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Oil of Pine.

Tar and Turpentine.

Ol. Terebinth.,

R. Ol. Pini Sylvestris,.

Magnesii Carb.,


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R. Ol. Picis Liquidæ,

aa 3ij.

M. Sig.--Pour slowly on a hot shovel

M. Sig. A teaspoonful on a pint of hot in the sick-room, keeping the vapor confined water for each inhalation.


The official Charta Potassii Nitratis, Nitre-paper (see ante, page 323), is a preparation intended for use as an inhalation, its vapors while burning being taken into the lungs.



Applied Therapeutics may be studied either with the various therapeutic agents as the objects of chief consideration, as in the first part of this work; or with the different diseases and morbid conditions forming the objects of study in respect to their modification and treatment by medicines. In the following pages the latter method is followed, the therapeutics of each affection being exhibited in the form of an Analyti cal Index to the recognized text-books of the day. Every indication for the use of a drug, or statement regarding its value, is followed by the initial (in parentheses) of its author: these references enabling the book to be used as an index to the authorities, for more strict differentiation between indicated remedies,-while the brief analyses given include enough to make each section a complete synopsis of the most advanced therapeutics of the disease forming its title.

The principal authors to whom references are made, and the various initials indicating them, are comprised in the following list:


(A.) Aitken.-The Science and Practice of Medicine, 7th edition, revised.
(Ag.) Agnew.-The Principles and Practice of Surgery, Philadelphia, 1878.
(B.) Bartholow.-Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 6th edition.
(Br.) Brunton.-Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Materia Medica, 3d ed., 1888.
(C.) Carter.-A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Eye, edited by Green.
(Cl.) Clarke.-A Manual of the Practice of Surgery, New York, 1881.
(D.) Druitt.-A Manual of Modern Surgery, 12th edition, London, 1882.
(E.) Emmet.-Principles and Practice of Gynecology, 3d edition.
(El) Ellis.-A Practical Manual of Diseases of Children, 3d edition.
(F.) Fothergill.-The Practitioner's Handbook of Treatment, 2d edition.
(G.) Goodell-Lessons in Gynecology, Philadelphia, 1882.
(H.) Hamilton.-Nervous Diseases, their Description, etc., 2d edition.
(L.) Leishman.-A System of Midwifery, 3d edition, Philadelphia, 1884.
(M. & P.) Meigs and Pepper.-Diseases of Children, 7th edition.
(N.) Niemeyer.-A Text-book of Practical Medicine, 9th edition.
(P.) Phillips.-Materia Medica and Therapeutics, revised edition, 1886.
(Pf.) Piffard.-Materia Medica and Therapeutics of the Skin, N. Y., 1881.
(R.) Ringer.-A Handbook of Therapeutics, 11th edition, New York, 1886.
(Ros.) Rosenthal.—Diseases of the Nervous System, New York, 1884.

(S.) Stille.-Therapeutics and Materia Medica, 4th edition. (St.) Sturgis.-The Student's Handbook of Venereal Diseases, 1883. (T.) Tanner.-An Index of Diseases and their Treatment, 2d edition. (Tr) Trousseau and Pidoux.-A Treatise on Therapeutics, 9th edition. (Tt.) Tait.-Diseases of Women, by Lawson Tait, New York, 1879. (W.) Wood, H. C.-Therapeutics, Materia Medica, etc., 6th edition. (Wa.) Waring.-Practical Therapeutics, 4th edition, edited by Buxton. Besides the above named, occasional references are made to other works by the same authors. References will also be found, with names in full, to Anstie, Brown-Séquard, Clymer, Cohen, Da Costa, Fordyce-Barker, Gross, Hammond, Hilton, Lister, Mitchell, Nélaton, Noyes, Nussbaum, Ricord, Roosa, Simpson, Thomas, and others. When a statement is not followed by any reference it is to be understood as coming from the writer of this book.

Abdominal Plethora.

