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Εὐκτὸς ὁ τῶ βατράχω, παῖδες, βίος· οὐ μελεδαίνει
Τὸν τὸ πιεῖν ἐγχεῦντα· πάρεστι γὰρ ἄφθονον αὐτῷ. ¦
Κάλλιον, ὦ 'πιμελητὰ φιλάργυρε, τὸν φακὸν ἕψειν·
Μὴ ἐπιτάμῃς τὴν χεῖρα καταπρίων τὸ κύμινον.
Ταῦτα χρὴ μοχθεῦντας ἐν ἁλίῳ ἄνδρας ἀείδεν·
Τὸν δὲ τεὸν, βουκαῖε, πρέπει λιμηρὸν ἔρωτα
Μυθίσδεν τᾷ ματρὶ κατ ̓ εὐνὰν ὀρθρευοίσα.


νῦσαι. “ Quiescere medio æstu.” Comp. i. 15.

52. Οὐ μελεδαίνει. Is not concerned about, i. e. does not require any person, &c. Comp. Matth. Gr. Gr. $348. obs. 2. - 53. Ἐγχεῦντα. See Matth. Gr. Gr. ή 202. 12.

54. Κάλλιον. You had better go, miserly steward, and boil the lentils, &c. These verses are thus paraphrased by Edwards : "It would be more for your credit, old skinflint, to go home and get us our supper, than to stand preaching to us here. But take care you don't cut your fingers in splitting a bean.”—55.

Μὴ 'πιτάμῃς. Take care that you do
not, &c.
See Bos, Ellips. Gr. in
βλέπειν, ὁρᾷν, σκοπεῖν, φροντίζειν, ἵνα,
and ὅπως. Τὸ κύμινον. Cumin. The
seeds were used by the Greeks as a

57. Λιμηρόν. Your beggarly lovesong. Count Finkenstein translates it literally verhungerte: and so Toup : poor hungry song about love. Other German translators render it klägliche, wretched," as in Virgil, Ecl. iii. 27. "Stridenti miserum stipula disperdere carmen.” — 58. Τα ματρί. Ι. e. to a silly, bed-ridden old woman.

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Οὐδὲν ποττὸν ἔρωτα πεφύκει φάρμακον ἄλλο,
Νικία, οὔτ ̓ ἔγχριστον, ἐμὶν δοκεῖ, οὔτ ̓ ἐπίπαστον,
Ἢ ταὶ Πιερίδες· κοῦφον δέ τι τοῦτο καὶ ἡδὺ
Γίνετ ̓ ἐπ ̓ ἀνθρώποις· εὑρῆν δ ̓ οὐ ῥᾴδιόν ἐντι.
Γινώσκεν δ ̓ οἶμαί τυ καλῶς, ἰατρὸν ἐόντα,
Καὶ ταῖς ἐννέα δὴ πεφιλαμένον ἔξοχα Μοίσαις.


ΚΥΚΛΩΨ. THE CYCLOPs. In this Idyl, which is addressed to Nicias, a learned physician of Miletus, the poet endeavours to show that poetry is the only remedy for love. To illustrate this he instances the case of Polyphemus, who loved to distraction the seanymph Galatea. The monster is represented as sitting on a lofty rock, overlooking the ocean, and soothing his sorrows with poetry and music. In a former Idyl, Damotas represents the character of the Cyclops; in this Polyphemus is introduced in his own person: in that Galatea is a wanton, and Polyphemus obdurate; in this the nymph grows shy, and slights her lover, who almost loses his reason in despair. The charms of poetry, however, restore him to his senses; and we cannot but feel the sweetness of his song, which is not only musical but elegant. This is the last of those poems of Theocritus

which the critics will allow to be genuine pastorals.


Ovid, Met nullis amor


1. Οὐδὲν ποττὸν ἔρωτα. i. 523. “Hei mihi, quod est medicabilis herbis! Comp. v. 74. Πεφύκει. From the perfect of púw is formed this new verb πεφύκω. Comp. v. 28. xv. 58. Pind. Pyth. iv. 325. Matth. Gr. Gr. § 221. - 2. Ἔγχριστον. Of the several kinds of remedies used by the ancients some were rubbed on as ointments, others sprinkled on in powder. Comp. Æschyl. Prom. 478. Pindar, Pyth, ii. 91.- - 3. Κοῦφον δέ τι. This remedy, somewhat gentle and sweet, is in the power of mankind; but it is not easy to find it. It is in the power of men, says Kiessling, as being a gift from heaven, but being granted to a very few, it is difficult to be found. 4. Εὑρῆν. Doric for εὑρεῖν. Comp. xv. 24. xxiv. 80, Matth. Gr. Gr. § 202. 11.

