To close and name to Mr C. Rainford, the Clerk of the Course on or before the 15th day of September next. Alderman Copeland, M.P. WEDNESDAY.-The Staffordshire Stakes of 15 sov. each, 10 ft. and 5 only if declared on or before the 30th of September, with 30 added by the Hon. Captain Carnegie, M. P. To be handicapped by Messrs Weatherby; and to close and name to them, or the Clerk of the Course, on or before the 15th day of September next; about one mile and a half; the second horse to save his stake, and the winner to pay 5 sov. towards defraying the expenses of the Course. CROXTON PARK, 1847, Will take place on Thursday and Friday, the 25th and 26th of March. (To be run over the New Course.) THE Farmers' Plate of 50 sov. and 10 sov. to the second horse, given by the Gentlemen of the Belvoir and Quorndon Hunts, for horses not thorough-bred (the property of, and bred by, Farmers residing within the district of country hunted by the Belvoir, Quorndon, or Cottesmore hounds, or within fifteen miles of Croxton Park), which have been regularly hunted with one of those packs, and which never started previous to the day, except for this plate, paid or received forfeit; a winner not allowed to start; four yrs old, 11st. 10lb. five, 12st. 7lb. six, 13st. and aged, 13st. 51b. mares allowed 3tb. heats, two miles, over hurdles; to be ridden by Farmers or their Sons. To close and name to Mr Day, Secretary, Melton Mowbray, by twelve o'clock at noon of the Saturday se'nnight previous to the races; and at the time of entrance, or they will be disqualified, to produce certificates, signed by the breeder, and by the huntsman of either of the above-mentioned packs. To show on the morning of the race at the New Stand, instead of the Park House, as heretofore. The hurdles will not have to be taken in the race. The Scurry Stakes of 5 sov. each, with 20 added, for horses of all denominations (winners previous to starting excepted); 12st. each; half a mile; three to start, or no race. The winner to pay 5 sov. to the Racing-fund. To close and name to Mr Day, Secretary, Melton Mowbray, before twelve o'clock on the Saturday night preceding the races. The Billesdon Coplow Stakes of 25 sov. each, 10 ft. for any horse that has been regularly hunted with the Belvoir, Quorn, or Cottesmore hounds, from the Ist of January; once round and a distance. The horses to be named to the Secretary at the time of entrance for the Melton plate; to be handicapped by the Stewards, and the weights to be declared by twelve o'clock on the Monday following. The Granby Handicap of 20 sov. each, 10 ft. and 5 only if declared to Messrs Weatherby, London, or to Mr Day, Secretary, Melton Mowbray, by a time to be fixed when the handicap is published, with 50 added, for horses of all denominations (two yrs old excepted); Granby Course; about a mile and a half. Three horses to start, or the 50 sov. will not be given. The winner to subscribe to this stake for 1848, and to pay 15 sov. to the Racing-fund. To close and name as above on or before the 1st of March, and the weights to be declared as soon as possible. SECOND DAY.- The Farmers' Handicap of 50 sov. and 5 to the second horse, given to be run for by those horses which save their distances in every heat of the Farmers' plate; heats, once round; to be ridden by Gentlemen. The handicap to be declared at the close of the first day's race. A gold Cup, added to a Handicap Sweepstakes of 20 sov. each, 10 ft. and 5 only if declared to Messrs Weatherby, London, or to Mr Day, Secretary, Melton Mowbray, by a time to be fixed when the handicap is published, for horses of all denominations (two yrs old excepted); two miles; the winner of the Granby to carry 101b. and of the Coplow, 7lb. extra. The winner to subscribe to this stake and the Granby handicap for 1848, and to pay 15 sov. to the Racing-fund. To close and name as above on or before the 1st of March, and the weights to be declared as soon as possible. The Melton Plate of 50 sov. given by the Inhabitants of Melton Mowbray, four yrs old, 10st. 7lb. five, 11st. 4lb. six and aged, 11st. 111b, half-bred horses allowed 61b. mares and geldings allowed 3fb. a winner previous to starting to carry 5lb. if of the Tally-ho, Granby, or Coplow, 10lb. extra; one mile and a half. Three horses to start, or no race. To pay one sov. entrance to the Racingfund. To close and name to Mr Day, Secretary, or Mr Rowland, Veterinary Surgeon, Melton Mowbray, by twelve o'clock on the Saturday night preceding the races. The Optional Selling Stakes of 10 sov. each, with 20 added, four yrs old, 10st. 6fb. five, 11st. 2lb. six and aged, 11st. 61b. one mile and a half; maiden horses allowed 4fb. the winner to be sold for 100 sov. horses may be entered to be sold for 1501. sov. carrying 31b. for 200 sov. 8lb. for 300 sov. 141b. for 400 sov. 21fb, extra. To close and the horses to be named, with the sums for which they are to be sold, to Mr Day, Secretary, Melton Mowbray, by twelve o'clock on the Saturday night preceding the races. (Last race.)