!" Very loud : " Liberty! Freedom! Tyranny is dead!" STRESS. Impassioned Explosive Radical: - " Up! comrades, up! In Rokeby's halls Ne'er be it said our courage falls!" Unimpassioned Radical: -" A clear, distinct articulation is an invaluable accomplishment." Median Stress:- "Oh! I have lost you all, parents, and home and friends!" "O Lord, my God, Thou art very great!" Vanishing Stress: - "For Heaven's sake, Hubert, let me not be bound!" "While a single foreign troop remained on my native shore, I would never lay down my arms. Never, NEVER, NEVER!" 1 Repeat, after every example, in its peculiar tone, the elements and a selection from the syllables and words in the first and second tables of Orthophony. Compound Stress: - " What! to attribute the sacred sanctions of God and nature to the massacres of the Indian scalping-knife!" Thorough Stress: -"Awake! arise! or be forever fallen!" PITCH. Lowest :-" Silence how dead! and darkness how pro found!" Low: - "Dark flow thy tides o'er manhood's noble head." Middle: "Lovely art thou, O Peace, and lovely are thy children." "He leadeth me by the still waters." High:-"Now even now, my joys run high!" Highest : -"Wheel the wild dance, till the morning break!" MOVEMENT Slowest: -" Creation sleeps: - 'Tis as the general pulse Of life stood still, and Nature made a pause, — An awful pause, - prophetic of her end!" Slow:-"Now fades the glimmering landscape from the sight, And all the air a solemn stillness holds." Moderate: -" One great end to which all knowledge ought to be employed, is the welfare of humanity." Lively: "Crowned with her pail, the tripping milkmaid Brisk: sings!" "Haste thee, Nymph, and bring with thee Rapid: "And rushing and flushing and brushing and gushing, And flapping and rapping and clapping and slapping, And curling and whirling and purling and twirl ing, Advancing and glancing and prancing and dancing, 'Tis this way the water comes down at Lodore." FOURTH TABLE OF ORTHOPHONY. COMBINATIONS OF EXPRESSION, IN TONES OF EMOTION. COURAGE. Orotund Quality, Loud Utterance, Thorough Stress, High Pitch, Brisk Movement. "Come one, come all, this rock shall fly From its firm base as soon as I.1 FEAR. Half Whisper, Suppressed Force, Explosive Radical Stress, Highest Pitch, Rapid Movement. "While thronged the citizens, with terror dumb, Or whispering with white lips, The foe! they come, they come!'" JOY. Orotund Quality, Loudest Utterance, Thorough Stress, High Pitch, Lively Movement. "Joy, joy! shout, shout aloud for joy!" GRIEF. Orotund Quality, Subdued Force, Vanishing Stress and Tremor, Middle Pitch, Slow Movement. "Oh! pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth!" AWE. Orotund, slightly aspirated, Suppressed Force, Median Stress, Lowest Pitch, Slowest Movement. "It thunders! -sons of dust in reverence bow!" ANGER. Aspirated Orotund, Loudest Utterance, Explosive Radical Stress, Middle Pitch, Rapid Movement. "Back to thy punishment, false fugitive!" ADMIRATION. Pure Tone, Earnest Utterance, Median Stress, High Pitch, Lively Movement. "Oh! speak again, bright angel!" HURRY. Aspirated Orotund, Loudest Utterance, Explosive Radical Stress, Middle Pitch, Rapid Movement. TRANQUILLITY. Orotund Quality, Gentle Utterance, Median Stress, Middle Pitch, Slow Movement. "O'er all the peaceful world the smile of heaven shall lie!" 1 After practising each example, repeat the elements and the words containing them, in the peculiar style of the example. FIFTH TABLE OF ORTHOPHONY. EXERCISES IN THE DIFFERENT FORMS OF VERSE. IAMBIC METRE. Blank Verse : -" And earthly pride | is like the passing flower, That springs | to fall, and blossoms | but to die." Heroic Verse:-" Like leaves on trees | the race of man | is found; Now | green in youth, now | withering on the ground." Octosyllabic Verse:- "The spacious firmament | on high, With all the blue ethereal sky, And spangled heavens, a shining frame, Common Metre: - "Thy love the power of thought bestowed; To Thee | my thoughts would soar: TROCHAIC METRE. "Softly sweet, in Lydian measures, ANAPÆSTIC METRE. "How fleet | is a glance of the mind! And the swift-winged arrows of light." "The evening was glorious, and light, through the trees, Played the sunshine | and raindrops, the birds | and the breeze; The landscape, outstretching in loveliness, lay | On the lap of the year, in the beauty of May." 1 The careful observance of these shorter pauses, is the surest means of avoiding the tendency to a jingling style in reading verse. |