St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal, Bind 64


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Side 1 - ... adapted to internal use, and to make and maintain surgical cleanliness — asepsis — in the treatment of all parts of the human body, whether by spray, irrigation...
Side 11 - FIGS" as a laxative is one or two teaspoonfuls given preferably before breakfast or at bed time. From one-half to one tablespoonful acts as a purgative, and may be repeated in six hours if necessary. "Syrup of Figs" is never sold in bulk. It is put up in two sizes to retail at fifty cents and $ I.oo per bottle, and the name
Side 11 - FIGS," as well as the name of the California Fig Syrup Company, is printed on the wrappers and labels of every bottle. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., San Francisco, Cal.; Louisville, Ky.; New York, NY There Are flo Exceptions.
Side 71 - A SYLLABUS OF LECTURES ON THE PRACTICE OF SURGERY, arranged in conformity with " An American Text-Book of Surgery.
Side 169 - At the same time there is a feeling of distention in the head, the perspiration is largely increased, the face is slightly flushed, and occasionally there is a mild frontal, vertical or occipital headache, or all combined, lasting, however, only a few minutes. 2. A feeling of exhilaration is experienced which endures for several hours. During this period the mind is more than usually active and more capable of effort. This condition is so well marked that if a dose be taken about bedtime wakefulness...
Side 261 - Medicine, which is one of the most important that has been created, bids fair to be one of the most successful in the entire Congress ; and already many valuable contributions are in process of preparation, and will be read at the meeting in September. It is hoped, with the hearty co-operation of all physicians living not only in North, but also in South and Central America, that the work in this Section will be memorable ; and each physician living on this continent is requested to join this most...
Side 379 - It has a tendency to absorb plastic deposits, to regulate the vascular supply, to relieve congestion, to tone up the nerve forces, to regulate the bowels, and to remove spasmodic conditions.
Side 71 - ... most eminent physicians and surgeons of America, England and the Continent. It arranges in a practical way for ready reference •what is worth preserving of the year's medical literature, together with a number of important papers specially written; and will contain over...

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