-A forced Handicap of 5 sov. each, with 20 added, for all the winners. Open to any horse that has run at this Meeting; one mile. Note. The erroneous impressions which have been entertained in reference to the liability of subscribers to the forfeits in the Granby handicap and gold cup, have induced the Stewards to make it thus publicly known, that any proprietor of a horse receiving a nomination, and not striking his horse out by the expiration of the time allowed for declaring the small forfeit, becomes liable for the whole of the large forfeit, or the stake, as the case may be. For the Billesdon Coplow and other stakes in which nominations may be given, the owner of the horse must pay the whole stake if his horse starts. Ages from the 1st of January. All regulations at Newmarket respecting racing to be strictly adhered to at Croxton Park, unless otherwise specified in the article of the race, or in the under-written rules: The winner of any sweepstakes, plate, or match, to pay 5 sov. to the Racing-fund. Five shillings entrance to be paid for each race (except the Melton plate) at the time a horse is nominated, and applications to the Stewards or Secretary for nominations must be accompanied by the like payment of 5s. or they will not be attended to. Should nominations not be given, the entrance-money will be returned. The attention of owners and trainers is particularly called to this rule, as it will not be dispensed with. The entrance-money goes to the Racing-fund. The colours of the riders to be declared to the Secretary, in writing, on the Tuesday preceding the races, upon all stakes, &c. then closed, and upon any afterwards made, at the time of entering, or forfeit 10s. 6d. and subject to the same penalty if altered afterwards. This will be strictly enforced. The horses to be saddled upon the Course, in front of the Stand (weather permitting, of which the Stewards will judge) upon for. feiture of one sov. Such Gentlemen only who are Members of the Croxton Park Club be allowed to ride at this meeting, except for the Farmers' plate, to which Farmers or their Sons will be privileged as usual. Persons requiring ground for the erection of booths or stalls are requested to make application at the Park House. On no account will carts or waggons be allowed to enter the Park with booths, stalls, or luggage, except with broad wheels. All disputes to be settled by the Stewards, or whom they may appoint, and such decision to be final. COVENTRY, 1847, Will take place on Wednesday, the 10th of March. All the stakes close on the 10th of February to Messrs Weatherby, in London, or the Clerk of the Course, Coventry, and full particulars will be found in No. XXX of the Sheet Calendar, 1846. J. MEIKLAM, Steward. T. PETTIFOR, Clerk of the Course. DURHAM, 1847. THURSDAY, April the 22nd. -The Craven Stakes of 10gs cach, with 20 sov. added from the Racing-fund; three yrs old, 6st. 10fb. four, 8st. 3lb. five, 8st. 111b. six, 9st. mares and geldings allowed 3lb. the winner of 1001. at any one time in plate or stake to carry 5lb. extra. Three subscribers, or no race; one mile and a half. To close and name the same day as the plates. The Hunters' Stakes of 5 sov. each, for horses that have been regularly hunted during this season, with the Duke of Cleveland, Durham County, Hurworth, Bedale, Lord Elcho's. Mr Watson's, the Tindle, or Prudhoe, and Derwent Hunts, certificates of which must be produced from the respective masters; four yrs old, 10st. 121b. five, 11st. 81b. six and aged 12st. half-bred horses allowed 7lb. a winner of 501. before the day of running to carry 3lb. extra; Gentlemen riders; two miles. G. Gregson, Esq. W. Russell, Esq. H. Baker, Esq. The Maiden Plate of 50 sov. given by the Members for the Northern Division of the County of Durham, for horses that never won 501. in plate or stake at any one time before the day of naming; three yrs old, 7st. 5lb. four, 8st. 51b. five, 8st. 10lb, mares and geldings allowed 3lb. heats, two miles. FRIDAY. The two yrs old stakes of 10gs. each, with 20 sov. added from the Racing-fund; colts, 8st. 3lb. fillies, 8st. three quarters of a mile. To close and name on or before the 1st of April 1847. The Cup Stakes of 10gs each, for horses that never won 1001. at any one time in plate or stake before the day of naming; three yrs old, 6st. 10lb. four, 8st. 3lb. five, 8st. 10lb. six and aged, 9st. mares and geldings allowed 3tb. two miles. To close and name the same day as the plates. H. J. Spearman, Esq. J. Bell, Esq. W. S. Standish, Esq. The Great Durham Handicap of 50 sov. added to a Sweepstakes of 15 sov. each, 10 ft. and 3 if declared by the 20th March; two miles. To close and name on or before the 1st of March, and the weights to be declared on or before the 10th March, 1847. Ten subscribers, and five to accept, or no race. W. Standish Standish, Esq. Mr H. Stebbings Mr J. Gill |