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for two or three months, leaving the skin a dirty, dust hue. The author found this disease more frequently in teething children. He has even known the suckling mother or nurse to break out in like manner with the child. And what did the learned physician use as remedy for this condition? Nothing other than "the external application of an ointment consisting of the sulphur ointment and ointment of nitrated quicksilver." In speaking of the treatment of incontinence of urine, the author says: "For the Cure, tincture of catechu, or of gum kino, the bark; balsam of copaiba, and white vitriol, may be made trial of; but nothing is usually so effectual as repeated blisters applied over the seat or lower part of the back; with proper doses of the tincture or the powder of Spanish flies, given in some soft emulsion and under the superintendence of some medical man." Pediatricians will please note that "These means have generally removed the complaint, if there has been no morbid affection of the spine, as is sometimes the case." It is interesting to note what the author has to say about that dreadful but easily - prevented disease, gonorrheal ophthalmia, which he calls "The Purulent Sore Eye." After treating of simple conjunctivitis, he says: "But there is a far more formidable inflammation, which has of late years been called the purulent sore eye, distinguished from every other by the vast quantity of thick matter discharged, and great swelling of the lids." The author recognizes the danger of this inflammation, for he says that, if neglected, it may not only destroy the sight, but "dissolve the eye itself in less than a week's time." He however does not seem to have recognized the etiology of this disease, for while he states that "It now and then appears at the birth, but more commonly seizes an infant a few days afterward without any previous complaint," he also adds that he has "likewise seen it exceedingly violent in children of four or five years old, but rarely at that age without some blow, or other accident." In the treatment he recommends that "the body always be kept open, and leeches applied to the temples." Scarifications of the "inner coat of the eyelids," blisters to the back, nape of the neck, and behind the ears, he also commends. He dwells upon the importance of taking away blood, and urges that in

some cases


a constant discharge from behind the ears" be kept up. Cerate of acetated litharge on soft linen, or soft linen rags, "frequently wetted with cold brandy and water," make useful local applications. Camphorated water, tincture of opium, ointment of nitrated quicksilver and electricity (sic), are favorably regarded.

And lastly we paused to read an appendix on the subject of vaccination. The author remarks that in the neighborhood of London some untoward occurrences had taken place in the course of a general inoculation among the poor, but he says a knowledge of the true occasion of these disagreeable symptoms will tend rather to confirm than discredit the practice. The learned doctor is quite staunch in his support of the teachings of Jenner, even at that period of grave doubt.

FACTORS THAT PREDISPOSE TO PHTHISIS. We furnish in the department of Climatology and Phthisiology an abstract of a paper on Churchill's theory of the etiology of phthisis. Churchill's ideas are worthy of thought at least. Since the discovery of tubercular bacilli the study of the etiology of phthisis has been too much neglected. Or, to speak more exactly (since the rôle of the bacillus as the immediate cause is fully established), a study of the factors which predispose to phthisis, the etiology of the diathesis, is too much neglected. It would be profitable for the profession to turn attention to this subject for a time. And observing men in general practice can help much in elucidating the problem. Will the readers of the MONTHLY help? Study every case of phthisis that comes under your observation and keep a careful record. Study the patient individually. Learn his previous history. Learn the family history. Has the patient a weak or small heart? Is a small or weak heart characteristic of the family? Is the family prone to consumption? Brenen long ago claimed that small or weak hearts were a predisposing cause of phthisis.

Again, has the patient suffered much from indigestion, especially of the fermentative form? Fermentative dyspepsia is claimed by some to be an almost constant pre-tubercular condi

tion. But even if the patient has so suffered, was it pre-tubercular, or was the indigestion rather a consequence of the tubercular invasions? Or again, was the indigestion only another evidence of a system weakened by the phosphologic diathesis of Churchill? Watch the urine of your patient. It is true that phthisical patients usually show an increased amount of phosphates in the urine. But is this a cause or a consequence of the tubercular condition? And is there any relation between mental strain and mental depression and the tubercular condition? Dr. May asserts that phthisis is primarily a disease of the nervous system. What evidence can you find to sustain or refute this claim?

These and a hundred other questions can be asked. Record your observations and in due time report them to the medical societies and to the MEMPHIS MEDICAL MONTHLY. Too many minds cannot be brought to bear upon the problem.

L. P. B.


A Diagnosis Wanted. A correspondent sends in the following letter from one of his clients, asking that treatment be suggested:

Doctor, my complaint is as follows: My left side hurts; it don't pain. The main tender place seems to be just on the under side of the frunt end of my ribs; not the upper part of my ribs next to my heart, but the lower part. It defects my side below my ribs, and extends across my stomache to my nable. I cannot rest very well when I lye on that side.

The West Tennessee Medical and Surgical Association will meet at Jackson, Tenn., Thursday and Friday, May 25 and 26, 1899. Under the able management of its most efficient Secretary, Dr. McSwain, this organization has grown in popularity and numbers until now its meetings are among the most interesting and best attended of those of any of the district medical associations of this section. The annual meeting at Jackson is always largely attended, and provided with a full program of instructive papers. Titles for the approaching meeting should be sent in at once to the Secretary, Dr. I. A. McSwain, of Paris, Tenn.

The New Editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association is Dr. George H. Simmons, of Lincoln, Nebraska, sometime editor of the Western Medical Review, who was appointed by the Board of Trustees at a recent meeting, held for the purpose of electing a successor to the late Dr. John B. Hamilton. The salary of the position has been raised to $5000 per annum, the incumbent to devote his entire time to the interests of the journal.