Cathartics. The saline and hydragogue cathartics are of value in congestion of the portal circulation (B.). Saline Mineral Waters, especially the purgative saline waters, as Vichy and Saratoga, in plethora of the abdominal viscera (B.). Grape-cure has helped many cases, particularly those of hepatic engorgement and sluggish portal circulation; is best used after a preliminary course of powerful mineral waters (P.). Aliment is very important. A dry diet is particularly indicated in cases of dyspepsia and hepatic enlargement due to excessive beerdrinking. Avoid much bread, also salted or twice-cooked meats, rich sauces, solid vegetables especially cucumbers, soups and fruits. Biscuits, fresh meat, lemons, fish, fowl and game, may be used.~ [Compare HEPATIC CONGESTION, OBESITY.]

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Opium, cautiously in threatened abortion, is often very valuable (Wa.);-the tincture, mxx-xxx by rectum (Parvin);-Opium to check uterine action and Ergot to restrain hemorrhage (B.). Ergot, small tonic doses give excellent results in threatened abortion (P.). Tannin, combined with Opium and Ipecac. (Wa.). Cimicifuga, to prevent miscarriage when uterus is irritable and prolapsed (R.). Savine, the dried powder of the leaves, gr. xv-xx, thrice daily, one of the most powerful remedies against the hemorrhage indicative of approaching abortion (Wa.);-the tincture in doses of 5 to 10 drops, every 2 to 3 hours, useful against the hemorrhage (P.). Viburnum Prunifolium, in threatened and habitual abortion, has a very high reputation. Aurum Chloride, to avert the tendency to habitual abortion (B.). İron, with Potassium Chlorate, throughout the pregnancy, when fatty degeneration the cause of habitual abortion (McLane). Tamponade, of the cervix uteri, with cotton or sponge, dipped in vinegar or glycerin, when abortion is inevitable and it is desirable to hasten it and restrain hemorrhage. Empty uterus thoroughly with the finger, placenta-forceps liable to do harm (Barker). Abortifacients, see pages 48 and 230. Quinine and Ergotin, of each gr. ij in pill every 3 hours, the routine abortifacient of many irregular practitioners. Only by the production of such violent irritation of the abdominal and pelvic organs as generally endangers life, can the pregnant uterus be stimulated to expel its contents (P.). The abortifacient effect of Savine and other drugs cannot be obtained unless by the administration of a quantity sufficient to endanger life (B.).

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Poultices, to check or to assist in maturation, may be smeared with Belladonna or Opium (R.). Belladonna, as plaster to subdue (B.); painted around areola (Wa.); internally often successful in aborting (R.). Sulphide of Calcium, halfgrain doses frequently repeated, to abort abscess or to hasten formation of pus (B.); gr. every hour or two, gives striking results in healing large abscesses (R.). Phosphate of Calcium, in large abscesses (R.). Mercury and Morphine, the Oleate locally, diminishes induration due to old abscesses and prevents the formation of new ones (R.). Carbolic Acid, a weak solution as injection after evacuation, also as a dressing (Lister). Silver Nitrate, a strong solution in Nitrous Ether if applied early to adjacent surface will check inflammation (B.). Blisters or Iodine, as counterirritants around or adjacent to seat of disease (R.). Potassium Permanganate, 3j to the pint of water, to correct fetor (B.). Iodine, the tincture injected after opening large abscesses (R.); especially in scrofulous abscess (Wa.). Salicylic or Boracic Acid, as dressings (B.). Sarsaparilla, a very useful remedy in chronic abscess with profuse discharge (P.). Cod-liver Oil, improves and lessens discharge from scrofulous abscesses (Wa.). Surgical. Opening necessary in all deep abscesses, or when on face, near anus, mammary, or if danger of its opening into an internal cavity. Open with grooved director and forceps (Hilton). Never open a deep abscess with a plunge. Drainagetube may be required, also irrigation of the cavity and pressure (Agnew). Weaning of child necessary in chronic mammary abscess (Gross). Psoas abscess may result from strain or laceration of muscle, as by heavy lifting, effort to recover balance when skating, etc., as well as from spinal disease. Symptoms often obscure and simulating those of chronic malaria. Early opening by lumbar incision necessary; then tonics, good food, and daily irrigation of the cavity with an antiseptic solution. [Compare SUPPURATION, CARBUNCLE.]