Οὕτω γοῦν ῥάϊστα διᾶγ ̓ ὁ Κύκλωψ ὁ παρ' ἡμῖν,
Ἡ ὀρχαῖος Πολύφαμος, ὅκ ̓ ἤρατο τᾶς Γαλατείας,
*Αρτι γενειάσδων περὶ τὸ στόμα τὼς κροτάφως τε
Ἤρατο δ ̓ οὔτι ῥόδοις, οὐ μάλοις, οὐδὲ κικίννοις,
Αλλ' ὀλοαῖς μανίαις· ἡγεῖτο δὲ πάντα πάρεργα.
Πολλάκι ταὶ ὄΐες ποτὶ τωὔλιον αὐταὶ ἀπῆνθον
Χλωρᾶς ἐκ βοτάνας· ὁ δὲ, τὰν Γαλάτειαν ἀειδων,
Αὐτῷ ἐπ ̓ ἀϊόνος κατετάκετο φυκιοέσσας
Ἐξ ἀοῦς, ἔχθιστον ἔχων ὑποκάρδιον ἕλκος
Κύπριος ἐκ μεγάλας, τό οἱ ἥπατι πᾶξε βέλεμνον.
̓Αλλὰ τὸ φάρμακον εὗρε· καθεζόμενος δ ̓ ἐπὶ πέτρας
Ὑψηλᾶς, ἐς πόντον ὁρῶν, ἄειδε τοιαῦτα·

Ω λευκὰ Γαλάτεια, τί τὸν φιλέοντ ̓ ἀποβάλλῃ;
Λευκοτέρα πακτᾶς ποτιδεῖν, ἁπαλωτέρα ἀρνὸς,
Μόσχω γαυροτέρα, φιαρωτέρα ἔμφακος ὠμᾶς·

7. Οὕτω. Thus, by the charms of poetry and music. - Παρ' ἁμῖν. I. e. in Sicily. 3. Ὡ 'ρχαῖος. Comp. v. 8. v. 16. vii. 98. 9. Αρτι γενειάσδων. See Viger, vii. § 4. 1.

10. Ηρατο δ ̓ οὔτι ῥόδοις. He loved, not tamely as others usually do, by sending roses, &c., but he loved with pernicious fury. "This representation of Polyphemus does not interest us, or excite our sympathy, since we cannot reconcile his habits with the general character of pastoral life. The idea of his ferocity repels our pity. No one sympathises in the sorrows of savage love." Polwhele.

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12. Ποτὶ τωὔλιον. For πρὸς τὸ αὔλιον. - Αὐταί. of their own accord. Soin Virgil, Ecl. iv. 21. Ipsæ lacte domum referent distenta capella Ubera." Ecl. vii. 11. " Huc ipsi potum venient per prata juvenci."-14. Avr@. There. Jacobs and Dahl would read αὐτὸς, i. e, μόνος. This reading is supported by many MSS. 15. Εχθιστον ἔχων. Thus Nonnus Dionys. x. 287. ἀμφι έπων ὑποκάρδιον ἰὸν ἔρωτος: and xv. 243, ὑποκάρδιον ἕλκος ἐρώτων. Virgil,




Æn. iv. 67. “ Tacitum vivit sub pectore vulnus.”—16. Κύπριος ἐκ μεγάλας, Comp. ii. 30. Κύπριος is a Doric form, - Το οἱ ἥπατι. From Homer, Odyss. x. 83. Εν δέ οἱ ἥπατι πῆξε θοὸν βέλος. Meineke, who refers τὸ to ἕλκος, explains this sentence thus: "Infestum sub pectore vulnus ferens, quod Veneris telum ei inflixit." The expression ἕλκος πῆξε is not without example. The author of the Syrinx says, vs. 7., ὃς Μοίσᾳ λιγὺ πᾶξεν ἰοστεφάνῳ ἕλκος. Comp. Sophocles, Antig. 961. Kiessling interprets rò by " quoniam.”

18. Τοιαῦτα. An amphibrachys here. See D'Orville, Van. Crit. p. 419.

20. Λευκοτέρα. Virgil, Ecl. vii. 37. “Nerine Galatea, thymo mihi dulcior Hyblæ, Candidior eyenis, hedera formosior alba." Ovid, Met. xiii. 791.

Splendidior vitro; tenero lascivior hædo." The expression λευκοτέρα ποτιδεῖν has been imitated by Horace, Od. iv. 2. 59. “ niveus videri.” Comp. Matth. Gr. Gr. § 535. b.