The International Medical Magazine. Messrs. E. B. Treat & Co., of New York, having acquired the International Medical Magazine, formerly published in Philadelphia, the publication will hereafter be issued from their New York office. The magazine has been slightly changed in form and appearance, but remains under the editorial guidance of Dr. Boardman Reed.

The DeSoto County (Miss.) Medical Association. At the regular bimonthly meeting of the DeSoto County (Miss.) Medical Association, held in Hernando, March 13th, 1899, Dr. Richmond McKinney, of Memphis, was the essayist by invitation, his subject being Chronic Hypertrophy of the Pharyngeal Tonsil in Children (see p. 145). The following officers were elected to serve the Association for one year: President, Dr. A. L. Emerson, of Eudora; VicePresident, Dr. W. T. Wilkins, of Lewisburg; Second Vice-President, Dr. A. J. Weisinger, of Days; Secretary and Treasurer, Dr. A. J. Jagoe, of Hernando. Dr. A. J. Weisinger was designated essayist for the next meeting, the subject assigned him being Typhoid Fever. It is intended to extend the next meeting of the Association over two days, the time of this being May 8 and 9. It is also contemplated asking the physicians of the adjoining counties (Tate and Marshall) to be present on this occasion.

The Tennessee State Medical Society meets in Nashville, April 11, 12 and 13. A full and interesting list of titles for the program has been arranged by the aggressive Secretary, Dr. W. D. Haggard, Jr., of Nashville.

The Mississippi State Medical Association meets in Jackson, April 19, 20 and 21. Dr. Tackett, of Meridian, the efficient Secretary, informs us that everything points to a remarkably successful meeting.

Dr. S. E. Pincus. The marriage of Dr. S. E. Pincus, of Memphis, to Miss Gussie Layman, of New Orleans, is announced to take place Thursday afternoon, April the eleventh, at 2 o'clock, at the residence of the bride's parents, 1447 Annunciation street, New Orleans.

Important Committees. The President of the Tri-State Medical Association of Miss., Ark. & Tenn., Dr. E. H. Martin, of Clarksdale, Miss., announces the appointment of a committee on Necrology, consisting of C. W. Culp, M.D., of Mammoth Spring, Ark., W. P. Conner, M.D., of Lake Cormorant, Miss., and T. K. Powell, M.D., of Dancyville, Tenn., to report suitable resolutions in memoriam of recently deceased members at the next meeting of the Association, and a committee on the Progress of Medicine, consisting of the following: Medicine Frank A. Jones, M.D.

Materia Medica and Therapeutics-Edwin Williams, M.D.

Surgery-E. A. Neely, M.D.

Gynecology and Obstetrics-W. W. Taylor, M.D.

Ophthalmology and Otology-E. C. Ellett, M.D.

Laryngology-Richmond McKinney, M.D.

The Hoppergrass is the title of an interesting juvenile monthly paper published by

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The Little Bryces," children of Dr. C. A. Bryce, editor of the Southern Clinic, at Ashland, Va.

The Graduating Exercises of the Memphis Hospital Medical College take place the 27th instant, at the Auditorium.

"Cavendish." The author so widely known as "Cavendish," in private life Mr. Henry Jones, whose death took place a few days since, was himself a medical man, and the son of Mr. H. W. Jones, also a medical practitioner, of Soho Square. Mr. Henry Jones took his M.R.C.S. in 1852, and subsequently became a member of the Society of Apothecaries. He ceased to practice in 1869, but had long before achieved the position of an unquestionable authority in all matters appertaining to card playing. His numerous works, all written under the nom de plume "Cavendish," still hold their own in all English-speaking countries. It is a curious fact that his father, who was very fond of a rubber at whist, acquired the habit of settling his disputes by referring to "Cavendish," years before he became aware that the author was his own son.--Med. Press & Cir.

Dr. Marie J. Mergler has been elected Dean of Northwestern University Woman's Medical School, in place of Dr. I. N. Danforth, resigned. Dr. Danforth has been elected dean emeritus. The yearly course at this school has been changed from one of two semesters to one of four semesters of twelve weeks each, commencing the first of July, October, January and April. Three semesters will be required; the other semester will be optional. The number of regular students will be limited to one hundred, twenty-five in each class. They will be admitted to competitive examination for place in class only after having complied with the requirements of the State Board of Health.


An American Textbook of Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Edited by G. E. DeSchweinitz, A.M., M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology in the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia; Consulting Ophthalmologist to the Philadelphia Polyclinic; etc., etc.; and B. Alex. Randall, M.A., M.D., PH.D., Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Ear in the University of Pennsylvania; Professor of Diseases of the Ear in the Philadelphia Polyclinic; etc., etc., etc. Illustrated with 766 engravings, 59 of them in colors. Price, cloth, $7; half morocco, $8. W. B. Saunders, 925 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Having been apprised sometime since of the fact of this volume's preparation, we have been expectantly awaiting its appearance. Our anticipations have been realized, and we find that this book is well qualified to sustain the prestige of its predecessors in the "American Textbook" series. The chief objection that may be urged against this work (and this is a minor one) is the conglomeration into one volume of the specialties of the eye, the ear, and the nose and throat, any one of which subjects would require a volume unto itself, and even then, as said the Queen of Sheba, 'twould be true that "the half has not yet been told." Still, this association was no doubt rendered necessary by the desire to produce a working and reference textbook for the large number of special practitioners in the smaller cities who feel that they are forced-or do so through choice to combine the practice of these various specialties. Among the several authors contributing to this work are found the names of some of the most prominent specialists in America-and therefore the world-and each contributor has displayed such taste and care in the preparation of his article that the book

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