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Acils, Hydrochloric or Phosphoric before meals; acid wine, a genuine Rhine wine best; Sulphurous Acid mv-xxx well diluted; for acid fermentation of starchy foods (R.); acids after meals for alkaline pyrosis (R.). Tannic Acid, useful in pill, gr. iv with mj of glycerin (B.). Carbolic Acid, often arrests eructations (B.). Alkalies, after meals for immediate relief, effects only temporary, bicarbonate best (R.): frequent use of alkalies enhances the mischief (B.). Nux Vomica, gtt. ij-nj of tincture before meals, excellent in small doses (B.); especally in acidity of pregnancy (R.). Pulsatilla, gtt. v of tincture every 4 hours in acid dyspepsia (P.). Silver Oxide, extremely useful (B.). Manganese Oxide, gr. x-xx of the purified black oxide relieves (B.). Kino, a favorite remedy (B.). Ipecacuanha, in acidity of pregnancy (R.). Mercury, gr. ss of gray powder ter in die, when acidity with clayey stools (R.). Bismuth gives excellent results,

combined with Opium or Morphine, sometimes with Magnesia (R.). Diet. Use lemon juice, aërated or old bread, plain biscuits. Avoid new bread, pastry and vegetables.

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Alkalies, internally yield the best results in a number of cases (Bulkley); alkaline lotions for cases with seborrhoea (B.). Borax, a weak solution in rosewater (3j-3viij), of great benefit locally in acne simplex (Wa.). Potassium Bromide, in moderate doses has proved curative in some obstinate cases (R.). Sulphur, internally and as a lotion. In severe forms an ointment of the iodide or hypochlorite, zij ad 3j (R.). Belladonna locally, is of some service, checking the abundant secretion from the sebaceous follicles (R.). Arsenic, in old cases, especially in acne indurata, but often disappoints. Given with bromides it prevents the bromic acne (R.). Phosphorus, is an excellent substitute for arsenic (B.); the compound syrup of the hypophosphites in acne indurata (R.). Mercury, in lotion is much employed (B.); a weak lotion of the bichloride to the face two or three times daily (R.). The iodo-chloride (gr. v-xv ad 3) as irritant application (Fox); or ointments containing the bichloride or biniodide may be employed instead of the green soap application (Pf.). Glycerin, internally, has been used with success (B.). Berberis, my of a fresh tincture thrice daily for the acne of girls at puberty. Bromide of Arsenic is adapted to the majority of cases of acne vulgaris (Pf.). Calcium Sulphide is indicated in cases characterized by a tendency to pustulation (Pf.). Bismuth, locally as a cosmetic (B.). Magnesium Sulphate, as a purgative daily before breakfast, in cases of acne vulgaris depending on derangement of stomach and bowels (Duhring); the salt, finely triturated, is an excellent dusting-powder for cases of acne rosacea. Water, hot sponging for 15 or 20 minutes several times a day, followed by glycerite of starch to allay irritation (R.); the local use of very hot water is of the greatest benefit in all inflammatory forms of acne (Bulkley). Puncturing each papule with a lancet point, followed by very hot water, and ointments of sulphur iodide, ammoniated mercury, etc., diluted (Pf.). Ergot is well used in acne rosacea and other forms of acne; a good fluid extract with glycerin and water, giving 3ss internally per diem (B.). Diet and Hygiene, require careful attention (B.); powerful tonics are often required (Bulkley). Sapo Viridis, as an active irritant in subacute cases, applied every night as long as bearable, then emollients until irritation subsides, when the green soap should be removed (Pf.). [Compare SEBORRHOEA.]

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