THE GENERAL STUD BOOK, Containing Pedigrees of Race Horses, brought down to 1844 inclusive, with many of the produce of 1845, in 5 vols. By C. and J. WEATHERBY. Sold at the Publishers' Office, 6 Old Burlington street, and by all Booksellers in Town and Country. In order to render the complete work more generally accessible, the Publishers have made a great reduction in the prices of the earlier Volumes, as under : 'The 4th and 5th Volumes together form a comprehensive modern Stud Book. The different Volumes may be had separately at any time. CONTENTS. List of Royal Plates, with their Conditions Form of a Certificate of having won a Queen's Plate By Order of her Majesty's Master of the Horse, the following Jan. 25, 1847. QUEEN'S PLATE ARTICLES. [It is her Majesty's Command, that these following Rules I. Every horse, mare, or gelding, that runneth for any of the said Plates, shall carry the weight and run the distance appointed in the Schedule hereunto annexed. II. Every person that putteth in a horse, mare, or gelding, for any of the said Plates, shall enter the same with the name of the owner, and the age, name, pedigree, or sufficient description of the horse, according to the Rule of the Jockey Club regarding nominations, at the time and place appointed by the Steward or Stewards of the Races at which such Plate is to be run for. III. Horses that run for any of her Majesty's Plates shall start at the time appointed by the Steward or Stewards of the Races at IV. Each horse's, mare's, or gelding's place as he or they come by the ending-post shall be determined by the Judge appointed by the Steward or Stewards of the Races at the place where the said V. Every rider shall immediately after each heat be run, be obliged to come to the usual place of weighing, with his horse, mare, or gelding, then and there to alight and not before, and there to weigh to the satisfaction of the person appointed for that pur- VI. And in case of neglect or refusal thereof, such owners and ri- ders shall be immediately declared incapable of running or riding any more for this or any of her Majesty's Plates hereafter. VII. Every horse, mare, or gelding, that runneth on the wrong side of the post or flags, or is distanced in any of the heats, shall have no share of the said Plates, nor be suffered to run any more. VIII. When any of her Majesty's Plates are appointed to be run in heats, the horse, mare, or gelding that winneth any two heats winneth the Plate, but if three several horses, mares, or geldings win each of them a heat, then those three and only they to run a fourth heat, and the horse, mare, or gelding that winneth the fourth heat shall have the Plate. IX. When the age or qualification of a horse entered for any of her Majesty's Plates shall be objected to, either before or after running, the Stewards of the Races at which such Plate is run for shall have the power to order an examination of the horse's mouth by competent persons, and to call for all such evidence as they may require, and their decision shall be final unless they shall think fit to refer the matter to the Stewards of the Jockey Club for the time being, in which case the decision of the said Stewards of the Jockey Club shall be final. A Certificate shall not be granted to any horse objected to until the question of his qualification shall be decided in the manner herein prescribed. X. And in case any difference shall arise in running, or respecting any matters not hereinbefore provided for, or as to the interpretation of these her Majesty's orders, the same shall be determined by the Master of the Horse, or by such person or persons as he shall appoint. SCHEDULE of Weights and Distances for the Royal Plates. The weights of the Queen's Plates run for at Newmarket shall be fixed by the Stewards of the Jockey Club. NORTHAMPTON-three yrs old, 6st. 10lb. four, 9st. 21b. five, 9st. 121b. six and aged, 10st. 4lb. two miles. CHESTER-thrice round the Course; rather more than three miles; three yrs old to carry 7st. 2tb. four, 9st. 2lb. five, 10st. six and aged, 10st. 5fb. SHREWSBURY-three miles; weights as at Chester. ASCOT HEATH-to start at the New-mile Starting-post, go once round and in; weights the same as at Chester. -N. B. This does not apply to the Hunters' Plate, of which the conditions are to be fixed by the Master of the Buckhounds, as formerly. MANCHESTER-three miles and a distance) weights the same as NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE-three miles at Chester. |