21. Φιαρωτέρα. Φιαρός has the same signification as λαμπρός, shining. Comp. Callim. Fragm. 257. It is merely an

Φοιτῇς δ ̓ αὖθ' οὕτως, ὅκκα γλυκὺς ὕπνος ἔχῃ με,
Οἴχῃ δ ̓ εὐθὺς ἰοῖσ ̓, ὅκκα γλυκὺς ὕπνος ἀνῇ με,
Φεύγεις δ' ὥσπερ δις πολιὸν λύκον ἀθρήσασα.
Ηράσθην μὲν ἔγωγα τεοῦς, κόρα, ἁνίκα πρᾶτον
Ἦνθες ἐμῷ σὺν ματρὶ, θέλοισ ̓ ὑακίνθινα φύλλα
Ἐξ ὄρεος δρέψασθαι· ἐγὼ δ ̓ ὁδὸν ἁγεμόνευον.
Παύσασθαι δ ̓ ἐσιδών τυ καὶ ὕστερον οὐδέ τί πω νῦν
Ἐκ τήνω δύναμαι· τὶν δ ̓ οὐ μέλει, οὐ μὰ Δί', οὐδέν.
Γινώσκω, χαρίεσσα κόρα, τίνος οἵνεκα φεύγεις·
Ούνεκά μοι λασία μὲν ὀφρὺς ἐπὶ παντὶ μετώπῳ
Ἐξ ωτὸς τέταται ποτὶ θάτερον ὡς μία μακρά
Εἰς δ ̓ ὀφθαλμὸς ἔπεστι, πλατεῖα δὲ ῥὶς ἐπὶ χείλει.

other form of πιαρός, whatever Schnei der and Buttmann may say to the contrary. See the Lexilogus, p. 518. ed. Fishl.

22. Φοιτῇς δ ̓ αὖθ' οὕτως. You are in the habit of coming hither thus unceremoniously. So Kiessling: so, ohne Umstände. Φοιτῇς is Doric for φοιτᾷς, See Matth. Gr. Gr. § 10. § 49. obs. 2. $200. 2. This verb implies a frequency, like the Latin " venito ;” and is often said of those who frequent a school. Αὖθι is a poetical word for δεῦρο. Commentators in general think the reading corrupt, and various attempts have been made to correct it. Luzac proposes ὧδ' αὕτως, hither in vain; Graefe αὐθαδέως, οι αὐτομάτως. An anonymous critic in a Jena periodical conjectured εἶθ' οὕτως, referring to Hermann on Viger, p. 933. Wassenberg, transposing some words in this and the following verse, reads : Φοιτῇς δ ̓ εὐθὺς ἰοῖσα, ὅκα γλυκὸς ὕπνος ἔχῃ με, Οἴχῃ δ ̓ αὖθ' οὕτως, ὅκκα, &c. Οκκα is for ὅτε ΚΕ, i. e. ἄν.

24. Φεύγεις δ', ὥσπερ ῢis. Horace, Od. i. 15. 29.

"Quem tu, cervus uti vallis in altera Visum parte lupum graminis imme

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25. Τεοῦς. Doric for σου. Comp. xviii. 41. Matth. Gr. Gr. § 145. 3. 26. Ἦνθες ἐμᾷ. Virgil, Ecl. vii. 37. 'Sepibus in nostris parvam te roscida mala, Dux ego vester eram, vidi cum matre legentem.” — 27. Ἐγὼ δ ̓ ὁδόν. Homer, Odyss. Η. 30. ἐγὼ δ ̓ ὁδὸν ἡγεμονεύσω. But Coluthus, vs. 78. has εἰς ὁδὸν ἡγεμόνευε.

28. Παύσασθαι δ ̓ ἐσιδών. Constr. Ἐσιδὼν δέ σε οὐκ ἐδυνάμην καὶ ὕστερον ἐξ ἐκείνου χρόνου, οὐδέτι πω νῦν δύναμαι παύσασθαι. The Scholiast constructs it thus: Οὐ δύναμαι παύσασθαι ἐξ ἐκεί. νου τοῦ καιροῦ, καθ ̓ ἂν εἶδόν σε οὔτε μετὰ τοῦτο, οὔτε μέχρι τοῦ νῦν.—29. Οὐ μά. See Matth. Gr. Gr. § 609. p. 1081.

