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NOTE. This Index has been arranged with the object of enabling instant reference to be made to the mention of every article of the Materia Medica, every drug, official or unofficial, and each preparation, derivative or constituent thereof, which is treated of in the first part of the book, every article, preparation or operation discussed in the pharmaceutical portion, and every disease or other title contained in the therapeutical section. Many of the entries are only made once, but double and even treble entries are made for every item which seemed of sufficient importance to warrant such repetition.

Salts are each placed but once in the Index, under their English names and the titles of their acid factors, thus, Acetate of Potassium. A basic view of the salts under their basis titles is seen in the section on Materia Medica, but as no such view of the Allyl, Ethyl, Methyl, Propyl and similar compounds exists in the book, these are each indexed twice, under both the acid and basic portions of their names, as Cetyl Palmitate and Palmitate of Cetyl.

Plants are indexed under both English and Latin names, except where the technical name of the plant corresponds in part with the official drug title, in which case the one entry serves for both. Thus the entry Conium answers for the plant Conium maculatum, as well as for the official drug; but the drug Nux Vomica and the plant Strychnos Nuxvomica receive separate index entries.

Alkaloids are each entered once only and under their chemical termination, ine; their salts following the same rule as other salts.

Glucosides and similar principles (except such as are acids) are indexed under their chemical termination, in.

Preparations are indexed under their Latin names where the reference is to the class, as Infusa, 422; but the several individual preparations are placed under their English titles, thus, Infusion of Digitalis, 199; the reference being to the Infusum Digitalis, page 199.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Cubebic, 193

Ergotic, 204

Ergotinic, 204
Erucic, 367
Eugenic, 284
Euonic, 213
Euphrastic, 214
Filicic, 121
Fluoric, 63
Gallic, 63, 223
Gallo-tannic, 74
Gambogic, 146
Gelsemic, 224
Gentesic, 225
Gentianic, 225
Glycyrrhizic, 228

Guaiac, 232
Guaiaconic, 232
Guaiarec, 232
Gurjunic, 234
Gynocardic, 162
Hydriodic, 252

Acid Hydrobromic, 64
Hydrochloric, 65
Hydrocyanic, 67
Hypopicrotoxic, 310
Igasuric, 288
Ipecacuanhic, 256
Juglandic, 259
Kinic, 177

Kinotannic, 177, 261
Kinovic, 177
Kinovo-tannic, 177
Lactic, 69, 292
Lactucic, 263
Linoleic, 268

Lobelic, 269

Lupulinic, 238
Maizenic, 402
Malic, 126
Mastichic, 277
Meconic, 292
Melassic, 347
Methyl-salicylic, 224
Mezereinic, 281
Muriatic, 65
Myristic, 285
Nitric, 70

Nitro hydrochloric, 65, 70
Nitro-muriatic, 65, 70
Oleic, 71, 290
Ophelic, 164

Oxalic, 48, 487
Palmaric, 334
Palmitic, 290

Phenic, 60

Phosphoric, 71
Phytolaccic, 309
Picric, 72
Picrotoxic, 310

Pinic, 334

Piperonylic, 191
Podophyllinic, 320
Polygonic, 321
Protocatechuic, 320

Prussic, 67

Punico-tannic, 230

Pyrogallic, 63, 179

Pyroligneous, 315

Quercitannic 74, 332

Rhatania-tannic, 74, 262

Rheotannic, 336

Rheumic, 336

Ricinoleic, 340
Sabadillic, 396
Salicylic, 179, 349
Salicylous, 349
Salicyluric, 350
Sanguinarinic, 353

Scheele's, 67
Sclerotinic, 204
Silvic, 334
Sphacelinic, 205
Strychnic, 288
Sulphuric, 72

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Alder, Buckthorn, 221

Ale, 86

Alkalies, their action, 36

Alkaline Mineral Waters, 109
Alkaloids, 409
Allium cepa, 89

porrum, 89
sativum, 89
Allspice, 313

Allyl Sulphide, 119

Sulpho-cyanide, 367
Almond, 67, 96
Alnus, 64, 89
Aloë socotrina, 89
Aloes, 89

Alopecia, 486, 673

Alstonia scholaris, 202
Alteratives, 41

Uterine, 48

Althea officinalis, 91
Alum, 91

Alum, Ammonio-ferric, 217

Alum root, 64

Alumen, 91

Alumen Exsiccatum, 91

Aluminium, 92

Amanita Muscaria, 84

Amaurosis, 486

Amber, 377, 385
Amblyopia, 30, 486
Amenorrhoea, 486

Amido-benzene, 179

Ammonia, 93

Ammonia-alum, 91

Ammoniated Mercury, 240

Ammoniacum, 93

Ammonium, 93

Amorphous Bodies, 415

Amygdala, 96

Amara, 67, 96

Dulcis, 97
Amygdalin, 67, 97
Amyl Chloride, 81

Hydrate, 87
Hydride, 81

Nitrite, 98

Amylene, 81

Hydrate, 165

Amylic Alcohol, 87

Amylum, 100, 348

Iodatum, 100, 252

Anæmia, 488

cerebral, 512

Anæsthesia, 80, 171, 489

Local, 209

Anæsthetics, 25, 27, 80, 81, 171
Local, 25

Mixtures, 79

Modes of using, 171
Anacyclus Pyrethrum, 330
Analgesics, 27

Anamirta paniculata, 310
Anaphrodisiacs, 47

[blocks in formation]

Aqua, 108

Bulliens, 108

Angina. See Croup, Laryngitis, Pharyn-

gitis, Throat, Tonsillitis, etc.

Angina Pectoris, 489

Anhidrotics, 46

Anilin, 179

Anilin Red, 222

[blocks in formation]

Carbonata, 108

Communis, 108

Destillata, 108

[blocks in formation]
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