§ 64. Cures a lunatic, xvii. 14--21.
§ 65. Again foretells his proaching sufferings, xvii. 22-23.
§ 66. Pays the half shekel as tribute for the service of the temple, xvii. 24—27. §67. His discourses occasioned by the dispute, who was the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, xviii. 1-20.
§ 68. Answers Peter's ques- tion how often we must for- give, xviii. 21-35.
§ 69-83. Single scattered ac- counts, recorded only by St. Luke, some of which belong to the three or four last months of the life of Christ; others to an earlier period, and which are not arranged according to the order of time.
§ 69. Christ is refused the offices of hospitality by the Samaritans, ix. 51-56. § 70. Answers the question, who is our neighbour, x. 25| -37.
§ 71. Visits Martha a second time: his discourse relative to her too anxious prepara- tions for table, x. 38-42. § 72. Teaches his disciples to pray, xi. 1-13.
§ 73. Discourses occasioned by the request which a person present had made to Christ, that he would command his brother to divide with him his inheritance, xii. 13-59. § 74. Discourses occasioned by Pilate's having put to death several Galileans, and mingled their blood with their sacri- fices, xiii. 1-9.
§ 75. Christ cures on the sab- bath-day an infirm 'woman, who was unable to walk up- right, xiii. 10-22.
§ 76. Answers the question, whether few or many will be saved, xiii. 23-30.
§ 77. Replies to those who de- sire him to retire because Herod sought to put him to death, xiii. 31–35.
§ 78. Dines with a Pharisee on the sabbath-day. His ac-
tions and discourses on that
occasion, xiv. entire.
§79. Dines with publicans,
§ 84. Answers the question re- lative to divorces, xix. 1-12. § 85. Takes little children into his arms, and blesses them; and on this occasion reproves his disciples, xix. 13-15. § 86. Answers a rich young man, who asked him how he should obtain eternal life; Christ's important discourse on this occasion with his disciples, xix. 16.—xx. 16. § 87. Discourses again on his approaching death, xx. 17 -19.
§ 88. The mother of the sons of Zebedee requests for them the first rank in the kingdom of Christ; Christ's answer, xx. 20-28.
and justifies his conduct to those who censure him. Ac- ceptation of the Gentiles, xv. entire.
§ 80. On this occasion he in- structs his disciples in the true use of riches, and de- fends his doctrine against the Pharisees, who deride it, xvi. entire.
§ 81. His discourse on the ex- traordinary effects of faith, xvii. 5-10.
§ 82. Heals ten lepers, of whom the Samaritan alone returned thanks, xvii. 11-19.
§ 83. Answers the question, when the kingdom of God should come, xvii. 20.-xviii. 14.
§ 89-92. Supplement of several events and discourses omitted by the three first Evangelists, which took place especially at Jerusalem, and which belong to the period between No. 53. and No. 88.
xviii. 35-43. $94. Visits Zaccheus, xix. 1- 10.
§ 95. Describes in a parable the Jews who rejected him, xix. 11-27.
§ 89. Christ's actions and dis- courses at Jerusalem, at a feast of tabernacles, vii. 1.— x. 21.
§ 90. Discourses at Jerusalem at the festival of the dedica- tion of the temple, x. 22— 42.
§ 91. Christ raises Lazarus from the dead, xi. 1-46. § 92. Returns to Ephraim, xi. 54.
§ 96. Christ is anointed at Bethany by Mary; he de- fends this action against the unjust censure of his disci- ples, and particularly of Ju- das Iscariot, who forms the resolution to betray him, xxvi. 6-13.
§ 97. Christ's entry into Jeru- salem, xxi. 1-11.
§ 98. He goes as Lord into the temple, and again drives out the sellers; he curses a fig- tree, xxi. 12-22.
§ 99. Answers the question by what power he does this, xxi. 23-46.
100. Parable of the neglected festival of a king, xxii. 1—14.
§ 101. Answer to the question relative to tribute money, XXII. 15-22.
§ 102. Aswers to the objec- tion made by the Sadducees to the resurr, ction of the dend, xx. 25-33.
§ 103. Answer to the question, which is the great command- ment of the law? xxii. 34— 40.
§ 104. The question proposed, whose son the Messiah is? xxii. 41-46.
§ 105. Discourses against the Pharisees, xxii. entire.
107. Prophecy of the de struction of Jerusalem, xxiv. entire.
§ 108. Addition to the pre- ceding prophecy, found only in the Gospel of St. Matthew, xxv 1-30.
§ 109. Christ answers the ques- tion relative to the last judg- ment, xxv. 31–46.
§ 110. After the preceding discourses were ended, he again foretells his approach- ing death, xxvi. 2.
§ 113. Judas Iscariot promises
$111. Of the Greeks who wished to see Jesus; Christ's discourse on this occasion, and the answer from heaven, xii. 20-36. $119. Discourse on the infide- lity of the Jews after the performance of so many mi- racles, xii. 37-50.
Professor Griesbach, who believed that St. Mark constructed his Gospel from those of Matthew and Luke, has drawn up a Harmony of these three Evangelists, in which he shews that, 24 verses excepted, the whole of St. Mark's Gospel is contained in those of St. Matthew and St. Luke. His whole scheme in detail may be seen in his Synopsis Evang. Matt, Marci & Lucæ, 8vo. Hal. 1776. From his Commentationes Theologica Dr. Marsh gives the following Table, which brings the whole into the narrowest compass. Let it be observed that the middle column contains the whole of St. Mark's Gospel those to the right and left contain the portions of St. Matthew's Gospel and St. Luke's, which correspond to the stated portions of the Gospel according to St. Mark,
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