31. Οἵνεκα μοι. Virgil, Eel. viii. 32. " Dum despicis omnes, Dumque tibi est odio mea fistula, dumque capellæ, Hirsutumque supercilium prolixaque barba.” Many critics observe that Virgil's judgment had forsaken him here, when he transferred to his little Italian shepherd the shaggy eyebrow and lengthy beard of Polyphemus. . 32. Ποτὶ νώτερον ως. For πρὸς τὸ ἕτερον οὖς. 33. Εἷς δ ̓ ὀφθαλμός. Ovid, Met. xiii. 851. "Unum est in medio lumen mihi fronte, sed instar Ingentis clypei.”

Αλλ' αὐτὸς, τοιοῦτος ἐὼν, βοτὰ χίλια βόσκω,
Κἠκ τούτων τὸ κράτιστον ἀμελγόμενος γάλα πίνω· 35
Τυρὸς δ ̓ οὐ λείπει μ ̓ οὔτ ̓ ἐν θέρει, οὔτ ̓ ἐν ὀπώρῃ,
Οὐ χειμῶνος ἄκρω· ταρσοὶ δ ̓ ὑπεραχθέες αἰεί.
Συρίσδεν δ ̓ ὡς οὔτις ἐπίσταμαι ὧδε Κυκλώπων,
Τὶν, τὸ φίλον γλυκύμαλον, ἁμᾶ κἐμαυτὸν ἀείδων,
Πολλάκι νυκτὸς ἀωρί· τρέφω δέ τοι ἕνδεκα νεβρώς, 40
Πάσας μαννοφόρως, καὶ σκύμνως τέσσαρας ἄρκτων.
̓Αλλ ̓ ἀφίκου τὸ ποτ ̓ ἄμμε, καὶ ἑξεῖς οὐδὲν ἔλασσον·
Τὰν γλαυκὰν δὲ θάλασσαν ἔα ποτὶ χέρσον ὀρεχθῆν.

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37. Οὐ χειμῶνος ἄκρω. Not in ertreme winter ; not in the depth of winter.

39. Τίν. The Dorians in the accusative said Tù for oè, but only as an enclitic; otherwise they used Tè and τίν. See Matth. Gr. Gr. 145. 4. Gregorius Cor. p. 290. — Γλυκύμαλον. A term of endearment. Comp. Spanheim on Callimachus, H. Cer. vs. 29. and Sappho as cited by the Scholiast, and in Wolf's ed. p. 76. — 40. Νυκτός ἀωρί. Unseasonably by night; in the dead of night. Comp. xxiv. 38. Τρέφω δέ τοι. Virgil, Ecl. ii. 40. Præterea duo nec tuta mihi valle reperti Caprioli, sparsis etiam nunc pellibus albo quos tibi servo." Comp. Idyl iii. 34. 41. Μαννοφόρως. Wearing collars. The ancients, as well as the moderns, were fond of ornamenting those animals, which they brought up tame, with such appendages. Many read ἀμνοφόρως, pregnant, which Ca saubon justly condemns. Reiske conjectured μανοφέρως, i. e. μηνοφόρους, spotted with white, like moons, which

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reading the quotation from Virgil seems
to favour. A calf similarly marked is
mentioned by Horace, Od. iv. 2. 57.
"Fronte curvatos imitatus ignes
Tertium lunæ referentis ortum,
Qua notam duxit, niveus videri,
Cetera fulvus."

Comp. Claudian, Rapt. Proserp. i. 128.
Homer, Il. Ψ. 453. - Σκύμνως ἄρκτων.
Ovid, Met. xiii. 831. imitates Theocri-
tus: “ Inveni geminos, qui tecum lu-
dere possunt, Villosæ catulos in sum-
mis montibus ursæ.” These bears are
highly in character, and suitable pre-
sents from the monster Polyphemus.

42. Καὶ ἑξεῖς οὐδέν. And you shall lose nothing by it. Ἔχειν, with an accusative neuter of an adjective in the comparative degree, may be translated by “esse:

And you shall be nothing the worse. See Viger, v. § 7. 15. Virgil, Ecl. ix. 39. "Huc ades, o Galatea! quis est nam ludus in undis? Hic ver purpureum; varios hic flumina circum Fundit humus fores: hic candida populus antro Imminet, et lentæ texunt umbracula vites.” — 43. Ποτὶ χέρσον ὀρεχθῆν. Το beat against the shore. So in Aristophanes, Nub. 1350. ed. Bekk. Κἀνταῦθα πῶς οἴεσθέ μου τὴν καρδίαν ὀρεχθεῖν. Virgil, ibid. "Huc ades: insani feriant sine littora fuctus.”

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